On the nodal set of solutions to degenerate or singular elliptic equations with an application to s-harmonic functions

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpur.2020.01.010Get rights and content


This work is devoted to the geometric-theoretic analysis of the nodal set of solutions to degenerate or singular equations involving a class of operators includingLa=div(|y|a), with a(1,1) and their perturbations.

As they belong to the Muckenhoupt class A2, these operators appear in the seminal works of Fabes, Kenig, Jerison and Serapioni [1], [2], [3] and have recently attracted a lot of attention in the last decade due to their link to the localization of the fractional Laplacian via the extension in one more dimension [4]. Our goal in the present paper is to develop a complete theory of the stratification properties for the nodal set of solutions of such equations in the spirit of the seminal works of Hardt, Simon, Han and Lin [5], [6], [7].


Ce travail est dévolu à l'analyse des propriétés géométriques des ensembles nodaux de solutions d'équations dégénérées/singulières ayant comme opérateur principalLa=div(|y|a), pour a(1,1). Comme le poids est dans la classe de Muckenhoupt A2, ces opérateurs apparaissent à l'origine dans la série de travaux de Fabes, Kenig, Jerison and Serapioni [1], [2], [3] et ont récemment connu un renouveau de leur étude en raison du lien avec la laplacien fractionnaire, comme l'ont mis en évidence Caffarelli et Silvestre [4]. Notre but ici est de développer une théorie générale des propriétés de stratification de l'ensemble nodal des solutions de telles équations dans l'esprit des travaux de Hardt, Simon, Han et Lin [5], [6], [7].


In the last decades the question of the structure of the nodal set of solutions of elliptic equations has in the centre of the attention of the scientific community (see e.g. [8], [6], [9], [7]), with a special focus on the measure theoretical features of its singular part, also in connection with the validity of a strong unique continuation principle, in order to ensure the existence of a finite vanishing order, as pointed out in [10], [11], [7]. Recently, major progress have been done on the study of nodal sets of eigenfunctions (or critical sets of harmonic functions) by Logunov and Malinnikova [12], [13], [14] in connection with conjectures by Yau and Nadirashvili.

In this paper we consider the nodal set in Rn+1 of solutions of a class of degenerate-singular operators which have recently become very popular in connection with the study of the fractional powers of the Laplacian, and firstly studied in the pioneering works [1], [2], [3]. Given a(1,1) and X=(x,y)Rxn×Ry we consider a class of operators includingLa=div(|y|a), and their perturbations (here we denote by div and ∇ respectively the divergence and the gradient operator in Rn+1). Our main purpose is to fully understand the local behaviour of La-harmonic functions near their nodal set and to develop a geometric analysis of its structure and regularity, in order to comprehend how the degenerate or singular character of the coefficients can affect the local picture of the nodal set itself. Thus, we introduce the notion of characteristic manifold Σ associated with the operator La, as the set of points where the coefficient either vanishes or blows up, and we study the properties of the nodal set Γ(u) of solutions to equationLau=0in B1Rn+1. In particular, since the operator La is locally uniformly elliptic on Rn+1Σ, we restrict our attention on the structure of the nodal set neighbouring the characteristic manifold Σ, trying to understand the structural difference between the whole nodal set Γ(u)={xB1,u(x)=0} and its restriction on Σ.

As a further motivation, this analysis will be the starting point of the study of competition-diffusion systems of populations under an anomalous diffusion. More precisely, we can imagine that the characteristic manifold Σ is playing a major role in the diffusion phenomenon by penalizing or encouraging the diffusion across Σ, according to the value of a(1,1). Inspired by [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], in the case of strong competition, the limiting segregated configurations will satisfy a refection law which represents the only interaction between the different densities through the common free boundary. Thanks to this reflection property, the free boundary will be locally described as the nodal set of La-harmonic function.

As already mentioned, our operators belong to the class introduced in the 80s by Fabes, Jerison, Kenig and Serapioni in [1], [2], [3], where they established Hölder continuity of solutions within a general class of degenerate-singular elliptic operators L=div(A(X)) whose coefficient A(X)=(aij(X)) are defined starting from a symmetric matrix valued function such thatλω(X)|ξ|2(A(X)ξ,ξ)Λω(X)|ξ|2,for some λ,Λ>0, where the weight ω may either vanish, or be infinite, or both. In particular, the prototypes of weights considered in their analysis where in the Muckenhoupt A2-class, i.e. such thatsupBRn+1(1|B|Bω(X)dX)(1|B|Bω1(X)dX)<.

