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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access March 26, 2020

Tripled best proximity point in complete metric spaces

  • Yumnam Rohen and Nabil Mlaiki EMAIL logo
From the journal Open Mathematics


In this paper, we introduce a new type of contraction to seek the existence of tripled best proximity point results. Here, using the new contraction and P-property, we generalize and extend results of W. Shatanawi and A. Pitea and prove the existence and uniqueness of some tripled best proximity point results. Examples are also given to support our results.

MSC 2010: 47H10; 54H25

1 Introduction

Fixed point theory has become the focus of many researchers and that is due the fact that it has many applications in different fields, such as physics, engineering, computer sciences, ..., etc, ... However, sometimes maps do not have a fixed point so the best we can do is to get the minimum "distance" of a input and its output, which it turns out to be very interesting and it has many applications such a point is called best proximity point. Introduction of coupled fixed point by Guo and Lakshmikantham [1] in the year 1987 leads to the introduction of tripled fixed point by Vasile Berinde and Marine Borcut [2]. After this we had seen many coupled and tripled fixed point results on different spaces and under different contractions. B. Samet [3] proved some best proximity points theorems endowed with P-property. In [4] W. Shantanawi et. al. proved best proximity point and coupled best proximity point theorems. For more results on best proximity point and its application, readers can see research papers [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] and references therein.

W. Shantanawi et. al. [4] motivated us to introduce tripled best proximity point. In this paper, we proved some tripled best proximity point theorems and examples are also given.

Let A and B be any two nonempty subsets of a metric space (X, d). Define

PA(x)={yX:d(x,y)=d(x,A)},d(A,B):=inf{d(x,y):xA,yB},A0={xA:d(x,y)=d(A,B), for some yB}, and B0={yB:d(x,y)=d(A,B), for some xB}.

2 Preliminaries

Definition 2.1

[3] Let (X, d) be a metric space and Aϕ, Bϕ are subsets of X. Let T : AB be a mapping. Then aA is said to be a best proximity point if and only if d(a, Ta) = d(A, B).

Definition 2.2

[2] Let F : X × X × XX. An element (a, b, c) is called a tripled fixed point of F if F(a, b, c) = a, F(b, a, b) = b and F(c, b, a) = c.

Definition 2.3

[7] Let (A, B) be a pair of nonempty subsets of a metric space (X, d) with A0Φ. Then, the pair (A, B) has P-property if and only if


where x1, x2A and y1, y2B.

Definition 2.4

[5] A map ϕ : ℝ+ → ℝ+ is said to be a comparison function if

  1. x < yϕ(x) ≤ ϕ(y) ∀ x, y ∈ ℝ+;

  2. limn→+∞ ϕn(t) = 0.

If ϕ is a comparison function, we have ϕ(0) = 0 and ϕ(t) < t for all t > 0. Here [0, +∞)6 denote [0, +∞) × [0, +∞) × [0, +∞) × [0, +∞) × [0, +∞) × [0, +∞). Let Θ denote collection of continuous functions θ : [0, +∞)6 → [0, +∞) such that


Definition 2.5

[4] Let θ be a continuous function in Θ and ϕ be a comparison function. A mapping T : AB is said to be a generalized almost (ϕ, θ)-contraction if


Definition 2.6

[4] Let (X, d) be a metric space with Aϕ and Bϕ are closed subsets. Let F : X × XX be a mapping such that d(u, F(u, v)) = d(A, B) and d(v, F(v, u)) = d(A, B). Then F has a coupled best proximity point (u, v).

Definition 2.7

Let (X, d) be a complete metric space and Aϕ, Bϕ are closed subsets. An element (u, v, w) ∈ X × X × X is said to be a tripled best proximity point of F : X × X × XX if u, wA and yB such that d(u, F(u, v, w)) = d(A, B), d(v, F(v, u, w)) = d(A, B) and d(w, F(w, v, u)) = d(A, B).

