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Dual-factor Generation Model for Conversation

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Published:05 June 2020Publication History
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The conversation task is usually formulated as a conditional generation problem, i.e., to generate a natural and meaningful response given the input utterance. Generally speaking, this formulation is apparently based on an oversimplified assumption that the response is solely dependent on the input utterance. It ignores the subjective factor of the responder, e.g., his/her emotion or knowledge state, which is a major factor that affects the response in practice. Without explicitly differentiating such subjective factor behind the response, existing generation models can only learn the general shape of conversations, leading to the blandness problem of the response. Moreover, there is no intervention mechanism within the existing generation process, since the response is fully decided by the input utterance. In this work, we propose to view the conversation task as a dual-factor generation problem, including an objective factor denoting the input utterance and a subjective factor denoting the responder state. We extend the existing neural sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) model to accommodate the responder state modeling. We introduce two types of responder state, i.e., discrete and continuous state, to model emotion state and topic preference state, respectively. We show that with our dual-factor generation model, we can not only better fit the conversation data, but also actively control the generation of the response with respect to sentiment or topic specificity.


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  1. Dual-factor Generation Model for Conversation



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      ACM Transactions on Information Systems  Volume 38, Issue 3
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      • Published: 5 June 2020
      • Online AM: 7 May 2020
      • Accepted: 1 April 2020
      • Revised: 1 February 2020
      • Received: 1 October 2019
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