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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter January 17, 2020

Bounding the number of classes of a finite group in terms of a prime

  • Attila Maróti EMAIL logo and Iulian I. Simion
From the journal Journal of Group Theory


Héthelyi and Külshammer showed that the number of conjugacy classes k(G) of any solvable finite group G whose order is divisible by the square of a prime p is at least (49p+1)/60. Here an asymptotic generalization of this result is established. It is proved that there exists a constant c>0 such that, for any finite group G whose order is divisible by the square of a prime p, we have k(G)cp.

1 Introduction

Let k(G) denote the number of conjugacy classes of a finite group G. This is also the number of complex irreducible characters of G. Bounding k(G) is a fundamental problem in group and representation theory.

Let G be a finite group and p a prime divisor of the order |G| of G. In this paper, we discuss lower bounds for k(G) only in terms of p.

Pyber observed that results of Brauer [1] imply that G contains at least 2p-1 conjugacy classes provided that p2 does not divide |G|. Building on works of Héthelyi and Külshammer [8], Malle [17], Keller [12], Héthelyi, Horváth, Keller and Maróti [7], it was shown in [19] that k(G)2p-1 for any finite group G and any prime p dividing |G|, with equality if and only if p-1 is an integer, G=CpCp-1 and CG(Cp)=Cp.

The objective of the current paper is to provide a stronger lower bound for k(G) in the case where p2 divides |G|. Héthelyi and Külshammer [9] showed that, for any finite solvable group G and any prime p such that p2 divides |G|, the number of conjugacy classes of G is at least (49p+1)/60. This bound is sharp [9] for infinitely many primes p; however, it does not generalize [8] to arbitrary finite groups since there are infinitely many non-solvable groups G and primes p with k(G)=0.55p-0.05.

The main result of this paper is the following.

Theorem 1.1.

There exists a constant c>0 such that, for any finite group G whose order is divisible by the square of a prime p, we have k(G)cp.

Questions of Pyber and the papers [8, 9] of Héthelyi and Külshammer motivated our result.

Let B be a p-block of a finite group G, and let D be a defect group of B. The number k(B) of complex irreducible characters of G associated to the block B is a lower bound for k(G). A recent result of Otokita [20, Corollary 4] states that k(B)(pm+p-2)/(p-1), where pm denotes the exponent of the center of D.

Finally, note that Kovács and Leedham-Green [14] have constructed, for every odd prime p, a finite p-group G of order pp with k(G)=12(p3-p2+p+1) (see also [21]).

2 Affine groups

The purpose of this section is to prove Proposition 2.2. For this, we need the following lemma. The base of the logarithms in this paper is always 2.

Lemma 2.1.

Let H be a finite group and V a finite, faithful, completely reducible H-module over a finite field of characteristic p. Assume that H has no composition factor isomorphic to an alternating group of degree larger than (logp)3 and has no composition factor isomorphic to a simple group of Lie type defined over a field of characteristic p. Put pn=|V|. Then H has an abelian subgroup of index at most (c1logp)7(n-1) for some universal constant c1>1.

Note that, once Lemma 2.1 is proved, it may be extended by a theorem of Chermak and Delgado [11, Theorem 1.41] as follows. Under the conditions of Lemma 2.1, the group H contains a characteristic abelian subgroup of index at most (c1logp)14(n-1) for some universal constant c1>1 .

Proof of Lemma 2.1.

Assume first that V is a primitive and irreducible H-module. We use the following structure result which is implicit in the proofs of [6] (see for example the proof of [6, Theorem 9.1]). Let F be the largest field such that H embeds in ΓLF(V). Let C be the subgroup of non-zero elements in F. We claim that |H/(HC)|(c1logp)7(n-1) for some universal constant c1>1. For this, we may assume that CH.

Let H0 be the centralizer of C in H, and let R be a normal subgroup of H contained in H0 minimal with respect to not being contained in C (if such exists). There are two possibilities for R. It is of symplectic type and |R/Z(R)|=r2a for some prime r and integer a such that r divides |F|-1 or R is a central product of t isomorphic quasisimple groups.

