The effect of pressure on the characteristics of laminar jet diffusion flame: A similarity analysis and experimental study rights and content


  • Similarity analysis for flow and soot models is developed.

  • Flame characteristics for ethanol pool fires under high pressure are presented.

  • Flame height, width, oscillation length, frequency and volume were correlated.

  • Globle relationship for non-dimensional radiation fraction was verified.


Although the effect of pressure on the characteristics of laminar diffusion flame has been extensively studied, there is need of simple similarity correlations for flame shape and radiation fraction, which can be useful for application to turbulent flows and fire safety. In this paper, similarity analysis for flow and soot models is developed, where non-dimensional parameters were defined for the flame geometry and the radiation fraction. For validation, small ethanol pool fires with diameter of 1.5 cm were conducted in a pressure chamber at different pressures ranging from 1 to 5 atm, where the flame shape and radiation fraction were measured. Results show the characteristic lengths of the flame geometry including flame height, flame width, flame oscillation length, flame frequency and flame volume could be well correlated using the non-dimensional similarity parameter. Furthermore, the globle relationship for non-dimensional radiation fraction was verifed based on measured value in current and previous study, where the non-dimension radiation fraction could be well correlated by the −0.30 power of Sṁfμν2g13. Comparison with literature experiments are also presented and discusssed.


Pressure and buoyancy effects on the laminar diffusion flame have been extensively explored in different gravity and pressure environments [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]. However, related studies about simple similarity correlations for flame shape and radiation fraction are limited [6], even though they can be useful for application to turbulent flows and fire safety.

Some classical correlations [7], [8] have been developed to describe the flame shape of laminar jet diffusion flame under different pressures, where the flame was considered as stable and constant. Recently, Sunderland et al. [4] conducted laminar jet diffusion flames for methane, ethane, and propane over the pressure ranging from 0.25 to 2 atm, where camera equipped with a CH-line filter was used to obtain stoichiometric flame sheet accurately. They suggested that stoichiometric flame length is proportional to fuel mass flow rate and independent of pressure while flame width decreases with pressure owing to radial diffusion. Yuan et al. [3] created a simple theoretical model for buoyant laminar jet flames, where radial diffusion of species and the buoyancy effects were considered. In the model, the flame radius is proportional to the −1/2 power of pressure, and flame height remains constant under different pressure, which were verified by jet diffusion flames having low Reynolds number (Re) in reduced pressure environment. Based on these similar relationships for flame height and flame width, the flame volume was deduced to be proportional to −1 power of pressure in the study of Fang et al. [9], [10], and was verified by methane flame experiments using a circular nozzle with diameter of 12 mm at 0.45–1 atm in a confined cabin.

Radiation fraction is also important characteristic parameter for diffusion flame. In our previous study, a global soot formation model was proposed [5], where soot formation time and soot oxidation time were defined. From this model, soot formation chemical time is proportional to the smoke height whereas the smoke point height is shown to be inversely proportional to pressure, which is in agreement with experiments. Based on the introduced relationship between soot formation chemical time and pressure, Fang el al. [9] predicted that the radiation fraction was proportional to P0.5, where the soot characteristic flow time was analyzed to be roughly proportional to the air pressure. The predicted relationship was compared with fitted value for laminar methane diffusion flame at 0.45–1 atm.

As briefly reviewed in the previous paragraph, the flame was assumed to be stable and constant. However, flame would become unstable or flicker with the increase of pressure or fuel flow rate, and consequently results in flame oscillation, which has been observed in recent studies [6], [11]. Sato et al. [11] found the normalized flame length could be well correlated with Reynolds number for the steady flame cases, but the relationship collapsed for flickering flame. Chen et al. [6] also observed that the change of flame height with pressure was determined by the flame structure. The vortices induced by oscillation would influence the flow field of the flame, and the scale of vortex would influence the characteristic lengths of the flame geometry. In addition, the soot concentration is related with the laminar smoke point height and the flow conditions. The change of the characteristic lengths of the flame geometry will influence the flame volume and characteristic soot flow time. So, how the characteristic lengths of the flame, in both normal and reduced pressures, affects the flame radiation fraction also needs to be clarified. These behaviors have not been revealed in the past and are to be quantified in the present work.

