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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter December 7, 2017

Superposition of p-superharmonic functions

  • Karl K. Brustad EMAIL logo


The dominative p-Laplace operator is introduced. This operator is a relative to the p-Laplacian, but with the distinguishing property of being sublinear. It explains the superposition principle in the p-Laplace equation.

MSC 2010: 35J15; 35J60; 35J70

1 Introduction

The p-Laplace equation


is the Euler–Lagrange equation for the variational integral Ω|u|pdx. When p=2, we have Dirichlet’s integral and Laplace’s equation Δu=0. For p= we define


The object of our work is a superposition principle, originally discovered by Crandall and Zhang in [5].

Although the p-Laplace equation is nonlinear when p2, a principle of superposition for the fundamental solutions (note the sign change of the scaling constant as p crosses n)

(1.2)wn,p(x):={-p-1p-n|x|p-np-1,pn,-ln|x|,p=n,-|x|,p= or n=1,

is valid. That is, if p2 and ci0, then the superposition




away from the poles y1,,yN. Moreover, the sum is p-superharmonic in the whole of n according to Definition 3 in Section 4.[1] In [1] an explicit formula for ΔpV(x) was derived. There it was shown that an arbitrary concave function also may be added to the sum (1.3). The result can be extended to infinite sums, and via Riemann sums one obtains that the potentials


are p-superharmonic functions, provided that V(x). See [14] and [6].

It has been a little mystery why the sum (1.3) is p-superharmonic. It has not been clear what the underlying reasons are, or how far the superposition could be extended. It turns out that a class of functions called dominative p-superharmonic functions plays a central rôle in these questions. We introduce them through the sublinear operator


where λ1λn are the eigenvalues of the Hessian matrix


The fundamental solutions are members of this class and for C2 functions we have:


Let uC2(Ω). Then

𝒟pu0Δpu0in Ω.

In general, the inequality 𝒟pu0 must be interpreted in the viscosity sense, see Section 4. As we shall see, the superposition principle is governed by the equation 𝒟pu0.

Needless to say, the eigenvalues of u have been much studied. In [16] the equation λ1=0 is found. The related equation λn=0 is produced by the dominative operator in the limit p:


The supersolutions 𝒟u0 are, in fact, the concave functions. We also mention the papers [11] and [18] where symmetric functions of the eigenvalues are investigated. So far as we know, the dominative p-Laplace equation is new for p.

Our main results are Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 below. Theorem 1 gives sufficient and necessary conditions for a sum to be p-superharmonic. In short: a generic sum is p-superharmonic if and only if its terms are dominative p-superharmonic functions. Furthermore, it will be demonstrated that one cannot expect a sum of p-harmonic functions (like (1.3)) to be p-superharmonic unless the functions involved have a high degree of symmetry (Definition 1).

In Theorem 2 we extend the superposition principle for the fundamental solutions to arbitrary radial p-superharmonic functions. Its proof is obtained by showing that important properties of the dominative p-Laplace operator in the smooth case, also hold in the viscosity sense.

Throughout the paper, we restrict ourselves to the case 2p and n2. An open subset of n is denoted by Ω.

Theorem 1.

Let 2p. The following conditions hold pointwise in Rn.

  1. Let u1,,uN be dominative p-superharmonic C2 functions. Then

  2. Let u be C2. Then the following claims are equivalent.

    1. For every linear function l(x)=aTx,an,

    2. For all constants c0 and every translation T(x)=x-x0,

    3. For every isometry T:nn,

    4. u is a dominative p-superharmonic function.

    If u, in addition, is p-harmonic and 2<p<, then

    1. u is locally a cylindrical fundamental solution (see Definition 1).

Theorem 2.

Let 2p and let u1,,uN be radial p-superharmonic functions in Rn. Then the sum


is p-superharmonic in Rn for any concave function K.

To keep things simple, we have not extended Theorem 2 to cover cylindricalp-superharmonic functions.

A function f in n is radial if there exists a one-variable function F so that f(x)=F(|x|). As usual,


denotes the Euclidean norm of x. An equivalent definition is the symmetry condition f(Qx)=f(x) for every n×n orthogonal matrix Q. Radial functions have concentric spherical level-sets, and so do the translated ones f(x-x0). We generalize this notion to functions having concentric cylindrical level-sets:

Definition 1.

A function f in n is cylindrical (or k-cylindrical) if there exists a one-variable function F, an integer 1kn, and an n×k matrix Q with orthonormal columns, i.e. QTQ=Ik, so that


for some x0n.