Choose a maximal collection J1,,Jm of such non-cyclic normal subgroups in H0 which pairwise commute (if such exist). Let J be the central product of the subgroups J1,,Jm. Then H0/(CSol(J)) embeds in the direct product of the automorphism groups of Ji/Z(Ji), where Sol(J) denotes the solvable radical of J. (Note that, in the proof of [6, Theorem 9.1], it was falsely asserted that H0/C embeds in the direct product of the automorphism groups; however, this did not affect the proof of [6, Theorem 9.1] nor [6, Theorem 10.1].)

Let W be an irreducible constituent of V for the normal subgroup J of H (provided that J is non-trivial). Since H is primitive on V, it follows that J acts homogeneously on V by Clifford’s theorem. Let E=EndFJ(W). Now we have WU1Um, where Ui is an absolutely irreducible EJi-module by [13, Lemma 5.5.5]. Notice that E may be viewed as a subfield of EndFJ(V), and since J is normal in H, the multiplicative group of E is normalized by H. Our choice of F implies that E=F. If Ji is of symplectic type with Ji/Z(Ji) of order ri2ai, then dimUi=riai. If Ji is a central product of t isomorphic quasisimple groups Qi,j with 1jt, then UiUi,1Ui,t, where Ui,j is an absolutely irreducible (faithful) FQi,j-module for every j with 1jt, by [13, Lemma 5.5.5 and Lemma 2.10.1].

Let |F|=pf and d=dimFV. The product of the orders of all abelian composition factors in any composition series of the factor group H/C is less than fd2logd+3n2logn+4 by [6, Theorem 10.1] and its proof. This is at most (c2logp)n-1 for some constant c2>2. We may now assume that J1 and n>1.

Let b(X) denote the product of the orders of all non-abelian composition factors in any composition series of a finite group X. Since |H/C|(c2logp)n-1b(H), we proceed to bound b(H).

Without loss of generality, assume that J1,,Jk are groups of symplectic type with k0 and |Ji/Z(Ji)|=ri2ai for some primes ri and integers ai, and assume that Jk+1,,Jm are groups not of symplectic type. For each with k+1m, let J be a central product of t copies, say Q,1,,Q,t, of a quasisimple group Q. In this case, UU,1U,t, where U,j is an irreducible (faithful) Q,j-module for every j with 1jt. Using this notation, we may write the following:


Since H/H0 and CSol(J) are solvable, b(H)=b(H0/(CSol(J))). Recall from the third paragraph of this proof that the group H0/(CSol(J)) embeds in the direct product of the automorphism groups of the Ji/Z(Ji). There exists a chain of subnormal subgroups


such that Ni-1/NiAut(Ji/Z(Ji)) for every i with 1im. These give


Since i=1kriain by (2.1), we have


We see by Schreier’s conjecture that, for every with k+1m, we have b(N-1/N)|T|b(Q)t, where T is some permutation group of degree t having no composition factor isomorphic to an alternating group of degree larger than (logp)3. Now |T|(2logp)3(t-1) by [18, Corollary 1.5]. Using the fact that =k+1mtlogn (see (2.1)), we have


It follows by (2.2), (2.3) and (2.4) that


for some constant c3>1.

Let T be a quasisimple group with T/Z(T) not isomorphic to an alternating group of degree larger than (logp)3 and not isomorphic to a simple group of Lie type defined over a field of characteristic p. Let U be any finite, faithful FT-module over the finite field F of order pf. Put |F|s=|U|. We claim that


for some universal constant c4>1. We use [15]. A consequence of [13, (5.3.2), Corollary 5.3.3 and Theorem 5.3.9] is that if T/Z(T) is a simple group of Lie type in characteristic different from p, then |T/Z(T)|<(c4logp)3(s-1) for some constant c4>1. By choosing c4 to be at least the maximum of the size of the Monster and the largest value of r! for which r!rr-5, where r is a positive integer, our bound on |T/Z(T)| extends to the case when T/Z(T) is a sporadic simple group or T/Z(T) is an alternating group of degree r with r!rr-5. If T/Z(T) is an alternating group of degree r(logp)3 such that r!<rr-5, then


where the last inequality follows from [13, (5.3.2), Corollary 5.3.3 and Proposition 5.3.7]. This proves our claim.

