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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 23, 2020

Mathematical modelling of acute phase of myocardial infarction

  • Chermen A. Tsgoev , Olga F. Voropaeva EMAIL logo and Yuri I. Shokin


A mathematical model of the dynamics of cardiomyocyte death in myocardial infarction during the acute phase of the disease is developed. An economical computing technology of structural and parametric identification of model equations is presented based on the use of experimental data as dynamic parameters and on the idea of splitting the inverse coefficient problem with a large number of unknown parameters into a sequence of simpler inverse problems. The relevance of the proposed mathematical model is confirmed by comparison of the numerical solution to the problem with experimental data and also with the results of modelling of known therapeutic strategies.

MSC 2010: 97M60; 65L09; 90C31; 93B30


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Received: 2019-07-04
Accepted: 2020-01-16
Published Online: 2020-04-23
Published in Print: 2020-04-28

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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