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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter June 13, 2020

Metrical universality for groups

  • Michal Doucha EMAIL logo
From the journal Forum Mathematicum
This erratum corrects the original online version which can be found here:


The aim of this note is to correct the proof of Proposition 2.15 in the original article [M. Doucha, Metrical universality for groups, Forum Math. 29 2017, 4, 847–872].

MSC 2010: 22A05; 54E50; 03C98

In [1], we construct a Polish metric group G with a compatible bi-invariant metric bounded by 1 (or any other fixed constant) so that any separable metrizable group admitting a compatible bi-invariant metric bounded by 1 can be embedded into G by an isometric monomorphism. In particular, we show that there exists a universal Polish SIN group. We refer to the original article for any unexplained notion and for the motivation. An important step in the construction is Proposition 2.15 which roughly says that if we have two bi-invariant metrics d1, resp. d2 on finitely generated free groups F1, resp. F2, such that the metrics are “close” in a certain metric defined in the article, then we can define a bi-invariant metric on the free product F1F2 which extends both d1 and d2, and such that the free generators of F1 are “close” to the free generators of F2.

The aim of this note is to correct the proof of Proposition 2.15 in the original article [1]. At the end of the proof, in between equations (2.3) and (2.4), it was estimated that |h2|+|h4|++|hl|=|a|-K. That is not true in general, however we shall show that without loss of generality we can assume that.

We restate the proposition here, following the notation of the original article, and provide a complete proof of it.

Proposition 1.

Take any natural numbers nm. Let p1 be a finitely generated metric on Fn and let p2 be a finitely generated metric on Fm such that p1p2Fn and p1 is δ-close to p2Fn, for some δ>0. Then there exists a finitely generated metric p on FnFm, with free generators {f1,,fn,f1,,fn,,fm} such that pFnp1Fn, pFmp2Fm and for every in we have p(fi,fi)δ.

Remark 2.

We note that in the original statement there was an equality p(fi,fi)=δ. While it is possible to prove the equality (under the assumption stated just before the statement of Proposition 2.15 in [1] that δp1(fi,1)+p2(fi,1)), in order to keep the size of the corrigendum appropriate we note that the inequality p(fi,fi)δ is sufficient for Embedding Construction 2.3 in [1]. Indeed, the reader can readily verify that the construction employs a sequence (εi)i with iεi<, and sequences of group generators (fi(n))n satisfying d(fi(n),fi(n+1))=εn in order to be Cauchy. Obviously, if we ensure d(fi(n),fi(n+1))εn, the sequence is Cauchy too.

For the new proof, we introduce the notion of a conjugation-invariant norm on a group, which corresponds to the notion of a bi-invariant metric, but it is easier to deal with in some situations.

Definition 3.

If G is a group, then a function λ:G[0,) is a called a conjugation-invariant norm (or shortly a CI-norm) if

  1. λ(g)=0 if and only if g=1G,

  2. λ(g)=λ(g-1) for every gG,

  3. λ(gh)λ(g)+λ(h) for every g,hG,

  4. λ(h-1gh)=λ(g) for every g,hG.

It is clear that if d is a bi-invariant metric on G, then λd(g)=d(g,1) is a conjugation-invariant norm on G, and conversely, if λ is a conjugation-invariant norm on G, then dλ(g,h)=λ(g-1h) (=λ(hg-1)) is a bi-invariant metric on G.

The notion of a finitely generated metric, or more generally of a bi-invariant metric generated by values on some subset, corresponds to the notion of a conjugation-invariant norm generated by values on some subset, and there is an obvious correspondence between these two notions.

Definition 4.

Let AG be a symmetric generating subset of a group G. We say that a conjugation-invariant norm λ on G is generated by values on AG if for every gG we have


where gh, for g,hG, denotes the element h-1gh.

If moreover A is finite, we say that λ is finitely generated, and the infimum in the above definition can be then replaced by the minimum.

Observation 5.