For every with k+1m, define s2 by

|U,1|=|F|s,that is,s=dimU,1.

Using (2.6) and (2.1), we find that


We have b(H)<(c3c4logp)6(n-1) by (2.5) and (2.7). Thus


Finally, set c1=c2c3c4>2.

This finishes the proof of the lemma in case V is a primitive and irreducible H-module.

Let H be a counterexample to the statement of the lemma with dimV minimal and with c1 as before. Put f(p)=(c1logp)7.

We claim that V must be an irreducible H-module. Assume that V=V1V2, where V1 and V2 are non-trivial (completely reducible) H-modules. Let H1 be the action of H on V1, and let H2 be the action of H on V2. The groups H1 and H2 are factor groups of H and thus have no non-abelian composition factor which is not a composition factor of H. The group H may be viewed as a subgroup of H1×H2. Since H is a counterexample with dimV minimal, there exist an abelian subgroup A1 in H1 of index at most f(p)m-1 and an abelian subgroup A2 in H2 of index at most f(p)n-m-1, where pm=|V1|. The group A=(A1×A2)H is an abelian subgroup of H. Moreover,


This is a contradiction. Thus V is an irreducible H-module.

We claim that V cannot be an imprimitive H-module. Let V=V1++Vt with t>1 be an imprimitivity decomposition for V with each Vi a subspace in V, and let N be the normal subgroup of H consisting of all elements leaving every Vi invariant. The group N acts completely reducibly on V and thus also on each Vi by Clifford’s theorem. For every i with 1it, let Hi be the action of N on Vi. The group H/N may be viewed as a permutation group of degree t. In particular, H may be viewed as a subgroup of a full wreath product of the form W=(H1××Ht):Sym(t). Since H is a counterexample with dimV minimal, there exists an abelian subgroup Ai in Hi, for every i with 1it, such that |Hi:Ai|f(p)(n/t)-1. The group A1××At is contained in W. Thus A=(A1××At)N is an abelian subgroup in H. As before,


The permutation group H/N of degree t has no composition factor isomorphic to an alternating group of degree larger than (logp)3. It follows that


by [18, Corollary 1.5]. We thus have |H:A|<f(p)n-tf(p)t-1=f(p)n-1 by (2.8) and (2.9). A contradiction.

This finishes the proof of the lemma. ∎

Let X be a finite group. Denote the number of orbits of Aut(X) on X by k*(X). If X acts on a set Y, then denote the number of orbits of X on Y by n(X,Y).

Proposition 2.2.

There exists a universal constant c5>0 such that if G is a finite group having an elementary abelian minimal normal subgroup V of p-rank at least 2 and |G/V| is not divisible by p2, then k(G)c5p.


Since k(G)k(G/V)+n(G,V)-1 by Clifford’s theorem, it is sufficient to show that k(G/V)+n(G,V)c6p for some universal constant c6>0. For this latter claim, we may assume that G/V acts faithfully on V, that is, V is a faithful and irreducible H:=G/V-module. This is because


We may assume that p is sufficiently large.

Every non-abelian (simple) composition factor of H (provided that it exists) has order coprime to p, except possibly one which has order divisible by p (but not by p2). There are the following possibilities for a non-abelian composition factor S of H: (i) S is an alternating group; (ii) S is a simple group of Lie type in characteristic different from p; (iii) SPSL(2,p); (iv) S is a sporadic simple group.