Our case correspond to the choice ω(X)=|y|a and is Muckenhoupt whenever a(1,1). Note however that this class of A2-weights is not the optimal one to have Hölder regularity as noticed in [1]. However, it provides a good model with applications for our purposes.

Our approach is based upon the validity of an Almgren and Weiss type monotonicity formulæ, the existence and uniqueness of non trivial tangent maps at every point of the nodal set, and on a complete classification of the possible homogeneous configurations appearing at the blow-up limit. Nevertheless, the starting point of our analysis relies on the decomposition of an La-harmonic function with respect to the orthogonal direction to the characteristic manifold Σ. Indeed, denoting by H1,β(B1) the Sobolev space w.r.t. the measure |y|βdydx, we have (see also [20], [21])

Proposition 1.1

Given a(1,1) and u an La-harmonic function in B1, there exist two unique functions ueaH1,a(B1),ue2aH1,2a(B1) symmetric with respect to Σ respectively La and L2a harmonic in B1 and locally smooth, such thatu(X)=uea(X)+ue2a(X)y|y|ainB1.

With this decomposition in mind, we can reduce the classification of the possible blow-up limits to the symmetric ones and eventually recover all the possible cases. In particular, it is worthwhile introducing a new notion of tangent field ΦX0 of u at a nodal point, which takes care of the different behaviour of both the symmetric and antisymmetric part of an La-harmonic function. Namely, by the decomposition and the Definition 5.7 of the notion of tangent map, i.e. the unique nonzero map φX0Bka(u) such thatuX0,r(X)=u(X0+rX)rkφX0(X), with k the vanishing order of u at X0, we introduce the following concept, of crucial use in our results.

Definition 1.2

Let a(1,1),u be an La-harmonic function in B1 and X0Γk(u)Σ, for some kmin{1,1a}. We define as tangent field of u at X0 the unique nontrivial vector field ΦX0(Hloc1,a(Rn+1))2 such thatΦX0=(φeX0,φoX0), where φeX0 and φoX0 are respectively the tangent map of the symmetric part ue of u and of the antisymmetric one uo.

At first, the notion of tangent field allows us to describe the topology of the nodal set by proving in Proposition 5.19 a vectorial counterpart of the classic result of upper semi-continuity of the vanishing order. In order to define properly the relevant subsets, we defineyau={|y|ayuif XΣlimy0|y|ayu(x,y)if XΣ. This quantity, as observed already in previous works, is the nontrivial one to be considered as far as the derivative in y is concerned.

In the light of this observation, it is natural to define the regular part R(u) and the singular part S(u) of the nodal set as follows:R(u)={XΓ(u):|xu(X)|2+|yau(X)|20},S(u)={XΓ(u):|xu(X)|2+|yau(X)|2=0}. The next step is to develop a blow-up analysis in order to fully understand the structure of Γ(u) in Rn+1 and its restriction on Σ. The following is a summary of our main result describing the stratified structure of both the regular and singular parts of the nodal set. A key point is the complete classification of the spectrum of the previously defined tangent fields.

Theorem 1.3

Let a(1,1),a0 and u be an La-harmonic function in B1. Then the regular set R(u) is locally a Ck,r hypersurface on Rn+1 in the variable (x,y|y|a) withk=21aandr=21a21a. On the other hand, there holdsS(u)Σ=S(u)Sa(u) where S(u) is contained in a countable union of (n2)-dimensional C1 manifolds and Sa(u) is contained in a countable union of (n1)-dimensional C1 manifolds. MoreoverS(u)=j=0n2Sj(u)andSa(u)=j=0n1Sja(u), where both Sj(u) and Sja(u) are contained in a countable union of j-dimensional C1 manifolds.

In the last Section of this paper, we provide applications of our results in the context of nonlocal elliptic equations. In particular, inspired by [4], [21], [22], we exploit the local realisation of the fractional Laplacian, and more generally of fractional power of divergence form operator L with Lipschitz leading coefficient, in order to study the structure and the regularity of the nodal set of (L)s-harmonic functions, for s(0,1). More precisely, we combine the extension technique with a geometric reduction introduced in [23] and exploited in the seminal papers [10], [11]. This will allow us to extend our analysis to fractional powers (Δg)s of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on a Riemannian manifold M, also for the case of Lipschitz metrics g.

