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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter July 10, 2020

On the odd order composition factors of finite linear groups

  • Alexander Betz EMAIL logo , Max Chao-Haft , Ting Gong , Anthony Ter-Saakov and Yong Yang
From the journal Journal of Group Theory


In this paper, we study the product of orders of composition factors of odd order in a composition series of a finite linear group. First we generalize a result by Manz and Wolf about the order of solvable linear groups of odd order. Then we use this result to find bounds for the product of orders of composition factors of odd order in a composition series of a finite linear group.

1 Introduction

The order of a finite group is perhaps the most fundamental quantity in group theory one can study. Accordingly, the concept of bounding the order of a finite group is a very natural one and has long been a subject of vigorous research. For example, Manz and Wolf obtained the following result [9, Theorem 3.5] in bounding the order of a solvable linear group by the size of the vector space on which it acts. For the rest of this paper, we let λ=243 and let


Theorem 1.1.

Let G be a finite solvable group, and let V0 be a finite, faithful, completely reducible G-module with char(V)=p>0. Then

  1. |G||V|α/λ.

  2. If 2|G| or if 3|G|, then |G||V|2/λ.

  3. If 2|G| and p2, then |G||V|3/2/λ.

In light of this result, it is natural to ask whether one can extend (b) and (c) to a similar result for the order of a subgroup H of a completely reducible linear group G (note that H need not be completely reducible on V).

It should be pointed out that several recent advances have improved the previous theorem. For instance, Guralnick, Maróti and Pyber [5] found a bound for the product of abelian composition factors of a primitive permutation group, and Halasi and Maróti [6] generalized part (a) of the above theorem to p-solvable groups.

Inspired by the above results and a sequence of papers written by the fifth author [8, 11], we consider the product of the orders of certain abelian composition factors. By combining the techniques used in [8, 9], we obtain an upper bound for the product of the orders of the odd order (abelian) composition factors of an arbitrary linear group, which generalizes part of Theorem 1.1 to an arbitrary finite linear group.

We define a(G) to be the product of orders of composition factors of odd order in a composition series of a finite group G. By the Jordan–Hölder theorem, we see that this quantity is independent of the choice of composition series.

Our main result is the following.

Theorem 1.2.

Let G be a finite group acting on V faithfully and completely reducibly, where V is of characteristic p. Then the following hold.

  1. a(G)|V|2/λ.

  2. If p2, then a(G)|V|3/2/λ.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we prove a slight generalization of [9, Theorem 3.5 (b) and (c)] which includes the solvable case of Theorem 1.2. In Section 3, we prove some properties of simple groups that are needed to reduce the general case to solvable groups. In Section 4, we prove a related result about permutation groups and then prove the main theorem of the paper.

We will use the following notation for the remainder of the paper. All groups in this paper are assumed to be finite. Given a group G, we use F(G) to denote the Fitting subgroup of G, and F*(G) to denote the generalized Fitting subgroup of G. The layer of G is denoted by E(G), and Out(G) is the outer automorphism group of G. In addition, for a prime p, we denote the order of Hall p-subgroups of G by |G|p.

2 The solvable case

In this section, we generalize [9, Theorem 3.5 (b) and (c)] to a subgroup H of G that satisfies the respective conditions. We note that the action of H on V need not be completely reducible, and thus the generalization is not trivial.

Proposition 2.1.

Let G be a finite solvable group, and let V0 be a finite, faithful, completely reducible G-module with char(V)=p>0. Let H be a subgroup of G.

  1. If 2|H| or if 3|H|, then |H||V|2/λ.

  2. If 2|H| and p2, then |H||V|3/2/λ.


Since G is solvable, we only need to consider the Hall 2-subgroup or the Hall 3-subgroup of G. The proof follows the arguments in [9, Theorem 3.5] with some slight adjustments in each of the steps. For consistency, we will adopt the notation used in [9, Theorem 3.5]. Step 1 shows that V is irreducible and the argument here is unchanged. Step 2 shows that V is quasi-primitive, and the argument there is unchanged as well. Step 3 shows that if we set |V|=pn, then we may assume that n2 and pn16. The calculation remains the same.