Suppose that such a composition factor S exists. We have k(H)k*(S) by [21, Lemma 2.5]. Since k*(PSL(2,p))(p-1)/4, by considering diagonal matrices in SL(2,p), we may exclude case (iii) by choosing c5<15 (since we are assuming that p is sufficiently large). Let S be an alternating group of degree r5. Since |Out(S)|4, we have k*(S)k(S)/4. Since S is a normal subgroup of index 2 in the symmetric group of degree r, we have k(S)π(r)/2 where π(r) denotes the number of partitions of r. We thus find that k*(S)c7r for some constant c7>1. If r>(logp)3, then k*(S)>p for sufficiently large p. Thus we assume that every alternating composition factor of H has degree at most (logp)3.

The group H contains an abelian subgroup A with


by Lemma 2.1. Furthermore, k(H)k(A)/|H:A|=|A|/|H:A| by [4, p. 502] and n(G,V)|V|/|H|. These give


Since the real function g(x)=x+(|V|/x) takes its minimum in the interval [1,|V|] when x=|V|, we find that k(H)+n(G,V)>2|V|(1/2)-o(1)>p for sufficiently large p, unless |V|=p2.

Let |V|=p2. Note that, in [9, p. 661 and 662], it is shown that if G is solvable, we have


Thus we may assume that G is non-solvable. In this case, H/Z(H) is either Alt(5) or Sym(5) (given that case (iii) above cannot occur) by [2, Section XII.260] or [10, Hauptsatz II.8.27]. Also, |Z(H)|<p since H is non-solvable by assumption. Thus there exists a constant c8>0 such that k(G)n(G,V)|V|/|H|>c8p.

This finishes the proof of the proposition. ∎

3 Finite simple groups

In this section, we prove Propositions 3.7 and 3.8. We first prove a few preliminary lemmas.

Lemma 3.1.

Let p,qN+{1} such that pqi+(-1)a and pqj+(-1)b for some i,jN+ and some a,b{0,1}. If (i,a)(j,b), then



Without loss of generality, we may assume that ji. By our assumptions, since pqj+1, it is sufficient to show that pqi-j+1. We have


Assume first that ij and a=b. Then pqi-qj=qj(qi-j-1), and so pqi-j-1. If ab, then


and so pqi-j+1. ∎

Lemma 3.2.

Suppose that P(x) is a polynomial admitting a factorization of the form P+(x)P-(x), where


for some sets of integers S+ and S- and positive integers ki+ and ki-. Set


Assume that ki+=ki-=1 for every index i strictly larger than m/2. If p is an odd prime such that p2P(q) for some integer q2, then pqm/2+1.


Let p be an odd prime such that p2P(q) for some positive integer q2. Let iS+S- be such that pqi+1 or pqi-1. If im/2, the assertion is clear, so assume that i>m/2. If p2qi+1 or p2qi-1, then


Otherwise, there exists jS+S- distinct from i such that


By Lemma 3.1, pqmin{i,j,|i-j|}+1. Observe that min{i,j,|i-j|}m/2. For a proof of this observation, we may assume that ijm, and so i or j-i is at most m/2. ∎

Table 1

Lemma 3.3.

Let S be a finite simple group of Lie type of Lie rank r defined over a field of size q as in Table 1. If p is an odd prime such that pq and p2|S|, then pq(r+1)/2+1 if r>8 and pqr-12+1 if r8.


Observe that |S| divides P-(q)P+(q) times a suitable power of q, so p2P-(q)P+(q). If m is as in the statement of Lemma 3.2, then pqm/2+1. According to Table 1, mr+1 if r>8 and m2r-1 if r8. The result follows. ∎

Table 2

Lemma 3.4.

Let S be a finite simple group of Lie type of Lie rank r defined over a field of size q as in Table 2. There exists a constant c10 such that if p is an odd prime with pq and p2|S|, then pc10qr-12.


Let P(q) be as in Table 2. Notice that p2P(q). If p2 divides any of the three, four and eight factors in the factorizations of P(q) in Table 2, in the respective three cases, then the statement holds. The statement also holds in case S=F42(q) when p2(q-1)2. We may assume that there are two distinct factors P1(q) and P2(q) in the factorization of P(q) given in Table 2 which are divisible by p. Hence pP1(q)-P2(q).

