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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter July 28, 2020

Global existence and finite time blowup for a nonlocal semilinear pseudo-parabolic equation

  • Xingchang Wang and Runzhang Xu


In this paper, the initial boundary value problem for a nonlocal semilinear pseudo-parabolic equation is investigated, which was introduced to model phenomena in population dynamics and biological sciences where the total mass of a chemical or an organism is conserved. The existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of the global solution and the blowup phenomena of solution with subcritical initial energy are established. Then these results are extended parallelly to the critical initial energy. Further the blowup phenomena of solution with supercritical initial energy is proved, but the existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of the global solution with supercritical initial energy are still open.

MSC 2010: 35K10; 35K20

1 Introduction

In this paper, we consider the initial boundary value problem of semilinear pseudo-parabolic equation with Neumann boundary condition

utΔuΔut=|u|p1uΩ|u|p1udx,inΩ×(0,T),u(x,0)=u0(x)0,inΩ,Ωu0dx=1|Ω|Ωu0dx=0,inΩ,uν(x,t)=0,onΩ×(0,T), (1.1)

where u0H1(Ω), T ∈ (0, ∞] and p satisfies


Problem (1.1) can be used to model phenomena in population dynamics and biological sciences where the total mass of a chemical or an organism is conserved [1, 2, 3, 4]. The nonlocal term acts to conserve the spatial integral of the unknown function as time evolves. Such equations give insight into biological and chemical problems where conservation properties predominate. So the model including this nonlocal term distinguishes the classical heat equation [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], the parabolic systems [18], the fractional Laplacian parabolic equation [19, 20, 21], variable exponent parabolic equation [22] and the pseudo-parabolic equation with singular potential [23].

Budd et al. in [1] studied the 1-dimensional nonlinear parabolic equation

ut=uxx+u201u2dx, (1.2)

with Neumann boundary condition and proved that the solution blows up for some special initial value. Fila and Levine [24] considered the n-dimensional case of (1.2)

utΔu=f(u)Ωf(u)dxinΩ×(0,T), (1.3)

they showed that the global solution is bounded in some space with f(u) = ∣up−1u. The initial boundary problem (1.3) with Neumann boundary and f(u) = ∣up was considered in [25], and the finite time blowup was proved for negative initial energy, i.e. J(u0) < 0 and 1 < p ≤ 2. Later this result was extended to p > 1 in [26]. Then for f(u) = ∣up−1u, the above blowup result was further extended to the positive initial energy case, i.e. J(u0) < d in [27] by the similar potential well method employed in [28]. In [29], the above restriction on the initial energy was relaxed to J(u0) > 0 and the finite time blowup was derived for some large initial data.

For problem

utηΔutΔu=f(u), (1.4)

Showalter and Ting [30] investigated the initial boundary value problem with f(u) = 0. They proved global existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions. Xu and Liu [31, 32, 33, 34] studied the initial and boundary value problem of (1.4) for f(u) = up. They proved the existence, asymptotic behavior of the global solutions and global nonexistence of solutions with subcritical and critical initial energy J(u0) ≤ d, and also obtained the global nonexistence of solutions with supercritical initial energy J(u0) > d by comparison principle, further estimated the upper bound of the blowup time for supercritical initial energy.

Due to the role of the corresponding conservation properties in the real world and its connect to the biological and chemical model equation (1.4), it is interesting to consider (1.1) by investigating the effect of the nonlocal term Ωup−1u dx. Another tough task is to “keep balance” between the bad side and the good side of the strongly dissipative term Δ ut, which helps the global existence by decaying the energy, meanwhile impedes blowup and delay the blowup time. As the goal of this paper is not to treat just one side of above, but to find out for which initial data the solution exists globally, and for which the solution blows up in finite time, it is important but not easy to deal with the blowup case and keep such balance. As we know that the global well-posedness of solution to the evolution equation strongly relies on the initial data, especially the initial energy, we plan to conduct a comprehensive study in this paper on the global well-posedness of solution at subcritical and critical initial energy J(u0) ≤ d, and supercritical initial energy J(u0) > 0. For each initial energy level, we aim to obtain the global existence, asymptotic behavior of the solution as the time goes to infinity and finite time blow up of solution. But we do not succeed for all the cases. We summarize the main conclusions of this paper in the following Table 1, where the mark “√” denotes the results we get in this paper and the question mark “?” indicates the problem unsolved still.

Table 1

Main Results

Initial data Global existence Asymptotic behavior Blow up
J(u0) < d
J(u0) = d
J(u0) > 0 ? ?

This article is structured as follows:

  1. In Section 2, we introduce some functionals and the potential well. Also, we give several preliminary definitions and lemmas.

  2. In Section 3, we prove the local existence of solution by the standard Galerkin method.

  3. In Section 4, we prove the existence, uniqueness, decay estimate of the global solution and global nonexistence of solution with J(u0) < d are inspired by [31].

  4. In Section 5, we extend all the conclusions in Section 4 parallelly to the initial energy J(u0) = d are inspired by [15].

  5. In Section 6, we prove the global nonexistence of solution with J(u0) > 0 by using the two different methods in [29, 35, 36], but the global existence and asymptotic behavior of solution at supercritical initial energy level are still open.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we introduce some definition, functionals and the potential well, and also establish some properties of them.

Throughout the paper, we assume that Ω ⊂ ℝn is an open bounded smooth domain. We denote by ∥ ⋅ ∥q the Lq(Ω) norm for 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞ and by ∥∇ ⋅ ∥2 the Dirichlet norm in H1(Ω). And for u, vH1(Ω), denote by


the inner product in H1(Ω). The inner product endow with the norm


for every uH1(Ω), which is equivalent to ∥∇ u∥2.

Next, the energy functional J(u) and the Nehari functional I(u) are defined as

J(u)=12u221p+1up+1p+1 (2.5)


I(u)=u22up+1p+1. (2.6)

By I(u) and J(u), we introduce the stable set


the unstable set


where d is the depth of potential well defined as (the so-called mountain pass level in [37])


and the Nehari manifold is


Next, we give the following definition of weak solution.

