
In this article, approaches to estimate the number of periodic solutions of ordinary differential equation are considered. Conditions that allow determination of periodic solutions are discussed. We investigated focal values for first-order differential nonautonomous equation by using the method of bifurcation analysis of periodic solutions from a fine focus . Keeping in focus the second part of Hilbert’s sixteenth problem particularly, we are interested in detecting the maximum number of periodic solution into which a given solution can bifurcate under perturbation of the coefficients. For some classes like , eight periodic multiplicities have been observed. The new formulas and are constructed. We used our new formulas to find the maximum multiplicity for class . We have succeeded to determine the maximum multiplicity ten for class which is the highest known multiplicity among the available literature to date. Another challenge is to check the applicability of the methods discussed which is achieved by presenting some examples. Overall, the results discussed are new, authentic, and novel in its domain of research.

1. Introduction

Recently, the bifurcation analysis has attracted the attention of many researchers because it has wild applications in dynamics system and the universal existence of bifurcation in the nature, for example, bifurcation occurs when the small smooth change of parameters leads to qualitative change of its behavior (see [1]), aerodynamic limit cycle oscillation, and nonlinear oscillation in power system; the homoclinic and heteroclinic branches of a limit cycle colliding with one saddle point, two, or more saddle points and multiple biological dynamical systems are also bifurcation.

As nature is changing every moment and many changes occurring in nature are periodic like weather, blood flow inside body, circadian rhythm, oceans, and even human behavior, the study of theory of periodic or almost periodic solution is gaining attention. These periodic cycles are often observed to explore the impact of environmental factors in mathematical biology, food supplies, and harvesting. One of the classical mathematics problems is the theoretical calculation of the periodic solution of planar vector field.

The question about the number of periodic solution for nonautonomous differential equation continues to attract more interest. Neto in [2] states that for equation (1), we are unable to have upper bound for number of periodic solutions until some coefficients are restricted. Kadry in [3] gives conditions that allow determination for both upper and lower bounds. Our basic focus is to acquire highest periodic solutions of any class of the type (1); our main concern in this paper is this nearby question of bifurcation. Without loss of generality for above said arguments, we are considering the differential equation of the formwhere independent variable and coefficients are real valued functions but . To find maximum number of periodic solutions, we use complexified form of equation (1) (for more details, see [2, 46]). The above equation is the reminiscent of the equation described in Lloyd [5]:with the assumption that and were periodic functions having same period. It was shown that for in (2), there are three periodic solutions; also, the equation takes form as Abel’s differential equation of first kind. It is important because of its connection with the well-known Hilbert’s sixteenth problem [7] for differential equations with polynomial coefficients:

Here, and are polynomials in and . Then, Hilbert’s sixteenth problem is transformed to polynomial equation, where leading coefficient randomly changes its sign.

For equation (1), complexified form is used so that we can take the maximum number of periodic solutions for each class using the perturbation method. For this reason, periodic solutions cannot be destroyed by any small perturbation of the coefficients. Consider that for equation (1) there exists such that

These solutions are periodic, even if , , and are not themselves periodic. Limit cycles bifurcate out of the fine focus when the coefficients of and are slightly perturbed. By this method, the obtained limit cycles are said to be of small amplitude. The number of periodic solutions depends upon the multiplicity of solution . The multiplicity of as a solution of equation (1) is also a multiplicity of the following displacement function:

For , the method to compute multiplicity “” is explained in [4]; for the sake of ease, we explained it briefly here. We write for , where lies in the regions near , and use it in equation (5). For more details, see [2, 5, 6, 8] equation, which provide differential equation for , having some starting conditions and for . Therefore,

The multiplicity is “” if

However, . When and , origin is the center. We can observe from equation (1) that , where is defined as

In this way, if

Because , we are especially interested about situation when has multiple solutions. So, we consider that (9) holds by applying the following conversion:

Equation (1) takes the following form:where and

We can see that and are periodic if , and are periodic. By using Lemma in [4], we consider multiplicity of as periodic solution of (1); if for equation (1), , then the multiplicity of as a periodic solution of (11) is also . So, we consider that in (1). As a result, equation (1) takes the form as

Here and may be polynomials in and in and (trigonometric functions) (for more details, see [4, 9, 10]). The functions , for are calculated by utilizing the present relation:with . However, as “” increases, certain calculations become tremendously complicated because of integration by parts, used in it. Assume that ; at that point, if and for , but , and these are known as focal values. For , functions and are given in [4]; for , Yasmin in [10] had calculated and . For , we have calculated and which are given in Section 2. In equation (11), we make restriction for . We do not give the complete detailed derivation because they form a complicated web.

