
Advances in Mathematics

Volume 369, 5 August 2020, 107153
Advances in Mathematics

Higher Steenrod squares for Khovanov homology

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aim.2020.107153Get rights and content


We describe stable cup-i products on the cochain complex with F2 coefficients of any augmented semi-simplicial object in the Burnside category. An example of such an object is the Khovanov functor of Lawson, Lipshitz and Sarkar. Thus we obtain explicit formulas for cohomology operations on the Khovanov homology of any link.


In 2014 [7], Lipshitz and Sarkar defined a new invariant of knots and links valued in spectra that refined Khovanov homology. By using framed flow categories, they associated to each link a cellular spectrum X whose cellular cochain complex was the Khovanov complex, and therefore its cohomology was the Khovanov homology of the link. A consequence of this fact is that, when taking cohomology with coefficients in the field with two elements F2, Khovanov homology becomes endowed with Steenrod squares.

Shortly after, Lipshitz and Sarkar [8] were able to give a combinatorial formula for the second Steenrod square on the Khovanov homology of any link LSq2:Kh(L;F2)Kh+2(L;F2), in terms of the Khovanov complex and an extra datum called ladybug matching. They also showed (see also [14]) that Sq2 distinguishes some pairs of knots that are not distinguished by Khovanov homology.

Three years later, together with Lawson [5], they gave two new constructions of Khovanov spectra that simplified the original construction of Lipshitz and Sarkar. In their second construction, they associated to each link diagram D a strictly unital lax 2-functor FD from a cube poset to the Burnside 2-category, and associated a realisation spectrum |FD| to each such 2-functor. The spectrum |FD| is homotopy equivalent to the spectrum X first constructed by Lipshitz and Sarkar. This construction was revisited in [9] and in [6], where they asked the following question:

Are there nice formulations of the action of the Steenrod algebra on Kh(L;F2), purely in terms of the Khovanov functor to the Burnside category?

Symmetric multiplications. In order to make the question concrete, we introduce the following nice formulation of Steenrod squares on a cochain complex: A symmetric multiplication on a cochain complex (C,d) of F2-modules is a family of operationsi:CpCqCp+qi,iZ, satisfying thatαiβ=0 for i<0,d(αiβ)=dαiβ+αidβ+αi1β+βi1α for all i. Such structure endows the cohomology groups of the cochain complex with Steenrod squares, which are operationssqi:Hn(C)Hn+i(C),sqi([α])=[αniα], defined for i0. As a consequence of (1.1), sqi([α])=0 if i>n and the 0th operation 0 gives a well-defined graded multiplication on the cohomology of (C,d).

The prominent example of these structures appears in the normalised cochain complex N(Y;F2) of a simplicial set Y, which becomes endowed with a symmetric multiplication using the cup-i product formulas of Steenrod [15].

The normalisation process in the construction of N(X;F2) is done in two steps: first, kill the image of the degeneracies of the simplicial set Y thus obtaining a semi-simplicial set X (a simplicial set without degeneracies), and then take the dual of the chain complex C(X;F2) of alternating sums of face maps on the semi-simplicial set X. The cup-i products are defined out of the semi-simplicial structure and involve only face maps, so the cochain complex of any semi-simplicial set is also enhanced with cup-i products.

As an example, here are formulas for 0 and sq1. If αCp(X;F2) and βCq(X;F2), then α0βCp+q(X;F2) is the Alexander–Whitney product of α and β, whose value on a chain σCp+q(X;F2) is(α0β)(σ)=α(p+1p+1σ)β(00σ). If αCn(X;F2) is a cocycle, then the first Steenrod square sq1([α]) of [α] can be computed as [αn1α], which is defined as(αn1α)(σ)=j<kj,k evenα(jσ)α(kσ)+j>kj,k oddα(jσ)α(kσ).

On the other hand, Steenrod squares on a topological space X can be defined as natural transformations Sqi:H(X;F2)H+i(X;F2) that satisfy certain axioms. The fact that the Steenrod squares sqi for a simplicial set X that arise from the cup-i products coincide with the axiomatic Steenrod squares Sqi for the topological space |X| is not immediate, and uses the singular chain functor of Eilenberg [3] to compare the cohomology operations in both settings.

Observe also that the simplicial structure is crucial to define the symmetric multiplication. In contrast, the cellular cochain complex of a CW-complex does not have in general a symmetric multiplication.