Definition 1

(Weak solution). Function u = u(x, t) is called a weak solution of problem (1.1) on Ω × [0, T), if uL(0, T; H1(Ω)) with utL2(0, T; H1(Ω)) satisfies

  1. 0tΩuτφ+uφ+uτφ|u|p1uΩ|u|p1udxφdxdτ=0 (2.7)

    for any φL(0, T;H1(Ω));

  2. u(x, 0) = u0(x) in H1(Ω);

  3. for 0 ≤ t < T,

    0tuτH12dτ+J(u)=J(u0). (2.8)

    Here, we show that the nonlocal term can give us a conservation law.

Lemma 2

(Conservation Law). Let u be the weak solution of problem (1.1). If Ω u0(x)dx = 0, then the integral of u is conserved, that is Ω u(x, t)dx = 0.


For the weak solution defined by (2.7), we can take φ = 1 as the test function, then by noticing


we can obtain Ω u(x, t)dx = Ω u0(x)dx = 0.□

Definition 3

(Maximal existence time). Let u(t) be a weak solution of problem (1.1). We define the maximal existence time T of u(t) as follows

  1. If u(t) exists for 0 ≤ t < ∞, then T = +∞.

  2. If there exists a t0 ∈ (0, ∞) such that u(t) exists for 0 ≤ t < t0, but doesn’t exist at t = t0, then T = t0.

Here, we give a estimate of nonlinear term ∣up−1u by Gâteaux derivative.

Lemma 4

If p satisfies (H), for any u1(x, t), u2(x, t) with (x, t) ∈ Ω × [0, T], ∣u1∣ + ∣u2∣ > 0 and u1u2, there holds



Let F(u): = ∣up−1u. Define ψ(x, t): = u1u2 for (x, t) ∈ Ω × [0, T]. By the property of Gâteaux derivative, we know


for s ∈ (0, 1), which together with the definition of Gâteaux derivative




For the Nehari functional I(u), we have the following properties.

Lemma 5

(Relations between I(u) and ∥∇ u2). Assume uH1(Ω).

  1. If 0 < ∥∇ u2 < r0, then I(u) > 0;

  2. If I(u) < 0, then ∥∇ u2 > r0;

  3. If I(u) = 0 and ∥∇ u2 ≠ 0, then ∥∇ u2r0,



C* is the best Sobolev constant for H1(Ω) ↪ Lp+1(Ω) and

C=supuH1,u0up+1u2. (2.9)


  1. From 0 < ∥∇ u2 < r0, we have


    which implies I(u) > 0.

  2. From I(u) < 0 it implies that ∥∇ u2 ≠ 0. Thus


    gives ∥∇ u2 > r0.

  3. If I(u) = 0, ∥∇ u2 ≠ 0, then from


    we get ∥∇ u2r0.

Lemma 6

(Properties of J(λu), [31]). Let uH1(Ω) and u220. Then

  1. limλ0J(λu)=0,limλ+J(λu)=;

  2. for λ ∈ (0, ∞), there exists a unique λ* = λ*(u), such that

  3. the point λ = λ* is the maximum point of J(λu), J(λu) is increasing on λ ∈ [0, λ*] and decreasing on λ ∈ [λ*, ∞);

  4. I(λ* u) = 0, I(λu) > 0 for 0 < λ < λ* and I(λu) < 0 for λ* < λ < ∞.

Lemma 7

(Depth d of potential well). Suppose that (H) holds. Then the potential well depth



By the definition of J(u), I(u) and the fact that I(u) = 0, we have


which implies J(u) > 0.

By Lemma 5 (iii), there holds


which says


Remark 1

For condition J(u0) < d, a simple computation induces that

Cp+12(p+1)p1J(u0)p12<1. (2.10)

3 Local solution

In this section, by the standard Galerkin method we prove the local existence of solution for problem (1.1). From now on, the constants in the Sobolev, Poincaré and Young’s inequalities, and other constants that may appear in calculation, are denoted uniformly by C > 0.

Theorem 8

(Local solution). Suppose that (H) and u0H1(Ω). Then there exist T > 0 and a unique solution of (1.1) over [0, T]. Moreover, if



limtTmaxu(t)s=fors1suchthats>n(p1)2. (3.11)


The proof of this theorem is divided into three steps. The first step is to show that the existence and uniqueness of solution to the linear problem corresponding to problem (1.1) by Galerkin method. The second step is to prove the existence and uniqueness of the local solution to problem (1.1) based on first step by the Contraction Mapping Principle. And the third step is to get the assertion (3.11).

  1. Take u0H1(Ω) and let R2=2u022. For every T > 0 consider the space 𝓗 = C([0, T];H1(Ω)) endowed with the norm

    uH2=maxt[0,T]u22 (3.12)

    and the set


    Next for every T > 0 and u ∈ 𝓗T, we shall respectively prove the existence and uniqueness of solution to the following linear problem by Galerkin method

    vtΔvΔvt=|u|p1uΩ|u|p1udx,inΩ×(0,T),v(x,0)=u0(x)0,inΩ,Ωv0dx=0,inΩ,vν(x,t)=0,onΩ×(0,T). (3.13)
  2. Fix a positive integer m, assume that {ωj(x)} is an orthogonal complete basis in H1(Ω) and L2(Ω) such that 𝓦m = Span{ω1, ⋯, ωm} and ∥ωj2 = 1 for all j. Denote by λj the related eigenvalues of ωj(x). Let


    such that um0 ∈ 𝓦m and um0u0 in H1(Ω) as m → ∞, then um0 ∈ 𝓗T. We seek m functions g1m(t), …, gmm(t) ∈ C1[0, T] to construct the approximate solutions to problem (3.13)

    vm(x,t)=j=1mgjm(t)ωj(x),m=1,2, (3.14)


    ΩvmtΔvmΔvmtf(u)μdx=0,Ωvm(0)dx=0,vm(0)=um0(x) (3.15)

    for any μ ∈ 𝓦m and f(u) = ∣up−1uΩup−1udx. Taking μ = ωj in (3.15) we have the following Cauchy problem of system of linear ordinary differential equations with the unknown gjm(t)

    (1+λj)g˙jm(t)+λjgjm(t)=Ωf(u)ωjdx:=ξ(t),gjm(0)=Ωu0ωjdx. (3.16)

    Since ξ(t) ∈ C[0, T], for all j, according to standard existence theory for ordinary differential equations, the Cauchy problem (3.16) admits unique global solution gjm(t) ∈ C1[0, T]. Then the unique vm(x, t) defined by (3.14) solves (3.15).

