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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 23, 2020

On sequence spaces defined by the domain of a regular tribonacci matrix

  • Taja Yaying and Bipan Hazarika EMAIL logo
From the journal Mathematica Slovaca


In this article we introduce Tribonacci sequence spaces p(T) (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞) derived by the domain of a newly defined regular Tribonacci matrix. We give some topological properties, inclusion relation, obtain the Schauder basis and determine the α-, β- and γ-duals of the new spaces. We characterize the matrix classes on p(T). Finally, we give some geometric properties of the space p(T).

  1. Communicated by Gregor Dolinar


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Received: 2019-03-09
Accepted: 2019-11-26
Published Online: 2020-05-23
Published in Print: 2020-06-25

© 2020 Mathematical Institute Slovak Academy of Sciences

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