It is straightforward to check that if d is a bi-invariant metric on G generated by values on some subset AG2, then the corresponding CI-norm λd is generated by values on {g-1h,h-1g:(g,h)A}. Conversely, if λ is a CI-norm generated by values on some AG, then dλ is generated by values on the set A={(a,1G),(1G,a):aA}.

Finally, we note that we can consider the notion of distance, originally defined for bi-invariant metrics on free groups ([1, Definition 1.11]), also for CI-norms, and in exactly the same way. The reader can notice that the distance between metrics d and p in [1, Definition 1.11] is actually defined between the corresponding CI-norms λd and λp.

From now on, we assume that G is a finitely generated free group over some finite set of generators and λ is a CI-norm on G, generated by values on some finite symmetric subset AG, which we assume that, without loss of generality, contains the free generators of G (as was also done in the appropriate section in [1] – see [1, Definition 2.13]). We identify the elements of G with the reduced words over the alphabet consisting of these generators and their inverses.

We shall need the following definition of a match.

Definition 6 (Match).

Let w=w1wn be a word in the alphabet consisting of the free generators of G and their inverses. A match for w is a bijection ρ on {1,,n} satisfying the following properties. We note that in order to simplify the notation, we shall often freely identify ρ as a bijection on {1,,n} with a bijection on {w1,,wn}, i.e. write ρ(wi)=wj instead of wρ(i)=wj.

  1. for every in, we have ρ(ρ(i))=i, i.e. ρρ=id,

  2. for no i,jn, we have i<j<ρ(i)<ρ(j),

  3. if for some in, ρ(wi)wi, then ρ(wi)=wi-1 (the letter ρ(wi) is the inverse of the letter wi).

Remark 7.

The interpretation of this definition of a match ρ is that ρ describes how the word w is built from its subwords using the operations of concatenation and conjugation. For example if w=aba-1c and a match ρ is defined as ρ(a)=a-1, ρ(b)=b, ρ(c)=c, then ρ provides the information that w was built by conjugating the letter b by the letter a (or a-1) and then concatenating with c.

Let aG. Let w=w1wn be such that w=a. Let ρ be a match on w (freely identified with a match on {1,,n}). Set Iρ{1,,n} to be the set {in:ρ(i)i}. Let Jρ={1,,n}Iρ. Then Jρ can be further divided (not uniquely) into intervals J1,,JM, where each such interval is a (reduced) subword of w that corresponds to an element from A (this subdivision is always possible since A contains the generators). Let 𝒥ρ be such a subdivision.

We then define


where we identified the subwords from 𝒥ρ with the corresponding elements from A.

Now for a word w set

λ(w)=min{λ𝒥ρρ(w):ρ is a match on w,𝒥ρ a subdivision of Jρ}.

Finally, for an element gF, we may define


We claim that this definition of the CI-norm λ coincides with that one given by formula (1) (for free groups). We show that. Denote by λ1 the function given by formula (1) and by λ2 the function given by formula (2). Fix gG.

First we show that λ1(g)λ2(g). Pick an arbitrary word w such that w=g, match ρ on w and a subdivision 𝒥ρ={J1,,JM} of Jρ. For each iM, let a(i)1,,a(i)ji be the subletters a of w, in the order as they appear in w, such that a precedes the subword Ji, ρ(a)>a and ρ(a) appears after the subword Ji in w. We then have that


Then by definition


showing that λ1(g) is smaller or equal to λ2(g).

Conversely, choose any elements g1,,gnA and h1,,hnG such that


Let w be the word corresponding to writing g as h1-1g1h1hn-1gnhn and let ρ be a match on w which is the identity on letters of gi, for in, and for each subletter of hi, in, ρ sends it to the corresponding inverse letter in hi-1. Let 𝒥ρ={g1,,gn}. Then by definition


showing that λ2(g) is smaller than or equal to λ1(g). This finishes the proof of the claim.

Remark 8.

Another way how to prove the claim above is to directly verify that both λ1 and λ2 are the maximal CI-norms that are bounded from above on the set A by the prescribed values there. Since such a maximal CI-norm, if it exists, is unique, we get the equality between λ1 and λ2.