We say that a function u in n is a cylindrical fundamental solution (to the p-Laplace equation) if u is in the form


for some k, Q and x0 as above, and where wk,p is given by (1.2).

Notice that a 1-cylindrical fundamental solution


is affine in the regions where it is differentiable, while an n-cylindrical fundamental solution


is a translated radial function.

A calculation shows (Proposition 1, part b) that the cylindrical fundamental solutions solve the p-Laplace equation, except on the (n-k)-dimensional affine space {x:QT(x-x0)=0}, where the functions become singular. When p<, a Dirac delta is produced. For example, setting Q=(𝐞1,,𝐞k), x0=0 and splitting x=(y,z)n in yk, zn-k yields


for every ϕC0(n). Moreover, we shall see that these solutions have an essential property that is not shared by any other p-harmonic function:


The gradient of a cylindrical fundamental solution is an eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix.

2 The dominative p-Laplace operator

2.1 Preliminary basics and notation

For a function uC2(Ω), we denote by u=u(x) the Hessian matrix of u at x. We list some elementary and useful facts about this matrix.

  1. u is a symmetric n×n matrix: uT=u.

  2. u has n real eigenvalues, which we label in increasing order:


    The largest eigenvalue, λn, has special importance and is denoted by λu to indicate its origin. Sometimes we are inconsistent with the notation and write λX for the largest eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix X.

  3. The eigenvectors, ξ1,,ξn, of u can be chosen to be orthonormal: ξiTξj=δij. A unit eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue λu is labeled ξu.

  4. tru=ux1x1++uxnxn=λ1++λn=Δu. In general


    for every orthonormal set {z1,,zn}n.

  5. We have for any vector zn,




    Conversely, if zn, |z|=1, satisfies




We adapt the convention that vectors/points in space are column vectors, except gradients which are to be read as row vectors.

2.2 Definition and fundamental properties

Definition 2.

We define the Dominative[2]p-Laplace operator, 𝒟p, as

𝒟pu:={(p-2)λu+Δu,when 2p<,λu,when p=.

A C2 function u is dominative p-superharmonic if 𝒟pu0 at each point in its domain.

The expression (1.4) is, of course, an alternative representation when p<. Observe that 𝒟2=Δ2=Δ.

Remark 1.

The operator can be written as


and is, in this form, sublinear and degenerate elliptic all the way down to p=1. For p2 it reads


Nevertheless, to avoid complicating the exposition (e.g., Proposition 1 (3) will not hold if p<2), we shall let p2 throughout the paper.

In low dimensions it is possible to express 𝒟pu in terms of the second-order partial derivatives uxixj. In 2 it can be calculated to be


We clearly see the nonlinearity introduced when p>2.

The motivation behind Definition 2 came from the following observations: By carrying out the differentiation in (1.1), we arrive at the identity


The normalized variant of the -Laplacian appearing in (2.1) satisfies


Thus the normalized p-Laplacian also satisfies


when 0p-2<. When u is a fundamental solution, we have equality in (2.2) and (2.3). Since 𝒟p is sublinear and invariant under translations, a very simple proof of the superposition principle for the fundamental solutions (1.3) is produced. However, the above calculations are, for the moment, not valid at the poles or at critical points.

Proposition 1 (Fundamental properties of Dp. Smooth case).

Let u,vC2(Ω). Then the following holds pointwise for 2p.

  1. Domination: We have


  2. Sublinearity: We have

    1. 𝒟p[u+v]𝒟pu+𝒟pv, and

    2. 𝒟p[αu]=α𝒟pu, α0.

  3. Cylindrical Equivalence: Let 1kn and let u be k-cylindrical.

    1. Assume that the corresponding one-variable function U=U(r) satisfies UrU′′. If k<n, we also require that U′′0. Then


    2. If u is a k-cylindrical fundamental solution, then


    3. If 2<p<, k2, and 𝒟pu=0=Δpu, then u is a k-cylindrical fundamental solution.

  4. Nesting Property: The following hold:

    1. If 𝒟pu0, then 𝒟qu0 for every 2qp.

    2. If 𝒟pu0, then 𝒟qu0 for every pq.

  5. Invariance: We have


    in T-1(Ω) for all isometries T:nn.


We prove (1)–(5) separately.

(1) Domination: Since


we also get, when u0,


for 0p-2<. If u=0 or p=2, the claim is trivial: The p-Laplacian is zero at critical points when p>2.

