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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter July 13, 2021

On vector bundles over reducible curves with a node

  • Filippo F. Favale EMAIL logo and Sonia Brivio
From the journal Advances in Geometry


Let C be a curve with two smooth components and a single node, and let 𝒰C(w, r, χ) be the moduli space of w-semistable classes of depth one sheaves on C having rank r on both components and Euler characteristic χ. In this paper, under suitable assumptions,we produce a projective bundle over the product of the moduli spaces of semistable vector bundles of rank r on each component and we show that it is birational to an irreducible component of 𝒰C(w, r, χ). Then we prove the rationality of the closed subset containing vector bundles with given fixed determinant.


Moduli spaces of vector bundles on curves have always been a central topic in Algebraic Geometry. The construction of moduli space of isomorphism classes of stable vector bundle of rank r and degree d on a smooth projective curve of genus g ≥ 2 is due to Mumford; see [15]. Such a moduli space is a non-singular quasi-projective variety,whose compactificationwas obtained by Seshadri in [22], by introducing the 𝒮-equivalence relation between semistable vector bundles, and it is denoted by 𝒰C(r, d). The compactification is a normal irreducible projective variety of dimension r2(g − 1) + 1. When r and d are coprime, the notion of semistability coincides with that of stability, so 𝒰C(r, d) parametrizes isomorphism classes of stable vector bundles. Moreover, in this case there exists a Poincaré bundle on 𝒰C(r, d), see [20]. If L ∈ Picd(C) is a line bundle, the moduli space 𝒮𝒰C(r, L), parametrizing semistable vector bundles of rank r and fixed determinant L, is also of great interest. Indeed, up to a finite étale covering, the moduli space 𝒰C(r, d) is isomorphic to the product of 𝒮𝒰C(r, L) and Pic0(C). Hence, a lot of the geometry of 𝒰C(r, d) is encoded in 𝒮𝒰C(r, L). Moreover, 𝒮𝒰C(r, L) is interesting on its own and it is a rational variety when r and d are coprime, see [14]. The geometry of these moduli spaces has been studied by many authors, in particular its relation with generalized theta functions; see [3] for a survey, and [9], [8], [7], [6], [5] and [11] for recent works by the authors.

Unfortunately, as soon as the base curve becomes singular, the above results do not apply anymore. For example, for a singular irreducible curve, in order to have a compact moduli space one possible approach consists in considering torsion-free sheaves instead of locally free, see [18] and [23]. This method was generalized for a reducible (but reduced) curve by Seshadri. The idea was to include in the moduli space also depth one sheaves and to introduce the notion of polarization w and of w-semistability. More precisely, we denote by 𝒰C(w, r, χ) the moduli space parametrizing w-semistable sheaves of depth one of rank r on each component and Euler characteristic χ.

In this paper we assume that C is a nodal reducible curve with two smooth irreducible components C1 and C2, of genera gi ≥ 1, with a single node p. We can obtain the curve by gluing C1 and C2 at the points q1 and q2. Under this hypothesis, the moduli space 𝒰C(w, r, χ) is a connected reducible projective variety, see

[24] and [25]; each irreducible component has dimension r2(pa(C)−1)+1 and it corresponds to a possible pair of multidegree, see Section 2 for details. For problems about the stability of Kernel bundles on such curves the reader can see [10].

Under the above hypothesis, choose any r ≥ 2 and fix a pair of integers (d1, d2) which are both coprime with r. The existence of Poincaré vector bundles on the moduli spaces 𝒰Ci (r, di) allows us to produce a projective bundle π : ℙ(F) → 𝒰C1 (r, d1𝒰C2 (r, d2), whose fiber at ([E1], [E2]) is ℙ(Hom(E1,q1 , E2,q2 )), see Lemma 3.1. Let u ∈ ℙ(F), u = ((E1], [E2]), [σ]), where σ is a non-zero homomorphism E1,q1E2,q2 . We can associate to u a depth one sheaf Eu on the curve C, which is obtained, roughly speaking, by gluing E1 and E2 along the fibers at q1 and q2 with σ. This is a vector bundle if and only if σ is an isomorphism. Our first concern is to study when Eu turns out to be w-semistable for some polarization w: we are able to give some necessary and sufficient conditions to ensure w-semistability (see Section 3). Then we turn our attention to the rational map


sending u to Eu. Our first result (Theorem 4.1) can be summarized in the following statement:

Theorem A. Let C be a reducible nodal curve as above. Let r ≥ 2 and d1 and d2 be integers coprime with r. Set χi = di + r(1 − gi) and χ = χ1 + χ2r. For any pair (χ1, χ2) in a suitable non-empty subset of2 there exists a polarization w such that ℙ(F) is birational to the irreducible component of the moduli space 𝒰C(w, r, χ) corresponding to the bidegree (d1, d2).

