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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter May 27, 2020

Convergence Results for Elliptic Variational-Hemivariational Inequalities

  • Dong-ling Cai , Mircea Sofonea and Yi-bin Xiao EMAIL logo


We consider an elliptic variational-hemivariational inequality 𝓟 in a reflexive Banach space, governed by a set of constraints K, a nonlinear operator A, and an element f. We associate to this inequality a sequence {𝓟n} of variational-hemivariational inequalities such that, for each n ∈ ℕ, inequality 𝓟n is obtained by perturbing the data K and A and, moreover, it contains an additional term governed by a small parameter εn. The unique solvability of 𝓟 and, for each n ∈ ℕ, the solvability of its perturbed version 𝓟n, are guaranteed by an existence and uniqueness result obtained in literature. Denote by u the solution of Problem 𝓟 and, for each n ∈ ℕ, let un be a solution of Problem 𝓟n. The main result of this paper states the strong convergence of unu in X, as n → ∞. We show that the main result extends a number of results previously obtained in the study of Problem 𝓟. Finally, we illustrate the use of our abstract results in the study of a mathematical model which describes the contact of an elastic body with a rigid-deformable foundation and provide the corresponding mechanical interpretations.

MSC 2010: 47J20; 49J40; 49J45; 35M86; 74M10; 74M15

1 Introduction

Variational-hemivariational inequalities represent a special class of inequalities which arise in the study of nonsmooth boundary value problems. They are governed by both convex functions and locally Lipschitz functions, which could be nonconvex. For this reason, their study requires prerequisites on both convex and nonsmooth analysis. Variational-hemivariational inequalities have been introduced by Panagiotopoulos [24] in the context of applications in engineering problems. Later, they have been studied in a large number of papers, including the books [21, 23]. The mathematical literature concerning variational-hemivariational inequalities grew up rapidly in the last decade, motivated by important applications in Physics, Mechanics and Engineering Sciences. A recent reference is the book [27] which provides the state of the art in the field, together with relevant applications in Contact Mechanics.

Recently, a considerable effort was done to the study of variational-hemivariational inequalities in the functional framework that we describe below and we assume everywhere in this paper. Consider a real reflexive Banach space X and denote by 〈⋅, ⋅〉 the duality pairing between X and its dual X*. Let KX, A : XX*, φ : X × X → ℝ, j : X → ℝ and fX*. We assume that j is a locally Lipschitz function and we denote by j0(u; v) the generalized directional derivative of j at the point u in the direction v. Then, the inequality problem taken into consideration is the following.


𝓟. Find an element uK such that

Au,vu+φ(u,v)φ(u,u)+j0(u;vu)f,vuvK. (1.1)

A short survey of some results concerning Problem 𝓟 is the following. First, its unique solvability was proved in [19] and, under slightly weaker assumptions, in [27]. The dependence of the solution with respect to the data, including the set K and the element f, was proved in [34, 37], under different assumptions. These results have been completed in [34] and [15] by considering an associate optimal control problem and an evolution inequality problem, respectively. Results on the well-posedness of Problem 𝓟 in the sense of Tykhonov have been obtained in [31]. There, given a sequence of positive numbers {εn}, the following perturbation of Problem 𝓟 was considered, for each n ∈ ℕ.


𝓟εn. Find an element unK such that

Aun,vun+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)+εnvunXf,vunvK. (1.2)

Note that the solution of Problem 𝓟 is solution of the perturbed problem 𝓟εn. Nevertheless, the solution of Problem 𝓟εn could fail to be unique. Denote by un a solution of Problem 𝓟εn, for each n ∈ ℕ. Then, under appropriate assumptions, it was proved in [31] that the sequence {un}, called approximating sequence, converges to u in X. This property represents the main ingredient for the well-posedness of Problem 𝓟 in the sense of Tykhonov, introduced in the study of variational inequalities in [17, 18] and extended to a particular class of hemivariational inequalities in [8]. References in the field include [1, 13, 14, 16, 29, 30, 35].

Other convergence results concerning Problem 𝓟 are related to the penalty method. Given a sequence of positive numbers {λn} and a penalty operator G : XX*, the classical penalty method consists to replace Problem 𝓟 by a sequence of problems {𝓟λn} which, for every n ∈ ℕ, can be formulated as follows.


𝓟λn. Find an element unX such that

Aun,vun+1λnGun,vun+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)f,vunvX. (1.3)

Note that Problem 𝓟λn is formally obtained from Problem 𝓟 by removing the constraint uK and including a penalty term governed by a parameter λn > 0 and an operator G : XX*. Penalty methods have been used in [6, 7, 26] and [19, 27, 28] as an approximation tool to treat constraints in variational inequalities and variational-hemivariational inequalities, respectively. In particular, the existence of a unique solution to Problem 𝓟λn together with its convergence to the solution of Problem 𝓟 as λn → 0 was proved in [19, 27]. An extension of this convergence result was obtained in [33] where the operator G in (1.3) was replaced by an operator Gn : XX*, which depends on n.

Another type of convergence results for the variational-hemivariational inequality (1.1) arise from its numerical analysis and, more precisely, from its numerical approximation. Given a sequence {Kn}, an approximation of Problem 𝓟 is stated as follows.


𝓟Kn. Find an element unKn such that

Aun,vun+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)f,vunvKn. (1.4)

Note that in various applications Kn = XnK where Xn is a finite-dimensional space constructed with the finite element method. We refer the reader to [11, 12] for convergence results related to internal numerical approximations, and [9] for both internal and external numerical approximations of such inequalities. A comprehensive reference on the numerical analysis of Problem 𝓟 can be found in the survey paper [10].

The aim of this paper is threefold. The first one is to construct a sequence of Problems {𝓟n} and to show that for each n ∈ ℕ, Problem 𝓟n has at least a solution un which convergences to the solution u of Problem 𝓟, as n → ∞. Our main result on this matter is Theorem 2 which states an existence and convergence result. Our second aim is to show that Theorem 2 can be used to recover various convergence results in the study of Problems 𝓟εn, 𝓟λn, 𝓟Kn described above. To this end, we use the theorem with a particular choice of sets, operators and parameters. Finally, our third aim is to illustrate the use of our abstract result in the study of a frictional contact problem and to provide the corresponding mechanical interpretations. The novelty of our paper arises from the generality of our main result which unifies various convergence results in the study of Problem 𝓟 and provides a new and nonstandard mathematical tool in the variational analysis of frictional contact problems with elastic materials.