3 Main results

We prove the following theorem

Theorem 3.1

Let (X, d) be a complete metric space. Let Aϕ, Bϕ are closed subsets such that A0 and B0 are nonempty. Let F : X × X × XX be a continuous mapping which satisfies

  1. F(A0 × B0 × A0) ⊆ B0;

  2. F(B0 × A0 × B0) ⊆ A0;

  3. Pair (A, B) has the (P)-property.

Let θ be a continuous function in Θ and ϕ be a comparison function satisfying

d(F(x,y,z),F(u,v,w))ϕ(max{d(x,u),d(y,v),d(z,w)})+θ[d(u,F(x,y,z))d(A,B),d(v,F(y,x,y))d(A,B),d(w,F(z,y,x))d(A,B),d(x,F(x,y,z))d(A,B),d(y,F(y,x,y))d(A,B),d(z,F(z,y,x))d(A,B)] (3.1)

for all x, y, z, u, v, wX.

Then (u, u, u) is the unique tripled best proximity point of F.


Choose x0, z0A0 and y0B0. Since F(x0, y0, z0), F(z0, y0, x0) ∈ B0, F(y0, x0, y0) ∈ A0, there exists x1, z1A and y1B such that d(x1, F(x0, y0, z0)) = d(y1, F(y0, x0, y0)) = d(z1, F(z0, y0, x0)) = d(A, B).

Continuing this way, there exist sequences {xn}, {zn} in A and {yn} in B such that

d(xn+1,F(xn,yn,zn))=d(A,B); (3.2)
d(yn+1,F(yn,xn,yn))=d(A,B); (3.3)
 and d(zn+1,F(zn,yn,xn))=d(A,B) for all nN{0}. (3.4)

If d(xn, xn+1) = d(yn, yn+1) = d(zn, zn+1) = 0 for all n ∈ ℕ, then we are done.

Suppose d(xn, xn+1) > 0 or d(yn, yn+1) > 0 or d(zn, zn+1) > 0.

Now, by condition (c), d(xn, F(xn–1, yn–1, zn–1)) = d(A, B), d(xn+1, F(xn, yn, zn)) = d(A, B), and using (3.1), we have

d(xn,xn+1)=d(F(xn1,yn1,zn1),F(xn,yn,zn))ϕ[max{d(xn1,xn),d(yn1,yn),d(zn1,zn)}]+θ[d(xn,F(xn1,yn1,zn1))d(A,B),d(yn,F(yn1,xn1,yn1))d(A,B)d(zn,F(zn1,yn1,xn1))d(A,B),d(xn1,F(xn1,yn1,zn1))d(A,B),d(yn1,F(yn1,xn1,yn1))d(A,B),d(zn1,F(zn1,yn1,xn1))d(A,B)]=ϕ[max{d(xn1,xn),d(yn1,yn),d(zn1,zn)}]. (3.5)

Similarly, from (c), d(yn, F(yn–1, xn–1, yn–1)) = d(A, B), d(yn+1, F(yn, xn, yn)) = d(A, B), and d(zn, F(zn–1, yn–1, xn–1)) = d(A, B), d(zn+1, F(zn, yn, xn)) = d(A, B) respectively and using (3.1), we obtain

d(yn,yn+1)=d(F(yn1,xn1,yn1),F(yn,xn,yn))ϕ[max{d(yn1,yn),d(xn1,xn),d(yn1,yn)}] and  (3.6)
d(zn,zn+1)=d(F(zn1,yn1,xn1),F(zn,yn,xn))=ϕ[max{d(zn1,zn),d(yn1,yn),d(xn1,xn)}]. (3.7)

From (3.5), (3.6) and (3.7), we get

max{d(xn,xn+1),d(yn,yn+1),d(zn,zn+1)}ϕ[max{d(zn1,zn),d(yn1,yn),d(xn1,xn)}] (3.8)

Repeating (3.8) n-times, we obtain






which gives




Let ϵ > 0. When n → +∞, ϕn(max{d(x0, x1), d(y0, y1), d(z0, z1)}) → 0 then there exists n ∈ ℕ, such that

d(xn,xn+1)<12(ϵϕ(ϵ)),d(yn,yn+1)<12(ϵϕ(ϵ)) and d(zn,zn+1)<12(ϵϕ(ϵ))for allnn0.

