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Multimodal Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing: Disambiguating Prepositional Phrase Attachments with Images

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Neural Processing Letters Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Although documents are increasingly multimodal, their automatic processing is often monomodal. In particular, natural language processing tasks are typically performed based on the textual modality only. This work extends the syntactic parsing task to the image modality in addition to text. In particular, we address the prepositional phrase attachment problem, a hard and semantic problem for syntactic parsers. Given an image and a caption, the proposed approach resolves syntactic attachment of prepositions in the parse tree according to both visual and lexical features. Visual features are derived from the nature and position of detected objects in the image that are aligned to textual phrases in the caption. A reranker uses this information to reorder syntactic trees produced by a shift-reduce syntactic parser. Trained on the Flickr-PP corpus which contains multimodal gold-standard attachments, this approach yields improvements over a text-only syntactic parser, in particular for the subset of prepositions that encode location, leading to an increase of up to 17 points of attachment accuracy.

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  2. Corresponds to the relationship between the area of the intersection and the area of union of two surfaces A and B: \({\text {IoU}}(A, B) = \frac{A \cap B}{A \cup B}\). This score measures how similar two surfaces are. A score of 1 meaning that the two surfaces are identical.

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  4. For readability reasons, a simplified part of speech tagset has been used in the regular expressions.

  5. This corpus is available at

  6. We used the same hyper-parameters as the implementation:


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The work of Leonor Becerra-Bonache has been performed during her teaching leave granted by the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) in Laboratoire d’Informatique et Systèmes of Aix-Marseille University.

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Delecraz, S., Becerra-Bonache, L., Favre, B. et al. Multimodal Machine Learning for Natural Language Processing: Disambiguating Prepositional Phrase Attachments with Images. Neural Process Lett 53, 3095–3121 (2021).

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