Let S be B22(q), where q=22t+1. In this case, |P1(q)-P2(q)|22q. Similarly, if S is G22(q), then p23q.

Let S be F42(q), where q=22t+1. Assume first that P1(q) and P2(q) have the same degree. In this case, |P1(q)-P2(q)|22q3. Otherwise, p divides a factor of degree 1, and so pq+2q+1. In any case, the result follows. ∎

Table 3

Lemma 3.5.

Let S and r be as in Table 3. Then both k(D43(q)) and k(E62(q)) are at least c11qr+2 for some constant c11>0. We also have



See [16] and [5, Corollary 3.11]. ∎

Lemma 3.6.

Let S be a finite simple group of Lie type of Lie rank r defined over a field of size q as in Table 3. There exists a constant c12 such that if p is an odd prime with pq and p2|S|, then pc12qr+1.


First let S be D43(q). If p divides a factor of P(q) as in Table 3 of degree at most 3, then the claim is clear. Otherwise,


Since p is an odd prime and p2(q6-1)(q6+1), we have p2q6+1. Next, let S be E62(q). If p divides a factor of P(q) in Table 3 of degree at most 5, then the claim follows. So we may assume that p2(q6+1)(q9+1). By Lemma 3.2, pq4.5+1.

Finally, let S be An-12(q). In this case, pqr+12+1, by Lemma 3.2. ∎

Let M(S) denote the Schur multiplier of a non-abelian finite simple group S.

Proposition 3.7.

There exists a constant c9>0 such that k(S)c9p for any non-abelian finite simple group S and any prime p such that



We may assume that S and p are sufficiently large. In particular, we may ignore sporadic simple groups and small alternating groups, and we may assume that p is odd.

Let S be an alternating group Alt(r). Since p is odd, p2 must divide |S|, and so pr. Since there are [r/3] conjugacy classes of elements of order 3 in Sym(r), we have [r/3]k(Alt(r)), for r7. The constant c9 can be chosen such that [r/3]c9r.

Let S be a finite simple group of Lie type of Lie rank r defined over the field of size q=f for some prime and positive integer f. By [17, p. 657], we have


Since both |Out(S)| and |M(S)| are at most c13min{r,q}f for some constant c13, we find that


It follows that if pq, then k(S)c14p for some constant c14>0. Thus assume that p does not divide q. Notice that flogq.

Assume first that p2 does not divide |S|. Then pc13min{r,q}logq. In order to establish the claim in this case, it is sufficient to find a constant c15>0 such that qrc15(c13min{r,q}logq)3. For any fixed constant c15, this is certainly true for sufficiently large q or sufficiently large r. Thus we may assume that p2|S|.

Assume first that r is bounded. Let S be as in Tables 1 or 2. By Lemmas 3.3 and 3.4, p is at most c16qr-12 for some constant c16. In this case, by (3.1), it is sufficient to find a constant c17>0 such that


For any fixed c17, this inequality holds apart from at most finitely many pairs (r,q). Next let S be one of the first two groups in Table 3. In this case,


for some constant c18>0, by Lemma 3.5. Also, pc12qr+1 by Lemma 3.6. Again, it is sufficient to find a constant c19>0 such that


But this is possible since r is bounded.

Finally, assume that r is unbounded. Let S be as in Table 1. By Lemma 3.3, p is at most q(r+1)/2+1. Since there exists a constant c20>0 such that


the lemma follows by (3.1). The only remaining case is S=An-12(q). Here


by Lemma 3.5. Also, pc12qr+1 by Lemma 3.6. Again, there exists a constant c21>0 such that


The proof is complete with c9 the minimum of c14, c15, c17, c19, c20 and c21. ∎

Proposition 3.8.

There exists a universal positive constant c22 such that, for every non-abelian finite simple group S and every prime p dividing |S|, the inequalities k(S)c22|Out(S)|p and k(S)k(S)/|Out(S)| hold.


