Correction to: Nature Physics, published online 15 June 2020.

In the version of this Letter originally published online, in the Methods subsection ‘Explicit expressions for correlators’, the citation of equation (9a) was incorrect; it should have been a citation of equation (8a). Also, in equation (8c), on the right-hand side the final term was given as +2OaObOc; it should have been −OaObOc. In equation (8d), the final seven terms on the right-hand side were given as −6OaObOcOd + 2CabOcOd + 2CacOdOb + 2CadObOc + 2CbcOdOa + 2CbdOaOc + 2CcdOaOb, but should have been −OaObOcOdCabOcOdCacOdObCadObOcCbcOdOaCbdOaOcCcdOaOb. All versions of the Letter have been amended.