The rest of the manuscript is structured as follows. In Section 2 we introduce some preliminary material, then we recall the existence and uniqueness result obtained in [19, 27]. In Section 3 we state and prove our main result, Theorem 2. Its proof is based on arguments of compactness, monotonicity, pseudomonotonicity, lower semicontinuity, combined with the properties of the Clarke subdifferential. In Section 4 we deduce some consequences of Theorem 2 that we present in a form of relevant particular cases. Finally, in Section 5 we illustrate the use of our abstract results in the analysis of a mathematical model of contact.

2 Preliminaries

We start with some notation and preliminaries and send the reader to [2, 3, 21, 22, 32] for more details on the material presented below in this section. We use ∥⋅∥X and ∥⋅∥X* for the norm on the spaces X and X*, and 0X, 0X* for the zero element of X and X*, respectively. We also use the notation Xw for the space X* endowed with the weak* topology. All the limits, upper and lower limits below are considered as n → ∞, even if we do not mention it explicitly. The symbols “⇀” and “ → ” denote the weak and the strong convergence in various spaces which will be specified.

For multivalued and singlevalued operators defined on X we recall the following definitions.

Definition 1

A multivalued operator T : X → 2X* is said to be pseudomonotone if:

  1. For every uX, the set TuX* is nonempty, closed and convex.

  2. T is upper semicontinuous (u.s.c.) from each finite dimensional subspace of X into Xw .

  3. For any sequences {un} ⊂ X and { un } ⊂ X* such that unu weakly in X, un Tun for all n ∈ ℕ and lim sup 〈 un , unu〉 ≤ 0, we have that for every vX there exists u*(v) ∈ Tu such that

    u(v),uvlim infun,unv.

Definition 2

A multivalued operator T : X → 2X* is said to be generalized pseudomonotone if for any sequences {un} ⊂ X and { un } ⊂ X* such that unu weakly in X, un Tun for all n ∈ ℕ, un u* in Xw and lim sup 〈 un , unu 〉 ≤ 0, we have u*Tu and


Definition 3

An singlevalued operator A : XX* is said to be:

  1. monotone, if for all u, vX, we haveAuAv, uv〉 ≥ 0;

  2. strongly monotone, if there exists mA > 0 such that

  3. bounded, if A maps bounded sets of X into bounded sets of X*;

  4. pseudomonotone, if it is bounded and unu weakly in X with

    lim supAun,unu0

    imply lim inf 〈Aun, unv〉 ≥ 〈Au, uvfor all vX;

  5. demicontinuous, if unu in X implies AunAu weakly in X*.

It is well known that if T : X → 2X* is a pseudomonotone operator then T is generalized pseudomonotone. Moreover, it can be proved that if A : XX* is a pseudomonotone operator in the sense of Definition 3(d) then its multivalued extension defined as Xu → {Au} ∈ 2X* is pseudomonotone in the sense of Definition 1. In addition, the following results hold.

Proposition 1

  1. If the operator A : XX* is bounded, demicontinuous and monotone, then A is pseudomonotone.

  2. If A, B : XX* are pseudomonotone operators, then the sum A + B : XX* is pseudomonotone.

For real valued functions defined on X we recall the following definitions.

Definition 4

A function j : X → ℝ is said to be locally Lipschitz if for every xX, there exists Ux a neighborhood of x and a constant Lx > 0 such that |j(y) – j(z)| ≤ LxyzX for all y, zUx. For such functions the generalized (Clarke) directional derivative of j at the point xX in the direction vX is defined by

j0(x;v)=lim supyx,λ0j(y+λv)j(y)λ.

The generalized gradient (Clarke subdifferential) of j at x is a subset of the dual space X* given by


The function j is said to be regular (in the sense of Clarke) at the point xX if for all vX the one-sided directional derivative j′(x; v) exists and j0(x; v) = j′(x; v).

We shall use the following properties of the generalized directional derivative and the generalized gradient.

Proposition 2

Assume that j : X → ℝ is a locally Lipschitz function. Then the following hold:

  1. For every xX, the function Xvj0(x; v) ∈ ℝ is positively homogeneous and subadditive, i.e., j0(x; λv) = λj0(x; v) for all λ ≥ 0, vX and j0 (x; v1 + v2) ≤ j0(x; v1) + j0(x; v2) for all v1, v2X, respectively.

  2. For every vX, we have j0(x; v) = max{〈ξ, v〉 : ξ∂j(x)}.

  3. For every xX, the gradient ∂j(x) is a nonempty, convex, and compact subset of Xw which is bounded by the Lipschitz constant Lx > 0 of j near x.

We proceed with some miscellaneous definitions and results.

Definition 5

Let {Kn} be a sequence of nonempty subsets of V and a nonempty subset of X. We say that the sequence {Kn} converges to in the sense of Mosco if the following conditions hold.

  1. For every v, there exists a sequence {vn} ⊂ X such that vnKn for each n ∈ ℕ and vnv in X.

  2. For each sequence {vn} such that vnKn for each n ∈ ℕ and vnv in X, we have v.

Below in this paper we shall use the notation Kn M for the convergence in the sense of Mosco defined above.

Proposition 3

Let C be a nonempty closed convex subset of X, C* a nonempty closed convex and bounded subset of Xw , φ : X → ℝ a proper, convex lower semicontinuous function and let y be arbitrary element of C. Assume that, for each xC, there exists x*(x) ∈ C* such that


Then, there exists y*C* such that


For the proof of Proposition 3 we refer to [5].

Definition 6

An operator P : XX* is said to be a penalty operator of the set KX if P is bounded, demicontinuous, monotone and K = {xX | Px = 0X*}.

Note that the penalty operator always exists. Indeed, we recall that any reflexive Banach space X can be always considered as equivalently renormed strictly convex space and, therefore, the duality map J : X → 2X*, defined by


is a single-valued operator. Then, as proved in [4, 36], the following result holds.

Proposition 4

Let K be a nonempty closed and convex subset of X, J : XX* the duality map, I : XX the identity map on X, and K : XK the projection operator on K. Then PK = J(IK) : XX* is a penalty operator of K.