(2) Sublinearity: Since


we also get


for 0p-2<. Also, if α0 and λu is the largest eigenvalue of u, then αλu is the largest eigenvalue of [αu]=αu. Thus λαu=αλu. This means that




for p<.

(3) Cylindrical Equivalence: (a) Let 1kn, x0n, let Q be an n×k matrix with QTQ=Ik, and let


Write y:Ωnk,


Assume first that u is C2 at a point x1Ω, where y(x1)=0. Then, for a number h and vector q, we have y(x1+hq)=hQTq and


which is independent of the sign. Therefore, u(x1)=0 and the equality in (2.4) is trivial.

The Jacobian matrix of y is Dy=QT, and






Now, u(x)=U(|y(x)|) and


The Hessian matrix is


with trace


There are n-k perpendicular constant eigenvectors in the null-space of QT with zero eigenvalues. The (transposed) gradient is in the column-space of Q and is an eigenvector:


Finally, there are k-1 eigenvectors ξ=ξ(x)n in the column-space of Q that are perpendicular to u, i.e. y^TQTξ=0 and ξ=Qξ~ for some ξ~k:


Thus the n eigenvalues of u are U|y| with multiplicity k-1, 0 with multiplicity n-k and U′′ with multiplicity 1.

By the assumption UrU′′ and U′′0, if k<n, it is clear that the largest eigenvalue is λu=U′′ and it follows that




Again, the equality is trivial if u=0.

(b) Now assume that u(x)=U(|y|) is a C2k-cylindrical fundamental solution:

U(r)={-C1p-1p-krp-kp-1+C2,pk,-C1lnr+C2,p=k,-C1r+C2,p= or k=1,

with C10, C2. Then




We see that U′′0Ur in every case, so 𝒟u=λu=U′′=0 if p=, and






when p<.

(c) Finally, assume that u is k-cylindrical, 2kn, 2<p< and Δpu=0=𝒟pu. The ODE for U produced by Δpu=0 is


with general solution U satisfying


By the definition of the cylindrical fundamental solutions, we only need to show that C0. The equation 𝒟pu=0 gives


Subtract (2.5) from (2.6) or (2.7) and divide by p-2 to obtain the condition


That is,


which is true only if C0.

(4) Nesting Property: Let 2qp and assume 𝒟pu0. For each xΩ we consider two cases. If 𝒟u=λu<0, then every eigenvalue is negative and


If 𝒟u=λu0, then also


Now let 2pq and assume


Then, obviously, λu0 and


(5) Invariance: An isometry in n is on the form T(x)=QT(x-x0) for some x0n and some constant orthogonal n×n matrix Q: QTQ=I. Define v(x):=u(T(x)) on T-1(Ω), i.e. T(x)Ω. Write y:=T(x). Then v(x)=u(y)QT and


So λv(x)=λu(y), proving the case p=, since






3 Proof of Theorem 1

That dominative p-superharmonicity of the terms is a sufficient condition for the sum to be p-superharmonic is now an immediate consequence of Proposition 1:

Proof of Theorem 1 (i).

Let 2p and let u1,,uN be dominative p-superharmonic C2 functions. That is, 𝒟pui0. Write


to denote the sum. Then V is C2 and

ΔpV|V|p-2𝒟p[i=1Nui](by Proposition 1 (1))
|V|p-2i=1N𝒟pui(by Proposition 1 (2))

The calculations are the same when p=. ∎

Notice that a sum of fundamental solutions, V(x)=i=1Nciwn,p(x-yi) in a domain not containing the singularities, is just a special case by (3) and (5) of Proposition 1.

We restate and prove the first part of Theorem 1 (ii).

Proposition 2.

Let 2p and let uC2(Ω). Then the following properties are equivalent.

  1. u(x)+aTx is p-superharmonic for every linear function aTx.

  2. u(x)+cwn,p(x-y) is p-superharmonic in Ω{y} for every c0 and every yn.

  3. u+uT is p-superharmonic in ΩT-1(Ω) for every isometry T:Ωn.

  4. u is a dominative p-superharmonic function.


We show

The upward implications are immediate from the fundamental properties of 𝒟p. As for the downward implications, assume that u is not dominative p-superharmonic. Then there is a point x0Ω so that 𝒟pu(x0)>0.