    Taking μ = vmt in (3.15) and integrating the both sides over [0, t] ⊂ [0, T] with respect to t, we have

    0tvmτH12dτ+12vm22=12um022+0tΩ|u|p1uvmτdxdτ0tΩΩ|u|p1udxvmτdxdτ=12um022+0tΩ|u|p1uvmτdxdτ0tΩ|u|p1udxΩvmτdxdτ=12um022+0tΩ|u|p1uvmτdxdτ (3.17)

    by Ω vm(0)dx = 0 and Lemma 2, i.e. Ω vm dx = 0.

    For u ∈ 𝓗T, i.e. ∥∇ u2R, we estimate the last term in the right hand side of (3.17) by Hölder, Sobolev and Young’s inequalities as follows

    0tΩ|u|p1uvmτdxdτ0tΩ|u|p|vmτ|dxdτ0tΩ|u|2npn+2dxn+22nΩ|vmτ|2nn2dxn22ndτ=0tu2npn+2pvmτ2nn2dτC0tuH1pvmτH1dτC0TuH12pdτ+120tvmτH12dτCTR2p+120tvmτH12dτ. (3.18)

    Then combining (3.17), (3.18) and um0 ∈ 𝓗T, we obtain

    0tvmτH12dτ+vm22C (3.19)

    for every m ≥ 1, where C is independent of m. Therefore, we see that the sequence {vm} is bounded in L([0, T]; H1(Ω)) and {vmt} is bounded in L2([0, T]; H1(Ω)).

    Consequently, there exists a v and a subsequence {vk} of {vm} such that

    vkvinL([0,T];H1(Ω))weak star,vktvtinL2([0,T];H1(Ω))weakly.

    In (3.15) letting m = k → ∞, we conclude the existence of a weak solution v of (3.13) with the above regularity. Moreover, observing (3.19) we get vH1([0, T]; H1(Ω)), then vC([0, T]; H1(Ω)).

  3. Arguing by contradiction, if v1 and v2 are two weak solutions of (3.13) with the same initial datum, by subtracting the two equations corresponding to v1 and v2 respectively, and testing it with v1tv2t, we get

    0tv1τv2τH12dτ+12v1v222=0, (3.20)

    which implies v1v2 in H1(Ω). Then the uniqueness is proved.

  4. By Step I, for any u ∈ 𝓗T and the unique solution v to problem (3.13) we can define v := Φ(u). We claim that Φ(𝓗T) ⊂ 𝓗T is a contractive map. First for given u ∈ 𝓗T, similar to (3.17), we have

    0tvτH12dτ+12v22=12u022+0tΩ|u|p1uvτdxdτ. (3.21)

    For the last term in above equality, by similar estimates as (3.18) we get

    0tΩ|u|p1uvτdxdτCTR2p+0tvτH12dτ (3.22)

    for all t ∈ (0, T]. Combining (3.21) and (3.22) gives


    For sufficiently small T, we see ∥ v𝓗R, which implies that Φ(𝓗T) ⊂ 𝓗T. Next we prove such map is contractive. Taking u1, u2 ∈ 𝓗T to be the known functions in the linear terms of (3.13) respectively, subtracting the two equations in form of (3.13) for v1 = Φ(u1) and v2 = Φ(u2) respectively, setting v = v1v2 and testing the both sides by vt, we can arrive at

    0tvτH12dτ+12v22=0tΩ|u1|p1u1|u2|p1u2vτdxdτ. (3.23)

    For the last term of (3.23), by Lemma 4, Hölder, Sobolev and Young’s inequalities, we get

    0tΩ|u1|p1u1|u2|p1u2vτdxdτ0tΩp(|u1|+|u2|)p1|u1u2|vτdxdτC0t(|u1|+|u2|)p1A1u1u2A2vτA3dτ=C0t|u1|+|u2|(p1)A1p1u1u2A2vτA3dτC0t|u1|+|u2|H1p1u1u2H1vτH1dτC0T|u1|+|u2|H12(p1)u1u2H12dτ+0tvτH12dτCR2p2Tu1u2H12+0tvτH12dτ, (3.24)

    where (p1)A1=2nn2 and A2=A3=4n3n(n2)p2<2nn2 by (H). Combining (3.23) and (3.24), for any t ∈ [0, T] we obtain


    which by (3.12) gives


    for some δT = CR2p−2T < 1 as long as T is sufficiently small. Therefore, the map v = Φ(u) is contractive. By the Contraction Mapping Principle, there exists a unique weak local solution to (1.1) defined on [0, T].

  5. By the arguments above, especially the requirements on δT, the sufficient conditions ensuring the contraction indicate that the existence time of the local solution only depends on the scale of the norm of the initial data by the connection between R and ∥∇ u02. Therefore, the local solution u is continued as long as ∥ u𝓗 remains bounded, see also Theorem 1 in [38] and Theorem 3.1 in [39] for similar argument. Hence, if the maximum existence time of local solution is Tmax < ∞, we have

    limtTmaxu22=. (3.25)

    By (2.5) and (2.8) we deduce

    12u221p+1up+1p+1+J(u0)for allt[0,Tmax),

    which together with the following Gagliardo-Nirenberg interpolation inequality



    12u22J(u0)1p+1up+1p+1Cu2(p+1)αus(p+1)(1α), (3.26)

    where B1 = p + 1, B2 = 2 and B3 = s, and n(p1)2 < s < p + 1 in order to ensure 0<α=2n(p+1s)(p+1)(2n+2sns)<2p+1. Then

    12u22(p+1)αJ(u0)u2(p+1)αCus(p+1)(1α), (3.27)

    which together with (3.25) implies that


    Combining Step I, Step II and Step III we complete the proof of Theorem 8.□

4 Subcritical initial energy J(u0) < d

In this section, we shall prove the global existence, asymptotic behavior and nonexistence of solution for problem (1.1) with the subcritical initial energy J(u0) < d. First, we show that the invariance of some sets of problem (1.1).

Lemma 9

(Invariant sets for J(u0) < d). Let p satisfy (H), u0H1(Ω), T be the maximal existence time of solution, then

  1. the solution u of (1.1) with J(u0) < d belongs to W for 0 ≤ t < T, provided I(u0) > 0;

  2. the solution u of (1.1) with J(u0) < d belongs to V for 0 ≤ t < T, provided I(u0) < 0.


