1 Correction to: BIT 25 (1985), 327–334 https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01934378

Dear readers,

In the originally published version, the author found some subsequent corrections.

page 328 line -13. The line between the two dots should connect them.

page 332 line +19. (yy…y] should be [yy…y]

page 333 line +1. sisks should be disks

page 333 line +2. seuqnce should be sequence

page 333 line -18. :- should be :=

page 333 line -16. res := hd(l):: should be res := hd(l)y ::

page 333 line -9. tl(l), should be tl(l)),

We apologize for these errors.