(a)  (d) By the contrapositive assumption 𝒟p(x0)>0, the implication is proved if we can find a constant an so that Δp[u+aTx]>0 at x0. To this end, let ξu=ξu(x0) be a unit eigenvector of u(x0) corresponding to the largest eigenvalue λu and let v(x):=aTx be the linear function with


Then, at x0,


so |(u+v)|=1 and


if p=. Also, if p<,


(b)  (d) The implication is proved if we can find a yn and a c0 so that


at x=x0. To this end, let ξu=ξu(x0) be a unit eigenvector of u(x0) corresponding to the largest eigenvalue λu, and denote by q:=uT(x0) the gradient of u at x0. The idea is to consider a fundamental solution with centre far away from x0 in the proper direction, and then scale it in order to achieve a convenient cancellation in the sum of the gradients.

Introduce a (large) parameter s and let the centre of the scaled fundamental solution


be at ys:=x0-q+sξu. Let zs be the point




which equals -zsT=-(q-sξu)T if we choose the scale cs to be


We may read the fraction n+p-2p-1 as 1 if p=.

We now get, at x0, u+fs=qT-(q-sξu)T=sξuT and


if p< and


if p=. Since 𝒟pu(x0)>0 and does not depend on s, we finish the proof by making the remaining term(s) arbitrarily close to zero.

The Hessian matrix of the fundamental solution is


so at zs we get


Thus, when p<,


as s since


Likewise, when p=,


To summarize: If 𝒟pu(x0)>0 and if s is large enough, then for


we have[3]


and the sum u+fs is not p-superharmonic.

(c)  (d) Without loss of generality we may assume x0 to be the origin. i.e. 0Ω and 𝒟pu(0)>0. We shall prove the implication by finding an isometry T and a point y0Ω, equal or close to 0, so that T(y0)Ω and Δp[u+uT]>0 at y0. To this end, let yn, |y|=1 be a fixed direction in space defining the line


The projection onto is given by the 1-rank matrix


We have, as for every projection,


The reflection about is now given by Rx:=Px-(x-Px). That is,


A reflection satisfies


After carefully choosing y, T(x):=Rx will be our isometry.

Define the superposition


The main idea of the proof is that, on , V will be pointing in the y-direction: The chain rule gives V(x)=12(u(x)+u(Rx)R) and V(x)=12(u(x)+Ru(Rx)R) and ΔV(x)=12(Δu(x)+Δu(Rx)). For x we have Rx=x, and


This gives, when V=uP0,


since RP=P and 0PuT is parallel to y. Similarly


Now choose y:=ξu, where ξu=ξu(0) is a unit eigenvector of u(0) corresponding to the largest eigenvalue λu. The isometry T is then


Since 0, and unless u(0)ξu=0, it follows that


and Δp[u+uT]=2αp+1|uP|αpΔpN[u+uT]>0 at x=0 since u(0)P=u(0)ξuξuT0.

If u(0)ξu=0, we complete the proof with a continuity argument: Since λu(0)>0,[4]𝒟pu(0)>0 and Ω is open, and since the Hessian is continuous, there must be a common ϵ>0 so that

  1. ξuTu(tξu)ξu>0,

  2. (p-2)ξuTu(tξu)ξu+Δu(tξu)>0 if p<,

  3. T(tξu)=tξuΩ for all t[0,ϵ].

A Taylor expansion of the gradient about 0 in the ξu-direction then gives


for some t0[0,ϵ]. So


and again, since ϵξu,


if p< and


if p=. Thus the sum u+uT is not p-superharmonic in ΩT-1(Ω). ∎

We finish the proof of Theorem 1 by showing the equivalence of (d) and (e). The nontrivial implication is (d)  (e). Namely that if 2<p< and uC2(Ω) is both p-harmonic and dominative p-superharmonic, then u is locally a cylindrical fundamental solution. Since the hypothesis and the domination implies


the claim follows from Proposition 3 below. It is partially the converse of the Cylindrical Equivalence (part (3) of Proposition 1).

Proposition 3.

Let 2<p< and let uC2(Ω).[5] If

(3.1)Δpu=0=𝒟puin Ω,

then u is locally a cylindrical fundamental solution.

The proof relies on a rather deep result in differential geometry. We refer to [3], [19] and [17] for the details of the following exposition.

A nonconstant smooth function u:M on a Riemannian manifold M is called isoparametric if there exist functions f and g so that


A regular level-set of an isoparametric function is called an isoparametric hypersurface. The investigation of isoparametric functions and hypersurfaces was originally motivated by the study of wave propagation.

The isoparametric hypersurfaces in the Euclidean case Mn have been classified completely. Apparently, this was first done by Segre (see [17]) in 1938:

Theorem 3 (Segre).

A connected isoparametric hypersurface in Rn is, upon scaling and an Euclidean motion, an open part of one of the following hypersurfaces:

  1. a hyperplane n-1,

  2. a sphere Sn-1,

  3. a generalized cylinder Sk-1×n-k, k=2,,n-1.

