Piecewise autoregression for general integer-valued time series rights and content


This paper proposes a piecewise autoregression for general integer-valued time series. The conditional mean of the process depends on a parameter which is piecewise constant over time. We derive an inference procedure based on a penalized contrast that is constructed from the Poisson quasi-maximum likelihood of the model. The consistency of the proposed estimator is established. From practical applications, we derive a data-driven procedure based on the slope heuristic to calibrate the penalty term of the contrast; and the implementation is carried out through the dynamic programming algorithm, which leads to a procedure of O(n2) time complexity. Some simulation results are provided, as well as the applications to the US recession data and the number of trades in the stock of Technofirst.


We consider a N0-valued (N0=N{0}) process Y={Yt,tZ} where the conditional mean λt=λt(θt)=E(Yt|Ft1)is a function (see below) of the whole information Ft1 up to time t1 and of an unknown parameter θt belongs to a compact subset ΘRd (dN). The inference in the cases where θt=θ is constant or the distribution of Yt|Ft1 is known has been studied by many authors in several directions; see for instance, Fokianos et al. (2009), Fokianos and Tjøstheim, 2011, Fokianos and Tjøstheim, 2012, Davis and Liu (2016), Douc et al. (2017) among others, for some recent works. We consider here a more general setting where θt is piecewise constant (multiple change-point problem) and that the distribution of Yt|Ft1 is unknown. We refer to Franke et al. (2012), Kang and Lee (2014), Doukhan and Kengne (2015), Leung et al. (2017) and the references therein for some tests for change-point detection in integer-valued time series.

Let (Y1,,Yn) be a trajectory generated as in model (1.1) and assume that the parameter θt is piecewise constant. Also, assume that KN, θ̲=(θ1,,θK)ΘK and 0<t1<<tK1<n such that, {Yt,tj1<ttj} is generated from the jth stationary regime ; i.e., it is a trajectory of the process {Yt,j,tZ} (which are not actually observed for j=1,,K, see Section 2 for some details) satisfying: E(Yt,j|Ft1)=f(Yt1,j,Yt2,j,;θj),tj1<ttjwhere Ft=σ(Ys,j,st,j=1,,K1) is the σ-field generated by the whole information up to time t and f is a measurable non-negative function assumed to be known up to the parameter θt. K is the number of segments (or regimes) of the model; the jth segment corresponds to {tj1+1,tj1+2,,tj} and depends on the parameter θj. t1,,tK1 are the change-point locations; by convention, t0= and tK=. To ensure the identifiability of the change-point locations, it is reasonable to assume that θjθj+1 for j=1,,K1. The case K=1 corresponds to the model without change. In the sequel, we assume that the random variables Yt, tZ have the same (up to the parameter θt) distribution P and denote by P(|Ft1) the distribution of Yt|Ft1. For instance, for an INGARCH(p,q) representation, we have λt=α0,j+i=1qαi,jYti+i=1pβi,jλti, for all tj1<ttj,where α0,j>0, α1,j,,αq,j,β1,j,,βp,j0. The parameters vector of the jth regime is θj=(α0,j,α1,j,,αq,j,β1,j,,βp,j). Therefore, Θ is a compact subset of (0,)×[0,)p+q such that for all θ=(α0,α1,,αq,β1,,βp)Θ, i=1qαi+i=1pβi<1. For all j=1,,K, we assume that θjΘ; hence, there exists a sequence of non-negative real numbers (ψk(θj))k0 such that λt=ψ0(θj)+k1ψk(θj)Ytk. Then, f(y1,y2,;θj)=ψ0(θj)+k1ψk(θj)yk for any (y1,y2,)N0. For instance, if the distribution P is Poisson, negative binomial or binary, then we get respectively a Poisson, negative binomial, binary INGARCH process; see some examples in Section 4.