The major contributions of the current work are claimed as follows: (1) A flow model of laminar jet flame is presented in this work where the main difference from previous analysis in [4], [7], [9], [10] lies in the consideration of different characteristic lengths of the flame. (2) Base on the flow model above, a soot model similarity [5] is developed, where the soot concentration is expressed in terms of the laminar smoke point height and the flow conditions, and a global relationship for non-dimensional radiation fraction is introduced to provide a good interpretation of the data for soot concentrations in small scale pool flames including effects of variable pressure environments. (3) Flame characteristic of ethanol pool fire under high-pressure were measured and presented including the flame shape and flame radiation fraction.

In this paper, a similarity analysis for flow and soot models was developed in the Section 2. In the Section 3, small scale ethanol pool fires with diameter of 1.5 cm were conducted under pressure of 1–5 atm, where the flame height, flame width, flame oscillation frequency and flame radiation fraction were measured in the experiments. Finally, experimental results in our and previous studies are correlated to verify the flow and soot formation model for laminar diffusion flame under different pressure, which are important for fundamentally understanding turbulent combustion and for promoting fire prevention.

Based on our previous work [5] and the numerical work of the Gülder et al. [2], we have developed the following similarity relations for the flame heights and characteristic flame widths of laminar jet flames issuing from a nozzle of diameter d and having velocity us. It should be noted that in the following presentation we are using (a) properties (density, dynamic viscosity) at ambient conditions instead of flame conditions, observing that the flame temperature is nearly the same for the fuels we are dealing with and assuming that mixture fraction and absolute normalised temperature are self-similar and (b) thermal and mass diffusion properties equal (dynamic, thermal and specie diffusivity). This limitation can be relaxed in further developments by using direct numerical simulations (DNS).

The following dimensionless parameters are derived to determine the characteristic lengths of the flame geometry and frequency of oscillations:

  • (1)

    For the stable laminar jet flame, a general relation for flame height is expressed as LfSṁfμ, where the fuel and oxidizer coming together in a stoichiometric reaction zone. In this equation, S is the mass stoichiometric air-to-fuel mass ratio andμis dynamic viscosity. Note that LfμSṁf is defined as dimensionless flame height.

  • (2)

    It was found that the flame would flicker as ambient pressure or the fuel flow rate increases. Flame oscillation is related to the buoyancy instability, where the upward movement of burnt gas driven by buoyancy causes the generation of vortex on the flame surface. The instability develops visually as the flow rate increases. In the study of Yuan et al. [12], the oscillating behaviour away from the fuel source is modelled as a thermal plume boundary layer, and the characteristic oscillating length was obtained as lν2/3g-1/3 by numerical solution and similarity analysis. Therefore, Sṁfμν2g13 is introduced to express the relation of oscillation with the flame height.

  • (3)

    We note that the fuel source can also introduce another vortex of size d, and additional oscillations at the rim of the pan may be observed. Therefore, the diameter of burner would also influence the dimensionless flame length and is related to the scale of vortex, so that the dimensionless ratio dν2g13 is defined.

  • (4)

    The Reynolds number at the burner outlet may also influence the flame geometry (especially for momentum dominated jet flames), expressed asRe=usdν.

Based on above scaling analysis and proposed non-dimensional quantities, the dimensionless flame height could be represented by the following function:LfμSṁf=f(Sṁfμν2g13,dν2g13,usdν)

The flame height Lf, can be replaced by flame width Wf or flame oscillation length Af defined as the difference of maximum flame height and minimum flame height. We emphasize here that the large differences in density should be included in detailed analysis.