  1. Arguing by contradiction, by the continuity of I(u) respect to t, we suppose that t0 ∈ (0, T) is the first time such that u(t0) ∈ W, that is I(u(t0)) = 0, ∥ u(t0)∥H1 ≠ 0 or J(u(t0)) = d. From

    0tuτH12dτ+J(u)=J(u0)<d,0t<T, (4.28)

    we know that J(u(t0)) ≠ d. If I(u(t0)) = 0, ∥ u(t0)∥H1 ≠ 0, then by the definition of d we have J(u(t0)) ≥ d, which contradicts (4.28).

  2. The proof is similar to (i).

Next, we prove the global existence and uniqueness of solution with J(u0) < d, also show the asymptotic behavior of global solution.

Theorem 10

(Global existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior for J(u0) < d). Supposed that p satisfies (H). If u0H1(Ω) and u0W, then problem (1.1) admits a unique global weak solution uL(0, ∞; H1(Ω)) with utL2(0, ∞; H1(Ω)) which does not vanish in finite time and there exist a constant δ > 0 such that uH12<u0H12e2δt.


By Theorem 8, we know that the problem (1.1) admits a unique local solution uC([0, T]; H1(Ω)). Next we will prove the existence time T of solution u(t) is infinite with u0W.

  1. Assume {ωj(x)} is an orthogonal basis of H1(Ω). We give the construction of approximate solutions to problem (1.1)



    (umt,ωs)+(umt,ωs)+(um,ωs)=(f(um),ωs),s=1,2,,m (4.29)


    um(x,0)=j=1majmωj(x)u0(x)inH1(Ω), (4.30)



    Multiplying (4.29) by gsm(t), integrating over [0, t] and summing for s gives

    0tumτH12dτ+J(um)=J(um(0)),0t<. (4.31)

    By (4.30) we know that J(um(0)) → J(u0) < d and I(um(0)) → I(u0) > 0, which combining (4.31) implies that

    0tumτH12dτ+J(um)<d,0t<, (4.32)

    and by Lemma 9, for 0 ≤ t < ∞ and sufficiently large m we have um(t) ∈ W. Combining (4.32) and




    for sufficiently large m, which yields a priori estimate

    0tumτH12dτ<d,0t<, (4.33)
    um22<2(p+1)p1d,0t<, (4.34)
    umpqq=ump+1p+1Cp+12(p+1)p1dp+12,q=p+1p,0t<. (4.35)

    Therefore, there exists a u and a subsequence {uν} of {um} such that

    uνuinL(0,;H1(Ω))weak star and a.e. inQ=Ω×(0,),uνpupinL(0,;Lq(Ω))weak star,uνtutinL2(0,;H1(Ω))weakly,|uν|p1uν|u|p1uinL(0,;Lp+1p(Ω))weak star.

    In (4.29) we fixed s, letting m = ν → ∞, we conclude that

    (ut,ωs)+(ut,ωs)+(u,ωs)=(f(u),ωs)for alls,


    (ut,v)+(ut,v)+(u,v)=(f(u),v)for allvH1(Ω),t(0,).

    Moreover, (4.30) gives u(x, 0) = u0(x) in H1(Ω).

    Assume that there exists a t0 > 0 such that u(t0) = 0. Then we get I(u(t0)) = 0, which is contradictory to I(u) > 0. Thus the solution does not vanish in finite time.

  2. If u1 and u2 are two solutions of (1.1) with the same initial data, then functions u1 and u2 satisfy the following equations for any ϕL2(0, ∞; H1(Ω))

    (u1t,ϕ)+(u1t,ϕ)+(u1,ϕ)=(f(u1),ϕ) (4.36)


    (u2t,ϕ)+(u2t,ϕ)+(u2,ϕ)=(f(u2),ϕ), (4.37)

    where f(u) = ∣up−1uΩup−1udx. Let v = u1u2. By subtracting the above two equations, take ϕ = v in (4.36) and (4.37), integrating on (0, t), then

    0tΩ(vτv+vτv+|v|2)dxdτ=0tΩ|u1|p1u1|u2|p1u2vdxdτ. (4.38)

    By Lemma 4, (3.24) and the boundedness of the solutions, we reach the inequality

    0tΩ|u1|p1u1|u2|p1u2vdxdτ0tΩp(|u1|+|u2|)p1|u1u2|vdxdτC0t(|u1|+|u2|)p1A1u1u2A2vA3dτ=C0t|u1|+|u2|(p1)A1p1u1u2A2vA3dτC0t|u1|+|u2|H1p1u1u2H1vH1dτC0tvH12dτ, (4.39)

    where (p1)A1=2nn2 and A2=A3=4n3n(n2)p2<2nn2 by (H). As v(x, 0) = 0, both (4.38) and (4.39) give

    0tΩ(vτv+vτv)dxdτ=12Ω(v2(τ)|v(0)v(t)+|v(τ)|2|v(0)v(t))dx=12Ω(v2(t)+|v(t)|2)dx=12vH12C0tvH12dτ, (4.40)



    By Gronwall’s inequality, we get


    that is vH12=u1u2H12=0. Thus u1 = u2 = 0 a.e. in Ω × (0, ∞).

  3. Setting φ = u in (2.7) and noting that


    we have


    that is

    12ddtuH12=I(u). (4.41)

    According to 0 < J(u0) < d, I(u0) > 0 and Lemma 9, we have I(u) > 0 for 0 < t < ∞. Then by (2.9) and the norm ∥ uH1 is equivalent to the norm ∥∇ u2 on H1(Ω), there holds

    12ddtuH12=I(u)=u22+up+1p+1u22+Cp+1u2p+1=Cp+1u2p11u22CCp+1u2p11uH12, (4.42)

    and we shall show that Cp+1u2p11<0. By (2.5), (2.6), (2.8) and I(u) > 0 we deduce that


    that is

    u22<2(p+1)p1J(u)2(p+1)p1J(u0). (4.43)

    From (4.43) and (2.10), we reach the following inequality

    Cp+1u2p1<Cp+12(p+1)p1J(u0)p12<1. (4.44)

    From (4.42) there holds


    Note that (4.44), we can see that there exists δ > 0 such that


    By Gronwall’s inequality, we have for δ > 0


    The proof of this theorem is complete.□

    Here, we show a relationship between u22 and the depth of potential well d with the initial value condition u0V, which is helpful for the proof of finite time blowup of solution.

