A novel arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian finite element method for a parabolic/mixed parabolic moving interface problem

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2020.113125Get rights and content


  • Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE)-finite element method.

  • Parabolic/mixed parabolic moving interface problem with jump coefficients.

  • A novel Piola-type arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian mapping.

  • H(div)-invariance of the novel ALE mapping along the time.

  • Stability and error estimates in the ALE frame are analyzed for the mixed finite element approximation.


In this paper, a monolithic arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE)-finite element method (FEM) is developed based upon a novel ALE mapping for a type of parabolic/mixed parabolic moving interface problem with jump coefficients. A stable Stokes-pair mixed FEM within a specific stabilization technique and a novel ALE time-difference scheme are developed to discretize this interface problem in both semi- and fully discrete fashion, for which the stability and error estimate analyses are conducted in the ALE frame. Numerical experiments are carried out to validate all theoretical results in different cases. The developed novel ALE-FEM can be extended to a moving interface problem that involves the pore fluid (Darcy) equation or Biot’s model in the future.


The following parabolic/mixed parabolic moving interface problem with jump coefficients is considered in this paper: u1t(β1u1)=f1,inΩ1t×(0,T],u2tv2=f2,inΩ2t×(0,T],v2=β2u2,inΩ2t×(0,T],u1(x,t)=g1,onΩ1tΓt,u2(x,t)=g2,onΩ2tΓt,u1(x,0)=u10(x),inΩ10=Ωˆ1,u2(x,0)=u20(x),inΩ20=Ωˆ2,u1(x,t)=u2(x,t),onΓt,β1u1n1+v2n2=0,onΓt, which is a reformulation of the original parabolic moving interface problem with the parabolic equation on one side of the interface being rewritten as its mixed form (2), (3) in terms of the scalar-valued variable u2 and the vector-valued variable v2, while leaving the parabolic equation on the other side of the interface unchanged as (1) in terms of the scalar-valued variable u1. Here, Ω is an open bounded domain in Rd(d=2,3) with a convex polygonal boundary Ω, and consists of two subdomains ΩitΩi(t)Ω(i=1,2) separated by a smooth interface ΓtΓ(t)C2 which may move/deform with time t[0,T](T>0), satisfying that Ω¯=Ω1t¯Ω2t¯, Ω1tΩ2t=, Γt=Ω1tΩ2t. The scalar-valued solution u that is defined in Ω×[0,T] satisfies u|Ωit=ui(i=1,2), and is associated with the source term fL2(0,T;L2(Ω)) that satisfies f|Ωit=fiL2(0,T;L2(Ωit))(i=1,2). The jump piecewise constant β satisfies β|Ωit=βi(i=1,2), where β1β2 and min(β1,β2)C>0. As illustrated in Fig. 1, two subdomains Ω1t and Ω2t, which follow the interface motion of Γt and may move/deform along t[0,T], are termed as the current (Eulerian) domains with respect to x, in contrast to their initial (Lagrangian or reference) domains, ΩˆiΩi0(i=1,2) with respect to xˆ. Non-homogeneous boundary conditions and initial conditions are given in (4)–(7), in addition, no-slip type of interface conditions are given in (8), (9) that make sure both the scalar-valued primary solution and the flux are continuous across the interface Γt.

In practice, (1)–(9) can be generalized as a type of coupled multiphysics problem whose two subproblems are defined in two subdomains and interacts with each other through a moving interface. For instance, the mixed parabolic equations (2), (3) can be extended to the pore fluid (Darcy) equation in which u2 and v2 play the role of pore fluid pressure and velocity, respectively. In that realistic scenario, β2=Kμϕ, standing for the ratio between the permeability K and the product of the viscosity μ and the porosity ϕ of the pore fluid. Similarly, the standard parabolic equation (1) can be also generalized as a diffusion–reaction equation with only respect to the pressure of another specific kind of pore fluid defined in a different type of porous medium, where the parameter β1 is formed by largely different permeability, viscosity and porosity in contrast to the ones on the other side of the interface. Especially, if the Biot’s equation [1], [2], [3], [4] is involved in this coupled multiphysics problem on one side of the interface, then the pore fluid equation (2), (3) with respect to both the pressure and the velocity must be contained in the model description, and cannot be combined together to become a single diffusion–reaction (parabolic) equation with respect to the pore fluid pressure only.

