On the length of chains in a metric space

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfa.2020.108627Get rights and content


We obtain an upper bound on the minimal number of points in an ε-chain joining two points in a metric space. This generalizes a bound due to Hambly and Kumagai (1999) for the case of resistance metric on certain self-similar fractals. As an application, we deduce a condition on ε-chains introduced by Grigor'yan and Telcs (2012). This allows us to obtain sharp bounds on the heat kernel for spaces satisfying the parabolic Harnack inequality without assuming further conditions on the metric. A snowflake transform on the Euclidean space shows that our bound is sharp.


The fundamental solution of the heat equation (or heat kernel) on Rn is given by the Gauss Weierstrass kernelpt(x,y)=1(4πt)n/2exp(d(x,y)24t),for all x,yRn,t>0. From a probabilistic viewpoint, the heat kernel can be interpreted as the transition probability density of the diffusion generated by the Laplacian Δ. More generally, for any uniformly elliptic, divergence form operator Lu=i,j=0nxi(aij(x)uxj) on Rn, Aronson [1] proved that the heat kernel pt(x,y) of the corresponding heat equation tuLu=0 satisfiesc1V(x,t1/2)exp(d(x,y)2c1t)pt(x,y)C1V(x,t1/2)exp(d(x,y)2C1t), for all x,yRn,t>0, where c1,C1(0,). Here V(x,r) denotes the Lebesgue measure of the Euclidean ball B(x,r) centered at x with radius r.

To prove the above lower bound on pt(x,y), the first step is to obtain the lower bound under the additional restriction that d(x,y)Ct1/2. Such an estimate is called a near diagonal lower bound. In order to obtain the full lower bound from a near diagonal lower bound, one chooses a sequence of points (called a chain) {xi}i=0n such that x0=x,xn=y and nN such that d(xi,xi+1)C(t/n)1/2/2 for all i=0,1,,n1. Then we use Chapman-Kolmogorov equation to obtain the estimatept(x,y)B(xn1,C(t/n)1/2/2)B(x1,C(t/n)1/2/2)Πi=0n1pt/n(yi,yi+1)dy1dyn1, where y0=x,yn=y. By optimizing over n and the sequence {xi}i=0n and using the near diagonal lower bound, we obtain the full lower bound on the heat kernel pt(x,y). This method of obtaining full heat kernel lower bound is called the chaining argument.

The use of chaining argument to obtain heat kernel estimates is classical [2], [1]. Such chaining arguments are also used to obtain heat kernel estimates on fractals; see [3] for a general introduction to diffusions on fractals. In this work, we address the natural converse question: Do heat kernel estimates imply the existence of short chains? Our main result provides an upper bound on the length of chains, which in some sense is the best possible. The goal of this work is to obtain sharp quantitative bounds on the connectivity of a metric space. This will be expressed as bounds on the length of chains.

We recall the definition of a chain in a metric space (X,d).

Definition 1.1

We say that a sequence {xi}i=0N of points in X is an ε-chain between points x,yX ifx0=x,xN=y, and d(xi,xi+1)<ε for all i=0,1,,N1. For any ε>0 and x,yX, definedε(x,y)=inf{xi} isε-chaini=0N1d(xi,xi+1), where the infimum is taken over all ε-chains {xi}i=0N between x,y with arbitrary N.

Note that if (X,d) is a geodesic space, then dε(x,y)=d(x,y) for all ε>0,x,yX.

Throughout this paper, we consider a complete, locally compact separable metric space (X,d), equipped with a Radon measure m with full support, i.e., a Borel measure m on X which is finite on any compact set and strictly positive on any non-empty open set. Such a triple (X,d,m) is referred to as a metric measure space. Then we set diam(X,d):=supx,yXd(x,y) and B(x,r):={yX|d(x,y)<r} for xX and r>0.

Let (E,F) be a symmetric Dirichlet form on L2(X,m). In other words, the domain F is a dense linear subspace of L2(X,m), such that E:F×FR is a non-negative definite symmetric bilinear form which is closed (F is a Hilbert space under the inner product E1(,):=E(,)+,L2(X,m)) and Markovian (the unit contraction operates on F; (u0)1F and E((u0)1,(u0)1)E(u,u) for any uF). Recall that (E,F) is called regular if FCc(X) is dense both in (F,E1) and in (Cc(X),sup). Here Cc(X) is the space of R-valued continuous functions on X with compact support.