The birational map of the statement is the map φ. We prove that it is an injective morphism on the open subset U ⊂ ℙ(F), given by points u where σ is an isomorphism. The image φ(U ) is a dense subset of the moduli space and its points are classes of vector bundles whose restriction to each component is stable (see Theorem4.1).Moreover,when gi > r+1,we can give some more information about the domain of φ as follows, see Theorem 4.3.

Theorem B. Assume that the hypothesis of Theorem A holds. If gi > r + 1, then for any pair (χ1, χ2) in a suitable non-empty subset of2 there exists a non-empty open subset V1 × V2 of 𝒰C1 (r, d1𝒰C2 (r, d2) and a polarization w such that φ|UV is a morphism, where we set V = π1(V1 × V2).

Then, in analogy with the smooth case, for any L ∈ Pic(C) we define the variety 𝒮𝒰C(w, r, L) which is, roughly, the closure in 𝒰C(w, r, χ)d1,d2 of the locus parametrizing classes of vector bundles with fixed determinant L where di = deg(L|Ci ). When r and di are coprime, as in the smooth case, we obtain the following result, see Theorem 5.2:

Theorem C. Under the hypothesis of Theorem A, 𝒮𝒰C(w, r, L) is a rational variety.

Recent results concerning rationality of these moduli spaces on reducible curves are obtained in [12] and [2] in the case of rank two, and in [4] for an integral irreducible nodal curve.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 1 we fix notation about reducible nodal curves. In Section 2 we introduce the notion of depth one sheaves, of polarization and w-semistability andwe recall general properties on their moduli spaces. In Section 3 we introduce the projective bundle ℙ(F), we define the sheaf Eu associated to u ∈ ℙ(F) andwe studywhen it is w-semistable. In Section 4 we prove Theorems A and B. Finally, in Section 5 we deal with moduli spaces with fixed determinant and we prove Theorem C.

1 Nodal reducible curves

In this paperwe consider nodal reducible complex projective curves with two smooth irreducible components and one single node. Let C be such a curve; we consider a normalization map ν : C1C2C, where Ci is a smooth irreducible curve of genus gi ≥ 1. Hence ν1(x) is a single point except when x is the node p of C, in which case ν1(p) = {q1, q2} with qjCj. Since the restriction ν|Ci is an isomorphism we identify C1 and C2 with the irreducible components of C.

Note that C can be embedded in a smooth surface X, on which C is an effective divisor C = C1 + C2 with C1C2 = 1. Let JC = OX(−C) and JCi = OX(−Ci) be the ideal sheaves of C and Ci respectively in X; then we have the inclusion JCJCi and the following commutative diagram

from which one deduces the isomorphism JC2/JCOC1 (−C2). This gives the exact sequence

(1.1) 0OC1(C2)OCOC20,

which is called the decomposition sequence of C. From it we can compute the Euler characteristic of OC:


Let pa(C) = 1 − χ(OC) be the arithmetic genus of C. From the above relation we get that pa(C) = g1 + g2.

Notation 1.1

We denote by ji : CiC the natural inclusion of Ci in C, by Oqi the stalk of (ji)∗OCi in p and by Op the stalk of OC in p.

2 Moduli space of depth one sheaves

Let C be a smooth irreducible projective curve of genus g ≥ 1. The moduli space of semistable vector bundles of rank r and degree d on C is denoted by 𝒰C(r, d). Its points are 𝒮-equivalence classes of semistable vector bundles on the curve. We denote by [E] the class of a vector bundle E. In [23] it is proved that 𝒰C(r, d) is an irreducible and projective variety. Moreover, see [23] and [26], we have:

(2.1) dimuC(r,d)={ r2(g1)+1g2gcd(r,d)g=1.

In particular,when r and d are coprime,𝒰C(r, d) is a smooth variety,whose points parametrizes isomorphism classes of stable vector bundles. Moreover, for g = 1, we also have an isomorphism 𝒰C(r, d) ≃ C; see [1] and [26].

Let C be a nodal curve with a single node p and two smooth irreducible components C1 and C2. To construct compactifications of moduli spaces of vector bundles on C we introduce depth one sheaves, following the approach of Seshadri [23].

Definition 2.1

A coherent sheaf E on C is of depth one if every torsion section vanishes identically on some components of C.

A coherent sheaf E on C is of depth one if and only if the stalk at the node p is isomorphic toOO1Ocq2 , see [23]. In particular, any vector bundle E on C is a sheaf of depth one. If E is a sheaf of depth one on C, then its restriction E|Ci is a torsion free sheaf on Ci \ p (possibly identically zero). Moreover, any subsheaf of E is of depth one too.