In Section 2, we have discussed classical formulas by which we are able to calculate the maximum multiplicity. With the help of classical results by Alwash given in [4], we are able to define some conditions w.r.t stopping criteria for our equation (1), and some suitable perturbations are defined in Section 3. Sections 2 and 3 are mainly concerned for calculation of focal values, which are used in Section 4. In Section 4, calculation of focal values is done for equation (13) having polynomial coefficients. In Section 5, some examples are given, and in Section 6, conclusions about periodic multiplicity are discussed.

2. Calculation of the Focal Values

For equation (14), the functions are given in [4], whereas are present in following theorem.

Theorem 1. For equation (14), conclusive functions are given in [4]. The function is calculated in [11] and we succeeded to calculate which are given below:

By using these functions, we get Theorem 2 that enables us to find the maximum multiplicity in which integral is like and bar “” shows integral , which is definite.

Theorem 2. The solution of (13) has a multiplicity , wherever if for and where

3. Conditions for Center and Method of Perturbation

In this section, we describe some conditions for center. From Theorem 2, we find maximum value for different classes of nonautonomous equation of the form as (1). Stopping criteria are defined for calculating maximum multiplicity . We need some conditions that assure that there is no need to proceed further (). For this, suitable conditions that are sufficient for as a center are given below in the form of theorems and corollaries.

Theorem 3. Consider that there are continuous functions , defined on and differentiable function with such that

Then, the origin is a center for (13).

Theorem 4. The origin is a center for equation (13) if is a constant multiple of and .

Corollary 1. If any or is identically 0 and other has mean value zero, then the origin is a center.

After determining the maximum multiplicity , we have to make series of perturbation of the coefficients, every one of which results in one periodic solution to come out of origin. For more details, see [4, 5, 12].

For this, suppose equation of the form given below:having multiplicity (suppose). Let be in the regions near 0 in the complex plane containing no periodic solutions except . From Theorem in [4], the initial point which is contained in remained fixed with respect to total number of periodic solutions with the restriction that perturbation of the coefficients considered remained small enough. Our goal is to get but by perturbing and making suitable choices of and , if possible. Obviously, the most effective solutions in and are zero solution while we get periodic solutions where as nontrivial solutions. By considering the underlying fact that the complex solutions always appear in conjugate pair, we can say that is real. Let and be the neighborhood of zero and , respectively, such that and . The periodic solutions around and are preserved when we take small perturbation in the coefficients. By applying the same procedure as above, our choice is to perturb the coefficients such that for but . So, we get . By applying that procedure, we get two nontrivial real periodic solutions with zero solution having multiplicity . In this way, we end up with equation (18) having and distinct nontrivial (other than zero) real periodic solutions.

4. Polynomial Coefficients for Some Classes

For the polynomial “,” consider indicates the class of equation of the form (13) with degree and for and , respectively. We have evaluated the maximum multiplicity denoted by the symbol “” for some classes like , and that are presented below in the form of theorems. For more classes with maximum multiplicity, see [9].

Theorem 5. Let be class of equation of form (13), withThen, we conclude .

Proof. Using Theorem 2, we takeThus, multiplicity of is if . And multiplicity is if but . If , then by using value of “” and “, and are as follows:And we compute as given below:If , then either orIf , then and gives that mean value of is zero. Thus, origin is a center from Corollary 1. So, consider . Now, if (24) holds, then we calculateIf , we consider which implies thatAnd by using (26), we take asIf , we consider and either orIf , then (26) gives , and (24) gives . By using values of , equations (21) and (22) take the following form:Let ; then, . Also, . So, we write above equations asThus, from Theorem 3, origin is the center withand . So, we take . If (28) holds, then we compute asIf , recalling that , then either orIf , thenFrom Theorem 3, origin is the center with and . So, consider . By using (33), we calculate aswhereNow, if , then either orbecause . If (37) holds but , then we compute asIf equation (37), , but holds, then for with and . If recalling that , we take value of asIf (39) holds, then we calculate asHere is equal to constant number which is nonzero. Hence, we conclude that multiplicity of class is 10, i.e., .