For a function uF, let suppm[u] denote the support of the measure |u|dm, i.e., the smallest closed subset F of X with XF|u|dm=0; note that suppm[u] coincides with the closure of Xu1({0}) in X if u is continuous. Recall that (E,F) is called strongly local if E(u,v)=0 for any u,vF with suppm[u], suppm[v] compact and v is constant m-almost everywhere in a neighborhood of suppm[u]. The pair (X,d,m,E,F) of a metric measure space (X,d,m) and a strongly local, regular symmetric Dirichlet form (E,F) on L2(X,m) is termed a metric measure Dirichlet space, or an MMD space. We refer to [8], [7] for a comprehensive account of the theory of symmetric Dirichlet forms.

We recall the definition of energy measures associated to an MMD space. Note that fgF for any f,gFL(X,m) by [8, Theorem 1.4.2-(ii)] and that {(n)(fn)}n=1F and limn(n)(fn)=f in norm in (F,E1) by [8, Theorem 1.4.2-(iii)].

Definition 1.2 cf. [8, (3.2.14) and (3.2.15)]

Let (X,d,m,E,F) be an MMD space. The energy measure Γ(f,f) of fF is defined, first for fFL(X,m) as the unique ([0,]-valued) Borel measure on X with the property thatXgdΓ(f,f)=E(f,fg)12E(f2,g) for all gFCc(X), and then by Γ(f,f)(A):=limnΓ((n)(fn),(n)(fn))(A) for each Borel subset A of K for general fF.

The notion of energy measure can be extended to the local Dirichlet space Floc, which is defined as For any fFloc and for any relatively compact open set VX, we defineΓ(f,f)(V)=Γ(f#,f#)(V), where f# is as in the definition of Floc. Since (E,F) is strongly local, the value of Γ(f#,f#)(V) does not depend on the choice of f#, and is therefore well defined. Since X is locally compact, this defines a Radon measure Γ(f,f) on X.

Definition 1.3 Capacity between sets

For subsets A,BX, we defineF(A,B):={fF:f1 on a neighborhood of A and f0 on a neighborhood of B}, and the capacity Cap(A,B) asCap(A,B)=inf{E(f,f):fF(A,B)}.

The main result of this work provides upper bounds on dε(x,y) based on analytic conditions on an MMD space that we introduce now. Henceforth, we fix a continuous increasing bijection Ψ:(0,)(0,) such that for all 0<rR,C1(Rr)β1Ψ(R)Ψ(r)C(Rr)β2, for some constants 0<β1<β2 and C>1. Throughout this work, the function Ψ is meant to denote the space time scaling of the process.

Definition 1.4

We recall the following properties that an MMD space (X,d,m,E,F) may satisfy:

We say that (X,d,m) satisfies the volume doubling Property (VD) if there exists CD1 such thatm(B(x,2r))CDm(B(x,r)), for all xX,r>0. We say that (X,d,m,E,F) satisfies the Poincaré inequality PI(Ψ), if there exist constants C,A1 such that for all xX, r(0,) and fFB(x,R)(ff)2dmCΨ(r)B(x,Ar)dΓ(f,f), where f=m(B(x,r))1B(x,r)fdμ. If all balls are relatively compact, then the above inequality can be extended to all fFloc.

We say that (X,d,m,E,F) satisfies the capacity estimate cap(Ψ) if there exist C1,A1,A2>1 such that for all xX, 0<R<diam(X,d)/A2,Cap(B(x,R),B(x,A1R)c)C1m(B(x,R))Ψ(R).

We recall the definition of the heat kernel corresponding to an MMD space.

Definition 1.5

Let (X,d,m,E,F) be an MMD space, and let {Pt}t>0 denote its associated Markov semigroup. A family {pt}t>0 of non-negative Borel measurable functions on X×X is called the heat kernel of (X,d,m,E,F), if pt is the integral kernel of the operator Pt for any t>0, that is, for any t>0 and for any fL2(X,m),Ptf(x)=Xpt(x,y)f(y)dm(y)for m-almost every xX. We remark that not every MMD space (X,d,m,E,F) has a heat kernel. The existence of heat kernel is an issue in general.

Our main result is the following upper bound on dε.

Theorem 1.6

Let (X,d,m,E,F) be an MMD space that satisfies (VD), PI(Ψ), and cap(Ψ), where Ψ satisfies (1.3). Then there exists C>1 such that for all ε>0 and for all x,yX that satisfy d(x,y)ε, we havedε(x,y)2ε2CΨ(d(x,y))Ψ(ε) In particular, for all x,yX, we havelimε0Ψ(ε)dε(x,y)ε=0.

Remark 1.7

  • (a)

    If Ψ(r)=r2, (1.4) implies the chain condition dε(x,y)d(x,y) for all ε>0,x,yX.