We end this section with an existence and uniqueness result concerning the variational-hemivariational inequality (1.1) and, to this end, we consider the following assumptions on the data.

Kis nonempty, closed and convex subset ofX. (2.1)
A:XXis pseudomonotone andstrongly monotone with constantmA>0. (2.2)
φ:X×XRis such that(a)φ(η,):XRis convex and lower semicontinuous,for allηX.(b)there existsαφ0such thatφ(η1,v2)φ(η1,v1)+φ(η2,v1)φ(η2,v2)αφη1η2Xv1v2Xfor allη1,η2,v1,v2X. (2.3)
j:XRis such that(a)jis locally Lipschitz.(b)ξXc¯0+c¯1vXfor allvX,ξj(v),withc¯0,c¯10.(c)there existsαj0such thatj0(v1;v2v1)+j0(v2;v1v2)αjv1v2X2for allv1,v2X. (2.4)
αφ+αj<mA. (2.5)
fX. (2.6)

It can be proved that for a locally Lipschitz function j : X → ℝ, hypothesis (2.4)(c) is equivalent to the so-called relaxed monotonicity condition see, e.g., [20]. Note also that if j : X → ℝ is a convex function, then (2.4)(c) holds with αj = 0, since it reduces to the monotonicity of the (convex) subdifferential. Examples of functions which satisfy condition (2.4)(c) have been provided in [10, 19, 20], for instance.

The unique solvability of the variational-hemivariational inequality (1.1) is given by the following result.

Theorem 1

Assume (2.1)(2.6). Then, inequality (1.1) has a unique solution uK.

For the Proof of Theorem 1 we refer the reader to Theorem 18 in [19] and Remark 13 in [27].

3 An existence and convergence result

In this section we state and prove our main existence and convergence result, Theorem 2. To this end, we consider a family of subsets {Kn} of X, a family of operators {Gn} defined on X with values in X* and two sequences {λn}, {εn} ⊂ ℝ. Then, for each n ∈ ℕ, we consider the following problem.


𝓟n. Find unKn such that

Aun,vun+1λnGnun,vun+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)+εnvunXf,vunvKn. (3.1)

In the study of Problem 𝓟n we assume that for each n ∈ ℕ, the following hold.

Knis a nonempty closed convex subset ofX. (3.2)
Gn:XXis a bounded demicontinuous monotone operator. (3.3)
λn>0. (3.4)
εn0. (3.5)
KKn. (3.6)
Gnu,vu0uKn,vK. (3.7)

Moreover, we assume that the following conditions are satisfied.

There exists a setK~Xsuch thatKnMK~asn. (3.8)
There exists an operatorG:XXand a sequence{cn}Rsuch that(a)GnuGuXcn(1+uX)uKn,nN.(b)cn0asn.(c)Gis a bounded demicontinuous monotone operator.(d)Gu,vu0uK~,vK.(e)One of the two conditions below holds.(i)K~=XanduX,Gu=0XuK.(ii)uK~,Gu,vu=0for allvKuK. (3.9)
For eachuKthere existscφ(u)0such thatφ(u,v1)φ(u,v2)cφ(u)v1v2Xv1,v2X. (3.10)
λn0asn. (3.11)
εn0asn. (3.12)

Our main result in this section is the following.

Theorem 2

Assume (2.2)(2.6) and (3.2)(3.5). Then, the following statements hold.

  1. For each n ∈ ℕ, there exists at least one solution unKn to Problem 𝓟n. Moreover, the solution is unique if εn = 0.

  2. If, in addition, (2.1) and (3.6)(3.12) hold, u is the solution of Problem 𝓟 and {un} ⊂ X is a sequence such that un is a solution of Problem 𝓟n, for each n ∈ ℕ, then unu in X.


a) Let n ∈ ℕ. Assumptions (3.3), (3.4) and Proposition 1 a) imply that the operator 1λn Gn : XX* is pseudomonotone. Therefore (2.2) and Proposition 1 b) show that the operator An : XX* defined by An = A + 1λn Gn is pseudomonotone, too. Moreover, since Gn is monotone and λn > 0, using assumption (2.2), again, we deduce that An is strongly monotone with constant mA. We conclude from above that the operator An satisfies condition (2.2). On the other hand, recall that the set Kn satisfies condition (3.2). It follows from above that we are in a position to use Theorem 1 with Kn and An instead of K and A, respectively. In this way we deduce the existence of a unique element unKn such that

Aun,vun+1λnGnun,vun+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)f,vunvKn. (3.13)

This proves the unique solvability of Problem 𝓟n in the case when εn = 0. Next, for εn > 0, it follows that the solution un of (3.13) satisfies inequality (3.1), too. This proves the existence of at least one solution to Problem 𝓟n.

b) Let n ∈ ℕ. We start by considering the auxiliary problem of finding an element nKn such that

Au~n,vu~n+1λnGnu~n,vu~n+φ(u,v)φ(u,u~n)+j0(u~n;vu~n)f,vu~nvKn. (3.14)

Note that the variational-hemivariational inequality (3.14) is similar to the variational-hemivariational inequality (3.13), the difference arising in the fact that in (3.14) the first argument of φ is the solution u of Problem 𝓟. The existence of a unique solution to inequality (3.14) follows from Theorem 1, by using the same arguments as those used in the proof of unique solvability of inequality (3.13). Next, we divide the rest of the proof into four steps.

  1. We claim that there is an element and a subsequence of {n}, still denoted by {n}, such that n in X, as n → ∞.

    To prove the claim, we establish the boundedness of the sequence {n} in X. Let n ∈ ℕ and let u0 be a given element in K. We use assumption (3.6) to deduce that


    Then, by the strong monotonicity of the operator A we obtain

    mAu~nu0X2Au0,u0u~n+1λnGnu~n,u0u~n+φ(u,u0)φ(u,u~n)+j0(u~n;u0u~n)+f,u~nu0. (3.15)

    Next, assumptions (3.4) and (3.7) imply that

    1λnGnu~n,u0u~n0 (3.16)

    and assumption (3.10) yields

    φ(u,u0)φ(u,u~n)cφ(u)u~nu0X. (3.17)

    On the other hand, we write


    then we use assumption (2.4)(b) and Proposition 2 b) to see that

    j0(u~n;u0u~n)αju~nu0X2+(c¯0+c¯1u0X)u~nu0X. (3.18)

    And, obviously,

    Au0,u0u~n+f,u~nu0fAu0Xu~nu0X. (3.19)

    Next, we combine inequalities (3.15)(3.19) to find that


    We now use condition (2.5) and the above inequality to deduce that {n} is a bounded sequence in X. Therefore, by the reflexivity of X, there exists an element X and a subsequence of {n}, still denoted by {n}, such that n in X. Recall that nKn for each n ∈ ℕ. Then, assumption (3.8) and Definition 5 imply that .

