
Advances in Mathematics

Volume 371, 16 September 2020, 107253
Advances in Mathematics

Convergence of scalar curvature of Kähler-Ricci flow on manifolds of positive Kodaira dimension

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2020.107253Get rights and content


In this paper, we consider Kähler-Ricci flow on n-dimensional Kähler manifold with semi-ample canonical line bundle and 0<m:=Kod(X)<n. Such manifolds admit a Calabi-Yau fibration over its canonical model. We prove that the scalar curvature of the Kähler metrics along the normalized Kähler-Ricci flow converge to −m outside the singular set of this fibration.


The “Analytic Minimal Model Program” starts with the discovery of Tian-Zhang [15], based on previous work of Tsuji [21], that on a minimal model (i.e. a projective manifold X with KX nef), the Kähler-Ricci flow always has a long-time solution, and on a general Kähler manifold, the Kähler-Ricci flow encounters a finite-time singularity if and only if the canonical bundle is not nef, and the solution exists as long as the Kähler class remains in the Kähler cone. This matches perfectly with the beginning step of the minimal model program in higher dimensional algebraic geometry. Motivated by Perelman's solution of the geometrization conjecture via Ricci flow, J. Song and G. Tian suggest in [8] that one can use Kähler-Ricci flow to study the classification problem in birational geometry. This program is called “Analytic Minimal Model Program”.

There are many important works from then on. In [12], Song-Weinkove gave a criterion under which a solution of the Kähler-Ricci flow contracts exceptional divisors on a compact manifold and can be uniquely continued on a new manifold. Then in [13], they investigate the case of the Kähler-Ricci flow blowing down disjoint exceptional divisors with normal bundle O(k) to orbifold points.

The analytic minimal model program with Ricci flow was laid out in [8], [9], [10], [11] to study the formation of singularities for the Kähler-Ricci flow on algebraic varieties. It is conjectured in [11] that the Kähler-Ricci flow will deform a projective variety X of nonnegative Kodaira dimension, to its minimal model via finitely many divisorial metric contractions and metric flips in Gromov-Hausdorff topology, then eventually converge to a unique canonical metric of Einstein type on its unique canonical model. The existence and uniqueness is proved in [11] for the analytic solutions of the Kähler-Ricci flow on algebraic varieties with log terminal singularities.

In [24], it is shown that if the Kähler-Ricci flow develops finite time singularity, the scalar curvature blows up at most of rate (Tt)2 if X is projective and if the initial Kähler class lies in H2(X,Q). In [2], Collins-Tosatti proved that the non-Kähler locus of a nef and big class on a compact complex manifold bimeromorphic to a Kähler manifold equals its null locus. Also see Song-Weinkove's note [14] and Tosatti's note [18] for clearer and more unified discussions.

In this paper, we shall study Kähler-Ricci flow on compact Kähler manifolds with semi-ample canonical bundles. Following Song-Tian, let (Xn,ω0) be a compact Kähler manifold with canonical line bundle KX being semi-ample and 0<m:=Kod(X)<n. Therefore the canonical ring R(X,KX) is finitely generated, and so the pluricanonical system |KX| for sufficiently large and sufficiently divisible Z+ induces a holomorphic mapf:XBCPN:=PH0(X,KX), where B is the canonical model of X. We have dimB=m.

Let S be the singular set of B together with the set of critical values of f, and we define S=f1(S)X.

Now let ω(t) be the smooth global solution of the normalized Kähler-Ricci flowωt=Ric(ω)ω,ω|t=0=ω0. It's well-known [15], [21] that the flow has a global solution on X×[0,). It's shown by Song-Tian [8], [9] that ω(t) collapses nonsingular Calabi-Yau fibers and the flow converges weakly to a generalized Kähler-Einstein metric ωB on its canonical model B, with ωB is smooth and satisfies the generalized Einstein equation on B\SRic(ωB)=ωB+ωWP, where ωWP is the Weil-Petersson metric induced by the Calabi-Yau fibration f. They also proved the C0-convergence on the potential level and in the case when X is an elliptic surface the Cloc1,α-convergence of potentials on X\S for any α<1. In [10], Song-Tian showed that the scalar curvature is uniformly bounded on X×[0,) along the normalized flow. The case when X is of general type is given by Z. Zhang in [23]. The case for conical Kähler-Ricci flow is given by G. Edwards in [3].

In [4], Fong-Zhang proved the C1,α-convergence of potentials when X is a global submersion over B and showed the Gromov-Hausdorff convergence in the special case. In [19] Tosatti-Weinkove-Yang improved the estimate and showed that the metric ω(t) converges to fωB in the C0 local-topology on X\S. Moreover, Tosatti-Weinkove-Yang [19] proved that the restricted metric ω(t)|Xy converges (up to scalings) in the C0-topology to the unique Ricci flat metric in the class [ω0|Xy] on the fibre Xy for any regular value y; this result is improved to be smooth convergence by Tosatti-Zhang in [20]. Also see Tosatti's note [18] for clearer and more unified discussions.