Stable symmetric multiplications. Condition (1.1) above implies that 0 is a well-defined product on cohomology, but is not necessary for the definition of the Steenrod squares. A τ-shifted stable symmetric multiplication on a cochain complex C of F2-modules is a family of operationsi:CpCqCp+qiτ,iZ, satisfying (1.2). Such a structure gives again operationssqi:Hn(C)Hn+i(C),Sqi([α])=[αniτα] defined for i0. When τ=0 we refer to it simply as a stable symmetric multiplication.

The Khovanov homology Kh(L;R) of an oriented link L with coefficients in a commutative ring with unit R is obtained as follows: From a diagram D of the link with c ordered crossings and n negative crossings, Khovanov builds a contravariant functor FD:2cR-Mod from the cube poset 2c of dimension c to the category of R-modules (a cube of R-modules). Any such functor can be transformed functorially into a chain complex via the “totalisation functor” TotR and from the chain complex we can extract its cohomology: The Khovanov cochain complex C(D;R) of the link diagram D is the n-desuspension of dual cochain complex C(FD;R) and its cohomology does not depend on the diagram D, and thus defines an invariant Kh(L;R) of L, the Khovanov homology of L. If the link is connected, its Khovanov homology neither depends on the orientation of the link.

Lipshitz, Lawson and Sarkar went further by building a 2-functor FD:(2c)opB to the Burnside 2-category. The Burnside 2-category maps functorially to the category of R-modules, and FD can be recovered by postcomposing FD with this functor: Now, to each cube F in the Burnside 2-category they associated a spectrum |F| whose cohomology with coefficients in R is isomorphic to the graded R-module obtained from (1.3). Since the cohomology with coefficients in F2 of a spectrum is endowed with Steenrod operations Sqi, so does the cohomology with coefficients in F2 of any cube in the Burnside 2-category. In addition, the n-desuspension of the spectrum obtained from FD does not depend on the link diagram D of L up to weak equivalence of spectra, and thus the Steenrod operations in Khovanov homology are link invariants as well.

The purpose of this paper is to endow the Khovanov cochain complex C(D;F2) of a link diagram with a shifted stable symmetric multiplication, and, as a consequence, obtain Steenrod operations sqi on Khovanov homology. With this in mind, we will work in the more general setting of augmented semi-simplicial objects in the Burnside category, i.e., contravariant 2-functors from Δinj (the category of finite ordinals and order-preserving injective maps) to the Burnside 2-category. In this case, we have a diagram similar to (1.3) where M denotes the Moore complex construction. From a finite dimensional augmented semi-simplicial object in the Burnside category X one can obtain its realisation spectrum XS mimicking the realisation of a cube in the Burnside category given in [5]. Again, the cohomology of this spectrum is isomorphic to the graded abelian group obtained from (1.4), and therefore the cohomology of any augmented semi-simplicial object in the Burnside category becomes endowed with Steenrod squares.

In Definition 2.10, Definition 6.3 we introduce a category oBΔinjop of ordered augmented semi-simplicial objects in the Burnside category and free order-preserving maps between them that maps surjectively on objects to the category BΔinjop. Additionally, the category of simplicial sets includes into oBΔinjop: Finally, we will relate cubes and semi-simplicial objects via a certain functor Λ obtaining the following commutative diagram where the composition of the bottom row sends a simplicial set to its Moore complex.

Our first result constructs a stable symmetric multiplication on the cohomology with F2-coefficients of any ordered augmented semi-simplicial object in the Burnside category that is functorial on oBΔinjop:

Theorem A

The cochain complex of an ordered augmented semi-simplicial object in the Burnside category X with coefficients in F2 has a natural stable symmetric multiplication, i.e., there are explicit operationsi:Cp(X;F2)Cq(X;F2)Cp+qi(X;F2),iZ satisfying (1.2), and, for every free order-preserving map f:XY,f(αiβ)=f(α)if(β). If X is a semi-simplicial set, then these operations are the Steenrod cup-i products.

The explicit formulas for the i products are given in Section 3 and the naturality is proven in Proposition 6.4. In Section 5 we prove that the Steenrod squares sqi induced by the symmetric multiplication are invariant under suspension, satisfy a Cartan formula and the first square sq1 is the Bockstein homomorphism.

In Theorem 6.6 we show that these Steenrod squares are canonically defined for augmented semi-simplicial objects in the Burnside category and are functorial on the category BΔinjop:

Theorem B

Let Y be an ordered augmented semi-simplicial object in the Burnside category mapping to XBΔinjop. The Steenrod operations sqi:H(Y;F2)H+i(Y;F2) associated to the stable symmetric multiplication depend only on X, thus they give canonical operationssqi:H(X;F2)H+i(X;F2). Additionally, these operations are natural with respect to maps of augmented semi-simplicial objects in the Burnside category.