In step 4, we show that GΓ(pn), n>3, and if p=2, then n8. All the arguments are the same with the exception of proving n>3 for statement (2). Assume n=2; we note that e=2, 2p-1 and p5. We have


When n=3, we have e=3, p7, and thus |V|p3. Thus


We observe that |G|2p-1227p4.5/λ|V|3/2/λ.

In step 5, by examining the proof of [9, Theorem 3.5] carefully, we only need to check a few cases when e is small for case (2).

  1. If e=2, then |G| is divisible by 8 and A/FGL(2,2). Thus |A/F|23. Since |V|81, we have

  2. If e=3, then |A/F|GL(2,3), p4. Thus |A/F|23. Since |V|256, we have

  3. If e=4, we note that |A/F|215 and |V|81. Thus we have


This completes the proof. ∎

3 Properties of simple groups

The following property about the odd order subgroups of simple groups is needed for the reduction of the main theorem to the solvable case, which also has some applications to the study of quantitative aspects of orbit structure of linear groups.

The general outline of the following proof is, for most finite simple groups of Lie type, we use results related to Zsigmondy primes to find two prime divisors L1 and L2 of |G| such that there exist subgroups H1, H2 with Hi=SylLi(G) satisfying the conditions required. There are some exceptional cases when either the rank or the size of the finite field is small. In these cases, one cannot find suitable Zsigmondy primes. We handle these exceptional cases by checking the bounds via direct calculation.

Lemma 3.1.

Let G be a finite non-abelian simple group, and let r be a fixed prime. Then there exists a solvable subgroup H of G such that



We now go through the Classification of Finite Simple Groups.

(1) Let G be one of the alternating groups 𝖠n, n5. It is well known that |Out(𝖠n)|=2 except when n=6 and |Out(𝖠6)|=4. Thus |Out(𝖠n)|2=1 . Since 5|𝖠n| and 3|𝖠n|, the result follows.

(2) Let G be one of the sporadic or Tits groups. Then |Out(G)|2, and the result can be confirmed by [2].

For simple groups of Lie type, we go through various families of Lie type. To illustrate the method, [8, Proposition 4.1] gives a detailed analysis for An(q) and shows how to handle most cases. For those finitely many exceptional cases, we will check that the required inequalities hold by direct calculation. Since these arguments are similar, for the remaining families of simple groups of Lie type, there is a table in [8, Proposition 4.1] that handles all the exceptional cases.

(3) Let G=A1(q), where q=pf. We have


where d=(2,q-1) and |Out(G)|=df.

Case (a). Suppose that q is even. Then d=1 and |Out(G)|=f.

Assume there exists a Zsigmondy prime L1 for p2f-1. Then L1p2f-1, and thus L1pf+1 and L12f=2|Out(G)|2|Out(G)|2.

Assume there exists a Zsigmondy prime L2pf-1, where L2f. It is clear that L1L2. If L22f, then we are done. Otherwise, if L22pf-1, we consider the Sylow L2-subgroup L. Then |L|2f. However, we have the following exceptions by [8, Lemma 3.1].

  1. f=4, thus |Out(G)|=4, and |Out(G)|2=1. Since 24+1=17 and 24-1=15=35, we may choose L1=17 and L2=5.

  2. f=6, thus |Out(G)|=6 and |Out(G)|2=3. Since 26+1=65=517 and 26-1=63=732, we may choose L1=13 and L2=7.

  3. f=12, thus |Out(G)|=12 and |Out(G)|2=3. Since


    we may choose L1=17 and L2=7.

Case (b). Suppose that q is odd. Then d=2 and |Out(G)|=2f, implying that |Out(G)|2=f. We apply the same idea as before,


There exists an L2pf-1, where L2f and L1L2. If L22f, then we are done. Otherwise, if L22pf-1, we consider the Sylow L2-subgroup L. Then |L|2f. The following case is the exception by [8, Lemma 3.1]:

  1. When p=3, f=4, thus |Out(G)|2=1. Since 34+1=82=241 and 34-1=80=245, we may choose L1=41 and L2=5.

(4) Let G=An(q), where q=pf and n2. Set m=i=1n(qi+1-1). Then |G|=d-1qn(n+1)/2m, |Out(G)|=2fd, where d=(n+1,q-1).