In summary, the practical problems introduced at above are closely relevant with but more complicated than the present parabolic/mixed parabolic interface problem (1)–(9). However, the commonly essential part of those practical problems is basically represented by the simplified problem (1)–(9), that is, one subproblem on one side of the interface belongs to the H(div)-type mixed problem that involves both the vector-valued solution in H(div) space and the scalar-valued solution in L2 space, while the other subproblem on the other side of the interface simply belongs to the H1-type problem that involves at least one solution in H1 space, as shown in Section 3. Therefore, we choose to study the simplified but also typical model (1)–(9) in this paper in order to develop and analyze a novel finite element method for dealing with H(div)-function in a moving subdomain that interacts with H1-function on the other moving subdomain through the moving interface, essentially. The research results found in this paper will inspire us to work on the Stokes/Biot moving interface problem in the future which involves the Darcy’s fluid and Newtonian fluid together and interacts through the moving interface.

To numerically solve unsteady moving domain/interface problems such as (1)–(9) in an accurate and efficient fashion, in this paper we adopt the interface-fitted mesh method that has become the most reliable numerical approach due to its naturally high accuracy, as long as the moving mesh, which adapts to the moving boundary/interface all the time, can be efficiently generated. For that purpose, the arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) method [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] has been adopted as the most popular approach of body-fitted mesh methods due to its high feasibility, where the mesh on the interface is accommodated to be shared by both subproblems on either side of the interface, and thus to automatically satisfy interface conditions as sketched in (8), (9), all the time. In the past few decades, the ALE-finite element method (ALE-FEM) has been analyzed for the parabolic problem in a moving domain [10], [11] where the stability and optimal error estimates are derived, for the Stokes problem in a moving domain [12] where a suboptimal error estimate is obtained in the energy norm, and for the Stokes/parabolic interface problem [13] in which the stability and the optimal error estimate in the energy norm are derived for both semi- and full discretizations. But, to the best of our knowledge, so far the ALE-FEM has not yet been applied to a mixed parabolic equation that is involved in a moving interface problem as described in (1)–(9). Moreover, we find out the classical ALE mapping technique fails in tackling such moving interface problem that involves the mixed parabolic equations, a novel ALE mapping needs to be developed first in order to reapply the ALE-FEM to (1)–(9), as explained below.

The core of the classical ALE method is the introduction of ALE mapping, which is essentially a type of time-dependent and bijective affine mapping, Xit(W2,(Ωˆi))d, defined from the initial (Lagrangian) domain Ωˆi to the current (Eulerian) domain Ωit(i=1,2), as follows [10], [11], [12] Xit:ΩˆiΩit,xˆixi(xˆi,t),i=1,2,and Xit1(W1,(Ωit))d. The key reason that this ALE mapping works well for the standard parabolic moving boundary/interface problem, such as (1) in Ω1t×(0,T], is that the property of H1-invariance holds for u1=u1(x1(xˆ1,t),t) and its ALE time derivative, u1t|xˆ1=u1t(x1,t)+w1(x1,t)u1(x1,t), at any time t[0,T], where w1(x1,t)=X1tt(X1t)1 is the domain velocity of Ω1t. This important property is shown in the following Proposition 1.1.

Proposition 1.1 [10], [11]

For any t(0,T], u1(x1,t)H1(Ω1t) and u1t|xˆ1H1(Ω1t) if and only if uˆ1(xˆ1,t)=u1(x1,t)X1tH1(Ωˆ1), and vice versa.

However, such defined ALE mapping, Xit, only holds the H1-invariance but not the H(div)-invariance in Ωit(i=1,2), i.e., for vˆ2(xˆ2,t)=v2(x2,t)X2tH(div;Ωˆ2) that is defined in (3), Proposition 1.1 cannot guarantee v2(x2,t)H(div;Ω2t) for any t(0,T]. Thus, the affine-type ALE mapping, Xit(i=1,2), cannot directly work for the parabolic/mixed parabolic interface problem (1)–(9) whose weak form involves the space H(div;Ω2t)×L2(Ω2t) for (v2,u2). In general, for any function vˆ2H(div;Ωˆ2), the aforementioned affine-type ALE mapping, X2t, cannot guarantee v2=vˆ2X2t1H(div;Ω2t), and vice versa. If this is not guaranteed, then, as significantly shown in Proposition 1.1 for the success of ALE method for H1-type moving boundary/interface problems, the ALE technique will fail in producing a stable and convergent finite element approximation to H(div)-type moving boundary/interface problems, for instance, the parabolic/mixed parabolic interface problem (1)–(9). Thus, a new idea and a novel development of ALE approach within the frame of body-fitted mesh methods are urgently demanded in order to successfully apply the ALE-FEM to the present parabolic/mixed parabolic interface problem, or to the Stokes/Biot moving interface problems in the future, which are all associated with H(div) space and all need the H(div)-invariance property to guarantee a stable and convergent ALE finite element approximation.