Now, we have to prove

max{d(xn,xm),d(yn,ym),d(zn,zm)}<ϵfor allm>nn0. (3.9)

Suppose (3.9) is true for m = k. Now,

d(xn,xk+1)d(xn,xn+1)+d(xn+1,xk+1). (3.10)

From (c), d(xn+1, F(xn, yn, zn)) = d(xk+1, F(xk, yk, zk)) = d(A, B), and using (3.1), we have

d(xn+1,xk+1)=d(F(xn,yn,zn),F(xk,yk,zk))ϕ(max{d(xn,xk),d(yn,yk),d(zn,zk)})+θ[d(xk,F(xn,yn,zn))d(A,B),d(yk,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(zk,F(zn,yn,xn))d(A,B),d(xn,F(xn,yn,zn))d(A,B),d(yn,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(zn,F(zn,yn,xn))d(A,B)] (3.11)


d(yn+1,yk+1)=d(F(yn,xn,yn),F(yk,xk,yk))ϕ(max{d(yn,yk),d(xn,xk),d(yn,yk)})+θ[d(yk,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(xk,F(xn,yn,xn))d(A,B),d(yk,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(yn,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(xn,F(xn,yn,xn))d(A,B),d(yn,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B)] (3.12)


d(zn+1,zk+1)=d(F(zn,yn,xn),F(zk,yk,xk))ϕ(max{d(zn,zk),d(yn,yk),d(xn,xk)})+θ[d(zk,F(zn,yn,xn))d(A,B),d(yk,F(yn,zn,yn))d(A,B),d(xk,F(xn,yn,zn))d(A,B),d(zn,F(zn,yn,xn))d(A,B),d(yn,F(yn,zn,yn))d(A,B),d(xn,F(xn,yn,zn))d(A,B)]. (3.13)

By using the properties of θ, limn→+∞d(xn, F(xn, yn, zn)) = d(A, B), limn→+∞d(yn, F(yn, xn, yn)) = d(A, B) and limn→+∞d(zn, F(zn, yn, xn)) = d(A, B), we have

lim supn+θ[d(xk,F(xn,yn,zn))d(A,B),d(yk,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(zk,F(zn,yn,xn))d(A,B),d(xn,F(xn,yn,zn))d(A,B),d(yn,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(zn,F(zn,yn,xn))d(A,B)]=0;
lim supn+θ[d(yk,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(xk,F(xn,yn,xn))d(A,B),d(yk,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(yn,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(xn,F(xn,yn,xn))d(A,B),d(yn,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B)]=0



When taking n0 large enough, we have

θ[d(xk,F(xn,yn,zn))d(A,B),d(yk,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(zk,F(zn,yn,xn))d(A,B),d(xn,F(xn,yn,zn))d(A,B),d(yn,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(zn,F(zn,yn,xn))d(A,B)]<12(εϕ(ε)), (3.14)
θ[d(yk,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(xk,F(xn,yn,xn))d(A,B),d(yk,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(yn,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B),d(xn,F(xn,yn,xn))d(A,B),d(yn,F(yn,xn,yn))d(A,B)]<12(εϕ(ε)) (3.15)


θ[d(zk,F(zn,xn,zn))d(A,B),d(yk,F(yn,zn,yn))d(A,B),d(xk,F(xn,yn,zn))d(A,B),d(zn,F(zn,yn,xn))d(A,B),d(yn,F(yn,zn,yn))d(A,B),d(xn,F(xn,yn,zn))d(A,B)]<12(εϕ(ε)) (3.16)

From the relations (3.9)-(3.16), we get


Thus (3.9) is true for all mnn0. Hence, {xn} and {zn} are Cauchy sequences in A and {yn} in B. Since (X, d) is complete, there exist u, v, wX such that

limn+xn=u,limn+zn=w and limn+yn=v.

Since A and B are closed, we get u, wA and vB. Since F is continuous,


Similarly, d(v, F(v, u, v)) = d(A, B) and d(w, F(w, v, u)) = d(A, B).