Theorem 6. Consider the equation given below:withChoose for to be nonzero and small as compared to . Then, there exist eight real nontrivial periodic solutions for equation (41).

Proof. If we substitute , and coefficients are as written above, then the multiplicity of the origin is . Choose and for ; it can be easily seen that is constant multiple of but , so the multiplicity reduces by one, and . For that reason one periodic solution bifurcates out of the origin. Now, set , and for , and we have for but results in form of with some constant multiple, so . Now, set , and for ; then, we have for but results in form of with some constant multiple. If is sufficiently small, then there are two nontrivial real periodic solutions. Further continuing the same procedure, we own eight real periodic nontrivial solutions.

Corollary 2. For an equationIf and are as given in Theorem 6 and and are small enough, equation (43) has ten real periodic solutions.

Proof. Given that , , and , then (43) has eight real periodic solutions. If but small enough, then ; using the same arguments as above, we have nine periodic solutions. These are distinct and other than 0, is another such solution, and thus we take ten real periodic solutions.

Theorem 7. Consider as the class of equations of form (13) having degree 8 for and for ; here . Then, we cease with the results , for all , respectively.

Proof. We first consider the class in which degree of is ., . The classes in which degree of is less than 7 are the special cases. LetBy using Theorem 2, we calculateIf , we calculate asFrom , we cannot substitute any value to proceed further. As a result, we make restriction of the coefficients for class like in the system of equation (44).(1)LetUtilizing Theorem 2, we getThus, multiplicity of is if . And multiplicity if but . If , then we calculate asIf , then either orIf , then gives ; hence, . If , it means that the mean value of is zero. By Corollary 1, origin is a center. Suppose that . By using (50), we computeIf , thenWe have already taken . If (52) holds, thenIf , then either orbecause . If , then from (50) and (52), , respectively. By using these values, and take the form asLet ; then, ; also, . So, we can write asUtilizing Theorem 3, origin is the center with and . So, we take . If (54) holds, then is given byNow if , recalling that , thenHolding (58), we haveThat is, constant multiple of and is also nonzero. Thus, we conclude that multiplicity of class is 8, i.e., .(2)For the class , the degree of and ; we suppose that in system of equation (44). LetBy using Theorem 2, we calculateThus, multiplicity of is if . And multiplicity if but . If , thenBy using these values from (62) and (63), we haveWe calculate asIf , then either orIf , then (63) gives , so . For , the mean value of is zero. So, by Corollary 1, origin is the center. Consider that ; if (50) holds, then isIf , then either or . But as we have already seen that , by using value of , we haveNow if we take , then as , either orIf , then equations (64) and (65) take the form as below:Defining , we see ; also, . So, it can be written asBy Theorem 3, having and , the origin is a center. So, we take that . By using (70), we have asIf , recalling that (considered above), thenHolding (74), we findAs , we cannot proceed further. We conclude that multiplicity of class is 8, i.e., .(3)For the class , the degree of and ; we suppose that in system (44). By using Theorem 2 in this case, we calculateThus, multiplicity of is if . And multiplicity if but . Suppose ; then, by using value of , and are given as follows:We calculate asIf , either orIf , then , and . As a result, . Also, reflects that the mean value . From Corollary 1, origin is the center. Hence, we substitute that . If (80) holds, we haveNow if , either or . But we have already taken . So, we takeWe have asIf , then either , or . If , then from (82), . By using these values in (80), we see . So, equations (77) and (78) can be written asDefining , we see ; also, . From Theorem 3, the origin is a center along and . We substitute . By using (82), we proceed for asIf , recalling that (considered above), thenIf (86) holds, we proceed towards as is a constant multiple of ; as , we cannot proceed further. Hence, we conclude that multiplicity of class is 8, i.e., .

