Correction to: Limnology (2020) 21:59–65

In the original publication of the article the sentence under the heading “Primer and probe design” was published incorrectly. The correct sentence is given in this correction.

To detect Sinanodonta DNA using real-time PCR, forward and reverse primers and a TaqMan probe for a 111-bp fragment of the 12S region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were designed using Primer3Plus ( The primers and probe were visually selected from potential primers and probes by aligning sequences from the targeted species and related bivalve species while checking for sequence mismatches, especially at the 5′ or 3′ edges of the primers. The sequences of the real-time PCR primers and TaqMan probe were as follows: Forward primer, Sina_12S_F: 5′-ATACCCGACTACTGT ATGGCT-3′ Reverse primer, Sina_12S_R: 5′-ATTAAGCCACAG GATCCCCT-3′ TaqMan probe, Sina_12S_probe: 5′-(FAM)-ACCTCA AACAATGTGGCGGTGCT-(TAMRA)-3′.