Our main focus of interest is the estimation of the unknown parameters (K,(tj)1jK1,(θj)1jK) in the model (1.2). This can be viewed as a classical model selection problem. Assume that the observations Y1,,Yn are generated from (1.2). Let Kmax be the upper bound of the number of segments (note that Kmax<n). Denote by Mn the set of partitions of 1,n into at most Kmax contiguous segments. Set m={T1,,TK} a generic element of K segments in Mn. Consider the collection {Sm,mMn} where, for a given mMn, Sm is the families of sequence (θt) which are piecewise constant on the partition m. Any ϑ=(θt)Sm depends on the parameter θ̲=(θ1,,θK) which is the piecewise values of θt on each segment. Set S=mMnSm. Denote by ϑ a generic element of S, with partition m and parameter θ̲. |θ̲|=K denotes the number of the piecewise segments, also called the dimension of ϑ. The true model ϑ with dimension K, depends on a partition m and the parameter θ̲.

For any ϑS, set λtϑ=k=1Kλt(θk)1tTk and denote by P(|Ft1,ϑ) the distribution of Yt|Ft1,ϑ; let p(|Ft1,ϑ)=p(;λtϑ) be the probability density function of this distribution. For ϑS, let Pn,ϑ be the conditional distribution of (Y1,,Yn)|Fn1,ϑ. We consider the log-likelihood contrast conditioned to Y0,Y1,: ϑS, γn(ϑ)γn(Pn,ϑ)=logPn,ϑ(Y1,,Yn)=t=1nlogp(Yt|Ft1,ϑ)=t=1nlogp(Yt;λtϑ).Thus, the minimal contrast estimator ϑ̂m of ϑ on the collection Sm is obtained by minimizing the contrast γn(ϑ) over ϑSm; that is, ϑ̂m=argminϑSmγn(ϑ). The main approaches of the model selection procedures take into account the model complexity and select the estimator ϑ̂mn such that, mn minimizes the penalized criterion critn(m)=γn(ϑ̂m)+penn(m),for  allmMnwhere penn:MnR+ is a penalty function, possibly data-dependent. We now address the following issues.

(i) Semi-parametric setting. Kashikar et al. (2013) have carried out structural breaks in Poisson INAR process from the MCMC and Gibbs sampling approach. Cleynen and Lebarbier, 2014, Cleynen and Lebarbier, 2017 have recently considered the change-point type problem (1.2) with i.i.d. observations; in their works, the distribution P is assumed to be known and could be Poisson, Negative binomial or belongs to the exponential family distribution. From the practical viewpoint, we consider the case where P is unknown and deal with the Poisson quasi-likelihood (see for instance, Ahmad and Francq, 2016). So in the sequel, γn is the Poisson quasi-likelihood contrast and ϑ̂m is the Poisson quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (PQMLE).

(ii) Multiple change-point problem from a non-asymptotic point of view. This question is tacked by model selection approach. Numerous works have been devoted to this issue; see among others, Lebarbier (2005), Arlot and Massart (2009), Cleynen and Lebarbier, 2014, Cleynen and Lebarbier, 2017 and Arlot et al. (2016).

In this (quasi)log-likelihood framework, it is more usual to consider the Kullback–Leibler risk. For any ϑS, the Kullback–Leibler divergence between Pn,ϑ and Pn,ϑ is KL(ϑ,ϑ)KL(Pn,ϑ,Pn,ϑ)=E[logPn,ϑ(Y1,,Yn)Pn,ϑ(Y1,,Yn)]=t=1nE[logp(Yt|Ft1,ϑ)p(Yt|Ft1,ϑ)]=t=1nE[logp(Yt;λtϑ)]t=1nE[logp(Yt;λtϑ)], where E denotes the expectation with respect to the true distribution of the observations. In the case where γn is the likelihood contrast, we get KL(ϑ,ϑ)=E[γn(ϑ)γn(ϑ)]. The “ideal” partition m(ϑ) (the one whose estimator is closest to ϑ according to the Kullback–Leibler risk) satisfying: m(ϑ)=argminmMnE[KL(ϑ,ϑ̂m)].The corresponding estimator ϑ̂m(ϑ), called the oracle, depends on the true sample distribution, and cannot be computed in practice. The goal is to calibrate the penalty term, such that the segmentation m̂ provides an estimator ϑ̂m̂ where the risk of ϑ̂m̂ is close as possible to the risk of the oracle, namely such that E[KL(ϑ,ϑ̂m̂)]CE[KL(ϑ,ϑ̂m(ϑ))]for a non-negative constant C, expected close to 1. This issue is addressed in the above mentioned papers, and the results obtained are heavily relied on the independence of the observations. In our setting here, it seems to be a more difficult task. But, we believe that the coupling method can be used as in Lerasle (2011) to overcome this difficulty. We leave this question as the topic of a different research project.