Lemma 11

If u0V, then



Suppose that u(t) is a weak solution of (1.1) with J(u0) < d and I(u0) < 0, T be the maximal existence time. From Lemma 9, we can see that u(x, t) ∈ V, that is I(u) < 0 for 0 < t < T. By Lemma 5, we obtain


Therefore, Lemma 7 implies that


Theorem 12

(Blow up for J(u0) < d). Assume that p satisfies (H). If u0H1(Ω), then for u0V the weak solution u(t) of (1.1) blows up in finite time.


First, Theorem 8 shows that the problem (1.1) admits a unique local solution uC([0, T]; H1(Ω)). We will prove the existence time T of solution u(t) is finite with u0V. Arguing by contradiction, we assume that the solution is global in time, i.e. T = +∞.

By u0V and Lemma 9, for t ∈ [0,+∞) we get uV. We introduce an auxiliary function as


where 0 < T0 < +∞. Obviously, F(t) > 0 for any t ∈ [0, T0]. By the continuity of F(t) with respect to t, it follows that there exists a constant ς > 0, such that F(t) ≥ ς for t ∈ [0, T0]. Then

F(t)=uH12u0H12=u22+u22u022u022=20t(u,uτ)dτ+20t(u,uτ)dτ=20t(u,uτ)dτ (4.45)

and (4.41) gives

F(t)=2(u,ut)+2(u,ut)=2I(u). (4.46)

From (4.45) and Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we obtain

(F(t))2=40t(u,uτ)dτ2=40t(u,uτ)dτ+0t(u,uτ)dτ2=4(0t(u,uτ)dτ2+0t(u,uτ)dτ2+20t(u,uτ)dτ0t(u,uτ)dτ)4(0tu22dτ0tuτ22dτ+0tu22dτ0tuτ22dτ+20tu22dτ120tuτ22dτ120tu22dτ120tuτ22dτ12)4(0tu22dτ0tuτ22dτ+0tu22dτ0tuτ22dτ+0tu22dτ0tuτ22dτ+0tu22dτ0tuτ22dτ)40tu22dτ+0tu22dτ0tuτ22dτ+0tuτ22dτ=40tuH12dτ0tuτH12dτ4F(t)0tuτH12dτ. (4.47)

By (4.47) and (4.46), we can get

F(t)F(t)p+34(F(t))2F(t)F(t)(p+3)0tuτH12dτ=F(t)2I(u)(p+3)0tuτH12dτ. (4.48)


ξ(t):=2I(u)(p+3)0tuτH12dτ. (4.49)

By (2.8) and

J(u)=p12(p+1)u22+1p+1I(u), (4.50)

we get

ξ(t)=(p1)u222(p+1)J(u0)+(p1)0tuτH12dτ. (4.51)

Now, we discuss the following two cases.

  1. If 0 < J(u0) < d, then Lemma 11 gives

    ξ(t)>2(p+1)d2(p+1)J(u0)+(p1)0tuτH12dτ=ϱ>0. (4.52)

    Hence we have


    which leads to


    Therefore, by [5] there exists a T > 0 such that




    which is a contradiction with T = +∞.

  2. If J(u0) ≤ 0, we can get (4.52) directly. The remaining proved similar to case (i).

The proof is completed.□

5 Critical initial energy J(u0) = d

In this section, we shall extend parallelly the global existence, asymptotic behavior and blowup of solution for problem (1.1) to the critical initial energy J(u0) = d.

Theorem 13

(Global existence and asymptotic behavior for J(u0) = d). Let p satisfy (H), u0H1(Ω) and J(u0) = d. If I(u0) ≥ 0, then (1.1) admits a unique global weak solution u(t) ∈ L(0, ∞; H1(Ω)) with ut(t) ∈ L2(0, ∞; H1(Ω)). If I(u0) > 0, there exist constants C1 > 0, t1 > 0 and κ > 0 such that uH12<u(t1)H12e2κ(tt1) for t ∈ (t1, +∞).


  1. First the condition J(u0) = d implies that ∥ u0H1 ≠ 0. We define χs = 1 − 1s and u0s(x) = χsu0(x) for s = 2, 3, ⋯, which implies that 0 < χs < 1 and χs → 1 as s → ∞. Next, we study the problem (1.1) with the condition

    u(x,0)=u0s(x),s=2,3,. (5.53)

    Combining Lemma 6 and the initial data I(u0) ≥ 0, we get χ* = χ*(u0) ≥ 1. Further, we derive I(u0s) = I(χs u0) > 0 and J(u0s) = J(χs u0) < J(u0) = d. By Theorem 10, for each s = 2,3, ⋯ the problem (1.1) with the initial condition (5.53) admits a unique global solution us(t) ∈ L(0, ∞; H1(Ω)) with ust(t) ∈ L2(0, ∞; H1(Ω)). Similar to the proof of Theorem 10, we obtain




    The remainder of the proof is similar to Theorem 10.

  2. From above we have proved that the solution u(t) of (1.1) is global, then we claim that uW for t > 0. Arguing by contradiction, we suppose that t0 > 0 is the first time that I(u(t0)) = 0. By the definition of d, we see that J(u(t0)) ≥ d. By (2.8) which implies that

    0<J(u(t0))=d0t0uτH12dτ=d1d (5.54)

    for any t0 > 0. Hence we deduce


    which means (by (5.54))


    that is ut ≡ 0 for 0 ≤ tt0, which contradicts I(u0) > 0 (by (4.46)). Hence we have uW for 0 < t < ∞.

    By the continuity of J(u) and I(u) with respect to t, we take a t1 > 0 as the initial time, then u(x, t) ∈ W for t > t1. Hence from (4.42)-(4.44) we know that there exists a constant κ > 0 as


    such that


    The proof of this theorem is complete.□

Theorem 14

(Blow up for J(u0) = d). Assume that p satisfies (H). If u0H1(Ω), J(u0) = d and I(u0) < 0, then the weak solution u(t) of (1.1) blows up in finite time.


From the continuity of I(u) and J(u) with respect to the time t, for I(u0) < 0 and J(u0) = d > 0, which means there exists a sufficiently small t0 > 0 such that I(u(t0)) < 0 and J(u(t0)) > 0. Combining (4.46), we have ut ≠ 0 for 0 < tt0. Hence, by (2.8) there holds

J(u(t0))=d0t0uτH12dτ=d0<d. (5.55)

By Lemma 9 and by taking t = t0 as the initial time, we get u(x, t) ∈ V for t > t0.

