Correction to: International Journal of Impotence Research

The original version of this article contained errors in the names and surnames of the authors, which were incorrectly given as:

Marco, Falcone

Massimiliano, Timpano

Marco, Oderda

Andrea, Cocci

Girolamo, Morelli

Mirko, Preto

Chiara, Polito

Ivan, Russo Giorgio

Blecher, Gideon

Paolo, Gontero.

Whereas they should have been given as:

Falcone, Marco

Timpano, Massimiliano

Oderda, Marco

Cocci, Andrea

Morelli, Girolamo

Preto, Mirko

Polito, Chiara

Russo, Giorgio Ivan

Blecher, Gideon

Gontero, Paolo.

This has now been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the article.