(iii) Multiple change-point problem from an asymptotic point of view. The aim here is to consistently estimate the parameters of the change-point model. This issue has been addressed by several authors using the classical contrast/criteria optimization or binary/sequential segmentation/estimation; see for instance, Bai and Perron (1998), Davis et al. (2008), Harchaoui and Lévy-Leduc (2010), Bardet et al. (2012), Davis and Yau (2013), Davis et al. (2016), Ma and Yau (2016), Yau and Zhao (2016), Inclán and Tiao (1994), Bai (1997), Fryzlewicz and Subba Rao (2014), Fryzlewicz (2014), among others, for some advanced towards this issue. These works and many other papers in the literature on the asymptotic study of multiple change-point problem are often focused on continuous valued time series; moreover, the case of a large class of semi-parametric model for discrete-valued time series (such as those discussed earlier) have not yet addressed.

We consider (1.2) and derive a penalized contrast of type (1.3). We assume that there exists a partition τ̲ of [0,1] such that [τ̲n]=m, where [τ̲n] is the corresponding partition of 1,n obtained from τ̲. We provide sufficient conditions on the penalty penn, for which the estimators m̂ and ϑ̂m̂ are consistent; that is: (|m̂|,m̂n,ϑ̂m̂)Pn(K,τ̲,ϑ)where m̂n is the corresponding partition of [0,1] obtained from m̂.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we set some notations, assumptions and define the Poisson QMLE. In Section 3, we derive the estimation procedure and provide the main results. Some simulation results are displayed in Section 4 whereas Section 5 focuses on applications on the US recession data and the daily number of trades in the stock of Technofirst. Section 6 is devoted to a summary and conclusion. The Supporting Information provides the proofs of the main results.

Section snippets

Notations and Poisson QMLE

We set the following classical Lipschitz-type condition on the function f.

Assumption Ai(Θ) (i=0,1,2)

For any yN0N, the function θf(y;θ) is i times continuously differentiable on Θ and there exists a sequence of non-negative real numbers (αk(i))k1 satisfying k=1αk(0)<1 (or k=1αk(i)< for i=1,2); such that for any y,yN0N, supθΘif(y;θ)θiif(y;θ)θik=1αk(i)|ykyk|;where denotes any vector, matrix norm.

In the whole paper, it is assumed that for j=1,,K, there exists a stationary and ergodic process {Yt

Estimation procedure and main results

In this section, we carry out the estimation of the number of breaks K1 and the instants of breaks t̲ by using a penalized contrast. Some asymptotic studies are also reported.

Some simulations results

In this section, we implement the procedure on the R software (developed by the CRAN project). We will restrict our attention to the estimation of the vector (K,t̲); i.e, the number of segments K and the instants of breaks t̲. For the performances of the estimator of the parameter θ̲, we refer to the works of Ahmad and Francq (2016). For each process, we generate 100 replications following the scenarios considered. The estimated number of segments is computed by using the QLIK criteria

Real data application

We apply our change-point procedure to two examples of real data series. To compute the estimator K̂n, the κ̂n-penalty is used with un=(log(n))δ (where 32δ2) and Kmax=15.

Summary and conclusion

This paper focuses on the multiple change-point problem in a general class of integer-valued time series. A penalized contrast estimator based on the Poisson quasi-maximum likelihood of the model is proposed. The theoretical study establishes the consistency of the proposed estimator. A data-driven procedure based on the slope heuristic is also proposed to calibrate the penalty term of the contrast. The simulation study based on three penalty procedures (BIC, n13 and slope heuristic) displays


The authors are grateful to the Executive Editors, Co-Editors and the two anonymous Referees for many relevant suggestions and comments which helped to improve the contents of this article.

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  • Cited by (17)

    • Deep learning for ψ-weakly dependent processes

      2024, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
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    Supported by the Institute for advanced studies - IAS (CY Cergy Paris Université, France), the MME-DII center of excellence (ANR-11-LABEX-0023-01) and by the CEA-MITIC (Université Gaston Berger, Sénégal).


    Developed within the ANR BREAKRISK, France : ANR-17-CE26-0001-01.

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