The remainder of the proof is the same as Theorem 12.□

6 Supercritical initial energy blowup J(u0) > 0

In this section, we prove the blowup of solution to problem (1.1) with supercritical initial energy and suitable initial data by two different methods.

We will use the following lemmas to estimate the blowup time and prove the blowup in finite time.

Lemma 15

([35]). If the function ω(t) > 0 is twice-differentiable and for the constant θ > 0 and any t > 0 which satisfies


and ω′(0) > 0, then there exists 0<t1ω(0)θω(0) such that ω(t) tends to infinity as tt1.

Lemma 16

Assume that u0H1(Ω) satisfies

2(p+1)p1J(u0)<C1+Cu0H12u022, (6.56)

then u ∈ 𝓝 := {uH1(Ω)∣I(u) < 0}, where C > 0 satisfies Cu22u22.


Let u(t) be the weak solution of problem (1.1). Multiplying the first equation in (1.1) by ut(t) and integrating on Ω, we deduce that


which implies that



ddtJ(u)=utH12<0. (6.57)

By (2.5) and (2.6), we get

J(u0)=p12(p+1)u022+1p+1I(u0), (6.58)

and (6.56) gives I(u0) < 0.

Next, for t ∈ [0, T) we shall prove u(t) ∈ 𝓝. If it is false, according to the continuity of I(u) with respect to t, there must exist a ∈ (0, T) such that u() ∈ 𝓝 and for 0 ≤ t < we have u(t) ∈ 𝓝, then (4.41) gives

ddtu(t)H12=2I(u)>0for anyt[0,t¯), (6.59)

which says

u0H12<u(t¯)H12. (6.60)

By (6.57), we derive the inequality

J(u(t¯))<J(u0). (6.61)

Combining (2.5), (2.6) and u() ∈ 𝓝, which yields


Then (6.61) and (6.56) give




which contradicts (6.60).□

Theorem 17

(Blow up for J(u0) > 0). Let u(x, t) be a weak solution to problem (1.1). Assume that (H) and u0H1(Ω). If J(u0) > 0 and (6.56) hold, then the solution u(x, t) blows up in finite time.

  1. (Inspired by [29] and [35])


First, Theorem 8 shows that the problem (1.1) admits a unique local solution uC([0, T); H1(Ω)). We will prove the existence time T of solution u(t) is finite with (6.56) and there exists a


such that

limtt0tuH12dτ=+, (6.62)


G(t)=0tuH12dτ2+ε1u0H120tuH12dτ+c, (6.63)
1<α<(p1)Cu0H122(p+1)(1+C)J(u0), (6.64)
0<ε<12αu0H122(p1)C(p+1)(1+C)u0H124αJ(u0) (6.65)


c>14ε2u0H14. (6.66)

If it is false, we suppose that the solution u(x, t) is a global one, that is T = +∞. From (6.59) we deduce that

ddtuH12=2I(u)=2u22up+1p+1=412u221p+1up+1p+1+24p+1up+1p+1=4J(u)+2(p1)p+1up+1p+1. (6.67)

Next, we will complete the proof in the following two cases.

Case (i): J(u) ≥ 0 for t ∈ (0, ∞).

According to (6.56), we select α satisfying (6.64). Combining (2.8) and (6.67), by the fact J(u) ≥ 0 gives

ddtuH12=4(α1)J(u)4αJ(u)+2(p1)p+1up+1p+14αJ(u0)+4α0tuτH12dτ+2(p1)p+1up+1p+1. (6.68)

From Lemma 16, there holds

up+1p+1>u22C1+CuH12, (6.69)

which makes (6.68) become

ddtuH12>4αJ(u0)+4α0tuτH12dτ+2(p1)C(p+1)(1+C)uH12, (6.70)


ddtuH122(p1)C(p+1)(1+C)uH12>4αJ(u0), (6.71)


uH12>u0H12e2(p1)C(p+1)(1+C)t+2(p+1)(1+C)(p1)CαJ(u0)1e2(p1)C(p+1)(1+C)t. (6.72)

Now, we define


Since we have assumed the existence time of solution to be +∞, g(t) is bounded for all t ≥ 0. Then we get directly

g(t)=u(t)H12 (6.73)



By (6.65), we reach

2(p1)C(p+1)(1+C)u0H124αJ(u0)>2αεu0H12. (6.74)

Substituting (6.72) into (6.70), by (6.74) and the fact e2(p1)C(p+1)(1+C)t1 gives

g(t)>4α0tuτH12dτ+2(p1)C(p+1)(1+C)u0H124αJ(u0)e2(p1)C(p+1)(1+C)t>4α0tuτH12dτ+2αεu0H12. (6.75)

By the definition of G(t) in (6.63), we get

G(t)=2g(t)+ε1u0H12g(t) (6.76)


G(t)=2g(t)+ε1u0H12g(t)+2(g(t))2. (6.77)

We can define μ by (6.66) as


then (6.76) becomes

(G(t))2=4g2(t)+4ε1u0H12g(t)+ε2u0H14(g(t))2=4g2(t)+4ε1u0H12g(t)+4cμ(g(t))2=4G(t)μ(g(t))2, (6.78)

which means

4G(t)(g(t))2=(G(t))2+μ(g(t))2. (6.79)

Integrating the following identity on [0, t]




which says

u(t)H12=u0H12+20t(u,uτ)dτ. (6.80)

By (6.80), Hölder and Young’s inequalities, (6.73) becomes

g(t)2=u(t)H14=u0H12+20t(u,uτ)dτ2u0H12+20tuH12dτ1/20tuτH12dτ1/22=u0H14+4u0H12g(t)1/20tuτH12dτ1/2+4g(t)0tuτH12dτu0H14+4g(t)0tuτH12dτ+2εu0H12g(t)+2ε1u0H120tuτH12dτ:=A(t). (6.81)

Combining (6.77) and (6.79) gives

2G(t)G(t)=22g(t)+ε1u0H12g(t)+2(g(t))2G(t)=22g(t)+ε1u0H12g(t)G(t)+4(g(t))2G(t)=22g(t)+ε1u0H12g(t)G(t)+(G(t))2+μ(g(t))2. (6.82)

From (6.82), (6.78), (6.75) and (6.81), we deduce that

2G(t)G(t)(1+α)(G(t))2=22g(t)+ε1u0H12g(t)G(t)α(G(t))2+μ(g(t))2=22g(t)+ε1u0H12g(t)G(t)α4G(t)μ(g(t))2+μ(g(t))2=22g(t)+ε1u0H12g(t)G(t)4αG(t)(g(t))2+μ(1+α)(g(t))2>4αG(t)2g(t)+ε1u0H1220tuτH12dτ+εu0H124αG(t)A(t)=4αG(t)A(t)4αG(t)A(t)=0, (6.83)

which says for t ∈ [0,+∞)


that is


By G(0) = c > 0 and G(0)=ε1u0H14>0, Lemma 15 shows that there exists a


such that




which contradicts T = +∞. Now, by considering the continuity of G in t, we can derive g(t) → ∞ as tt*.