Let E be a sheaf of depth one on C. We define the relative rank of E on the component Ci as the rank of the restriction Ei = E|Ci of E to Ci

(2.2) ri=Rk(Ei)

and the multirank of E as the pair (r1, r2).We define the relative degree of E with respect to the component Ci as the degree of the restriction Ei

(2.3) di=deg(Ei)=χ(Ei)riχ(OCi),

where χ(Ei) is the Euler characteristic of Ei. The multidegree of E is the pair (d1, d2).

Definition 2.2

A polarization w of C is given by a pair of rational weights (w1, w2) such that 0 < wi < 1 and w1 + w2 = 1. For any sheaf E of depth one on C, of multirank (r1, r2) and χ(E) = χ, we define the polarized slope as


Definition 2.3

Let E be a sheaf of depth one on C. E is called w-semistable if for any subsheaf FE we have μw(F) ≤ μw(E); E is called w-stable if μw(F) < μw(E) for all proper subsheafs F of E.

For each w-semistable sheaf E of depth one on C there exists a finite filtration of sheaves of depth one on C:


such that each quotient Ei/Ei−1 is a w-stable sheaf of depth one on C with polarized slope μw(Ei/Ei−1) = μw(E). This is called a Jordan–Holder filtration of E. The sheaf


is called the graduate sheaf associated to E and it depends only on the isomorphism class of E. Let E and F be w-semistable sheaves of depth one on C.We say that E and F are 𝒮w-equivalent if and only if Grw(E) ≃ Grw(F). If E and F are w-stable sheaves then 𝒮w-equivalence is just isomorphism, as in the smooth case.

There exists a moduli space 𝒰sC(w, (r1, r2), χ) parametrizing isomorphism classes of w-stable sheaves of depth one on C of multirank (r1, r2) and given Euler characteristic χ, see [23]. It has a natural compactification 𝒰C(w, (r1, r2), χ), whose points correspond to 𝒮w-equivalence classes of w-semistable sheaves of depth one on C of multirank (r1, r2) and given Euler characteristic χ. In particular, when r1 = r2 = r, we denote by 𝒰C(w, r, χ) the corresponding moduli space. In this case we have the following result (see [24] and [25]):

Theorem 2.1

Let C be a nodal curve with a single node p and two smooth irreducible components Ci of genus gi ≥ 1, i = 1, 2. For a generic polarization w we have the following properties:

  1. any w-stable vector bundle E𝒰C(w, r, χ) satisfies the following condition:

    (2.4) wiχ(E)χ(Ei)wiχ(E)+r,

    where Ei is the restriction of E to Ci;

  2. if a vector bundle E on C satisfies the above condition for i = 1, 2 and the restrictions E1 and E2 are semistable vector bundles, then E is w-semistable. Moreover, if at least one of the restrictions is stable, then E is w-stable;

  3. the moduli space 𝒰C(w, r, χ) is connected, each irreducible component has dimension r2(pa(C) − 1) + 1 and it corresponds to the choice of a multidegree (d1, d2) satisfying Conditions 2.4.

Definition 2.4

We denote by 𝒰C(w, r, χ)d1,d2 the irreducible component of 𝒰C(w, r, χ) corresponding to the multidegree (d1, d2).

3 Construction of depth one sheaves

In this section we deal with the construction of depth one sheaves on a nodal curve C with two irreducible components and a single node. We begin with the following lemma:

Lemma 3.1

Let C1 and C2 be smooth complex projective curves of genus gi ≥ 1, i = 1, 2, and qiCi. Fix r ≥ 2 and d1, d2 ∈ ℤ such that r is coprime with both d1 and d2. Then there exists a projective bundle


such that the fiber over ([E1], [E2]) is ℙ(Hom(E1,q1 , E2,q2 )), where Ei,qi is the fiber of Ei at the point qi.

Proof. As r and di are coprime, there exists a Poincaré bundle Pi for the moduli space of semistable vector bundles on Ci of rank r and degree di, i.e. a vector bundle Pi on 𝒰Ci (r, diCi such that Pi|[EiCiEi, under the identification [EiCiCi. This follows from a result of [20] if gi ≥ 2 and from the isomorphism 𝒰Ci (r, di)≃ Ci when gi = 1. For i = 1, 2, consider the natural inclusion


and the pull back ιi(Pi) of the Poincaré bundle. Since 𝒰Ci (r, diqi is isomorphic to 𝒰Ci (r, di), ιi(Pi) can be seen as a vector bundle on 𝒰Ci (r, di) of rank r whose fiber at [Ei] is actually Ei,qi.

Note that the product 𝒰C1 (r, d1𝒰C2 (r, d2) is a smooth irreducible variety. Let p1 and p2 denote the projections of the product onto factors. We define on 𝒰C1 (r, d1𝒰C2 (r, d2) the following sheaf:

(3.1) F:=Hom(p1*(ι1*(P1)),p2*(ι2*(P2))).

