
Journal of Number Theory

Volume 217, December 2020, Pages 256-277
Journal of Number Theory

General Section
On the equation j=1kjFjp=Fnq

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnt.2020.05.005Get rights and content


In this paper, we show that the title equation, where Fm is the mth Fibonacci number, in positive integers (k,n,p,q) with k>1 entails max{k,n,p,q}102500.


Let {Fn}n0 be the Fibonacci sequence given by F0=0,F1=1 and the recurrence Fn+2=Fn+1+Fn for all n0. A number of recent papers have studied exponential diophantine equations involving Fibonacci numbers. For example, the equation Fnx+Fn+1x=Fmy in positive integers n,m,x,y has been studied in [5], [6] and [8]. The equation Fnx++Fn+k1x=Fm in positive integers n,k,m,x has been studied in [7] while the equation F1k++Fn1k=Fn+1++Fn+r in positive integers n,r,k, has been studied in [2] and [3]. For all these equations, all their positive integer solutions are now known. The title equation has been first studied, to our knowledge, in the paper [10]. Since F1=F2=1, the title equation has the solutions (k,n,p,q)=(1,1,p,q),(1,2,p,q) (for any p and q), as well as (2,4,p,1) for any p. We call such solutions trivial. From now on, we assume that k3. In that paper the authors suggested the following conjecture:

Conjecture 1.1

The only nontrivial solutions of the title equation are given by (k,n,p,q)=(3,4,1,2),(3,4,3,3),(4,8,1,1).

In [10], the authors found all solutions when {p,q}{1,2} by ad-hoc methods. A general method to find all solutions of the title equation when p and q are given was proposed in [4]. As an application, the authors of [4] confirmed Conjecture 1.1 for the range of the exponents {p,q}[1,10]. None of the above papers addressed the question of whether the title equation has only finitely many positive integers solutions and whether the current methods allow us to bound them or even compute them. The aim of our paper is to prove that there are only finitely many effectively computable solutions. Our concrete result is the following.

Theorem 1.1

The title equation has only finitely many positive integer solutions (k,n,p,q) with k3. They all satisfy max{k,n,p,q}102500.

We made no efforts to try to reduce the above bound. In the last section of the paper we explain why we believe that the computations are not feasible and that new ideas will be required to confirm computationally Conjecture 1.1.

Section snippets

The tools

Most arguments on exponential diophantine equations go via some linear forms in logarithms of algebraic numbers. We are no exception to this. So, let us recall the terminology and the results we need.

Let η be an algebraic number of degree d with minimal primitive polynomial over the integersa0xd+a1xd1++ad=a0i=1d(xη(i)), where the leading coefficient a0 is positive and the η(i)s are the conjugates of η. Then the logarithmic height of η is given byh(η):=1d(loga0+i=1dlog(max{|η(i)|,1})).

The set up

Recall that the equation isj=1kjFjp=Fnq. As we already mentioned, we take k3. Thus, n3 also holds. PutM:=j=1kjFjp=FnqandX:=logM. We want to bound X. We write(α,β):=(1+52,152) for the roots of the characteristic equation x2x1 of the Fibonacci sequence. Then it is well-known thatF=αβαβholds for all0. This is sometimes referred to as the Binet formula. We also use the fact that the inequalitiesα2Fα1 hold for all 1. At one point we will need the companion Lucas sequence {L}

The sizes of kp versus nq

Lemma 4.1

We have101X<kp<10Xand101X<nq<10X.


We have(αk/3)p(αk2)p<Fkp<M;M<k(j=1kFj)p<k(Fk+2)p<k(αk+1)p<α(k+1)p+3logk<α5kp. In the above, we used the identityF1+F2++Fk=Fk+21<Fk+2. Since 1/logα(2,3), it follows thatkp/3<3Mand2M<5kp, which gives the desired bounds for kp versus M. Similarly,(αn/3)q(αn2)q<Fnq=M<(αn1)q<αnq, so nq/3<3M and 2M<nq, which gives the desired bounds for nq versus M. 

The linear forms

Our proof exploits five linear forms in logarithms together with their lower bounds (by linear forms in logarithms) provided that they are nonzero:Γ1:=kFkpFnq1;log|Γ1|>c1kn(log10X)2;Γ2:=kFkpαnq5q1;logΓ2|>c1k(log10X)2;Γ3:=αp(k+1)(kαp(k+1)5p/2(αp1)2)Fnq1;log|Γ3|>c1pn(log10X)2;Γ4:=(kαp(k+1)(αp1)2)5(qp)/2αp(k+1)qn1;log|Γ4|>c1p(log10X)2;Γ5:=kαkpqn5(qp)/21;log|Γ5|>c1(log10X)2. We will justify the fact that they are non-zero later. For now, let us assume that they are.

The nonvanishing of the first 4 forms

It is easy to see that Γ1,Γ2 are nonzero. Indeed, sincej=1k1jFjk=(kFkpFnq) and k>1, it follows that Γ1<0. If Γ2=0, then α2nq=(kFkp)25qQ, a contradiction.

For Γ3, assuming that it is zero, we getkαp(k+1)=FnqΔp25p/2αp(k+1), where Δp:=αp1. Taking norms in Q[5], we get|(1)pLp+1)k2+(2Lp)k+1|=Fn2q5p|(1)pLp+1|2. For p even, we get|(Lp2)k2+(Lp2)k1|=Fn2q5p|Lp2|2. The case Lp2=0 is impossible since it leads to 1=0. Thus, both sides above are nonzero. If p is odd, we get|Lpk2+(Lp2)k1|=Fn

The terminology


We say thatFmj=(αm5)j(1+(1)mα2m)j is “expandable”, if the right parenthesis above satisfies(1+(1)mα2m)j=1+ζj,m,with|ζj,m|<1α1.5m.