  2. Next, we claim that is the solution to Problem 𝓟, i.e., = u.

    To prove this claim we use assumption (3.8) and consider an element v together with a sequence {vn} ⊂ X such that vnKn for every n ∈ ℕ and vnv in X as n → ∞. We now use inequality (3.14) with v = vn and assumptions (2.2), (3.10), (2.4)(b) to see that


    Then, due to the convergence vnv in X, the boundedness of sequence {n} and the boundedness of the operator A, we deduce that there exists a constant D > 0 which does not depend on n such that


    Passing to the upper limit in above inequality and using assumption (3.11) we have

    limsupGnu~n,u~nvn0. (3.20)

    On the other hand, we write


    and, using asumption (3.9)(a) we deduce that

    Gu~n,u~nvcn(1+u~nX)u~nvnX+Gnu~n,u~nvn+Gu~n,vnv. (3.21)

    We now use hypotheses (3.9)(b), (c), the boundedness of sequence {n} and the convergence vnv in X to see that

    lim[cn(1+u~nX)u~nvnX]=0, (3.22)
    limGu~n,vnv=0. (3.23)

    Next, we pass to upper limit in inequality (3.21) and use (3.20), (3.22) and (3.23) to find that

    lim supGu~n,u~nv0. (3.24)

    Taking now v = in (3.24) we deduce that lim sup 〈Gu͠n, n〉 ≤ 0. Recall assumption (3.9)(c) which guarantees that the operator G : XX* is pseudomonotone. Hence, using the pseudomonotonicity of G we deduce that

    Gu~,u~vlim infGu~n,u~nv. (3.25)

    We now combine inequalities (3.24) and (3.25) to see that

    Gu~,u~v0. (3.26)

    Recall that this inequality is valid for any v.

    Assume that condition (3.9)(e)(i) is satisfied. Then, inequality (3.26) implies that 〈Gu͠, v〉 ≤ 0 for all vX, which yields Gu͠ = 0X* and, therefore, K. Assume now that condition (3.9)(e)(ii) is satisfied. Then, by assumptions (3.6) and (3.8) it is easy to see that K and, therefore, using (3.26) we obtain that


    On the other hand, from the assumption (3.9)(d) we have


    The last two inequalities imply that 〈Gu͠, v〉 = 0 for all vK and, using (3.9) (e)(ii), we infer that K. We conclude from above that, either (3.9)(e)(i) or (3.9)(e)(ii) holds, we have

    u~K. (3.27)

    Let n ∈ ℕ. Then, using (3.6) and inequality (3.14), we find that

    Au~n,vu~n+1λnGnu~n,vu~n+j0(u~n;vu~n)f,vu~nφ(u,u~n)φ(u,v)vK. (3.28)

    Next, using Proposition 2 b) we deduce that for each vK there exists an element ωn(n, v) ∈ ∂j(n) such that j0(n; vn) = 〈ωn(n, v), vn〉, and, therefore, inequality ((3.28) yields

    Au~n+1λnGnu~n+ωn(u~n,v)f,vu~nφ(u,u~n)φ(u,v) (3.29)

    for all vK. Recall that Proposition 2 c) guarantees the set

    C={Au~n+1λnGnu~n+ξnf:ξnj(u~n)} (3.30)

    is nonempty closed convex and bounded in Xw . Then, assumption (2.3)(a) allows us to use Proposition 3 with C = K and C* defined by (3.30), x = v and y = n. In this way we find that there exists an element ωn(n) ∈ ∂j(n) which does not depend on v such that


    Therefore, assumptions (3.4) and (3.7) yield

    Au~n+ωn(u~n),u~nvφ(u,v)φ(u,u~n)f,vu~nvK. (3.31)

    We now use the regularity (3.27) to take v = in (3.31). Then we pass to the upper limit in the resulting inequality, use the convergence n in X and the lower semicontinuity of φ with respect to its second argument to infer that

    lim supAu~n+ωn(u~n),u~nu~0. (3.32)

    Due to the assumption (2.4)(b), the boundedness of the sequence {n} and the boundedness of the operator A, guaranteed by assumption (2.2), it follows that the sequence {Au͠n + ωn(n)} is bounded in X*. This implies that there exists a subsequence of the sequence {Au͠n + ωn(n)}, still denoted by {Au͠n + ωn(n)}, and an element θX* such that

    Au~n+ωn(u~n)θinXw. (3.33)

    Moreover, as proved in [19, Lemma 20], we know that the multivalued operator A + ∂j : X → 2X* is generalized pseudomonotone. Exploiting now Definition 2 and the ingredients {n} ⊂ X, {Au͠n + ξn(n)} ⊂ X*, n in X, Au͠n + ωn(n) ∈ Au͠n + ∂j(n), (3.33) and (3.32), we deduce that θAu͠ + ∂j() and

    Au~n+ωn(u~n),u~nθ,u~. (3.34)

    On the other hand, (3.33) implies that

    Au~n+ωn(u~n),u~θ,u~. (3.35)

    We now combine the convergences (3.34) and (3.35) to find that

    Au~n+ωn(u~n),u~nu~0. (3.36)

    Note that the inclusion θAu͠ + ∂j() implies that there exists ω() ∈ ∂j() such that

    θ=Au~+ω(u~). (3.37)

    Consider now an element vK. We write


    then we use (3.36), (3.34) and (3.37) to see that


    Then, by passing to upper limit in (3.31) and using assumption (2.3)(a) we have


    or, equivalently,

    f,vu~Au~,vu~+φ(u,v)φ(u,u~)+ω(u~),vu~. (3.38)

    On the other hand, the definition of the Clarke subdifferential yields

    ω(u~),vu~j0(u~;vu~). (3.39)

    Then, combining (3.38) and (3.39) we deduce that

    f,vu~Au~,vu~+φ(u,v)φ(u,u~)+j0(u~;vu~). (3.40)

    Finally, we use (3.27) and (3.40) to see that is a solution to Problem 𝓟 and, by the uniqueness of the solution we have that = u, as claimed.