By construction, F is a vector bundle of rank r2 whose fiber at the point ([E1], [E2]) is Hom(E1,q1 , E2,q2 ). By taking the associated projective bundle we conclude the proof.

Let C1 and C2 be smooth irreducible curves. We consider a nodal curve C with two smooth components and a single node p which is obtained by identifying the points q1C1 and q2C2. Let Ei be a stable vector bundle of rank r and degree di on Ci and consider a non-zero homomorphism σ : E1,q1E2,q2 between the fibres. Assume that the rank of σ is k, with 1 ≤ kr. We can associate to these data a depth one sheaf on the nodal curve C, roughly speaking, by gluing the vector bundles E1 and E2 along the fibers (at q1 and q2 respectively) with the homomorphism σ, as follows:

Let jp be the inclusion of p in C and let ji : CiC be the inclusion of Ci in C for i = 1, 2. The sheaf jiEi is a depth one sheaf on C whose stalk at p is the stalk of Ei at qi. Hence, there is a natural surjective map given by restriction onto the fiber of Ei at qi, i.e. the map


The sheaf j1∗(E1)⊕ j2∗(E2) is of depth one on C and we have a surjective map


The sheaf jpjpj2∗(E2) has depth one too, and it is a skyscraper sheaf over p whose stalk is E2,q2 . So we have again a surjective map


Let σ : E1,q1E2,q2 be a non-zero homomorphism and consider the induced surjective map


We have, moreover, the map


which sends (u, ν) to u − ν. We denote by Δ ⊂ Im(σ) ⊕ Im(σ) the diagonal. By construction we have Δpk.

Finally we define the map of sheaves


by requiring that the following diagram commutes.

It follows immediately by construction that ker σ̃ is a sheaf of depth one on C, which coincides with Ei on Ci \ p. One can easily see that the isomorphism class of ker σ̃ does not depend on the isomorphism classes of the Ei. Moreover, the same happens if one uses σ' = λσ with λ ∈ ℂ, instead of σ.

From now on, we assume that the hypothesis of Lemma 3.1 holds. Let ℙ(F) be the projective bundle on 𝒰C1 (r, d1𝒰C2 (r, d2). We can conclude that the construction of ker σ̃ depends on the data contained in u = (([E1], [E2]), [σ]) ∈ ℙ(F) and not on the particular choices of E1, E2 and σ.

Definition 3.1

We denote by Eu the kernel of σ̃ defined by u ∈ ℙ(F).

The above construction gives the following:

Proposition 3.2

Let Eu be the sheaf defined by u = (([E1], [E2]), [σ]) ∈ ℙ(F). Then Eu is a depth one sheaf on C with χ(Eu) = χ(E1) + χ(E2)− r and multirank (r, r). It is a vector bundle if and only if σ is an isomorphism. In this case, Eu|Ci = Ei.

Proof. Let Rk(σ) = k. Since Eu is a depth one sheaf, the stalk of Eu at the node p is isomorphic to OpaOq1bOq1c where a + b = Rk(Eu|C1) = r and a + c = Rk(Eu|C2) = r (see Section 2). From the diagram 3.2, it follows the rank of the free part of the stalk of Eu in p is k, so a = k. Hence we have Eu|pOpkOq1rkOq2rk. In particular, Eu is a vector bundle if and only if k = r, i.e. exactly when σ is an isomorphism.

In order to obtain a w-semistable sheaf, for some polarization w, the following condition is necessary:

Lemma 3.3

Let E = Eu be the sheaf defined by u = (([E1], [E2]), [σ]) ∈ ℙ(F) and let k be the rank of σ. If E is w-semistable for some w, then the following conditions are satisfied:

(3.3) χ(E)w1χ(E1)χ(E)w1+k and χ(E)w2+rkχ(E2)χ(E)w2+r.

Proof. Assume that E is w-semistable for a polarization w. Let K1 be the kernel of the map


and let K2 be the kernel of the map ρ2 : j2∗E2E2,q2 as in diagram 3.2. Since Ki is a subsheaf of E, by w-semistability of E we have μw(Ki)≤ μw(E). We also have μw(K1)=χ(K1)w1r=χ(E1)kw1rχ(E)r, which implies


By replacing χ(E1) = χ(E) − χ(E2) + r in the above inequality, we obtain


Finally, we have μw(K2)=χ(K2)w2r=χ(E2)rw2rχ(E)r, which implies


Again, by replacing χ(E2) = χ(E) − χ(E1) + r we obtain χ(E1)≥ χ(E)w1.

Given u = (([E1], [E2]), [σ]) and Eu defined by u, we wonder if there exists a polarization w such that the above Conditions 3.3 hold. The answer depends only on numerical assumptions on (χ(E1), χ(E2)) and Rk σ, as the following lemma shows.