Consider now some aG and let w=w1wn be a word such that w=a, let ρ be some match on w and 𝒥ρ be some subdivision of Jρ. We shall define admissible operations on the word w, match ρ and 𝒥ρ that change w, ρ and 𝒥ρ to a word v=v1vm, match ν on v and subdivision 𝒥ν such that still v=a and λ𝒥νν(v)=λ𝒥ρρ(w).

Operation 1.

Suppose that there are i<i<n and some k1 such that

  1. wiwi𝒥ρ,

  2. wi+1wi+k is a trivial subword,

  3. i+k+1Iρ, or i+k+1Jρ in which case wi+k+1 is the left-most letter of some Jm𝒥ρ.

Then we can “move” the trivial subword wi+1wi+k in front of the subword wiwi and change the match accordingly. That is, we get a new word


such that vj=wj for j<i and j>i+k, vi-1+l=wi+l, for lk, and vj+k=wj, for iji. The match ρ on w is changed accordingly in an obvious way to a match ν on v. That is, ν(s)=t, for letters s,t in v, if and only if ρ(s)=t, if we view the word v as a permutation of letters in w. Also 𝒥ρ is changed to 𝒥ν accordingly. Clearly, v=w=a and λ𝒥νν(v)=λ𝒥ρρ(w).

There is also a symmetric version of Operation 1 in which we assume that there are 1<i<i and some k1 such that

  1. wiwi𝒥ρ,

  2. wi-kwi is a trivial subword,

  3. i-k-1Iρ, or i-k-1Jρ in which case wi-k-1 is the right-most letter of some Jm𝒥ρ.

The operation that we do then is the exact symmetric copy of the one above.

Operation 2.

Suppose that there are i<i<n such that

  1. wiwi𝒥ρ,

  2. wi+1=wi-1 and i+1Iρ.

Denote the subword wiwi-1 by V. Set j=ρ(i+1), therefore wj=wi. We have either j>i+1, or j<i+1 (in which case necessarily j<i). We suppose the former, i.e. j>i+1, the other case is analogous. We modify the word w to a word v by deleting the letters wi and wi+1 from w and replacing the letter wj (=wρ(i+1)) by the subword V-1Vwj (note that Vwj is equal to the word wiwi). That is, the original word w was


while the new word v is


Clearly, v=w. We must also change the match ρ into a match ν on v. We put {i,,i-1} into Iν as well as the indices corresponding to the subword V-1 of the subword V-1Vwj, and we ‘connect them’ by the match ν; that is, for ili-1, ν(wl)=wl, where wl is the corresponding inverse letter to wl in the subword V-1. On the other hand, the subword Vwj of V-1Vwj now belongs to 𝒥ν (previously, the equivalent subword wiwi belonged to 𝒥ρ). On the rest, ν is defined the same way as ρ; that is, all other letters s,t from the word v can be identified with some letters in w, and we have ν(s)=t if and only if ρ(s)=t. It is clear that λ𝒥νν(v)=λ𝒥ρ(w).

Like Operation 1, Operation 2 also has its symmetric copy which we do not describe here.

We can now proceed to the proof of Proposition 1.

Proof of Proposition 1.

Using Observation 5, we suppose that p1 and p2 are CI-norms. That is, we suppose p1 to be a finitely generated CI-norm on the free group on n generators {f1,,fn} denoted by Fn, generated by the values on some finite AFn, and p2 to be a finitely generated CI-norm on the free group on m generators {f1,,fm} denoted by Fm, mn, generated by the values on some finite AFn. Recall from the statement of Proposition 1 that we also have that p1p2Fn and that p1 is δ-close to p2Fn, for some δ>0. We define a CI-norm p on FnFm. Set D={(fi)εfi-ε:in,ε{-1,1}}. We let p to be generated by the values of p1 on Fn, by the values of p2 on Fm and by the value δ on D. That is, for aFnFmD we set


The norm p then extends to FnFm using formula (2). It is clear that p is in fact finitely generated as it is generated by the values on AAD.