Case (ii): J(u()) < 0 for some > 0.

Since J(u) is continuous with respect to t, for J(u0) > 0 and (6.57) there must exist a time t1 > 0 such that J(u) < 0 for t > t1 and J(u(t1)) = 0. We choose u(t1) as a new initial datum of problem (1.1), then Lemma 16 gives u ∈ 𝓝 for t > t1. Similar to the proof of Theorem 12, we obtain the blowup of solution in finite time.

Combining the Case (i) and Case (ii), we conclude that the blowup of solution in finite time.□

  1. (Inspired by [36])


First, Theorem 8 shows that the problem (1.1) admits a unique local solution uC([0, T); H1(Ω)). We show that the solution u(t) blows up in finite time Tmax. If it is false, we suppose that the existence time T = +∞. By Lemma 16, we have u ∈ 𝓝, i.e. I(u) < 0 for all t ∈ [0,+∞). Next, we consider the following two cases.

  1. J(u) ≥ 0 for all t > 0. In this case, we divide the proof into two steps.

  2. Let


    By (6.57), the first equation in (1.1), (2.5) and (6.56), we get

    M(t)=(u,ut)+(p+1)(1+C)(p1)CutH12=(u,ut)(u,Δut)+(p+1)(1+C)(p1)CutH12=ΩuΔu+|u|p1uΩ|u|p1udxdx+(p+1)(1+C)(p1)CutH12=Ω|u|2dx+Ω|u|p+1dx+(p+1)(1+C)(p1)CutH12=p12u22(p+1)J(u)+(p+1)(1+C)(p1)CutH12=(p1)12u22p+1p1J(u)+(p+1)(1+C)(p1)CutH12(p1)C2(1+C)uH12p+1p1J(u)+(p+1)(1+C)(p1)CutH12=(p1)C1+C12uH12(p+1)(1+C)(p1)CJ(u)+(p+1)(1+C)(p1)CutH12(p1)C1+CM(t). (6.84)

    Combining (6.59), (6.57) and (6.56), we derive

    M(t)=12uH12(p+1)(1+C)(p1)CJ(u)12u0H12(p+1)(1+C)(p1)CJ(u0)=M(0)>0, (6.85)

    which combining (6.84) gives

    12uH12>M(t)M(0)e(p1)C1+Ct. (6.86)

    On the other hand, by triangle inequality, Hölder’s inequality, (2.8), (6.57) and J(u) ≥ 0, we have

    uH1=u0+0tuτdτH1u0H1+0tuτdτH1=u0H1+0tuτdτ22+0tuτdτ2212=u0H1+Ω0tuτdτ2dx+Ω0tuτdτ2dx12u0H1+Ω0t12dτ0t|uτ|2dτdx+Ω0t12dτ0t|uτ|2dτdx12u0H1+t120tuτH12dτ12=u0H1+t12J(u0)J(u)12u0H1+J12(u0)t12. (6.87)

    Therefore, combining (6.86) and (6.87), we deduce

    (2M(0))12e(p1)C2(1+C)t<uH1u0H1+J12(u0)t12for allt[0,),

    that is

    aebt<k+rt12for allt[0,), (6.88)

    where a=(2M(0))12>0,b=(p1)C2(1+C)>0, k = ∥ u0H1 > 0 and r=J12(u0)>0. It is obvious that (6.88) does not hold as t → ∞, hence the solution u(t) blows up in finite time.

  3. We estimate the upper bound of blow up time.

    We introduce an auxiliary function as

    H(t):=0tuH12dτ+(Tmaxt)u0H12+η(t+ξ)2,t[0,Tmax), (6.89)

    where the two positive constants η,ξ > 0 will be determined later. By (6.59), we have

    H(0)=Tmaxu0H12+ηξ2>0, (6.90)
    H(t)=uH12u0H12+2η(t+ξ)>0,t[0,Tmax) (6.91)


    H(0)=2ηξ>0. (6.92)

    By (6.59), (2.5), (2.6), (2.8) and (6.56), we deduce

    H(t)=2I(u)+2η=(p1)u222(p+1)J(u)+2η=(p1)C(1+C)uH122(p+1)J(u0)+2(p+1)0tuτH12dτ+2η(p1)C(1+C)u0H122(p+1)J(u0)+2(p+1)0tuτH12dτ+2η>0. (6.93)

    By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, similar to (4.47), we derive

    0t(u,ut)dτ0tuH12dτ120tuτH12dτ12. (6.94)



    by (6.94) we have the following estimates

    0tuH12dτ+η(t+ξ)20tuτH12dτ+η12(uH12u0H12)+η(t+ξ)2=(μ2(t)+η(t+ξ)2)y2(t)+η0t(u,ut)dτ+η(t+ξ)2(μ2(t)+η(t+ξ)2)y2(t)+η0tuH12dτ120tuτH12dτ12+η(t+ξ)2=(μ2(t)+η(t+ξ)2)y2(t)+η(μ(t)y(t)+η(t+ξ))2=ημ2(t)+η(t+ξ)2y2(t)2μ(t)y(t)η(t+ξ)=(ημ(t))22μ(t)y(t)η(t+ξ)+(η(t+ξ)y(t))2=(ημ(t)η(t+ξ)y(t))20. (6.95)