The second inequality follows from [21, Lemma 2.6].

Since c22 is allowed to be chosen small enough, it may be assumed that S is different from a sporadic group, different from Alt(5), Alt(6), and different from PSL(2,16), PSL(2,32) and B22(32).

Let S be an alternating group Alt(r) with r7. We have


from the proof of Proposition 3.7. The claimed inequality holds if c22 is chosen to be at most c9/2.

Let S be a finite simple group of Lie type of Lie rank r defined over a field of size q. Malle in [17, p. 657] showed that k(S)qr/|M(S)| and


for all S except for PSL(2,16), PSL(2,32) and B22(32). ∎

4 Proof of Theorem 1.1

Let G be a counterexample to Theorem 1.1 with c=min{c5,c9,c22,c222/2,1/2} and |G| minimal.

Lemma 4.1.

Let N be a non-trivial normal subgroup of G. Then p divides |N|, and p2 does not divide |G/N|.


The number of complex irreducible characters of G, which is equal to k(G), is at least k(G/N), the number of complex irreducible characters of G with N in their kernel. If |N| is not divisible by p, then |G/N| is divisible by p2, and so k(G/N)cp since |G/N|<|G|. ∎

Let M=soc(G) be the socle of G which is defined to be the product of all minimal normal subgroups of G. This group M is a direct product of some of the minimal normal subgroups of G by [3, Theorem 4.3A (ii)]. By Lemma 4.1, we may write M in the form M1×M2, where M1 is a (possibly trivial) elementary abelian p-group and M2 is a (possibly trivial) direct product of non-abelian finite simple groups.

Lemma 4.2.

The group M1 is trivial or is cyclic of order p.


Assume that p2 divides |M1|. By Lemma 4.1 and Proposition 2.2, we may assume that every abelian minimal normal subgroup of G is cyclic of order p. Furthermore, by the minimality of G, we may assume that M=M1=Cp×Cp. Indeed, since M=Cp××Cp×M2, a factor group of G will have order divisible by p2 unless M=Cp×Cp.

We claim that k(G)k(G/M)+n(G,M)-1p-1cp. For this, let C=CG(M) and H=G/C. Since H acts faithfully on M, it is an abelian group of exponent dividing p-1. Let H1 be the kernel of the action of H on the first direct factor Cp of M. Then, since H is abelian, k(G/M)k(H)=|H|, and we get


Observe that n(H/H1,Cp)=1+p-1|H/H1| and n(H1,Cp)=1+p-1|H1|. Thus


Lemma 4.3.

The group G cannot contain a normal subgroup which is a direct product of t2 copies of a non-abelian finite simple group.


Let N be a normal subgroup of G which is a direct product of t2 copies of a non-abelian finite simple group S. The prime p divides |N| and therefore |S| by Lemma 4.1. Since t2, we have p2|N|. On the other hand, by CG(N)N=1 and by the minimality of G, we may assume that CG(N)=1. We then have


Let s=k*(S). Choose a representative conjugacy class of S from every Aut(S)-orbit on S. Let these be C1,,Cs. Put C=Ci1Cit, where, for each j between 1 and t, the integer ij is between 1 and s. Note that C is a conjugacy class of N which can be uniquely labelled by a non-negative integer vector (r1,,rs), where ri (1is) is the number of j such that ij=i, and hence it is contained in a unique conjugacy class of G. Note that the conjugation action of Aut(S)Sym(t) on N can only fuse N-classes which carry the same (r1,,rs) label. Hence we have a family of conjugacy classes of G which are uniquely labelled by these vectors. The set of all such vectors is the set of all non-negative integer solutions to the equation x1++xs=t. Therefore,


Since sc22p by Proposition 3.8, we have k(G)>(c222/2)p.∎

The group M1 is Cp or is trivial and M2 is trivial or is a direct product of pairwise non-isomorphic non-abelian finite simple groups, by Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3.

Lemma 4.4.

If M21, then M2 is simple.