Moreover, the family of cylinders u-1(c) is concentric. Thus u is a function of the distance to the common “axis” of the cylinders, the axis being an (n-k)-dimensional affine subspace, k=1,,n, in n. Call this subset 𝒜k.

The axis 𝒜k is isomorphic to n-k,


where, obviously,

dist(x,𝒜k~)=x12++xk2=|(Ik  0)x|,0k×n-k.

Translating and rotating back to 𝒜k via an isometry QnT(x-x0), Qnn×n orthogonal, we find that

u(x)=U(dist(x,𝒜k))=U(|(Ik 0)QnT(x-x0)|)=U(|QkT(x-x0)|),

where Qk is the n×k matrix consisting of the first k columns of Qn.

Thus an isoparametric function is cylindrical.

Proof of Proposition 3.

If u is affine, it can locally be written as a 1-cylindrical fundamental solution. If u is not an affine function, let x0Ω be a point with a neighbourhood ΩΩ where u has connected level-sets and where u0, u0. By the discussion above and part (c) of Proposition 1, it is sufficient to show that u is a smooth isoparametric function.

As u0 and p>2, our equation (3.1)


implies uuuT=λu|u|2 and the gradient is therefore an eigenvector of the Hessian:


Let 𝐜 be a differentiable curve in a level-set of u. Then 0=ddtu(𝐜(t))=ud𝐜dt and


Thus the length of the gradient is constant on the level-sets and can be written as a function only of u. Say,


We need to show that f is differentiable, because if so, differentiation of (3.2) yields


and λu=f(u). Using (3.1) once more, we then find that also Δu is a function of u:


Fix xΩ and let 𝐱(t) now be an integral curve of the gradient field starting from x:


Then define the function h as h(t):=u(𝐱(t)). We see that h is C2 and


Thus h is strictly monotone and


This is enough to conclude that (3.3), and thus (3.4), is valid.

As for the regularity of u, observe that if F is an anti-derivative of (2f)p-22 and ϕ(x):=F(u(x)), then ϕ is C2 and


That is, ϕ is harmonic by (3.1). It follows that ϕ is real-analytic, and so is u since u=|ϕ|-p-2p-1ϕ. ∎

This concludes the proof of Theorem 1.

It is worth noting that Proposition 3 is not true for p=2 and p=. The case p=2 is obvious since 𝒟2Δ and every harmonic function satisfies (3.1). When p=, a counter-example is provided by a function

u(x)=dist(x,)in Ω,

where is a non-spherical solid ellipse in, say, 2 and where Ω is a small ball sufficiently close to the boundary of the ellipse. Then u is neither affine nor a circular cone (i.e. not a cylindrical -fundamental solution). But u is smooth with |u|=1, so uu=0 and λu=0 is the larger eigenvalue as u is concave (see [7, Lemma 1 and Lemma 2, Appendix]). It follows that

𝒟u=λu=0=uuuT=Δuin Ω.

4 Viscosity solutions

The equation 𝒟pu=0 needs to be interpreted in the viscosity sense (v.s.). We refer to [4], [10] and [9] for the general theory of viscosity solutions. For our purpose, only the basic notions of the concept are needed.

A PDE in the form F(u,u)=0 is said to be degenerate elliptic if for any two symmetric matrices X and Y such that Y-X is positive semi-definite, i.e. XY, we have


for all qn.[6]

In our case




So if zTXzzTYz for all zn, then


and F(X)F(Y). Also, for any orthonormal set {z1,,zn},


so Fp(X)Fp(Y) when 0p-2<. Thus the dominative p-Laplace equation 𝒟pu=0 is degenerate elliptic.

It is known that the p-Laplace equation is degenerate elliptic for 2p.

4.1 Definitions and fundamental properties

Consider a degenerate elliptic equation


Definition 3.

We say that u:Ω(-,] is a viscosity supersolution of the PDE (4.1) if the following hold:

  1. u is lower semi-continuous (l.s.c.).

  2. u< in a dense subset of Ω.

  3. If x0Ω and ϕC2 touches u from below at x0, i.e.

    ϕ(x0)=u(x0),ϕ(x)u(x)for x near x0,

    we require that


The viscosity subsolutions v:Ω[-,) are defined in a similar way: they are upper semi-continuous and the test functions touch from above. Finally, a function w:Ω is a viscosity solution if it is both a viscosity supersolution and a viscosity subsolution. Necessarily, wC(Ω).