Lemma 3.4

Let r ≥ 2 and 1 ≤ kr be integers. There exists a non-empty subsetWr,k ⊂ ℤ2 such that for any pair (χ1, χ2)∈ Wr,k we can find a polarization w satisfying the conditions

(3.4) χw1χ1χw1+k and χw2+rkχ2χw2+r,whereχ=χ1+χ2r.

Proof. Note that if χ = 0, i.e. χ1 + χ2 = r and we assume that 0 ≤ χ1r, then any polarization w satisfies Conditions 3.4. We distinguish two cases according to the sign of χ. Assume that χ > 0. Then there exists a polarization w satisfying Conditions 3.4, if and only if the following system has solutions:


This occurs if and only if χ1 > 0 and χ2 > rk. Likewise, if χ < 0, then we have the system


which has solutions if and only if χ1 < k and χ2 < r.

Remark 3.1

Let Wr=k=1rWr,k. Note that it is a non-empty subset and it is actually Wr,1. Moreover, if (χ1, χ2) ∈ Wr, then by the proof of Lemma 3.4 it follows that we can find a polarization w which satisfies the Conditions 3.4 for all k = 1, . . . , r.

Assume that Rk σ = r, i.e. E is a vector bundle. Then the necessary conditions of Lemma 3.3 are the same in Theorem 2.1. Hence, by the above theorem, they are also sufficient to give w-semistability of E. So we obtain the following:

Corollary 3.5

Let E = Eu be the sheaf defined by u = (([E1], [E2]), [σ]) ∈ ℙ(F). Assume that Rk σ = r and (χ(E1), χ(E2))∈ Wr,r. Then there exists a polarization w such that E is w-semistable. In particular, since the Ei are stable, then E is w-stable too.

Unfortunately,when Eu fails to be a vector bundle, the necessary conditions of Lemma 3.3 are not enough to ensure w-semistability, see [25] for an example. Nevertheless, we are able to produce an open subset of 𝒰C1 (r, d1𝒰C1 (r, d1) such that for every u over this open subset, the sheaf Eu is w-semistable.

We recall the following definition, see [16].

Definition 3.2

Let G be a vector bundle on a smooth curve. For every integer k we set


A vector bundle G is called (m, k)-semistable (respectively stable) if for any subsheaf F we have

μ m ( F ) μ m k ( G )  (respectively  < .

Proposition 3.6

Let E = Eu be the sheaf defined by u = (([E1], [E2]), [σ]) ∈ ℙ(F). Assume that Rk σ = kr−1. If (χ(E1), χ(E2)) ∈ Wr,k, E1 is (0, k)-semistable and E2 is (0, r)-semistable, then there exists a polarization w such that E is w-semistable. Moreover, if E1 is (0, k)-stable or E2 is (0, r)- stable, then E is w-stable too.

Proof. Since (χ(E1), χ(E2))∈ Wr,k, by Lemma 3.4 there exists a polarization w such that the necessary Conditions 3.3 hold. We claim that if E1 is (0, k)-semistable and E2 is (0, r)-semistable, then E is w-semistable.

Let FE be a subsheaf; it is a sheaf of depth one too. Assume that F has multirank (s1, s2) and that at the node p the stalk of F OpSOq1aOq2b with s ≥ 0, s1 = s + ar and s2 = s + br. Since Rk σ = k, by construction the free part of the stalk of E at p is Opk. This implies that 0 ≤ sk.

By construction, there exist two vector bundles F1E1 and F2E2 such that F is the kernel of the restriction of σ̃ to the subsheaf j1∗(F1)⊕ j2∗(F2):


Proceding as in the diagram 3.2, we deduce that F fits into an exact sequence as follows:


where G1 is the kernel of (σρ1)|F1 and G2 is the kernel of ρ2|F2 . Hence GiKi. Note that if s = 0, then actually FG1G2.

For any s, we compute the w-slope of F:


Since E1 is (0, k)-semistable, we have


Since E2 is (0, r)-semistable, E2(−q2) is (0, r)-semistable too, so we have


By replacing we obtain:

(3.5) μw(F)1w1s1+w2s2[ s1w1((d1k)+r(1g1)w1r)+s2w2((d2r)+r(1g2)w2r)+ss2 ]==s1w1w1s1+w2s2μw(K1)+s2w2w1s1+w2s2μw(K2)+ss2w1s1+w2s2.

By Lemma 3.3 we have μw(Ki)≤ μw(E), so we obtain:


Since ss2 ≤ 0, we have μw(F) ≤ μw(E).

Finally, if E1 is (0, k)-stable or E2 is (0, r)-stable, then the above inequality is strict.

