Issue 25, 2020

Late-stage C(sp2)–H and C(sp3)–H glycosylation of C-aryl/alkyl glycopeptides: mechanistic insights and fluorescence labeling


C(sp3)–H and C(sp2)–H glycosylations of structurally complex amino acids and peptides were accomplished through the assistance of triazole peptide-isosteres. The palladium-catalyzed peptide–saccharide conjugation provided modular access to structurally complex C-alkyl glycoamino acids, glycopeptides and C-aryl glycosides, while enabling the assembly of fluorescent-labeled glycoamino acids. The C–H activation approach represents an expedient and efficient strategy for peptide late-stage diversification in a programmable as well as chemo-, regio-, and diastereo-selective fashion.

Graphical abstract: Late-stage C(sp2)–H and C(sp3)–H glycosylation of C-aryl/alkyl glycopeptides: mechanistic insights and fluorescence labeling

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
01 Mar 2020
23 Mar 2020
First published
24 Mar 2020
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2020,11, 6521-6526

Late-stage C(sp2)–H and C(sp3)–H glycosylation of C-aryl/alkyl glycopeptides: mechanistic insights and fluorescence labeling

J. Wu, N. Kaplaneris, S. Ni, F. Kaltenhäuser and L. Ackermann, Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 6521 DOI: 10.1039/D0SC01260B

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