We say that u is dominative p-superharmonic if u is a viscosity supersolution to the equation 𝒟pw=0. We write this as 𝒟pu0 v.s. (viscosity sense). The p-superharmonic functions were traditionally defined by the comparison principle and weak integral formulations – and not by viscosity. According to [8], however, the two concepts are equivalent and we may therefore define the p-superharmonic functions in terms of viscosity as well. The comparison principle then becomes a theorem:

Theorem 4 (Comparison Principle).

Let 2p. Assume that v is p-subharmonic and that u is p-superharmonic in Ω. Let DΩ. Then

v|Du|Dvuin D.

Before we extend the fundamental properties of the dominative operator (Proposition 1) to the setting of viscosity, we establish that a dominative -superharmonic function is the same as a concave function:

Proposition 4.

Let ΩRn be open and convex. Then

𝒟u0 v.s. in Ωu is concave in Ω.

This is [15, Proposition 4.1] or, alternatively, [16, Theorem 2.2] in disguise. Note that continuity is automatically given by either direction: It is well known that concave functions are continuous in open domains. Also, if 𝒟u0 v.s., then u is -superharmonic by Proposition 5 and is therefore continuous by [13, Lemma 6.7].

Proposition 5 (Fundamental properties of Dp. Viscosity sense).

The following hold for 2p.

  1. Domination: If u is dominative p-superharmonic, then u is p-superharmonic.

  2. Sublinearity: If 𝒟pu0 and 𝒟pv0 v.s. and u is radial, then 𝒟p[u+v]0 v.s.

  3. Radial Equivalence: If u is a radial p-superharmonic function, then 𝒟pu0 v.s.

  4. Nesting Property: The following hold:

    1. If 𝒟pu0 v.s., then 𝒟qu0 v.s. for every 2qp. In particular, if u is locally concave, then 𝒟qu0 v.s. for all 2q.

    2. If 𝒟pu0 v.s., then 𝒟qu0 v.s. for every pq. In particular, if u is subharmonic, then 𝒟qu0 v.s. for all 2q.

  5. Invariance: If 𝒟pu0 v.s. in n, then 𝒟p[uT]0 v.s. in n for all isometries T:nn.

As shown below, claims (1), (4) and (5) follow easily from the corresponding properties in the smooth case (Proposition 1). The proofs of (2) and (3) are more difficult and are postponed until the survey of Radial p-superharmonic functions in Section 5.


As said, we prove (1), (4) and (5).

(1) Domination: Assume 𝒟pu0 v.s. Let x0 be a point in the domain of u, and assume that ϕ is a test function of u from below at x0. Then 𝒟pϕ(x0)0 and


by the smooth case Domination. Hence Δpu0 v.s. and u is p-superharmonic.

(4) Nesting Property: Let 2qp and suppose 𝒟pu0 v.s. Let x0 be a point in the domain of u, and assume that ϕ is a test function of u from below at x0. Then 𝒟pϕ(x0)0 and


by the smooth case Nesting Property and 𝒟qu0 v.s. The additional claim follows from Proposition 4.

Let pq and suppose 𝒟pu0 v.s. Let x0 be a point in the domain of u, and assume that ϕ is a test function of u from above at x0. Then 𝒟pϕ(x0)0 and


by the smooth case Nesting Property and 𝒟qu0 v.s.

(5) Invariance: Assume 𝒟pu0 v.s. in n and let T:nn be an isometry. Let x0n, and assume that ϕ is a test function for uT from below at x0. Then the function ϕ^:=ϕT-1 is a test function for u from below at y0:=T(x0), since


and, for y near y0, T-1(y) is near x0 and


Thus 𝒟pϕ^(y0)0 and

=(𝒟pϕ^)(T(x0))(by the smooth case 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒)

and 𝒟p[uT]0 v.s. in n. ∎

4.2 The superposition principle for radial p-superharmonic functions

Proposition 5 contains everything we need in order to show that radial p-superharmonic functions can be added and perturbed by a concave function:

Proof of Theorem 2.

Let 2p and let u1,,uN be radial p-superharmonic functions in n. We must show that the sum


is p-superharmonic in n for any concave function K.

Observe first that if 𝒟pu0, 𝒟pv0 v.s., where u is radial, then 𝒟p[vT-1]0 v.s. for every isometry T by the Invariance (5). By the Sublinearity (2) it then follows that 𝒟p[u+vT-1]0 v.s. and

𝒟p[uT+v]=𝒟p[(u+vT-1)T]0 v.s.,

again by (5).