In fact, Tosatti-Weinkove-Yang [19] obtained in their proof that |ω(t)ω˜(t)|ω(t)0 as t on X\S, where ω˜(t)=etωSRF+(1et)ωB (see Section 2 for definition of ωSRF). This estimate describes very precisely how the metrics deform when approaching the infinity time since here we use the collapsing metrics to measure the norm. With the help of this good estimate, we are able to prove that |trω(t)ωBm|+|ωBω(t)2m|0 as t on X\S. With these preparations, we can prove the convergence of the scalar curvature along the normalized flow on the regular part X\S. More precisely, we prove that

Theorem 1.1

Let (X,ω0) be given as above, let ω(t) be the smooth global solution of the normalized Kähler-Ricci flow (1.2). Then we havelimtR(t)=m,onX\S×[0,). In particular, if S=, then f is a holomorphic submersion and we have|R(t)+m|Ceηt,onX×[0,), for some constants η,C>0 depending on (X,ω0).

After rescaling time and space simultaneously, we have the following immediately corollary from Theorem 1.1 of the unnormalized Kähler-Ricci flow.

Corollary 1.2

Let (X,ω0) be given as above, let ω(t) be the smooth global solution of the unnormalized Kähler-Ricci flowωt=Ric(ω),ω|t=0=ω0. Then we havelimt(1+t)R(t)=m,onX\S×[0,). In particular, if S=, then f is a holomorphic submersion and we have|(1+t)R(t)+m|C(1+t)η,onX×[0,), for some constants η,C>0 depending on (X,ω0).

Note that in Theorem 1.1, the limiting behavior of scalar curvature on the singular set S is unknown. A recent result of the author and two other authors [6] says that: If the canonical bundle KX is semi-ample, then for any Kähler class [ω] on X, there exists δX,[ω]>0 such that for any 0<δ<δX,[ω], there exists a unique cscK metric in the Kähler class [KX]+δ[ω]. Hence we can propose the following conjecture.

Conjecture 1.3

Let X be an n-dimensional Kähler manifold with nef canonical bundle KX and positive Kodaira dimension. Then for any initial Kähler metric ω0, the solution ω(t) of the normalized Kähler-Ricci flowtω=Ric(ω)ω,ω(0)=ω0 converges in Gromov-Hausdorff topology to the metric completion of (B\S,ωB) and the scalar curvature R(t) converges to Kod(X) in C0(X), where Kod(X) is the Kodaira dimension of X.

In general, it is natural to ask if the following holds for the maximal solution of the unnormalized Kähler-Ricci flow on X×[0,T), where X is a Kähler manifold and T>0 is the maximal existence time.

  • (1)

    If T<, then there exists C>0 such thatCR(t)C(Tt)1.

  • (2)

    If T=, then there exists C>0 such that|R(t)|C(1+t)1.

In [7], the answer to the first question is affirmative due to Perelman for the Kähler-Ricci flow on Fano manifolds with finite time extinction. For further developments, see [5], [16], [17], [25], [26], [27].

Acknowledgments. The author would like to thank his advisor Gang Tian for leading him to study Kähler-Ricci flow, constant encouragement and support. The author also would like to thank Jian Song, Yalong Shi and Dongyi Wei for helpful discussions. This work was carried out while the author was visiting Jian Song at the Department of Mathematics of Rutgers University, supported by the China Scholarship Council (File No. 201706010022). The author would like to thank the China Scholarship Council for supporting this visit. The author also would like to thank Jian Song and the Department of Mathematics of Rutgers University for hospitality and support. The author is grateful to the referees for valuable comments and suggestions.

Section snippets

Preliminary for the Kähler Ricci-flow

In this section let us recall some known results that we need in our proof.

From (1.1), we have fO(1)=KX, hence if we let χ=1ωFS on PH0(X,KX), we have that fχ (later, denoted by χ) is a smooth semi-positive representative of c1(X). Here, ωFS denotes the Fubini-Study metric. Also, we denote by χ the restriction of χ to B\S.

Given a Kähler metric ω0 on X, since Xy:=f1(y) are Calabi-Yau for yB\S, due to the work of Yau [22], there exists a unique smooth function ρy on Xy with Xyρyω0nm=0

Convergence of the trace and norm of generalized Kähler-Einstein metric along the flow

From now on, we denote by T0=trω(t)ωB.

In this section, we use Theorem 2.3 to prove |T0m|+|ωBω(t)2m|0 as t on X\S. As before, we use h(t),h1(t), to denote positive decreasing functions on [0,+) which tends to zero as t.

First, we have the following basic estimate.

Lemma 3.1

For any point xU with local product coordinates given by Lemma 2.4 around x and y=f(x), say (z1,,zn) around x and (y1,,ym) around y. Suppose on such coordinate neighborhood ω(t) is given byω(t)=i,j=1ng(t)ijdzidzj, then

The proof of Theorem 1.1

In this section we prove Theorem 1.1. All the operators ,Δ,, are with respect to the evolving metric ω(t).

We first need the following basic lemma to improve our decreasing function h(t). We remark that the argument for Lemma 4.1 is essentially the same as the proof of Lemma 3.4 in [19].

Lemma 4.1

For any h(t):[0,)(0,), a positive decreasing function which tends to zero as t, there exists a smooth positive decreasing function A(t):[0,)(0,) satisfying that: h(t)A(t),t0;A(t)0 as t; and

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