If D is a oriented link diagram with n negative crossings, choosing a lift of Λ(FD) to oBΔinjop allows to define, via Theorem A, a (1n)-shifted stable symmetric multiplication on the Khovanov cochain complex C(FD;F2). The following is obtained in Corollary 7.10:

Corollary C

There is an explicit (1n)-shifted stable symmetric multiplication on the Khovanov complex of D with coefficients in F2i:Cp(D;F2)Cq(D;F2)Cp+qi1+n(D;F2)iZ. Therefore Khovanov homology becomes endowed with the Steenrod squaressqi:Khn(D;F2)Khn+i(D;F2),sqi([α])=[αn+n1iα] associated to this stable symmetric multiplication, which are invariant under Reidemeister moves and reordering of the crossings.

The techniques of this paper do not allow us to prove that the Steenrod squares of Corollary C coincide with the Steenrod squaresSqi:Hn(|FD|;F2)Hn+i(|FD|;F2),i0 of the realisation spectrum of FD. Such comparison will be developed in the companion paper [2], where we will construct a “singular chain functor” from the category of spectra to the category of augmented semi-simplicial objects in the Burnside category. The results in the present paper are purely combinatorial, and have to be compared with the constructions of Steenrod in [15] for simplicial complexes, whereas the results of the companion paper [2] are mainly homotopy-theoretic and have to be compared with the constructions of Eilenberg [3] for topological spaces. In particular, spectra will be essentially absent from this paper, and will only be barely mentioned in some examples in Section 8.

The formulas for the Steenrod squares in Khovanov homology of [8] were first used by Lipshitz and Sarkar themselves to find non-trivial second Steenrod squares in knots up to 11 crossings. They also found a pair of links with the same Khovanov homology but different Sq2. Shortly after, Seed extended these computations to knots up to 14 crossings [14] and found many pairs of knots with the same Khovanov homology but different Sq2. Later, Lobb, Orson and Schütz [11] gave a new algorithm to compute Sq2 using simplifications developed in [10] and [4]. They first associated to each framed flow category a framed 1-flow category, which is a simpler object that keeps enough information to compute Sq2. This framed 1-flow category is then further simplified using “flow category moves”. Because of the Adem relations, the first and second Steenrod squares determine the third. As a consequence, any of these algorithms is able to compute Sqi for i3, and extensive computations have been made for these squares. It is therefore natural to ask, for each i4, the following:

Are there links whose Khovanov homology supports a non-trivial Steenrod square Sqi? Are there pairs of links with the same Khovanov homology but different Sqi?

The formulas for Sq2 in [8] do not agree with the formulas of Theorem A at the cochain level. How do the formulas of Lipshitz and Sarkar for sq2 compare to the ones in this article? More concretely,

is there an explicit cocycle whose coboundary is the difference between both formulas?

The formulas of [8] for Sq2 were proven to be well-defined using topological methods, and a purely combinatorial proof was later given in [13].

Outline of the paper. In Section 2, we first explain how to translate the framework of [5], which is expressed in terms of cubes in the Burnside category, to our framework in terms of augmented semi-simplicial objects in the Burnside category. Then we introduce several definitions and constructions that will be used through the paper. In Section 3, we present formulas for cup-i products, and we prove in Section 4 that they endow the cohomology of any augmented semi-simplicial object in the Burnside category with a stable symmetric multiplication. In Section 5 we define Steenrod squares and we prove that they are stable under suspension, that they satisfy a Cartan formula and that the first square is the Bockstein homomorphism. The proofs of naturality are deferred to Section 6. In Section 7 we apply the previous results to the Khovanov functor of Lawson, Lipshitz and Sarkar and we prove Corollary C. The paper finishes with several examples in Section 8. The reader only interested on explicit formulas for operations on Khovanov homology will find them in Section 3 after having got used to the terminology introduced in Section 2, and may afterward safely skip Sections 4, 5 and 6 and proceed directly to Section 7.3 and the examples in Section 8.

Acknowledgments. The author is especially grateful to Aníbal Medina-Mardones for the inspiration received while reading his paper [12]. He is also grateful to Fernando Muro and David Chataur, and to Javier Gutiérrez, Carles Casacuberta, Joana Cirici and Marithania Silvero from the Topology group at Barcelona. He thanks Tyler Lawson, Clemens Berger, and Oscar Randal-Williams for their feedback during his stay at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

Section snippets

Khovanov functors and semi-simplicial objects in the Burnside category

The first part of this section (2.1-2.8) is devoted to a careful explanation of diagram (1.5). The key concepts are two kinds of 2-functors: augmented semi-simplicial objects in the Burnside category and cubes in the Burnside category. In Sections 2.1–2.3 we introduce the source categories Δ and 2n of these 2-functors. In Section 2.4 we recall some notions from category theory. In Section 2.5 we introduce the Burnside 2-category B, which is the target 2-category of the 2-functors under study.