From the Radial Equivalence (3), 𝒟pui0 v.s. for each i=1,,N and also 𝒟pK0 v.s. by the Nesting Property (4). Denoting the translations by Ti(x):=x-yi, and adding the functions uiTi one by one, starting with K, we obtain that

𝒟p[i=1NuiTi+K]0 v.s.

We now use the Domination (1) to conclude that the sum


is p-superharmonic in n. ∎

5 Radial p-superharmonic functions

A radial p-superharmonic function u:n(-,] is of the form u(x)=U(|x|) for some l.s.c. one-variable function U:[0,)(-,]. By comparing with constant functions (which are p-harmonic), it is clear that U must be decreasing (= non-increasing). Also, since the set {x:u(x)=} has measure zero [12], the origin is the only possible pole of u. Therefore, u is bounded in every annulus


Equivalently, U is bounded on the interval (a,b).



denote the fundamental solution to the p-Laplace equation in n, see (1.2) in the Introduction. In this section, the important properties of the fundamental solution is that any scaled version, C1wn,p+C2 (C1,C2), is still a radial Cp-harmonic function in n{0}. And when C10, it is also dominative p-harmonic by part (b) of Proposition 1.

Furthermore, we shall frequently use the fact that the function Wn,p:[0,)(-,] is strictly decreasing. A simple calculation shows that a scaled fundamental solution is uniquely determined by its values at two different positive radii.

Given a radial p-superharmonic function u(x)=U(|x|) in n and two numbers 0<a<b, we define hab on n{0} as the scaled fundamental solution hab(x)=Hab(|x|), where


Figure 1 We have Ha⁢b{H_{ab}}≤U{\leq U} on [a,b]{[a,b]}, while Ha⁢b{H_{ab}}≥U{\geq U} outside the interval.
Figure 1

We have HabU on [a,b], while HabU outside the interval.

The point of this is that hab is p-harmonic, smooth and it satisfies


(See Figure 1.) Thus hab=u on the boundary of the annulus Aab and by the comparison principle we must have

habuin Aab.


HabUin (a,b).

We now deduce other immediate properties of Hab and the scaling constant Cab.

Lemma 1.

Let 2p and let u(x)=U(|x|) be a given radial p-superharmonic function in Rn. For numbers a and b with 0<a<b define the scaled fundamental solution hab(x)=Hab(|x|) with scaling constant Cab as in (5.1) and (5.2).

  1. We have the opposite inequality outside the annulus Aab:

    HabUin (0,a][b,).
  2. 0CabCbc< whenever 0<a<b<c.

  3. The mappings aCab and cCbc are increasing.

  4. The one-sided limits


    exist and


Observe that the existence of the limits (4) implies that U(r) has one-sided derivatives at every r0. For example,


which goes to Cb-Wn,p(b) as ab-.


(1) Suppose for the sake of contradiction that there is a number d>b so that Hab(d)<U(d). See Figure 2. The function had(x)=Had(|x|) satisfies

Had(a)=U(a)=Hab(a)(by definition),
Had(d)=U(d)>Hab(d)(by assumption),
Had(b)U(b)=Hab(b)(by the comparison principle).

By the Intermediate Value Theorem, there is an c[b,d) so that Had(c)=Hab(c). Since also Had(a)=Hab(a), the two functions are identical. This is the contradiction to the assumption Had(d)>Hab(d). The proof for 0<r<a is symmetric.

Figure 2 Impossible situation. If there is a d with d>b{d>b} such that Ha⁢b⁢(d){H_{ab}(d)}<U⁢(d){<U(d)}, then there exists a c∈[b,d){c\in[b,d)} so that Ha⁢d⁢(c)=Ha⁢b⁢(c){H_{ad}(c)=H_{ab}(c)}. Thus Ha⁢d≡Ha⁢b{H_{ad}}\equiv{H_{ab}}.
Figure 2

Impossible situation. If there is a d with d>b such that Hab(d)<U(d), then there exists a c[b,d) so that Had(c)=Hab(c). Thus HadHab.

(2) We have


for all 0<a<b since U is decreasing and Wn,p is strictly decreasing. Moreover,


whenever b+ϵ is between b and c, see Figure 3. The first inequality follows from the comparison principle, and the second inequality follows from (1). Therefore


and CabCbc since Wn,p(b)<0.