Our goal in this paper is to introduce a novel ALE mapping, Pt:Ωˆ2Ω2t, to the mixed parabolic part in Ω2t based upon the combination of the classical affine-type ALE mapping and a specific transformation called the Piola transformation. We will prove that this new ALE mapping Pt, named as Piola-type ALE mapping, guarantees the H(div)-invariance in Ω2t, i.e., for any vˆ2H(div;Ωˆ2), v2=Pt(vˆ2)H(div;Ω2t) and v2t|xˆ2=Ptvˆ2tH(div;Ω2t), and vice versa. On account of this Piola-type ALE mapping, we will develop a novel ALE-mixed finite element method for the present parabolic/mixed parabolic interface problem, then analyze its stability and convergence properties for both semi- and fully discrete schemes in a properly chosen mixed finite element space. In fact, since tackling the Stokes/Biot moving interface problem is our next goal, to cooperate with the Stokes problem on one side of the interface as well as to comply with the body-fitted mesh method, one shall discretize the mixed parabolic problem on the other side of the interface using the same mixed finite element as for the Stokes problem, i.e., a stable Stokes-pair. To that end, we need to first introduce a stabilization technique for the mixed parabolic problem in order to make the H1-type Stokes-pair mixed finite element work for the H(div)-type mixed parabolic equations. Similar stabilization technique has been done for the mixed elliptic problem [14] and the mixed parabolic problem [15]. Basically, a term (v2,ṽ2)Ω2t needs to be properly introduced into the original weak form of the mixed parabolic equation in Ω2t while the consistency between them is still preserved. Then, we adopt a stable Stokes-pair, e.g., MINI mixed element, to discretize the stabilized mixed finite element scheme, considering that the regularity of solution u to the moving interface problem (1)–(9) is usually not so high.

The structure of this paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we first introduce the classical affine-type ALE mapping, then define the Piola-type ALE mapping and their relevant properties. Based on such novel ALE mapping and a proper stabilization technique, a new weak form of the parabolic/mixed parabolic moving interface problem is defined in Section 3. Then we proceed to define the semi-discrete novel ALE-FEM and analyze its stability and convergence theorems in Section 4, and define as well as analyze its fully discrete novel ALE-FEM in Section 5. Numerical experiments are carried out in Section 6 to validate all theoretical results. We end the paper with a few concluding remarks in Section 7.

Through out this paper, we adopt C as a generic positive constant which is independent of all discretized parameters such as the mesh size h and the time step size Δt. And, we set ψˆi=ψˆi(xˆi,t) which equals ψi(xi(xˆi,t),t). For the simplicity of notations, we use to denote the differentiation with respect to the current spatial variable x, and ˆ means to take derivatives with respect to the reference spatial variable xˆ, such as ψi=xiψi and ˆψˆi=xˆiψˆi(i=1,2), etc. In addition, we adopt the standard notation for Sobolev spaces Wl,p(Ω) and their associated norms and seminorms. For p=2, Wl,2(Ω)=Hl(Ω). The standard L2 inner product is adopted, as (ψ,ψ̃)=Ωψψ̃dx, <ψ,ψ̃>Ω=Ωψψ̃ds. Some norm notations are given as ψi0,Ωit=ψiL2(Ωit), ψi,Ωit=ψiL(Ωit), ψil,Ωit=ψiHl(Ωit)(l>0,i=1,2).