Stable symmetric multiplications

In this section we state the bulk of our main theorem: the cochain complex of any augmented semi-simplicial object in the Burnside category has a stable symmetric multiplication. The proof is given in the next section. Our presentation is parallel to the presentation of the symmetric multiplication on the cochain complex of a simplicial set given in [12] and the formulas obtained for augmented semi-simplicial objects in the Burnside category coincide, in the particular case of semi-simplicial


For the family {k}kZ to be a stable symmetric comultiplication on C(X;F2), one has to verify (3.1), which is a consequence of the following equation of spans, which we prove true in this section.2nq(nq)Δn+(n1q1)Δn1n(1+T)(nq+1)Δn. Here, n denotes the span x=0nx from Xn to Xn1, whose F2-linearization is the differential CnCn1. On the other hand, 2nq is the span from i+j=2nqXi×Xj to i+j=2nq1Xi×Xj given by the union of all spansXi×Xjy=0iyi×Idj+y=0jIdi×yjXi1×Xj

Steenrod squares

If α is a cocycle in a cochain complex C of F2-modules with a symmetric multiplication i:CCC, then it follows from Condition (1.2) of the definition of stable symmetric multiplication in page 2 that αiα is also a cocycle and that if α and β are cohomologous, then αiα is cohomologous to βiβ. Therefore, we obtain for each i0 a well-defined operationsqi:Hn(C)Hn+i(C),[α][αniα] which is called the i-th Steenrod square of C. In this section we prove that these operations are stable


The cup-i products constructed are not natural under maps of augmented semi-simplicial objects in the Burnside category. This is no surprise, because the realisation functor ||F2:BΔinjopCh(F2) is not faithful (compare to the case of semi-simplicial sets, where the functor is faithful). In this section we prove that these cup-i products are natural with respect to certain maps. We then use this partial naturality to deduce that the Steenrod squares sqi induced by the cup-i products are

Cubes and Khovanov homology

Using the construction of Lawson, Lipshitz and Sarkar and the functor Λ, the cup-i products of Theorem 3.5 may be defined on the Khovanov cochain complex associated to an oriented link diagram D with ordered crossings. In this section we prove that the Steenrod squares sqi do not depend on the order of the crossings and are invariant under Reidemeister moves. The main technical result of this section is Proposition 7.4 that regards invariance with respect to reordering of the crossings. We


In this section we give six examples of computations of Steenrod squares on the cohomology of a augmented semi-simplicial object in the Burnside category. In the last two examples, the augmented semi-simplicial object in the Burnside category is obtained from the construction of Lawson, Lipshitz and Sarkar, and therefore give computations of Steenrod squares in Khovanov homology.

Write ||S for the functor labelled * in diagram (1.5). We will use this functor together with the commutativity of

References (15)

  • F. Borceux

    Handbook of categorical algebra. 1

  • F. Cantero Morán, J. Gutiérrez, Singular chain functors for spectra, in...
  • S. Eilenberg

    Singular homology theory

    Ann. Math. (2)

  • D. Jones et al.

    Morse moves in flow categories

  • T. Lawson et al.

    Khovanov homotopy type, Burnside category, and products

  • T. Lawson et al.

    The cube and the Burnside category

  • R. Lipshitz et al.

    A Khovanov stable homotopy type

    J. Am. Math. Soc.

There are more references available in the full text version of this article.

Cited by (6)

  • New formulas for cup-i products and fast computation of Steenrod squares

    2023, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
    Citation Excerpt :

    1) They are key to prove the axiomatic characterization of Steenrod's cup-i construction. 2) In [8], Cantero-Morán defined Steenrod squares in mod 2 Khovanov homology [15] by reinterpreting them in the context of augmented semi-simplicial objects in the Burnside category. 3) They lead to fast computations of Steenrod square as we describe next.


    2023, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society

The author would like to thank the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences for support and hospitality during the programme Homotopy Harnessing Higher Structures and the Biblioteca Miguel González Garcés at A Coruña, where work on this paper was undertaken. The author was supported by EPSRC grant number EP/R014604/1, and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the María de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (MDM-2014-0445) and through project Topología algebraica y de baja dimensión (MTM2016-76453-C2 AEI/FEDER, UE).

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