Figure 3 Proof of (2): We have Hb⁢c≤Ha⁢b{H_{bc}\leq H_{ab}} on (b,c){(b,c)} soHb⁢c′⁢(b)≤Ha⁢b′⁢(b){H_{bc}^{\prime}(b)\leq H_{ab}^{\prime}(b)}.
Figure 3

Proof of (2): We have HbcHab on (b,c) soHbc(b)Hab(b).

Figure 4 Proof of (3): We have Ha′⁢b≥Ha⁢b{H_{a^{\prime}b}\geq H_{ab}} on (0,b){(0,b)} soHa′⁢b′⁢(b)≤Ha⁢b′⁢(b){H_{a^{\prime}b}^{\prime}(b)\leq H_{ab}^{\prime}(b)}.
Figure 4

Proof of (3): We have HabHab on (0,b) soHab(b)Hab(b).

(3) Let 0<a<a<b. By the comparison principle,


Since Hab(b)=Hab(b), the two functions are either identical or Hab>Hab on (0,b). It follows that


and CabCab since Wn,p(b)<0. The proof for b<c<c is symmetric. (See Figure 4.)

(4) The claims in (4) are immediate consequences of (2) and (3). ∎

We are now able to reveal a crucial fact about radial p-superharmonic functions: They have a smooth p-harmonic test function touching from above at every finite value.[7]

Lemma 2.

Let 2p. Moreover, let u be a radial p-superharmonic function and let x0Rn. If u(x0)<, then there exists a fundamental solution


touching u from above at x0:

h(x0)=u(x0)  𝑎𝑛𝑑  h(x)u(x) near x0.


If x0=0 and u is bounded at the origin, the constant function h(x)u(0) will do.

Write u(x)=U(|x|) and b:=|x0|>0. Let Cb[Cb-,Cb+], where the end-points of the, possibly singleton but non-empty, interval are defined in part (4) of Lemma 1. We claim that the scaled fundamental solution h(x)=H(|x|) given by


touches u from above at x0.

Obviously, H(b)=U(b) and if 0<a<b, then CabCb by parts (3) and (4) of Lemma 1 and

Cab[Wn,p(a)-Wn,p(b)]+U(b)  (Wn,p(a)-Wn,p(b)>0)

If b<c, then similarly CbCbc and

Cbc[Wn,p(c)-Wn,p(b)]+U(b)  (Wn,p(c)-Wn,p(b)<0)

The lemma is proved. ∎

Observe that H is uniquely determined if and only if U is differentiable at r=b. That is, if and only if Cb+=Cb-.

With these new tools, we restate and prove the Radial Equivalence (3) and the Sublinearity (2) of Proposition 5.

Proposition 6 (Radial Equivalence).

Let 2p. If u is a radial p-superharmonic function in Rn, then

𝒟pu0in n

in the viscosity sense.


Let x0n and assume that u has a test function ϕ from below at x0. We need to show 𝒟pϕ(x0)0. Obviously, u(x0)<. By Lemma 2 there is a scaled fundamental solution h touching u from above at x0. Thus,


and, for x close to x0,


which implies the Hessian matrix inequality ϕ(x0)h(x0). It follows that


from the fact that 𝒟p is degenerate elliptic and from the smooth case Cylindrical Equivalence. ∎

Proposition 7 (Sublinearity).

Let 2p. Assume Dpu0 and Dpv0 in the viscosity sense in Rn, where u is radial. Then


in the viscosity sense in Rn.


Let x0n and assume that ϕ is a test function to u+v from below at x0. Clearly, u(x0)< since otherwise u+v= at x0 and there would be no test function there. Also, u is p-superharmonic by the Domination (1) of Proposition 5. Hence, by Lemma 2, there exists a scaled fundamental solution h touching u from above at x0:

h(x0)=u(x0),u(x)h(x)near x0.

Again, 𝒟ph=0 by the smooth case Cylindrical Equivalence.

Define ψ(x):=ϕ(x)-h(x). Then ψ is C2 and



ψ(x)u(x)+v(x)-u(x)=v(x)near x0,

so ψ is a test function for v from below at x0. This means that 𝒟pψ(x0)0, and it follows that


at x0 by the smooth case Sublinearity. Hence,


in the viscosity sense in n. ∎

The proof of Proposition 5, and hence Theorem 2, is now completed.

Communicated by Juan Manfredi


I thank Peter Lindqvist for useful discussions and for naming the operator. I thank Fredrik Arbo Høeg for checking calculations. Also, I thank Juan Manfredi for pointing out the work [16].


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Received: 2017-05-22
Revised: 2017-11-13
Accepted: 2017-11-16
Published Online: 2017-12-07
Published in Print: 2020-04-01

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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