Note that, by definition, if Ei is (0, r)-stable, then it is also (0, k)-stable for all kr.

Lemma 3.7

Let 𝒰Ci (r, di) be the moduli space of semistable vector bundles of rank r and degree di on a smooth curve Ci of genus gi. If di and r are coprime and gi > r + 1, then the locus of vector bundles of 𝒰Ci (r, di) which are (0, r)-stable is a non-empty open subset of 𝒰Ci (r, di).

Proof. We consider the locus

Y={ [E]UCi(r,di)E is not (0,r) stable }

and the subset Ya,s of Y given by all stable vector bundles E which can be written as 0 → FEQ → 0, where F is a subbundle of E with deg(F) = a and Rk(F) = sr − 1 and


A deformation argument (see the proof of Proposition 1.4 of [21]) shows that if Ya,s ≠ 0, then for a general E in Ya,s both F and Q are stable. Moreover, since E is stable, we have Hom(Q, F) = 0. Hence we can write




Since EY, we have μ0(F) ≥ μr(E), i.e.


which implies disarrs. Finally, if gi > 1 + r, then for all sr − 1 we have

dimUCi(r,di)dimYa,ss[ (gi1)(rs)r ]>0,

which concludes the proof.

4 Main results

In this section we prove our main results. We assume that the hypothesis of Lemma 3.1 is satisfied. Let ℙ(F) be the projective bundle on 𝒰C1 (r, d1𝒰C2 (r, d2). For 1 ≤ kr − 1 let Bk be the subset of ℙ(F) such that

Bkπ1([ E1 ],[ E2 ])={ [σ](Hom(E1,q1,E2,q2))Rk(σ)k }.

It is a proper closed subvariety of ℙ(F).

Definition 4.1

We denote by U the open subset given by the complement of Br−1 in ℙ(F).

Remark 4.1

Note that dimU = dimℙ(F) = r2(g1 + g2 − 1) + 1. Denote by πU the restriction of π to U . By construction,


is a fiber bundle whose fibers are isomorphic to PGL(r). More precisely,

πU1([ E1 ],[ E2 ])=(GL(E1,q1,E2,q2)).

For χ = d1 + d2 + r(1 − g1g2), let 𝒰C(w, r, χ)d1,d2 be the irreducible component of the moduli space of depth one sheaves on C of rank r and characteristic χ corresponding to the multidegree (d1, d2); see Section 2. Let VC(w, r, χ)d1,d2𝒰C(w, r, χ)d1,d2 be the subset parametrizing classes of vector bundles.

Theorem 4.1

Let C be a nodal curve with a single node p and two smooth irreducible components Ci of genus gi ≥ 1. Fix r ≥ 2. For any di ∈ ℤ we set χi = di + r(1 − gi) and χ = d1 + d2 + r(1 − g1g2). Assume that r is coprime with both d1 and d2 and that (χ1, χ2)∈ Wr,r. Then there exists a polarization w such that the map


sending u to [Eu] is birational. In particular, the restriction φ|U is a an injective morphism and the image φ(U ) is contained in VC(w, r, χ)d1,d2.

Proof. Let u = (([E1], [E2]), [σ]) ∈ ℙ(F) and consider the sheaf E = Eu defined by u, as in Section 3. Since (χ1, χ2)∈ Wr,r, as a consequence of Lemma 3.4 and Corollary 3.5 there exists a polarization w such that Eu is w-semistable for every uU . This gives a point in the moduli space 𝒰C(w, r, χ)d1,d2 and it shows that φ is well defined at least on U.

We prove that φ|U is injective. Let u=(([ E1 ],[ E2 ]),[σ]) and u=(([ E1 ],[ E2 ]),[ σ ]) in U with φ(u) = [E] and φ(u') = [E']. Assume that φ(u) = φ(u'). Since E and E' are both w-stable and are in the same 𝒮w- equivalence class, they have to be isomorphic (see Section 2). Let τ : EE' be an isomorphism. This induces an isomorphism τi : EiEi. So we can assume that Ei=Ei; thus σ, σ' : E1,q1E2,q2 and τi : EiEi are isomorphisms. As Ep (respectively Ep ) is obtained by glueing E1,q1 with E2,q2 along the isomorphism σ (respectively along σ'), the τi have to satisfy a compatibility condition which is summarized in the following commutative diagram:

Since Ei is stable we have Hom(Ei , Ei) ≃ ℂ ⋅ idEi . Hence (τi)qi is the multiplication by some λi ∈ ℂ. In particular, σ' is a non-zero multiple of σ and thus [σ] = [σ'].

Now we prove that φ|U is a morphism. It is enough to prove that φ is regular at u0, for any u0U . For this, we claim that there exists a non-empty open subset WU with u0W and a vector bundle E on W × C such that

[ ε|u×C ]=φ(u) for all uW.