The flame volume is the cube of the dimensionless length, so the following relation is expected:Vf(Sṁf/μ)3=f(Sṁfμν2g13,dν2g13,usdν)

We noted that the characteristic velocity derived based on buoyancy conditions is proportional to ufΔTfTgLfand the induced frequency of oscillations would be proportional to ufLf. Because the flame temperature is assumed to be constant for the fuels in our study, the characteristic velocity could be simplified as ufgLf. Finally, we can conclude that the oscillating frequency should be expressed as:f(ufLf)=f(Sṁfμν2g13,dν2g13,usdν)which is also equivalent to:fg2ν1/3=fSṁfμν2g13,dν2g13,usdν

Base on the flow model above, a soot model similarity [5] is developed, where the soot concentration is expressed in terms of the laminar smoke point height and the flow conditions, and a global relationship for non-dimensional radiation fraction is introduced. The flame radiation is assumed to be mainly contributed from the soot in the flame, as evidenced by the yellow flame recorded in the most experimental conditions. It should be noted that the assumption is not exactly correct for the methanol flames at low pressure.

The radiation fraction could be written as:χR~σTr4VfϕsQ̇where σ is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant, Tr is the characteristic flame radiation temperature, Vf is the flame volume, ϕs is the soot volume fraction. Q̇ is the heat release rate and is determined as the fuel mass flow rate multiplied by the heat of combustion.

Based on the global soot formation model introduced in our previous study [5], the soot volume fraction is proportional to the characteristic flow time divided by the soot formation time (τFτs), and could be written asϕs=ρgρsYs~ρgρsτFτswhere the Ys, ρg, ρs is the soot mass fraction, gas density and soot density, respectively.

The soot formation time, τs, is proportional to the smoke point heat release rate and varies inversely proportionally to pressure for the same fuel:τs=τsopopwhere τso is soot formation time at reference pressure po.

By introducing Eq. (6) into Eq. (7), ϕs the soot volume fraction could be written asϕs~ρgρsτFτso(po/p)

According to the induced flow model above, the flow time τF is expressed asτF=Lfuf=νg213=f(Sṁfμν2g13,dν2g13,usdν)

Consider the decrease of flame temperature due to the radiative heat loss, the relationship between temperature and radiation fraction could be assumed as [13]σTr4~1χR3

Then, the radiation fraction has the following equation:χR~(VfϕsQ̇)1/4

According to Eqs. (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), the equation for radiation fraction could be converted asχR~((Sṁf/μ)3×f(Sṁfμν2g13,dν2g13,usdν)×ρgρs×1τso(po/p)×νg213f(Sṁfμν2g13,dν2g13,usdν)ṁfΔH)1/4


And if the effect of ρs and τso as being constant, are ignored:χR×ṁfΔH1/4Sṁf/μ3/4×ρgpoppo1/4νg2112=FncSṁfμν2g13,dν2g13,usdν

Section snippets

Experimental setup and measurements at high pressures

Fig. 1 depicts a schematic of the experimental setup consisting of a pressure chamber, measurement setup, and a fuel pool fire. The cylindrical pressure chamber has dimensions of 400 mm in diameter and 700 mm in height [6]. In each test, a constant air flow rate of 5 ± 0.5 L/min controlled by a calibrated gas flow meter was maintained to provide a steady air source for the pool fires. Besides, the solenoid regulator valve was automatically opened to control the pressure inside the chamber

Flame appearance

Fig. 3 shows a typical flame appearance under different pressures for the pool fire in the steel vessel having 2 mm wall thickness. As the ambient pressure increases, the flame changes from conical form near the base to a mainly slim cylindrical shape with inward curvature (concave) starting from the pool perimeter. The flame color provides information about possible chemical reactions. Under normal pressure, ethanol flames are clearly blue near the base because of C2 and CH radiation and


A combined analytical and experimental study was performed to determine characteristics of jet diffusion flame including flame geometry and radiation fraction. In the experiment, small ethanol pool fires with diameter of 1.5 cm were conducted in a pressure chamber at different pressures ranging from 1 to 5 atm, and flame characteristics for ethanol pool fires under high pressure are firstly presented. The results are summarized as follows:

  • (1)

    In the flow model, the characteristic lengths of the

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Jian Chen: Methodology, Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft. Michael Delichatsios: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - review & editing. Zhiwei Ding: Data curation, Software. Changhai Li: Investigation, Resources. Shouxiang Lu: Funding acquisition, Project administration, Writing - review & editing.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The author declare that there is no conflict of interest.


The authors would like to acknowledge financial support sponsored by the National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2016YFC0802101) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. WK2320000040).

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