For any in, we have by definition p(fi-1fi)δ, so we must check that p agrees with p1 on Fn and with p2 on Fm. The latter is easy and we show it first.

Take some aFm and suppose that p(a)<p2(a). Then there are elements a1,,akAAD such that a=a1ak and i=1kp(ai)<p2(a). Now for each ik, let aiFm be an element obtained from ai by replacing each generator fj, resp. its inverse, jn, occurring in the element ai as a reduced word over the alphabet {f1,,fn}±{f1,,fm}±{1}, by the generator fj, resp. its inverse. Notice in particular that if aiD, then ai=1. Since aFm, we have that a=a1ak. Note that we have p(aj)p(aj), for all jk. Indeed, if ajA, then aj=aj; if ajD, then aj=1, and finally if ajA, then since p1p2Fn we get that p(aj)p(aj). It follows that


which is a contradiction.

So we focus on the former, i.e. that p agrees with p1 on Fn.

Take some aFn and suppose that p(a)<p1(a). Then there is some word w=w1wk in the alphabet {f1,,fn}±{f1,,fm}±{1} such that w=a and a match ρ on w, and a subdivision 𝒥 of Jρ such that p(a)=p𝒥ρ. Set K={ik:wiFm}. Let us define a graph structure on K. We declare i,jK to be connected by an edge

  1. of type (1) if j is the least element such that i<j, wj=wi-1, and wi+1wj-1 is a trivial word; or symmetrically, i.e. with the roles of i and j reversed,

  2. of type (2) if i,jIρ and ρ(i)=j, ρ(j)=i.

We remark that this graph is analogous to that one defined by Gao in [2, Theorem 2.6.5] when computing the Graev metric.

Remark 9.

The interpretation of the graph is that it tracks, for each iK, how the letter wi gets cancelled in the reduced word w. Consider for example the word w=afa-1af-1bff-1c, where the letters a,b,c are from Fn and f is from Fm. Suppose a match ρ is defined on w so that ρ(1)=3 (matching the first a with the inverse a-1), ρ(5)=ρ(7) (matching the f-1 on the fifth position with f on the seventh position), and everywhere else ρ is the identity. Then K={2,5,7,8}, 2 is connected with 5 by an edge of type (1), 5 is moreover connected with 7 by an edge of type (2), and 7 is moreover connected with 8 by an edge of type (1).

Observation 10.

If iK lies in Jρ, then, since wi gets cancelled in the reduced word w, it is connected by an edge of type (1) to exactly one element of K (which cancels it). While if iK lies in Iρ, then it is connected to exactly two elements: by an edge of type (1) to an element from K that cancels it and via the match ρ to another element by an edge of type (2).

It follows, since the degree of each vertex is either 1 or 2 (note that no vertex iK can be isolated since the letter wi must get cancelled), that the connected components of K are either simple paths or cycles.

Claim 11.

Without loss of generality, K contains no cycles.

Proof of Claim 11.

Suppose there is a cycle C in K. By Observation 10, C consists only of edges of type (2), so the letters {wi:iC} are paired by the match ρ. It follows that C consists of an even number l of edges. Denote the vertices of C by i1,,il+1 so that for jl+1 odd, ij is connected to ij+1 by an edge of type (2). That is, {(ij,ij+1):jl+1 odd} is a subset of the match ρ, and wij and wij+1 get cancelled in w, for jl+1 even (mod l+1). It follows we may remove the letters {wij:jl} from w to obtain a word v, and v=w. Also, we modify the match ρ on w to a match ρ on v by removing {ij:jl+1} from its domain. The set 𝒥ρ contains the same subwords as 𝒥ρ. It is straightforward to check that λ𝒥ρρ(w)=λ𝒥ρρ(v). So we decreased the length of the word w without changing its reduced form and the value of the norm on it. By repeating the same procedure if necessary we can get rid of all the cycles. ∎

Next notice that if iKJρ, then wi is a letter of a subword, denoted by V(i), from 𝒥ρ. Either V(i)Fm or V(i)D. The paths in K that have exactly one end i with V(i)D are called good paths, the others are called bad paths.