Step 1: There exist two sheaves Q and R on U × C such that for each u = (([E1], [E2], [σ]) ∈ U we have


where jp : pC and ji : CiC are the natural inclusions.

Consider the diagram

where the morphisms which appear have been defined as

(4.2) J i = i d U c i r , d i × j i , P i = p i × i d C , Π U = π U × i d C , J p = i d U × j p .

As before, we denote with Pi the Poincaré bundle on 𝒰Ci (r, diCi and we set

Q i = Π U P i J i P i , Q = Q 1 Q 2  and  R = J p J p Q 2 .

Note that Supp(R) = U × p. Moreover, one can verify that if we identify U × p with U we have

(4.3) Jp*(Qi)πU*(pi*(ιi*Pi)),

where ιi : 𝒰Ci (r, diqi𝒰Ci (r, diCi.

Step 2: There is an open subset WU containing u0 and a surjective map of sheaves


whose kernel is the desired vector bundle E on W × C.

Let π : ℙ(F) → 𝒰C1 (r, d1)×𝒰C2 (r, d2) be the projective bundle defined in Lemma 3.1. Consider on ℙ(F) the tautological line bundle Oℙ(F)(−1) which is, by definition, the subsheaf of π(F) whose fiber at u ∈ ℙ(F) is


where u = (([E1], [E2]), [σ]).We can choose W to be an open subset of U containing the point u0 and admitting a section sOℙ(F)(−1)(W) with s(u) ≠ 0 for any uW.

In particular, s induces a map of sheaves

(4.4) s:πU*p1*(l1*(P1)) )|WπU*p2*(l2*(P2)) )|W

such that su : E1,q1E2,q2 is an isomorphism and [su] = [σ] in ℙ(Hom(E1,q1 , E2,q2 )). We can also define a morphism of sheaves

(4.5) sid2:πU*p1*(l1*(P1)) )|WπU*p2*((l2*(P2)))|WπU*p2*(l2*(P2)) )|W

where id2 is the identity of πU*p2*(l2*(P2)) )|W.

This allows us to define the map ΣW we are looking for. Indeed, since Supp(R|W×C) = W × p, it is enough to give the map on W × p, which can be identified with W. Using the isomorphism 4.3, we have a diagram which defines ΣW:

By taking the kernel E of this map we conclude the second step of the proof of the claim. In particular, φ|U is a morphism.

By construction, φ(U ) is contained in VC(w, r, χ)d1,d2 and it coincide with the open subset of w-semistable vector bundles whose restrictions are semistable. Moreover, VC(w, r, χ)d1,d2 is a dense open subset of 𝒰C(w, r, χ)d1,d2 , see [23]. By Remark 4.1 we have


which is the dimension of 𝒰C(w, r, χ)d1,d2 , see Theorem 2.1. This implies that φ is a dominant map. Hence, by a generic smoothness argument, we can conclude that φ|U is a birational morphism.

Corollary 4.2

Let C be a nodal curve with a single node p and two smooth irreducible components Ci of genus gi ≥ 1. Assume that the moduli space 𝒰C(w, r, χ) has an irreducible component corresponding to the bidegree (d1, d2) with d1 and d2 coprime with r. Then this component is birational to a projective bundle over the smooth variety 𝒰C1 (r, d1𝒰C2 (r, d2).

Note that φ provides a desingularization of the component 𝒰C(w, r, χ)d1,d2 . If the genus of the curve Ci is big enough, we can be more precise about the domain of the rational map φ. If gi > r + 1, then by Lemma 3.7 the locus of vector bundles of 𝒰Ci (r, di) which are (0, r)-stable is a non-empty open subset of 𝒰Ci (r, di); let us denote it by Vi.

Definition 4.2

We denote by V the open subset π−1(V1 × V2) in ℙ(F).

By construction, V is a projective bundle over V1 × V2.

Theorem 4.3

Assume that the hypothesis of Theorem 4.1 holds. Moreover, let gi > r + 1 and (χ1, χ2) ∈ Wr. Then there exists a polarization w such that the map φ sending u to [Eu] is a birational map such that φ|U V is a morphism.

Proof. Since (χ1, χ2)∈ Wr, by Remark 3.1 there exists a polarization w such that the Conditions 3.4 hold for any k = 1, . . . , r. In particular, as WrWr,r, Theorem 4.1 holds: φ is a birational map which is defined on the open subset U.

Assume that uV and u𝒰. Then u = (([E1], [E2]), [σ]), with ([E1], [E2])∈ V1 × V2 and Rk σr − 1.

Since [Ei]∈ Vi, Lemma 3.6 implies that Eu is w-semistable, hence φ is defined all over the open subset V too. To prove that φ|V is a morphism, we can proceed as in the proof of Theorem 4.1, just by replacing U with V and 𝒰Ci (r, di) with Vi.