  3. We now prove the convergence of the whole sequence {n} to u.

    A careful analysis of the proof in step ii) reveals that every subsequence of {n} which converges weakly in X has the same weak limit u. Moreover, we recall that the sequence {n} is bounded in X. Therefore, using a standard argument we deduce that the whole sequence {n} converges weakly in X to u, as n → ∞. This shows that all the statements in step ii) are valid for the whole sequence {n}. In particular, (3.36) combined with equality = u shows that

    Au~n+ωn(u~n),u~nu0. (3.41)

    Let n ∈ ℕ and let ω(u) ∈ ∂j(u). We have


    which imply that


    We now use assumption (2.4)(c) to see that

    αju~nuX2ω(u),uu~n+ωn(u~n),u~nu. (3.42)

    On the other hand, assumption (2.2) yields

    mAu~nuX2Au~nAu,u~nu. (3.43)

    We now add the inequalities (3.42) and (3.43) to deduce that


    Next, we use the convergences (3.41), nu in X as well as the smallness assumption (2.5) to find that

    u~nuX0, (3.44)

    which show that nu in X as n → ∞, as claimed.

  4. In the final step of the proof we prove that unu in X, as n → ∞.

    Let n ∈ ℕ. We test with v = n in (3.1) and v = un in (3.14), then we add the resulting inequalities to see that


    Next, using assumptions (3.3), (2.3)(b), (2.4)(c), we deduce that


    and, therefore, the strong monotonicity of the opeator A yields

    (mAαj)u~nunXαφunuX+εn. (3.45)

    We now write


    and substitute this inequality in (3.45) to deduce that


    Then, using the smallness assumption (2.5) we obtain that


    This inequality, the convergence (3.44) and assumption (3.12) imply that

    u~nunX0. (3.46)

    Finally, writing ∥unuX ≤ ∥unnX + ∥nuX and using the convergences (3.44), (3.46) we deduce that unu in X which concludes the proof.□

4 Relevant particular cases

In this section we present some relevant particular cases in which Theorem 2 can be applied. In particular, we show that using a convenient choice of sets, operators and parameters, Problem 𝓟n reduces successively to Problems 𝓟εn, 𝓟λn 𝓟Kn described in the Introduction. Then, we use Theorem 2 to recover various convergence results previously obtained in the study of these problems. Everywhere in this section we assume that (2.2)(2.6) hold and we denote by u the solution of Problem 𝓟 obtained in Theorem 1. We start by considering the following assumptions.

K~is a nonempty closed convex subset ofX. (4.1)
KK~. (4.2)
KnK~for eachnN. (4.3)
KnMKasn. (4.4)
KnMK~asn. (4.5)
G:XXis a penalty operator forK. (4.6)
fnXfor eachnN. (4.7)
fnfinX. (4.8)

We are now in a position to introduce some relevant consequences of Theorem 2.

a) A first penalty method. Our first particular case is when Kn = X and Gn = G for each n ∈ ℕ, G being a penalty operator of K. In this case Theorem 2 leads to the following result.

Corollary 1

Assume (2.1)(2.6), (3.4), (3.5), (3.10)(3.12) and (4.6). Then, the following statements hold.

a) For each n ∈ ℕ, there exists unX such that

Aun,vun+1λnGun,vun+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)+εnvunXf,vunvX. (4.9)

Moreover, the solution is unique if εn = 0.

b) If {un} ⊂ X is a sequence such that un is a solution of (4.9), for each n ∈ ℕ, then unu in X.


Since Kn = X it follows that conditions (3.2), (3.6), (3.8) are satisfied with = X. Moreover, since Gn = G and (4.6) holds, it follows that conditions (3.3), (3.7), (3.9) hold, too, with = X and cn = 0. Corollary 1 is now a direct consequence of Theorem 2.□

Note that in the case when εn = 0 inequality (4.9) reduces to inequality (1.3), used in the classical penalty method for variational-hemivariational inequalities. Therefore, Corollary 1 provides the unique solvability of Problem 𝓟λn, for each n ∈ ℕ, and the convergence of the sequence of solutions to the solution of Problem 𝓟. This result was obtained in [19], in the particular case when φ(u, v) = φ(u) and extented in [25] in the case when φ depends on both u and v.

b) A second penalty method. Our second particular case is when Kn = where is a given set which satisfies condition (4.1) and Gn = G for each n ∈ ℕ, G being a penalty operator of K. In this case Theorem 2 leads to the following result.

Corollary 2

Assume (2.1)(2.6), (3.4), (3.5), (3.9)(e)(ii), (3.10)(3.12), (4.1), (4.2) and (4.6). Then, the following statements hold.

  1. For each n ∈ ℕ, there exists un such that

    Aun,vun+1λnGun,vun+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)+εnvunXf,vunvK~. (4.10)

    Moreover, the solution is unique if εn = 0.

  2. If {un} ⊂ X is a sequence such that un is a solution of (4.10), for each n ∈ ℕ, then unu in X.


Since Kn = and (4.1), (4.2) hold, it follows that conditions (3.2), (3.6), (3.8) are satisfied. Moreover, since Gn = G and (3.9)(e)(ii), (4.6) hold, it follows that conditions (3.3), (3.7), (3.9) are satisfied with cn = 0. Corollary 1 is now a direct consequence of Theorem 2.□

Note that in the case when εn = 0 inequality (4.10) reduces to inequality

unK~,Aun,vun+1λnGun,vun+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)f,vunvK~. (4.11)

A brief comparison between inequalities (1.1) and (4.11) shows that (4.11) is obtained from (1.1) by replacing the set K with the set and the operator A with the operator A + 1λn G, in which λn is a penalty parameter. For this reason we refer to (4.11) as a penalty problem of (1.1). Corollary 2 establishes the link between the solutions of these problems and, at the best of our knowledge, it represents a new result. Roughly speaking, it shows that, in the limit when n → ∞, a partial relaxation of the set of constraints can be compensated by a perturbation of the nonlinear operator which governs Problem 𝓟.

c) A continuous dependence result. Our third particular case is when Kn M K, Gn vanishes and f is replaced by fn. In this case Theorem 2 leads to the following result.