With the exception of a finite number of cases, there exists a Zsigmondy prime L1 for pf(n+1)-1 such that L12f(n+1) or L12pf(n+1)-1. It follows that L122f(n+1). Let H1 be a Sylow L1-subgroup G. By [8, Lemma 3.2], with the exception of a finite number of cases, there exists a Zsigmondy prime L2 for pfn-1 such that L23fn2f(n+1) or L22pfn-1. This implies that L223fn2f(n+1). Let H2 be a Sylow L2-subgroup of G. Notice that L1L2.

Since |Out(G)|=2fd, |Out(G)|2fd. Also, n+1d=(n+1,q-1), and |H1|,|H2|2|Out(G)|2. Therefore, the result follows. The exceptions are listed in Table 1 (by [8, Lemma 3.2]).

Table 1

Exceptional cases for An(q).

23, 4, 6, 8, 12, 20111divides 2(n+1)-1divides 2n-1

(5) Let G=An2(q2), where n2. Note that if n=2, then q>2. Set


Then |G|=d-1mqn(n+1)/2, and |Out(G)|=df. By [4, Theorem A] and [8, Lemma 3.2], there exists a Zsigmondy prime L1pf(n+1)/2-(-1)n+1 such that L12(n+1)f2df or


Moreover, by [4, Theorem A] and [8, Lemma 3.2], with the exception of a finite number of cases, there exists a Zsigmondy prime L2pfn/2-(-1)n+1 such that L252(n+1)f2(n+1)f2df or


For all the exceptional cases, we can check the results via direct calculation and by considering the order of the group G and Out(G) (see Table 2).

Table 2

Exceptional cases for An2(q2).


We now provide a table (Table 3) for the simple groups of Lie types other than An(q) and A2(q2). The second and the third columns in the table are two large prime divisors that correspond to Sylow subgroups. ∎

Table 3

Other Lie type groups.

TypeL1L2Exceptional cases
Bn(q), q=pfpf(2n)-1pf(2n-2)-1(f=1,n=2); (p=2,f=3,n=2); (p=2,f=1,n=3)
Cn(q), q=pfpf(2n)-1pf(2n-2)-1(f=1,n=2); (p=2,f=3,n=2); (p=2,f=1,n=3)
Dn(q), q=pfpf(2n-2)-1pf(2n-4)-1(p=2,f=1,n=5); (p=2,f=2,n=5); (p=2,f=1,n=3); (p=2,f=1,n=4); (p=2,f=3,n=4); (p=3,f=1,n=4); (p=5,f=1,n=4)
Dn2(q2), q2=pfpf(n-1)-1pf(n-2)-1(p=3,f=2,n=3,4); (p=5,f=2,n=4)
E6(q), q=pfp12f-1p8f-1
E7(q), q=pfp18f-1p14f-1
E8(q), q=pfp30f-1p24f-1
F4(q), q=pfp12f-1p8f-1
G2(q), q=pfp6f-1p2f-1(p=2,f=1,2,3)
E62(q), q2=pfp6f-1p4f-1

4 Composition factors of odd order

In this section, we prove the main result of the paper. Before doing so, we need the following proposition about permutation groups.

Proposition 4.1.

Let G be a group of permutations on a set Ω of order n. Then a(G) is at most 2n-1.


We first check that the result is true for n4 (|𝖲2|22, |𝖲3|24, |𝖲4|28). We may assume that n5. We shall proceed by induction on |G|.

We first suppose that G is intransitive on Ω. Write Ω=Γ1Γ2 for nonempty subsets Γi of Ω such that G permutes Γ1 and also Γ2. Write ni=|Γi| for i=1,2, so clearly n1+n2=n. Let L be the kernel of G on Γ1 so that L acts faithfully on Γ2. By induction, we then have a(G/L)2n1-1 and a(L)2n2-1, and so a(G)2n1-12n2-1=2n-2<2n-1, as desired. So now, we may assume that G is transitive on Ω.

