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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 7, 2019

Convergence of the Chern–Moser–Beloshapka normal forms

  • Bernhard Lamel and Laurent Stolovitch


In this article, we give a normal form for real-analytic, Levi-nondegenerate submanifolds of N of codimension d1 under the action of formal biholomorphisms. We find a very general sufficient condition on the formal normal form that ensures that the normalizing transformation to this normal form is holomorphic. In the case d=1 our methods in particular allow us to obtain a new and direct proof of the convergence of the Chern–Moser normal form.

Funding statement: Research of the authors was supported by ANR grant “ANR-14-CE34-0002-01” and the FWF (Austrian Science Foundation) grant I1776 for the international cooperation project “Dynamics and CR geometry”. Research of Bernhard Lamel was also supported by the Qatar Science Foundation, NPRP 7-511-1-098.

A Computations

We recall that Φp,0=Φ0,q=0. Therefore, (Q+Φ)l contains no terms (p,q) with p<l or q<l. As a consequence, we have


To obtain g¯3(z,u-iQ)-g¯3(z,u-iQ-iΦ), we just use the previous result and substitute gk in g¯k and i by -i. We have, using essentially the same computations,


We have


The function Dukfj(z,u)(Q+Φ)k (respectively Dulf¯j(z¯,u)(Q+Φ)l) has only terms (p,q) with pj+k and qk (respectively pl and ql+j). It follows that the function Q(Dukfj(z,u)(Q+Φ)k,Dulf¯j(z,u)(Q+Φ)l) contains only terms (p,q) with pj+k+l and qj+k+l. We have


We have, for α,βn and γd,


Hence, the (p,q)-term of Φ~3(f,f¯,12(g+g¯))-Φ~3(Cz,C¯z¯,su) is a sum of terms of the form




Let us first compute {f2α}p2,q2 with p2,q23. In the following computations, f,g are considered as vector valued functions except when computing fα,(g+g¯)γ, where f,g are considered as scalar functions and α,γ as an integers.

In the sums below, the terms appear with some positive multiplicity that we do not write since we are only interested in a lower bound of vanishing order of the terms. From these computations, we easily obtain {f¯2α}p2,q2 in the following way: replace fk by f¯k in the formula defining {fα}p,q in order to obtain the sum {f¯α}q,p. Furthermore, we have


Let us set as notation


B Big Denominators theorem for nonlinear systems of PDEs

In this section we recall one of the main results of article [24] about local analytic solvability of some nonlinear systems of PDEs that have the “Big Denominators property”.

B.1 The problem

Let r* and 𝐦=(m1,,mr)r a fixed multiindex. Let us denote 𝔸nk (respectively (𝔸nk)>d, 𝔸nk^, (𝔸nk)(i) ) the space of k-tuples of germs at 0n (or n) of analytic functions (respectively vanishing at order d at the origin, formal power series maps, homogeneous polynomials of degree i) of n variables. Let us set


Given F=(F1,,Fr)r,𝐦0 and x(n,0), let us denote


Definition 9.

A map 𝒯:r,𝐦0𝔸ns is a differential analytic map of order m at the point 0𝔸nk if there exists an analytic map germ


such that 𝒯(F)(x)=W(x,jx𝐦F) for any xn close to 0 and any function germ Fr,𝐦0 such that j0mF is close to 0.

Denote by


the local coordinates in J𝐦𝔸nr, where uj,α corresponds to the partial derivative |α|x1α1xnαn of the j-th component of a vector function F𝔸nr. As usual, we have set


Definition 10.

Let q be a nonnegative integer. Let 𝒯:r,𝐦0𝔸ns be a map.

  1. We shall say that it increases the order at the origin (respectively strictly) by q if for all (F,G)(r,𝐦0)2 then


    (respectively > instead of ).

  2. Assume that 𝒯 is an analytic differential map of order 𝐦 defined by a map germ


    as in Definition 9. We call it regular if, for any formal map F=(F1,,Fr)^r,𝐦0, then




    We have set F:=(|α|Fixα, 1ir, 0|α|mi).

Let us consider linear maps

  1. 𝒮:r,𝐦0𝔸ns that increases the order by q and is homogeneous, i.e. we have the inclusion 𝒮(r,𝐦(i))(𝔸ns)(q+i).