  • (b)

    If Ψ(r)=rβ, then (1.4) and the triangle inequality dε(x,y)d(x,y) imply thatd(x,y)2ε2dε(x,y)2ε2Cd(x,y)βεβ, for all x,yX,ε>0 with d(x,y)ε. By letting ε0, we give a new proof of the known fact that β2 must necessarily hold.

  • (c)

    Let Ψ(r)=rβ with β2. Consider the Dirichlet form corresponding to the Brownian motion on Rd with Lebesgue measure as the symmetric measure, and the snowflake metric d(x,y)=xy22/β, where xy2 denotes the Euclidean distance (cf. [18, Definition 1.2.8] for the terminology ‘snowflake metric’). In this case, it is easy to obtainΨ(ε)dε(x,y)2ε2Ψ(d(x,y))xy22 for all x,yRd,ε>0 with ε<d(x,y). Hence, the bound (1.4) is sharp for all β2.

  • (d)

    Theorem 1.6 provides a new proof to an estimate due to Hambly and Kumagai [11, Lemma 3.3]. Based on the results in [11], the estimate (1.5) was introduced by Grigor'yan and Telcs in [10, (1.8)] to obtain sharp estimates of the heat kernel (cf. Corollary 2.9).

By [10, Theorem 6.5] along with (1.5), we have the following corollary (see Theorem 2.11 for generalization to arbitrary scale functions Ψ).

Corollary 1.8

Let (X,d,m,E,F) be an MMD space that satisfies the following sub-Gaussian estimate on its heat kernel pt(,): there exists β2,C,c>0 such thatcV(x,t1/β)exp((d(x,y)βct)1/(β1))pt(x,y)CV(x,t1/β)exp((d(x,y)βCt)1/(β1)) for all x,yX,t>0, where V(x,r)=m(B(x,r)). Then the metric d satisfies the chain condition: there exists K>1 such thatd(x,y)dε(x,y)Kd(x,y)for all ε>0 and for all x,yX.

Remark 1.9

  • (a)

    The chain condition (1.7) admits the following characterization. Let (X,d) be metric space such that the open balls B(x,r) are relatively compact for all xX,r>0. Then (X,d) satisfies the chain condition if and only if there exists a geodesic metric ρ such that d is bi-Lipschitz equivalent to ρ [15, Proposition A.1]. Recall that (X,ρ) is geodesic, if for any two points x,yX, there exists a function γ:[0,ρ(x,y)]X such that ρ(γ(s),γ(t))=|st| for all s,t[0,ρ(x,y)].

  • (b)

    Corollary 1.8 was previously known only for the case β=2. By a version of Varadhan's asymptotic formula in [14, Theorem 1.1], we obtain that d is bi-Lipschitz equivalent to the intrinsic metric. Hence by the remark above, d satisfies the chain condition. However, the intrinsic metric vanishes identically for the case β>2. This suggests the need for a completely different approach when β>2.

  • (c)

    The chain condition plays an essential role in the proof of singularity of energy measures in [15] for spaces satisfying the sub-Gaussian heat kernel estimate.

Recall that the parameter β in Corollary 2.9 is called the walk dimension. The following result can be viewed as a generalization of the result that the walk dimension is at least two.

Corollary 1.10

Let (X,d,m,E,F) be an MMD space that satisfies (VD), PI(Ψ), and cap(Ψ), where Ψ satisfies (1.3). Then there exists C11 such thatΨ(r)Ψ(s)C11(rs)2,for all 0<sr<diam(X,d).

Notation. In the following, we will use the notation AB for quantities A and B to indicate the existence of an implicit constant C1 depending on some inessential parameters such that ACB. We write AB, if AB and BA.

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We recall the notion of a net in a metric space.

Definition 2.1

Let (X,d) be a metric space and let ε>0. A maximal ε-separated subset VX is called an ε-net; in other words, V satisfies the following properties:

  • (a)

    V is ε-separated; that is, d(x,y)ε whenever x,yV and xy.

  • (b)

    (maximality) If WV and W is ε-separated, then W=V.

As a first step towards (1.4), we show that dε(x,y) is finite for all ε>0,x,yX.

Lemma 2.2

Let (X,d,m,E,F) be an MMD space that satisfies (VD), PI(Ψ), where Ψ satisfies (1.3). Thendε(x,y)<for all x,yX


I thank Takashi Kumagai for inspiring this work by asking if Corollary 1.8 could be true. It is a pleasure to acknowledge Naotaka Kajino and Takashi Kumagai for helpful references and discussions. This work was carried out at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University and at Kobe University. I am grateful to Takashi Kumagai, Naotaka Kajino, Jun Kigami, and Ryoki Fukushima for support and hospitality during the visit. The author thanks the anonymous referee for a careful

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There are more references available in the full text version of this article.

Research partially supported by NSERC (Canada).

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