Psychostimulant-Induced Adaptations in Nucleus Accumbens Glutamatergic Transmission

  1. Yan Dong
  1. Department of Neuroscience, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260, USA
  1. Correspondence: yandong{at}


Carrying different aspects of emotional and motivational signals, glutamatergic synaptic projections from multiple limbic and paralimbic brain regions converge to the nucleus accumbens (NAc), in which these arousing signals are processed and prioritized for behavioral output. In animal models of drug addiction, some key drug-induced alterations at NAc glutamatergic synapses underlie important cellular and circuit mechanisms that promote subsequent drug taking, seeking, and relapse. With the focus of cocaine, we review changes at NAc glutamatergic synapses that occur after different drug procedures and abstinence durations, and the behavioral impact of these changes.

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