Corollary 3

Assume (2.1)(2.6), (3.2), (3.6), (3.10), (4.4), (4.7) and (4.8). Then, for each n ∈ ℕ, there exists a unique element unKn such that

Aun,vun+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)fn,vunvKn. (4.12)

Moreover, unu in X.


The existence of a unique solution to inequality (4.12) is a direct consequence of Theorem 1. Let n ∈ ℕ. Then, using (4.12) it is easy to see that


and, denoting εn = ∥ffnX*, it follows that

Aun,vun+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)+εnvunXf,vunvKn. (4.13)

On the other hand, since (4.4) holds it follows that condition (3.8) is satisfied with = K. Moreover, since Gn vanishes, it follows that conditions (3.3), (3.7), (3.9) hold, with Gv = 0X* for all vX and cn = 0. In addition, assumption (4.8) implies that (3.12) holds, too. We are now in a position to use Theorem 2 b) with λn = 1n , for instance, to deduce the convergence unu in X, which concludes the proof.□

Note that Corollary 3 represents a continuous dependence result of the solution to Problem 𝓟 with respect to the set K and the element f. Similar convergence results have been obtained in [34, 37], under different assumptions on functions and operators.

d) A Tykhonov well-posedness result. Our fourth particular case is when Kn = K and Gn vanishes. In this case Theorem 2 leads to the following result in the study of Problem 𝓟εn described in the Introduction.

Corollary 4

Assume (2.1)(2.6), (3.5), (3.10) and (3.12). Then, the following statements hold.

  1. For each n ∈ ℕ, there exists an element unK such that (1.2) holds.

  2. If {un} ⊂ X is a sequence such that un is a solution of Problem 𝓟n, for each n ∈ ℕ, then unu in X.

The proof of Corollary 4 is based on arguments similar to those presented above and, therefore, we skip it. We restrict ourselves to note that an elementary proof can be used to obtain the convergence result in Corollary 4, without assumption (3.10). The details can be found in [31]. Finally, using the definitions in [29, 31] we remark that Theorem 1 combined with Corollary 4 provides the well-posedness of Problem 𝓟 in the sense of Tykhonov.

e) An existence, uniqueness and convergence result. We end this section with an existence, uniqueness and convergence result which completes our analysis of Problem 𝓟 and has some interest in its own. To this end we assume in what follows that (2.1), (3.2) and (4.1) hold. Let J : XX* be the duality map, I : XX the identity map on X, PK : XK the projection operator on K, P : X the projection operator on and, for each n ∈ ℕ let PKn : XKn be the projection operator on Kn. Consider the operators P, , Pn, G, Gn, both defined on X with values in X*, given by equalities

P=J(IPK),P~=J(IPK~),Pn=J(IPKn), (4.14)
G=P+P~,Gn=P+Pn. (4.15)

We use these notation to state and prove the following result.

Corollary 5

Assume (2.1)(2.6), (3.2), (3.4), (3.6), (3.10), (3.11) and (4.1), (4.3) and (4.5). Then, for each n ∈ ℕ, there exists a unique element unKn such that

Aun,vun+1λnGnun,vun+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)f,vunvKn. (4.16)

Moreover, unu in X.


Recall that Proposition 4 guarantees that P, and Pn are penalty operators of K, and Kn, respectively. This implies that these operators are bounded demicontinuous and monotone. Therefore, so are the operators G and Gn defined by (4.15). This shows that conditions (3.3) and (3.9)(c) are satisfied. The existence of a unique solution of inequality (4.16) results from Theorem 2 with εn = 0.

Assume now that uKn, vK and recall assumption (3.6) which states that KKn. This implies that Pv = 0X*, Pnv = 0X* and, therefore, (4.15) yields


We now use the monotonicity of the operators P and Pn to see that 〈Gnu, vu〉 ≤ 0 which implies that condition (3.7) is satisfied. A similar argument based on assumption (4.2), guaranteed by (3.6) and (4.3), shows that condition (3.9)(d) holds, too.

Let n ∈ ℕ and uKn. Then it follows that PKnu = u and, since (4.3) guarantees that Kn, we deduce that Pu = u, too. We now use (4.15) and (4.14) to see that


It follows from here that condition (3.9)(a) holds with cn = 0. This implies that condition (3.9)(b) is satisfied, too.

Assume now that u is such that

Gu,vu=0vK. (4.17)

Then, since KKn we have that Pv = P͠v = 0X* for all vK and, therefore, (4.15) yields

Gu,vu=PuPv,vu+P~uP~v,vuvK. (4.18)

We now combine (4.17) and (4.18) to deduce that

PuPv,vu+P~uP~v,vu=0vK. (4.19)

On the other hand, using the monotonicity of the operators P and we have

PuPv,vu0,P~uP~v,vu0vK. (4.20)

We now use (4.19), (4.20) and the elementary implication

a0,b0,a+b=0a=b=0 (4.21)

to deduce that


which implies that


We now take v = PKu in the previous equality and use the definition (4.14) of the operator P and the properties of the duality mapping J to see that


This implies that uK and, therefore, condition (3.9)(e) holds.

We conclude from above that conditions (3.7), (3.9) are satisfied, the later with cn = 0. Moreover, we recall assumption (4.5), which implies (3.8). Therefore, we are in a position to apply Theorem 2 with εn = 0 in order to conclude the proof.□

5 A frictional contact problem

In this section we apply our abstract results in Section 3 in the study of a frictional contact problem with normal compliance and unilateral constraint. To this end we consider a bounded domain Ω ⊂ ℝd (d = 2, 3) with smooth boundary Γ composed of three sets Γ1, Γ2 and Γ3 with the mutually disjoint relatively open sets Γ1, Γ2 and Γ3, such that meas (Γ1) > 0. We use boldface letters for vectors and tensors, such as the outward unit normal on Γ, denoted by ν. A typical point in ℝd is denoted by x = (xi). The indices i, j run between 1 and d and the index that follows a comma indicates a partial derivative with respect to the corresponding component of the spatial variable x. Moreover, the indices ν and τ represent normal components and tangential parts of vectors and tensors. We denote by 𝕊d the space of second order symmetric tensors on ℝd. The zero element, the canonical inner product and the Euclidean norm on ℝd and 𝕊d will be denoted by 0, “⋅” and ∥⋅∥, respectively. Then, the classical formulation of the contact problem we consider in this section is the following.