    Combining (6.89) and (6.95), (6.91) gives

    (H(t))2=412uH12u0H12+η(t+ξ)2=40tuH12dτ+η(t+ξ)20tuτH12dτ+η412(uH12u0H12)+η(t+ξ)24(H(t)(Tmaxt)u0H12)0tuτH12dτ+η4(H(t)(Tmaxt)u0H12)0tuτH12dτ+η4H(t)0tuτH12dτ+η. (6.96)

    By (6.56), we let

    0<ηρ:=(p1)C2p(1+C)u0H12p+1pJ(u0), (6.97)

    then combining (6.93) and (6.96), we get

    H(t)H(t)p+12(H(t))2H(t)(p1)C(1+C)u0H122(p+1)J(u0)+2(p+1)0tuτH12dτ+2η2(p+1)0tuτH12dτ+η=H(t)(p1)C(1+C)u0H122(p+1)J(u0)2pη0, (6.98)

    which means that for σ=p+12


    Hence, it follows that there exists a Tmax > 0 such that




    Further by (6.98), Lemma 15, (6.90) and (6.92), we get

    0<Tmax2H(0)(p1)H(0)=Tmaxu0H12+ηξ2(p1)ηξ=Tmaxu0H12(p1)ηξ+ξp1. (6.99)

    We choose

    u0H12(p1)η<ξ< (6.100)

    to make (6.99) be

    0<Tmaxηξ2(p1)ηξu0H12. (6.101)

    Combining (6.97) and (6.100), we deduce

    u0H12(p1)ξ<ηρ, (6.102)


    u0H12(p1)ρ<ξ<. (6.103)

    We define

    f(η,ξ):=ηξ2(p1)ηξu0H12, (6.104)

    which is a continuous function of variables ηu0H12(p1)ξ,ρ and ξu0H12(p1)ρ, due to (6.102) and (6.103). Next, we estimate the upper bounded of the blowup time Tmax.

    Differentiating (6.104) with respect to η, we have


    which says that f(η, ξ) is decreasing with η, then for any ξu0H12(p1)ρ,, (6.102) gives

    infη,ξf(η,ξ)=infξf(ρ,ξ)=infξρξ2(p1)ρξu0H12. (6.105)

    By differentiating f(ρ,ξ) with respect to ξ and letting fξ(ρ,ξ) = 0, we can get the minimum point ξmin = 2u0H12(p1)ρ satisfying (6.103), then for any ρ satisfying (6.97) we have


    which says

    infη,ξf(η,ξ)=f(ρ,ξmin)=4u0H12(p1)2ρ. (6.106)

    Therefore, by (6.101), (6.104)-(6.106), we have

  4. Similar to the proof of (ii) in Method I.

    Combining the above Case I and Case II, we conclude that the solution will blow up in finite time.□

Remark 2

(Difference from [31]). Although in [31] Xu and Su obtained the finite time blowup of solution for the arbitrary high initial energy level, i.e. J(u0) ≥ M, the blowup result obtained in the present paper is different from that in [31], as the main blowup theorem in [31] was proved by comparison principle, which does not work for the problem considered in the present paper. In order to apply the comparison principle, we need distinguish two different initial data w0(x) and v0(x). Without loss of generality, we can suppose w0(x) < v0(x) satisfying Ω w0(x)dx = Ω v0(x)dx = 0, which directly leads to that w0(x) and v0(x) must intersect at least at one point x0, then the failure of the comparison principle. Hence in the present paper we employ the energy estimate and concavity method to replace the comparison principle to overcome this difficulty.

Remark 3

(Comparison between the results for J(u0) < d and J(u0) > 0). Comparing Theorem 10 (global existence for sub-critical energy), Theorem 12 (finite time blowup for sub-critical energy) and Theorem 17 (finite time blowup for positive high energy), if we only focus on the initial condition about energy, we will find that the conditions J(u0) < d and J(u0) > 0 have overlapping parts, that is 0 < J(u0) < d. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify their relationship.

As the depth of potential well d, so-called the mountain pass level, plays a very important role in characterizing the initial data manifolds in terms of the signs of the Nehari functional i.e. I(u0) > 0, I(u0) < 0 or the radium of the ball in H1(Ω) space, i.e., u2<r0=1Cp+11p1 and ∥∇ u2 > r0 only under the condition J(u0) < d, we can get the results similar to the sharp condition, which is to show that the initial data u0 ∈ {uH1(Ω) ∣ J(u) < d, I(u) > 0} leading to global existence solution and u0 ∈ {uH1(Ω) ∣ J(u) < d, I(u) < 0} leading to finite time blowup solution. Although in Theorem 17 we extend the restriction J(u0) < d to J(u0) > 0, we only get a class of sufficient conditions (different from those in Theorem 12) ensuring the finite time blowup of the solution instead of proving anything similar to the sharp condition that can be derived for the sub-critical case, i.e., J(u0) < d. Hence the conclusions for J(u0) < d and J(u0) > 0 are different, and the conclusions for case J(u0) < d are better.

Indeed J(u0) < d and J(u0) > 0 are only the conditions about the initial energy acting as part of the initial conditions, so when we compare the conclusions of these two conditions, we need to pay attention to other conditions also. On one hand, in the frame of J(u0) < d, we have an invariant set V in which I(u0) < 0, and a relation between I(u) < 0 and u2>r0=1Cp+11p1, but we cannot get neither of them when we extend J(u0) < d to J(u0) > 0. On the other hand, in the frame of J(u0) > 0, (6.56) is an important condition on the initial data, and (6.56) seems interesting here. First we can derive u ∈ 𝓝 if u0 satisfies (6.56), that means the initial datum given by (6.56) leads to I(u) < 0 for any t > 0, which can be considered as another version of the invariant manifold V in the case J(u0 ) < d, but the difference is that we replace u0V by (6.56).

For J(u0) > 0, the condition (6.56) gives

0<J(u0)<(p1)C2(p+1)(1+C)u0H12p12(p+1)u022. (6.107)

Naturally, for sufficiently large initial datum u0, we have


which says that the following initial condition


is achievable. Therefore, for J(u0) > 0 we call the initial condition (6.107) high or supercritical initial energy.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11871017), the Ph.D. Student Research and Innovation Fund of the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (HEUGIP201808), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2013M540270), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.

Professor Xu Runzhang was an Editor of the ANONA although had no involvement in the final decision.


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Received: 2019-11-16
Accepted: 2019-12-17
Published Online: 2020-07-28

© 2021 Xingchang Wang and Runzhang Xu, published by De Gruyter

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