Lemma 7.1

If κ>0 is any constant and j<mκ, then estimate (11) above holds provided m>c2:=c2(κ), where c2(κ) is such that2mκ<α0.5mholds for allm>c2(κ).


Suppose that m is even. Then(1+(1)mα2m)j<(1+1α2m)j<exp(jα2m)<1+2jα2m, provided j/α2m<1/2. Thus, we need 2j/α2m<1/α1.5m, or 2j<α0.5m, so 2mκ<α0.5m, which clearly holds for m>c2(κ). A similar argument works for m odd. 

The strategy

We will start with the linear form Γ1 which is small. We look for positive constants κ1,κ2,κ3 all smaller than 1 such thatk>Xκ1,p>Xκ2,n>Xκ3, for X>X0. For this subsection we shall ignore the implied constants (but we will make them explicit when time comes) and we use the Vinogradov symbols ≫ and ≪. If we succeed say first that k>Xκ1, it then follows, by Lemma 4.1, that pX/kX1κ1k(1κ1)/κ1 so, by Lemma 7.1, Fkp is expandable. This allows us to transform first Γ1 into Γ3. If this further

The value of κ1

Lemma 9.1

We can take κ1=1/4 for X>10200.


We write X0 for some number increasing from one iteration to the next which is a lower bound on X resulting from some inequality. At the end we collect the largest X0 that we have encountered along the way. We assume that k<X1/4 and we search for an acceptable X0. From Lemma 4 in [4], we have that Fj/Fj+12/3 for all j2. In particular, Fkj/Fk(2/3)j for all j=1,2,,k2, while for j=k1 this must be replaced by F1/Fk(2/3)k2. Thus, in the left-hand side of (3),

The value of κ2

Lemma 10.1

We can take κ2=1/9 for X>102000.


We follow the same convention about X0 as in Lemma 9.1. We assume that p<X1/9. We use Lemma 9.1 and Lemma 7.1 to conclude that Fjp is expandable for all j:=k/2+1(2). Indeed, for us,p<10X/k<10k3=100(k/2)3<(k/2)4, since k/2>(1/2)X1/4>100 for X>10200. Thus, it suffices, by Lemma 7.1, that κ/2>c2(4), where c2(4) is such that2n4<α0.5nholds for alln>c2(4), and we can take c2(4):=100. Thus,Fjp=αpj5p/2(1+O(1αk/2))forj[,k]. The constant inside O can be taken to be

The value of κ3

Lemma 11.1

We have κ3=1/10 for X>102499.


We return to estimates (13), use Lemma 7.1 and the fact that Fkp is expandable. Indeed, for this note thatp<10X/k<10k3<k4, and one checks that k>c2(4) in our range for k>X01/4. Thus, we get thatM=kFkp(1+O(11.5p))=kαpk5p/2(1+O(1αk))(1+O(11.5p))=kαpk5p/2(1+O(11.5min{p,k})). The constant inside the O can be taken to be 3. Thus, equation (3) iskαpk5p/2(1+O(11.5min{p,k}))=Fnq, and can be rewritten as|kαpk5p/2Fnq1|=O(11.5min{p,k}), where the constant inside the last

The case when Γ50

Lemma 12.1

We have X102499 provided Γ50.


Assume X>102499. By Lemma 11.1, Fnq is also expandable. Indeed we can check easily that q<10X/n<10n9<n10 and n>c2(10) in our range. So, equation (26) iskαkp5p/2(1+O(11.5min{p,k}))=Fnq=αqn5q/2(1+O(1αn)). The constants inside both O can be taken to be 10. This can be rearranged as|kαpkqn5(qp)/21|=O(11.5min{k,n,p}), where the constant inside the last O can be taken to be 100. In the left–hand side, we recognise Γ5 which we assume it is nonzero. Thus,log|Γ5|min

The case when Γ5=0

Lemma 13.1

If Γ5=0, then X102499.

Before giving the proof, note that this finishes the proof of our theorem since by Lemma 4.1, we have max{k,n,p,q}<10X<102500.


This is messy. We write X0:=102499. The condition that Γ5=0 implies the equality αkpnq=(5(pq)/2/k). Squaring this we get α2(kpnq)=5pq/k2Q. The only possibility is that both sides of the above equality are 1. Thus, kp=nq and k=5(pq)/2. In particular, p>q, pq is even and pq=O(log(10X)), where the constant in the O can be taken to be 10. We

Comments on computations

We did not make any attempts to reduce the bounds. However, we believe new ideas will be needed to lower the bounds to the range where one can just enumerate the solutions. Indeed, in order to reduce the variables, in the most fortunate case where Γ50, one is lead to a final inequality of the type|xlogαylog51/2+logk|exp{δz}, where(x,y,z):=(kpqn,qp,min{k,p,q}), and δ>0 in (30) is some small number. At this step, one applies a reduction method due to Baker and Davenport which only


We thank the referee for comments which helped us improve the quality of our paper.

References (10)

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    Balancing with Fibonacci powers

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  • S. Díaz–Alvarado et al.

    On a conjecture regarding balancing with powers of Fibonacci numbers


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  • N. Hirata-Kohno et al.

    On the Diophantine equations Fn+Fn+1x=Fmy

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