Claim 12.

Without loss of generality, K contains no bad paths.

Remark 13.

The assumption that there are no bad paths means that every iK such that the letter wi is a part of some subword V(i)Fm is an end of a simple path from K whose other end is some iK such that wi is a part of some subword V(i)D. That informally means that the letter wi gets eventually cancelled in a subword fi-εfi from D.

This assumption is what was taken for granted in the original proof of Proposition 1.15 in [1]. Let us show how to conclude the proof provided that Claim 12 is proved. Let us replace the word w=w1wk by a word v=v1vk, where, for ik,

  1. vi=wi if wiFn,

  2. vi=fjε if wi=fjεFm, for jn, ε{-1,1}.

We note that indeed necessarily jn, since i lies in a good path. The match on v is the same as on w, however we shall denote it by ν for notational reasons.

Now we still have v=a, and by definition, p1(a)p𝒥νν(v). Thus we must show that p𝒥νν(v)p𝒥ρρ(w), i.e. J𝒥νp(J)J𝒥ρp(J). Let ϕ be the isomorphism from FnFm to Fn which sends fi to fi, for ij. Each J𝒥ρ from D was replaced by a trivial word in 𝒥ν. Let k be the number of such J’s. On the other hand, each J𝒥ρ that lies in FnFm was replaced by ϕ(J) in 𝒥ν that lies in Fn. Let k be the total length of such words. By our assumption that there are only good paths in K, we have kk. Indeed, for each J𝒥ρ that lies in Fn and each subletter wi of J there is one good path with one end i and the other end being j with wj=wi-1, and V(j)D.

Since p1 is δ-close to p2, we thus get that


and we are done. It remains to prove the claim.

Proof of Claim 12.

Let iK be an end of a bad path in K. It is connected by an edge to some jK. Without loss of generality, suppose that i<j. Also, without loss of generality suppose that V(i) has wi as its right-most letter. Indeed, otherwise V(i) would be of the form VwiV𝒥ρ, where V and V are some words, V=v1vl, and we would replace VwiV by its conjugate V(i)=VVwi and putting v1vl=V after this word and vl-1v1-1=V-1 before this word, and matching them together; that is, VwiV𝒥ρ is replaced by a word V-1(VVwi)V, where VVwi belong to 𝒥ρ, while the left V-1 and right V are matched using ρ.

In case that wjJρ, we may analogously assume that wj is the left-most letter of V(j).

  1. In case that wjJρ, we can move the trivial subword wi+1wj-1 right before V(i) using Operation 1. Then we get that V(i) and V(j) are neighbors and their neighboring letters are inverses to each other. By triangle inequality we may get these neighboring letters cancelled. This reduces the length of the bad path.

  2. Assume that wjIρ. We can again move the trivial subword wi+1wj-1 right before V(i), using Operation 1, so that wi and wj are neighbors. Then j is moreover connected by an edge to some l=ρ(j). Suppose that V(i) is the subword v1vr, where vr=wi. Using Operation 2, we can delete the letters wi and wj and we can replace the letter wl by the subword V(i) preceded by the letters vr-1-1v1-1 which are connected by the match to the sequence of letters v1vr-1 on the former place of V(i). This again reduces the length of the bad path.

Repeating the two steps above one can eventually get rid of all the bad paths by reducing their lengths. ∎

This finishes the proof of Proposition 1. ∎

Communicated by Manfred Droste


[1] M. Doucha, Metrical universality for groups, Forum Math. 29 (2017), no. 4, 847–872. 10.1515/forum-2015-0181Search in Google Scholar

[2] S. Gao, Invariant Descriptive Set Theory, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2009. 10.1201/9781584887942Search in Google Scholar

Received: 2018-09-26
Revised: 2020-06-02
Published Online: 2020-06-13
Published in Print: 2020-11-01

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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