Thus, (u, v, w) is a tripled best proximity point of F. Now, we show that u = v = w.

Lastly, from (c) and using (3.1), we have

d(u,w)=d(F(u,v,w),F(w,v,u))ϕ(d(u,w))u=w. (3.17)

Therefore, u = v = w.

To prove the uniqueness, let t be another tripled best proximity point. Now,


This completes the proof.□

Theorem 3.2

Let (X, d) be a complete metric space. Let Aϕ, Bϕ are closed subsets such that A0 and B0 are nonempty. Let F : X × X × XX be a continuous mapping which satisfies

  1. F(A0 × A0 × A0) ⊆ B0 or F(B0 × B0 × B0) ⊆ A0;

  2. Pair (A, B) has the (P)-property.

Let θ be a continuous function in Θ and ϕ be a comparison function satisfying


for all x, y, z, u, v, wX.

Then (u, u, u) is the unique tripled best proximity point of F.


Choose x0, y0, z0A0. Since F(A0 × A0 × A0) ⊆ B0, we get F(x0, y0, z0), F(y0, x0, y0), F(z0, y0, x0) ∈ B0. Then by following Theorem 3.1, we get that (u, u, u) is the unique tripled best proximity point.□

Taking A = B in Theorem 3.1, we can get a triple fixed point which is given below:

Theorem 3.3

Let (X, d) be a complete metric space. Let Aϕ be a closed subset. Let F : X × X × XX be a continuous mapping such that F(A × A × A) ⊆ A, θ be a continuous function in Θ and ϕ be a comparison function satisfying


Then (u, u, u) is the unique tripled point of F.

Example 3.4

Consider X = {0, 2, 3, 4, 5} and d(x, y) = xy2 for all x, yX. Let U = {2, 5} and V = {2, 4} be subsets of X. Let F : X × X × XX be a continuous mapping given by F(x, y, z) = x + yz for all x, y, zX, θ : [0; +∞)6 → [0, +∞) given by θ(r, s, t, u, v, w) = min{r, s, t, u, v, w} and ϕ : [0, +∞) → [0, +∞) be given by ϕ(t) = t1+t .


Here, A0 = {2}, B0 = {2}, d(A, B) = 0. Take x, zA0 and yB0, then clearly F(A0 × B0 × A0) ⊆ B0, F(B0 × A0 × B0) ⊆ A0, condition (c) of Theorem 3.1 is true, satisfying (3.1) and also all the conditions of Theorem 3.2. Hence, from Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.2, (2, 2, 2) is the unique tripled best proximity point.□

Example 3.5

Consider (X, d) = ℝ, d(x, y) = |xy| for all x, y ∈ ℝ. Let U = [1, 2] and V = [–2, –1] be subsets of X. Let F : X × X × XX be a continuous mapping given by F(x, y, z) = x+yz3 for all x, y, zX, θ : [0; +∞)6 → [0, +∞) given by θ(r, s, t, u, v, w) = min{r, s, t, u, v, w} and ϕ : [0, +∞) → [0, +∞) be given by ϕ(t) = t1+t .


Here, A0 = {1}, B0 = {–1}, d(A, B) = 2. Take x, zA0 and yB0, then clearly F(A0 × B0 × A0) ⊆ B0, F(B0 × A0 × B0) ⊆ A0, the pair (A, B) has the (P)-property and (1, -1, 1) is the unique tripled best proximity point but not of the form (u, u, u). This is because (3.1) is not satisfied. Therefore, by Theorem 3.1, we cannot get the results.□

4 Conclusion

In closing, we would like to bring to the readers’ attention that our results were proven in metric spaces. So, we can prove these results in partial metric spaces, metric like spaces, or M-metric spaces.


The second author would like to thank Prince Sultan University for funding this work through research group Nonlinear Analysis Methods in Applied Mathematics (NAMAM) group number RG-DES-2017-01-17.


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Received: 2019-03-14
Accepted: 2020-02-01
Published Online: 2020-03-26

© 2020 Yumnam Rohen and Nabil Mlaiki, published by De Gruyter

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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