5 Fixed-determinant moduli space

Let C be a smooth curve of genus g ≥ 1 and L ∈ Picd(C).We recall that the moduli space of semistable vector bundles of rank r and determinant L on C is denoted by 𝒮𝒰C(r, L) and it is an irreducible and projective variety. It is the fiber of the determinant map


In this section we investigate a similar subvariety of the moduli space 𝒰C(w, r, χ)d1,d2 for a nodal reducible curve with two irreducible components Ci. Fix a pair (L1, L2) with Li ∈ Picdi (Ci). Note that there exists a unique line bundle L on the nodal curve C whose restriction to the component Ci is Li. Recall that VC(w, r, χ)d1,d2𝒰C(w, r, χ)d1,d2 is the open subset parametrizing w-semistable classes which are represented by vector bundles.

Definition 5.1

Let L be the line bundle on C that is induced by the pair (L1, L2).We define 𝒮𝒰C(w, r, L) as the closure of

{ [E]VC(w,r,χ)d1,d2detE=L }

in 𝒰C(w, r, χ)d1,d2.

If we assume that r and di are coprime, then 𝒮𝒰Ci (r, Li) is a smooth irreducible projective variety of dimension (r2 − 1)(gi − 1). As in Lemma 3.1, we can define a vector bundle FL on 𝒮𝒰C1 (r, L1𝒮𝒰C2 (r, L2) just by restricting F. Then we can consider the associated projective bundle ℙ(FL) and


a PGL(r)-bundle on 𝒮𝒰C1 (r, L1𝒮𝒰C2 (r, L2). We denote by φL the restriction of the morphism φ defined in Theorem 4.1 to 𝒰L. As a consequence of Theorem 4.1, we have the following:

Corollary 5.1

Under the hypothesis of Theorem 4.1, the map


is a birational map, whose restriction φL|𝒰L is an injective morphism.

Proof. φL|𝒰L is a morphism and its image is the set Im φL = {EVC(w, r, χ)d1,d2 | [E|Ci ] ∈ 𝒮𝒰Ci (r, Li)}. In particular, Im φL𝒮𝒰C(w, r, L). Consider the map


sending E to (det(E|C1 ), det(E|C2 )), which fits into the following commutative diagramm:

It follows immediately that ψ is a surjective morphism and that Im φLψ−1(L1, L2).

We claim that ψ has irreducible fibers of dimension (r2 − 1)(g1 + g2 − 1).

First we prove that any two fibers of ψ are isomorphic. If (L1, L2) and (L'1, L'2) are in Picd1 (C1)×Picd2 (C2), then there exist ξi ∈ Pic0(Ci) such that LiξirLi. Let ξ be the unique line bundle on C such that ξ|Ciξi. The natural map


sending E to Eξ preserves w-semistability and gives an isomorphism of the fibers. In particular, with the fiber dimension theorem (see [13], p.95) this implies that any fiber has pure dimension (r2 − 1)(g1 + g2 − 1).

Finally we prove that any fiber is irreducible. Let Y = VC(w, r, χ)d1,d2 \ φ(U ); it is a proper subvariety of VC(w, r, χ)d1,d2 . Assume that the fiber of ψ over (L1, L2) is reducible, and let F1 be the irreducible component containing φ(𝒰L). Then there exists an irreducible component F2Y. So the restriction of ψ to Y is a surjective morphism whose fibers have dimension (r2−1)(g1+g2−1). This implies that dim Y = dim VC(w, r, χ)d1,d2 , which is impossible.

This allows us to conclude that 𝒮𝒰C(w, r, L) is irreducible too and φL is a birational morphism.

Theorem 5.2

Under the hypothesis of Theorem 4.1, 𝒮𝒰C(w, r, L) is a rational variety.

Proof. By hypothesis di and r are coprime, hence the moduli space 𝒮𝒰Ci (r, Li) is rational for any line bundle Li ∈ Picdi (Ci), see [14], [17] and [19]. Since 𝒰L is a ℙr2−1-bundle over the product 𝒮𝒰C1 (r, L1𝒮𝒰C2 (r, L2), it is a rational variety too. The assertion follows from Corollary 5.1.

Funding statement: Both authors are partially supported by INdAM - GNSAGA.

  1. Communicated by: R. Cavalieri


We would like to thank Alessandro Verra for comments on a preliminary version of this paper and the referee for several valuable advices.We are grateful to Prof. P. E. Newstead and Prof. A. Dey for suggesting us some references.


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Received: 2019-03-28
Revised: 2019-11-01
Published Online: 2021-07-13
Published in Print: 2021-07-27

© 2021 Filippo F. Favale and Sonia Brivio, published by De Gruyter

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