Suppose that G is imprimitive on Ω. Then there is a nontrivial decomposition Ω=iΩi with G permuting X={Ω1,,Ωr} and NG(Ω1) acting primitively on Ω1, where |Ω1|=m and n=mr. Let π be the permutation representation of G on X and K=kerπ. Set

K0=KandKi+1={gKigacts trivially onΩi+1}.

We note that a(G)=a0a1ar, where a0=a(G/K) and ai=a(Ki-1/Ki) for i1. By induction, a02r-1 and ai2m-1 for i1. It is easy to see that a(G)2n-1.

Thus we may assume G is primitive; then we know that G either contains 𝖠n or is one of the groups in the exceptional list by [10, Corollary 1.4]. If G contains 𝖠n, then the result is clear since n5. Otherwise, G is one of the groups in the exceptional list; we verify the result in Table 4. ∎

Table 4

List of exceptional primitive groups not containing 𝖠n.


With this result and the work done in the previous sections, we now can prove the main result.

Proof of Theorem 1.2.

Let S be the maximal normal solvable subgroup of G. Consider G¯=G/S. It is easy to see that F(G¯)=1. Therefore,


Moreover, we know that Z(E(G¯)) is trivial; otherwise, S is not maximal. Since E(G¯)/Z(E(G¯)) is the unique largest semi-simple subgroup of G¯, E(G¯) is the product of simple non-abelian subgroups.

Let C¯=CG¯(E(G¯)). Since F*(G) is self-centralizing, we have C¯<F*(G). Let K=G¯/C¯. Then K acts faithfully on E(G¯). We may assume that K acts transitively on L1=E11××E1k1, where E11,,E1k1 are non-abelian simple components of E(G¯). Let K1=CK(L1). We may assume that K1 acts transitively on L2=E21××E2k2, where E21,,E2k2 are non-abelian simple components of E(G¯). Let K2=CK1(L2), and inductively, we may define L3,K3,,Lt,Kt. Then E(G¯)=L1××Lt, and Ki-1/Ki acts transitively on Li.

Since G acts on V completely reducibly and S is a normal subgroup of G, we know that S acts on V completely reducibly. Since E1,,Em are non-abelian simple subgroups, there exists a solvable subgroup H=H1××Hm by Lemma 3.1, where Hi<Ei such that (Hi,p)=1 and |Hi|22|Out(Ei)|2. Therefore, |H|2=i|Hi|22m|Out(E(G¯))|2.

Moreover, K is a permutation group permuting E1,,Em. By Proposition 4.1, the product of the orders of all the odd order composition factors of K is less than 2m-1. Thus |H|22m|Out(E(G¯))|2, which is greater than the product of the orders of all the odd order composition factors of K and the 2 part of the outer automorphism of E(G¯).

Let ϕ:GG/S be the canonical homomorphism. Since (|H|,p)=1, we know that ϕ-1(H) acts on V completely reducibly by the generalized Maschke theorem (cf. [7, Problem 1.8]). Therefore, by Proposition 2.1, we have


and if p2, then |ϕ-1(H)|2|V|3/2/λ.

We observe that the odd order composition factors of G are distributed in the maximal normal solvable subgroup S, the outer automorphism of the direct product of simple groups E(G¯), and the odd order composition factors of the permutation group G¯/C¯. Therefore, a(G)|ϕ-1(H)|2, and the result follows. ∎

From this result, we derive the following corollary.

Corollary 4.2.

Let G be a finite group acting on V faithfully and completely reducibly (V is possibly of mixed characteristic). Then a(G)|V|2/λ.

Communicated by Evgenii I. Khukhro

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS-1757233

Funding statement: This research was conducted under NSF-REU grant DMS-1757233 by the first, second, third and fourth authors during the Summer of 2019 under the supervision of the fifth author. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of NSF and also thank Texas State University for providing a great working environment and support.


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Received: 2019-12-01
Revised: 2020-06-06
Published Online: 2020-07-10
Published in Print: 2020-11-01

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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