Correction to: Environ Sci Eur (2020) 32:46

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors would like to correct the number in the Abstract, paragraph “Results”, row 5 AND on page 8, second column.

The sentences currently read:

In Abstract: A 10 kWh increase in battery capacity increases the mass of electric cars by 15 kg, their drive range by 40–50 km, and their energy consumption by 0.7–1.0 kWh/100 km.

In Page 8: We find that each 10 kWh of battery capacity increases vehicle mass by 15 kg, drive range by 40–50 km, and energy consumption by 0.7–1.0 kWh/100 km.

The sentences should read:

In Abstract: A 10 kWh increase in battery capacity increases the mass of electric cars by 150 kg, their drive range by 40–50 km, and their energy consumption by 0.7–1.0 kWh/100 km.

In Page 8: We find that each 10 kWh of battery capacity increases vehicle mass by 150 kg, drive range by 40–50 km, and energy consumption by 0.7–1.0 kWh/100 km.