Section snippets

Affine- and Piola-type ALE mappings

The classical ALE mapping is essentially a type of time-dependent and bijective affine mapping, XitH10,T;(W2,(Ωˆi))d(i=1,2), defined in the moving subdomain from its initial (Lagrangian) one Ωˆi to its current (Eulerian) one Ωit as shown in (10), is invertible and Xit1H10,T;(W2,(Ωit))d. In practice, one way to define the affine-type ALE mapping, Xit(i=1,2), is the harmonic extension, i.e., we solve the following Laplace equation ΔXit=0, in Ωˆi,(a)Xit=xΓ(xˆ,t), on Γˆ,(b)Xit=0, on ΩˆiΓˆ,(c)

A monolithic weak form in the ALE frame

We first reformulate (1)–(3) in terms of the ALE time derivatives (17) as follows: u1t|xˆ1w1u1(β1u1)=f1,inΩ1t×(0,T],u2t|xˆ2w2v2β2v2=f2,inΩ2t×(0,T],v2=β2u2,inΩ2t×(0,T]. Then, the original weak form of (31), (32) is written as: find v2,u2H(div;Ω2t)×L2(Ω2t), such that u2t|xˆ2,ũ2Ω2tw2v2β2,ũ2Ω2tv2,ũ2Ω2t=f2,ũ2Ω2t,ũ2L2(Ω2t),v2β2,ṽ2Ω2t+u2,ṽ2Ω2tΓtu2ṽ2n2=Ω2tΓtg2ṽ2n2,ṽ2H(div;Ω2t).

Differentiate (34) with time, yields ddtv2β2,ṽ2Ω2t+u2t|xˆ2,ṽ2Ω2tddtΓtu2v

The semi-discrete ALE finite element approximation

Denote by h(0<h<1) the mesh size, we construct a quasi-uniform triangulation Th0T1,h0T2,h0 in ΩˆΩˆ1Ωˆ2 and assume no triangle of Th0 has two edges on the boundary Ωˆ and the interface Γˆ at t=0. We denote the image of Th0: under the discrete affine-type ALE mapping, Xi,ht:ΩˆiΩit(i=1,2), as Tht=T1,htT2,ht for t(0,T] that is non-degenerate with time. Then, Xi,ht represents a moving mesh in Ωit(i=1,2) that adapts to the moving interface Γt. In practice, Xi,ht(i=1,2) can be obtained by a

Setup of the fully discrete ALE-FEM

In order to develop a fully discrete scheme, we first define a uniform partition in the time interval [0,T]: 0=t0<t1<<tN=T with the time-step size Δt=TN, then for n=0,1,,N, we set tn=nΔt, φn=φ(xn,tn), and Xin,m=Xi,hmXi,hn1 such that Xin,m:ΩinΩimxinxim=Xi,hm(Xi,hn)1(xin),i=1,2.The following lemma is needed to estimate the difference of Jacobians on different time levels.

Lemma 5.1


For t(tn1,tn], the following error estimate holds: Ji,htJi,hnL(Ωˆ)CΔtˆwˆi,h,ΩˆiFi,ht,ΩˆiCΔt,i=1,2,

Numerical experiments

In this section we apply the fully discrete ALE-FEM developed in Section 5 to two numerical examples defined below, then validate our theoretical results shown in Theorem 5.2.


The parabolic/mixed parabolic interface problem and its ALE-finite element methodology studies are of importance since they provide a foundation of the ALE-FEM for more complex moving interface problems in which a likelihood of pore fluid (Darcy’s) equation in terms of the pressure and/or a Biot’s model may be involved on either side of the moving interface. In order to make the ALE method work for such problem, we introduce a novel Piola-type ALE mapping which preserves the H(div)-invariance


The authors were partially supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant DMS-1418806.

References (22)

  • Cited by (7)

    • New finite volume element methods in the ALE framework for time-dependent convection–diffusion problems in moving domains

      2021, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
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      More recently, the stabilized ALE-FEM for convection dominated transient problems was investigated [10,11]. Lan and Sun [12,13] proposed a monolithic approach with ALE-FEM for Stokes/parabolic and parabolic/mixed parabolic moving interface problems. Furthermore, many researchers also studied the ALE-time discontinuous Galerkin(DG) [14,15] and the space–time ALE-DG method [16–18].

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      2021, Journal of Computational Physics
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      On the top of the monolithic approach, we adopt the ALE finite element method to discretize the presented FSI problem. As a type of body-fitted mesh method, ALE techniques [22,26–31] have become the most accurate and also the most popular approach for solving FSI problems and other general moving boundary/interface problems within the frame of mixed finite element approximation [32–38], where the mesh on the interface is accommodated to be shared by both the fluid and the structure, and thus to automatically satisfy the interface conditions across the interface. On the other hand, considering that the microscopic process of the presented hemodynamic FSI is in equilibrium with the unchanged local macroscopic process of AAA progression, we employ the heterogeneous multiscale method (HMM) [39] to handle the multiscale challenge by combining our fully discrete ALE-FEM with a specific variable time-stepping approach.

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