  2. π:𝔸nsImage(𝒮)𝔸ns is a projection onto Image(𝒮).

Let us consider a differential analytic map of order 𝐦, 𝒯:r,𝐦0𝔸ns.

We consider the equation


In [24], we gave a sufficient condition on the triple (𝒮,𝒯,π) under which equation (B.2) has a solution Fr,𝐦0; this condition is called the Big Denominators property of the triple (𝒮,𝒯,π) defined below.

B.2 Big Denominators. Main theorem

We can define the Big Denominators property of the triple (𝒮,𝒯,π) in equation (B.2).

Definition 11.

The triple of maps (𝒮,𝒯,π) of form (10) has Big Denominators property of order m if there exists an nonnegative integer q such that the following holds:

  1. 𝒯 is an regular analytic differential map of order 𝐦 that strictly increases the order by q and j0q-1𝒯(0)=0, i.e. 𝒯(F)(x)=W(x,jx𝐦F) for any xn close to 0 and any function germ Fr,𝐦0 such that j0mF is close to 0 and ord0(W(x,0))q.

  2. 𝒮:r,𝐦0𝔸ns is linear, increases the order by q and is homogeneous, i.e.

  3. The linear map π:𝔸nsImage(𝒮)𝔸ns is a projection.

  4. The map 𝒮 admits right-inverse 𝒮-1:Image(S)𝔸nr such that the composition 𝒮-1π satisfies: there exists C>0 such that for any G𝔸ns of order >q, one has for all 1jr, and all integers i,


    where 𝒮i-1 denotes the i-th component of 𝒮-1, 1ir.

Remark 12.

Let i0 and let F=(F1,,Fk)(𝔸nk)(i). Let


where the sum is taken over all j=1,,k and all multiindices α=(α1,,αn) such that |α|=α1++αn=i. The norm F used in (B.3) is either


or the modified Fisher–Belitskii norm


Remark 13.

In practice, for each i, there is a decomposition into direct sums


with 𝒮|Li is a bijection onto its range. The chosen right inverse is then the one with zero component along Ki. For instance, the case of the modified Fisher–Belitskii norm, Ki:=ker𝒮i* is the natural one, where 𝒮i* denotes the adjoint of 𝒮i with respect to the scalar product.

Theorem 14 ([24, Theorem 7]).

Let us consider a system of analytic nonlinear PDEs such as equation (B.2):


If the triple (S,T,π) has the Big Denominators property of order m, according to Definition 11, then the equation has an analytic solution FFr,m0.

Remark 15.

The precise statement of [24, Theorem 7] holds for Fr,𝐦>0 and where the order of W(x,0) at the origin is greater than q. The shift by 1 (i.e. Fr,𝐦0 and where the order of W(x,0) at the origin is greater than or equal to q) of the above statement, does not affect its proof.

B.3 Application

In this subsection we shall devise the strictly increasing condition in more detail. We look for a formal solution F0=i0F(i) to (B.4). As above, F(i) stands for (F1(m1+i),,Fr(mr+i)). We define


Here [G](i) denotes the homogeneous part of degree i of G in the Taylor expansion at the origin. Therefore F:=iF(i) is a solution of (B.4) if


Indeed, we would have


We emphasize that condition (B.5) just means that W strictly increases the order by q as defined in Definition 10. Let us look closer to that condition. Let us denote


Let us Taylor expand W(x,jx𝐦F) at Fi. We thus have


We recall that ord0Fj>i>mj+i and when considering a coordinate uj,α, we have |α|mj. Hence, we have


In order that the first derivative part of this Taylor expansion satisfies (B.5), it is sufficient that


This is nothing but the regularity condition as defined in Definition 10. Let us consider the other terms in the Taylor expansion. We have, for instance,


If i+1>q, then not only the second but also any higher order derivative part of this Taylor expansion satisfies (B.5).

Corollary 16.

If q=0 and if the system is regular, it strictly increases the order by 0.


We thank the referees for their very careful reading that helped us improve our text.


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Received: 2018-05-24
Revised: 2019-03-15
Published Online: 2019-05-07
Published in Print: 2020-08-01

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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