Assume that the group M2 is non-trivial and not simple. The minimality of G and Lemma 4.1 imply that M2=S×F, where S and F are non-isomorphic non-abelian finite simple groups both of order divisible by p. There are at least


conjugacy classes of G contained in M2 by Proposition 3.8. This is a contradiction. ∎

Lemma 4.5.

The group G cannot be almost simple.


This follows from Proposition 3.7. ∎

Lemma 4.6.

We must have M2=1.


Assume for a contradiction that M21. Then M2 is a non-abelian finite simple group S by Lemma 4.4. Consider the normal subgroup R=CG(S)×S of G. The group G/R can be considered as a subgroup of Out(S). Since CG(S) is normal in G, it is either trivial or p divides |CG(S)| by Lemma 4.1. The first possibility cannot occur by Lemma 4.5. Thus p must divide |CG(S)|. On the other hand, p2 cannot divide |CG(S)| by the minimality of G. By a result of Brauer [1], k(CG(S))2p-1. By Proposition 3.8, it then follows that


Observe that M=M1=Cp by Lemmas 4.2 and 4.6. Put C=CG(M). Then |G/C| divides p-1. Consider a maximal chain of normal subgroups of G from C to 1 containing M. Let K1 be the smallest group in this chain with the property that p2 divides |K1|. Let K2 be the next smaller neighbor of K1 in this chain. The group M is contained in the center of K2, but |K2/M| is not divisible by p. By the Schur–Zassenhaus theorem, K2=M×K for a p-subgroup K of K2. Since K is characteristic in K2 and K2 is normal in G, the group K is normal in G. This occurs only if K=1 by Lemma 4.1. By the maximality of the chain of normal subgroups of G, the group K1/M is a direct product of isomorphic simple groups T. Since p2 divides |K1|, the prime p must divide |T|. By the minimality of G, the factor group K1/M is isomorphic to T.

Lemma 4.7.

The group T cannot be Cp.


Assume that T is cyclic of order p. Then we have that |K1|=p2. Since k(G)k(G/M) and G is a minimal counterexample, we see that |G/M| is not divisible by p2 but divisible by p. Thus G/K1 is a p-group. By the Schur–Zassenhaus theorem, there is a p-subgroup H of G such that G=HK1. The group CH(K1) is centralized by K1, and it is the kernel of the action of H on the normal subgroup K1 of G. Thus CH(K1) is normalized by HK1=G. Since H is a p-group, CH(K1) must be trivial by Lemma 4.1. We conclude that H may be considered as an automorphism group of K1. Since |K1|=p2, the group H and so G must be solvable. The claim follows by [8]. ∎

The group T must be a non-abelian simple group by Lemma 4.7 and the fact that p divides |T|; see the paragraph before Lemma 4.7. By Lemma 4.6, K1 is thus perfect and therefore a quasisimple group.

Notice that k(G) is at least k(K1). We claim that k(K1)k(T). Let 𝒯1 and 𝒯2 be two distinct Aut(T)-orbits in T. Consider ϕ-1(𝒯1) and ϕ-1(𝒯2), where ϕ is the natural projection from K1 to T. Notice that these two sets are disjoint and Aut(K1)-invariant. This proves the claim.

The following lemma completes the proof of Theorem 1.1.

Lemma 4.8.

Let T be a non-abelian finite simple group. Let p be a prime divisor of |T| such that p divides the size of the Schur multiplier of T. Then k(T)c9p.


This follows from Proposition 3.7. ∎

Communicated by Michael Giudici

Award Identifier / Grant number: 741420

Award Identifier / Grant number: K132951

Award Identifier / Grant number: K115799

Funding statement: The work of the first author leading to this application has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 741420). The first author was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH) Grant No. K132951 and No. K115799 and by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.


The authors thank Hung Ngoc Nguyen for a remark on Section 4 and the anonymous referee for a careful reading of the draft.


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Received: 2019-10-03
Revised: 2019-12-09
Published Online: 2020-01-17
Published in Print: 2020-05-01

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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