𝓠. Find a displacement field u : Ω → ℝd, a stress field σ : Ω → 𝕊d and an interface function ξν : Γ3 → ℝ such that

σ=Fε(u)inΩ, (5.1)
Divσ+f0=0inΩ, (5.2)
u=0onΓ1, (5.3)
σν=f2onΓ2, (5.4)
uνk,σν+ξν0,(uνk)(σν+ξν)=0,ξνjν(uν)onΓ3, (5.5)
στFb(uν),στ=Fb(uν)uτuτifuτ0onΓ3. (5.6)

Problem 𝓠 describes the equilibrium of an elastic body acted upon by body forces and surface tractions, in frictional contact with a foundation made of a rigid body covered by a layer made of elastic material, say asperities. It was already considered in [27] and, therefore we skip the mechanical assumptions which lead to this model. We restrict ourselves to the following short description of the equations and boundary conditions. First, equation (5.1) represents the elastic constitutive law in which 𝓕 is the elasticity operator, assumed to be nonlinear, and ε(u) represents the linearized strain tensor. Equation (5.2) is the equilibrium equation in which f0 denotes the density of body forces. Conditions (5.3) and (5.4) are the displacement and traction conditions, respectively, in which f2 represents the density of surface tractions. Condition (5.5) is the contact conditions in which k ≥ 0 is a given bound and ∂jν is the Clarke subdifferential of a given function jν. Finally, (5.5) represents a version of the Coulomb’s law of dry friction in which Fb denotes the friction bound.

In the study of Problem 𝓠 we consider the following assumptions on the data.

F:Ω×SdSdis such that(a)thereexistsLF>0suchthatF(x,ε1)F(x,ε2)LFε1ε2for allε1,ε2Sd,a.e.xΩ,(b)thereexistsmF>0suchthat(F(x,ε1)F(x,ε2))(ε1ε2)mFε1ε22for allε1,ε2Sd,a.e.xΩ,(c)F(,ε)ismeasurableonΩforallεSd,(d)F(x,0)=0fora.e.xΩ. (5.7)
jν:Γ3×RRis such that(a)jν(,r)is measurable onΓ3for allrRand thereexistse¯L2(Γ3)such thatjν(,e¯())L1(Γ3),(b)jν(x,)is locally Lipschitz onRfor a.e.xΓ3,(c)|jν(x,r)|c¯0+c¯1|r|for a.e.xΓ3,for allrRwithc¯0,c¯10,(d)jν0(x,r1;r2r1)+jν0(x,r2;r1r2)αjν|r1r2|2for a.e.xΓ3,for allr1,r2Rwithαjν0,(e)eitherjν(x,)orjν(x,)isregularonRfora.e.xΓ3. (5.8)
Fb:Γ3×RRis such that(a) there exists LFb>0 such that |Fb(x,r1)Fb(x,r2)|LFb|r1r2|for allr1,r2R,a.e.xΓ3,(b)Fb(,r)ismeasurableonΓ3forallrR,(c)Fb(x,r)=0forallr0,Fb(x,r)0forallr>0,a.e.xΓ3. (5.9)
LFb+αjνy2<mF. (5.10)
f0L2(Ω)d,f2L2(Γ2)d. (5.11)
k0. (5.12)

Next, we use the space V defined by

V={vH1(Ω)d:v=0a.e. onΓ1}, (5.13)

which is real Hilbert space with the canonical inner product


and the associated norm ∥⋅∥V. Here and below, for every vV we use the notation


We also use V* for the dual of V, 〈⋅, ⋅〉 for the duality pairing between V and V* and ∥y∥ for the norm of the trace operator y : VL2(Γ3)d. We denote by K the set of admissible displacement fields defined by

K={vV:vνka.e. onΓ3} (5.14)

and, finally, we introduce the following notation.

A:VV,Au,v=ΩFε(u)ε(v)§, (5.15)
φ:V×VR,φ(u,v)=Γ3Fb(uν)vτdΓ, (5.16)
j:VR,j(v)=Γ3jν(vν)dΓ, (5.17)
fV,f,v=Ωf0vdx+Γ2f2vdΓ (5.18)

for all u, vV. It can be proved that the function j is locally Lipschitz. Therefore, as usual, we shall use the notation j0(u; v) for the generalized directional derivative of j at u in the direction v.

The variational formulation of Problem 𝓠, obtained by a standard procedure, is as follows.


𝓠V. Find a displacement field uK such that

Au,vu+φ(u,v)φ(u,u)+j0(u;vu)f,vuvK. (5.19)

Next, for each n ∈ ℕ we consider the following contact problem.


{𝓠n. Find a displacement field un : Ω → ℝd, a stress field σn : Ω → 𝕊d and an interface function ξ : Γ3 → ℝ such that

σn=Fε(un)inΩ, (5.20)
Divσn+f0n=0inΩ, (5.21)
un=0onΓ1, (5.22)
σnν=f2nonΓ2, (5.23)
unνkn,σnν+1λnpν(unνgn)+ξnν0,(unνkn)(σnν+1λnpν(unνgn)+ξnν)=0,ξnνjν(unν)onΓ3, (5.24)
σnτFb(unν),σnτ=Fb(unν)unτunτifunτ0onΓ3. (5.25)

The difference between Problems 𝓠n and 𝓠 is twofold. First, in Problem 𝓠n the densities of body forces f0 and surface tractions f2 as well as the bound k have been replaced by their perturbation f0n, f2n and kn, respectively. Second, the boundary contact condition (5.5) has been replaced by the contact boundary condition (5.24) in which λn > 0 is a deformability coefficient, pν is a normal compliance function and gn is a given gap. This condition still models the contact with a rigid foundation covered by a layer of deformable material. Nevertheless, the thickness of this material changed (since k was replaced by kn) as well as its elastic response (since the additional term 1λn pν(ugn) was introduced in this condition).