Theorem 8. For class both and have degree 7 with the variable . Then, for equation.

Proof. LetBy Theorem 2, we haveThus, multiplicity of is if and if but . If , from (90) and (91), we substitute and Now and take the form asSubstituting , we calculate asIf , then either orIf , from (93), and reflect that has mean value zero. Using Corollary 1, the origin is a center. We suppose and (95) holds; then,If , then as taken above, implies thatNow by using (97), we calculate :If , either oras . Now if , gives . As a result, equations (92) and (97) take the form:Consider ; then, ; also, . We write and asBy Theorem 3, origin is a center having and . Therefore, we conclude that . By taking , is computed asIf , recalling that (taken above), we haveIf (103) holds, we calculatewhich is a constant multiple of and also nonzero as . Hence, we conclude that the multiplicity is 8, i.e., .

Theorem 9. For equationconsider


If , and are chosen to be nonzero and

Then, (105) has eight distinct nontrivial real periodic solutions.

Proof. If we substitute for , the proof is similar to Theorem 6. Hence, it is omitted.

5. Examples

In this section, we are presenting some examples which are helpful to show the applicability of the methods presented.

Example 1. Consider the differential equation:Here are transcendental functions, but we use the power series representation by neglecting the terms “” for , so we have and . Here are constants having same value equal to 1. The solution of the above equation is given below.

Solution. We substitute , for suitable restriction of the coefficients. By using Theorem 2, we calculateThus, multiplicity of is if . And multiplicity if but . If , then we take , andBy using these values, is calculated asIf , then either orIf , then ; this shows that , and reflects that mean value of is zero. By Corollary 1, the origin is a center. Suppose ; if (113) holds, we calculate asIf , then ; we substitute and calculate asIf , then either orbecause (already taken above). If , then ; substituting these values in (113) gives , and (111) results in . By using these values, and take the following form:Let ; then, . Also, . So, we can write and . From Theorem 3, origin is a center having and . Suppose that ; by using (116), we have as follows:Recalling that (considered above), if , then we putand calculate aswhich is a constant multiple of , and . Thus, we conclude that (109) has eight periodic solutions.

Example 2. Consider the differential equation:with equation of circle and point circle = circle with (center (0, 0) and ; we then calculate the periodic solutions as given below.

Solution. By using Theorem 2, we calculateThus, multiplicity of is if . And multiplicity if but . If , then we put , and . By using these values, we getIf , then eitheror . We get for , and shows that mean value of is zero. So, by Corollary 1, the origin is a center. Suppose that . Now by using (124), we calculate asIf , recalling that , we putand we calculateIf , then either orbecause . If holds but (128) does not hold, we calculate asNow, if (128) holds but does not hold, we calculate asFrom (130), we cannot substitute any value to proceed further, and for equation (129), we substitute and calculate Hence, in both the cases, we succeeded to calculate as nonzero. Thus, we conclude that (121) has seven periodic solutions.

6. Conclusion and Discussion

In this paper, we presented the maximum number of periodic orbits which are usually called limit cycles. Limit cycles are closed paths that are isolated from set of all periodic orbits. To find the maximum number of limit cycles, the perturbation technique has been adopted. We adopt a systematic procedure to define coefficients of higher-order polynomials. We furnished the maximum number of periodic solutions for some classes . They are found with 8 periodic solutions at most. To find out more periodic solutions, keeping the motivation of second part of Hilbert’s sixteenth problem in our mind, we developed formulas for and . With the help of newly developed formulas, we are able to calculate multiplicity 10 for class . This multiplicity is the highest known multiplicity in the literature to date. We also verified the results by carrying out some examples given in Section 5, which shows that presented methods are new, applicable, and authentic.

Data Availability

The data used to support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Authors’ Contributions

Saima Akram carried out the proof of Theorem 5, Theorem 6, and Corollary 2 and drafted the manuscript. Allah Nawaz carried out the proof of Theorem 7. Humaira Kalsoom carried out the proof of Theorem 8. Muhammad Idrees provided Example 1. Yu-Ming Chu provided the main idea and Example 2, completed the final revision, and submitted the article. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 61673169).