In the study of Problem 𝓠n we consider the following assumptions.

pν:Γ3×RR+is such that(a)thereexistsLpν>0suchthat|pν(x,r1)pν(x,r2)|Lpν|r1r2|for allr1,r2R,a.e.xΓ3,(b)(pν(x,r1)pν(x,r2))(r1r2)0for allr1,r2R,a.e.xΓ3,(c)pν(,r)ismeasurableonΓ3forallrR,(d)pν(x,r)=0if and only ifr0,a.e.xΓ3. (5.26)
f0nL2(Ω)d,f2nL2(Γ2)d. (5.27)
f0nfinL2(Ω)d,f2nf2inL2(Γ2)d. (5.28)
kngnk,λn>0. (5.29)
k~R,knk~,gnk,λn0. (5.30)

Moreover, we introduce the notation

Kn={vV:vνkna.e. onΓ3}, (5.31)
Gn:VV,Gnu,v=Γ3pν(uνgn)vνdΓ, (5.32)
fnV,fn,v=Ωf0nvdx+Γ2f2nvdΓ (5.33)

for all u, vV.

The variational formulation of Problem 𝓠n is as follows.


QnV . Find a displacement field unKn such that

Aun,vun+1λnGnun,vun)+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)fn,vunvKn. (5.34)

Our main resut in this section is the following existence, uniqueness and convergence result.

Theorem 3

Assume (5.7)(5.12), (5.26)(5.30). Then, the following statements hold.

  1. There exists a unique solution uK to Problem 𝓠V. Moreover, for each n ∈ ℕ, there exists a unique solution unKn to Problem QnV .

  2. The solution un of Problem QnV converges to the solution u of Problem 𝓠V, i.e., unu in V, as n → ∞.


a) The unique solvability of Problem 𝓠V corresponds to Theorem 109 in [27] and, for this reason, we do not provide its proof. We restrict ourselves to mention that it represents a direct consequence of Theorem 1. The unique solvability of Problem QnV follows from Theorem 2 a). Indeed, Problem QnV is a special case of Problem 𝓟n in which εn = 0.

b) Let n ∈ ℕ. We use inequality (5.34) to see that

Aun,vun+1λnGnun,vun)+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)+ffn,vunf,vunvKn. (5.35)

and, using the notation εn = ∥fnfV*, we deduce that un is a solution of the following inequality problem.


Q~nV . Find a displacement unKn such that

Aun,vun+1λnGnun,vun)+φ(un,v)φ(un,un)+j0(un;vun)+εnvunVf,vunvKn. (5.36)

Our aim in what follows is to use Theorem 2 b) in the particular case when problems 𝓟 and 𝓟n are given by problems 𝓠V and Q~nV , respectively. To this end, we need to check, point by point, the validity of the conditions in this theorem. Note that part of the conditions are obviously satisfied such as conditions (3.2), (3.4)(3.6), for instance, and part of them have been verified in the proof of the first part of this theorem. The details can be found in [27, Ch. 8], as already mentioned. Therefore, in order to avoid repetition we focus in what follows on the conditions (3.7), (3.8), (3.9), (3.10) and, to this end, we introduce the following additional notations.

K~={vV:vνk~a.e. onΓ3}, (5.37)
G:VV,Gu,v=Γ3pν(uνk)vνdΓ (5.38)

for all u, vV.

Let n ∈ ℕ and let uKn, vK. We write


and, using the properties of the function pν combined with inequalities kngnk we deduce that


This implies that 〈Gnu, vu〉 ≤ 0 and, therefore condition (3.7) is satisfied.

Assume now that > 0. Then, using the definitions (5.31) and (5.37) we deduce that Kn = knk~ which implies that Kn M . Indeed, if v and vn = knk~ v, then the sequence {vn} satisfies condition (a) in Definition 5. Note also that condition (b) in Definition 5 follows from a standard measure theory argument. If = 0 we arrive to the same conclusions, by using the sequence {vn} defined by vn = v for all n ∈ ℕ. This implies that, in any case, condition (3.8) is satisfied.

We now check the validity of condition (3.9) for the operators (5.32) and (5.38). Let u, vV. Using (5.26)(a), inequality gnk and the properties of the trace operator we have


where L0 is a positive constant. This proves that ∥GnuGuV*L0(gnk) and, therefore, condition (3.9)(a) holds with

cn=L0(gnk). (5.39)

Using now the convergence gnk in (5.30) we find that (3.9)(b) holds, too. Next, condition (3.9)(c) follows from standard arguments, based on the properties of the function pν and the trace operator.

Consider now two elements u and vK. We write


then we use (5.26) and inequality k, guaranteed by assumptions (5.29) and (5.30), to deduce that


This implies that 〈Gu, vu〉 ≤ 0 and, therefore condition (3.9)(d) is satisfied.

Assume now that 〈Gu, vu〉 = 0. Then,

Γ3pν(uνk)(vνk)dΓ+Γ3pν(uνk)(kuν)dΓ=0. (5.40)

On the other hand, note that the properties of the function pν imply that


and, therefore,

Γ3pν(uνk)(vνk)dΓ0,Γ3pν(uνk)(kuν)dΓ0. (5.41)

We now use (5.40), (5.41) and implication (4.21) to see that


Therefore, since the integrand is negative, we deduce that

pν(uνk)uν=0 a.e. on Γ3.

This equality combined with assumption (5.26)(d) implies that uνk a.e. on Γ3. Thus, uK and, therefore, condition (3.9)(e) is satisfied.

Finally, let u, v1, v2V. We use definition (5.16) and assumption (5.9) to see that


which shows that condition (3.10) holds with cφ(u) = LFby2uV.

It follows from above that we are in a position to use Theorem 2. In this way we obtain that if {n} is a sequence of elements of V such that n is a solution of Problem Q~nV , for each n ∈ ℕ, then nu in V. Recall now that for each n ∈ ℕ the solution un of Problem QnV is a solution of Problem Q~nV . It follows from here that unu in V which concludes the proof.□

In addition to the mathematical interest in the convergence result in Theorem 3 b), it is important from the mechanical point of view, since it establishes the link between the solutions of two different contact models. It also shows that the weak solution of the elastic frictional contact problem 𝓠 depends continuously on the densities of body forces and surface tractions and the thickness of the deformable layer.


This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11771067), the Applied Basic Project of Sichuan Province (2019YJ0204), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (ZYGX2019J095), and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 823731 CONMECH.


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Received: 2020-01-28
Accepted: 2020-04-07
Published Online: 2020-05-27

© 2021 Dong-ling Cai et al., published by De Gruyter

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