Our results show some genuinely nonlocal features in the Taylor expansion of (L)s-harmonic functions near their zero set and their deep impact on the structure of the nodal set itself. We prove that the first term of the Taylor expansion of an (L)s-harmonic function is either an homogeneous harmonic polynomial or any possible homogeneous polynomial. In particular, this implies

Theorem 1.4

Given L, a divergence form operator with Lipschitz leading coefficients, and s(0,1), let u be (L)s-harmonic in B1. Then there holdsS(u)=S(u)Ss(u) where S(u) is contained in a countable union of (n2)-dimensional C1 manifolds and Ss(u) is contained in a countable union of (n1)-dimensional C1 manifolds. MoreoverS(u)=j=0n2Sj(u)andSs(u)=j=0n1Sjs(u), where both Sj(u) and Sjs(u) are contained in a countable union of j-dimensional C1 manifolds.

Finally, we prove what can be seen as the nonlocal counterpart of a conjecture that Lin proposed in [7]. Following his strategy, we give an explicit estimate on the (n1)-Hausdorff measure of the nodal set Γ(u) of s-harmonic functions in terms of the Almgren frequency previously introduced. We have

Theorem 1.5

Given s(0,1), let u be an s-harmonic function in B1 and 0Γ(u). ThenHn1(Γ(u)B12)C(n,s)N, where v is the La-harmonic extension of u in B1+ and N=N(0,v,1) is the frequency defined byN=B1+|y|a|v|2dXB1+|y|av2dσ.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we prove some preliminary result about La-harmonic functions. Next, in Section 3, we prove the validity of an Almgren's type monotonicity formula which allows in Section 4 to prove the existence of blow-up limit in every point of the nodal set Γ(u).

Finally, in Section 5 we prove a Weiss type monotonicity formula, which allows to introduce the notion of tangent map and tangent field at every point of the nodal set. In Section 6 we present some useful result on the stratification of the nodal set and finally in Section 7 we prove a general result on the regularity of the whole nodal set Γ(u) and on its restriction on the characteristic manifold Σ. The last two Sections are devoted to the applications of the previous results to solutions of fractional powers of divergence form operator, with Lipschitz leading coefficient. In particular, in Section 8 we apply our technique in order to study the nodal set of s-harmonic function and, more generally, of solutions of (L)s operators and more general nonlocal equations, and in Section 10 we give a new estimate of the Hausdorff measure of the nodal set of s-harmonic functions.

Section snippets

Decomposition of La-harmonic functions

In this Section we state some general results on La-harmonic function and we introduce some basic auxiliary concepts that will be often use through the paper in order to describe the structure of the nodal set Γ(u). In particular, given the definition of characteristic manifold Σ for a degenerate-singular operator, we consider the decomposition of La-harmonic function with respect to the orthogonal direction to Σ, which will turn out to be crucial in proving regularity of La-harmonic functions.

Almgren monotonicity formula

In this Section, following [4], we introduce the degenerate-singular counterpart of the classical Almgren monotonicity formula for harmonic functions (cf [29]). Since we intend to investigate the structure and regularity of the nodal set of La-harmonic function near the characteristic manifold Σ, let us fix X0=(x0,0)Σ. Hence, for every r(0,R), where R>0 will be defined later, considerE(X0,u,r)=1rn+a1Br(X0)|y|a|u|2dX,H(X0,u,r)=1rn+aBr(X0)|y|au2dσ and the Almgren quotient (also called

Compactness of blow-up sequences

All the arguments exposed in the following Sections involve a local analysis of the solutions, which will be performed via a blow-up procedure. Fix a(1,1) and u an La-harmonic function in B1; let us consider now X0Γ(u) a point on the nodal set of u, and define, for any rk0+, the normalized blow-up sequence asuk(X)=u(X0+rkX)H(X0,u,rk)for XBX0,rk=B1X0rk, such that Lauk=0 and ukL2,a(B1)=1. We stress that we will always apply a blow-up analysis centred at point of the nodal set Γ(u) on the

Uniqueness and continuity of tangent maps and tangent fields

In this Section we start introducing a Weiss type monotonicity formula, which is a fundamental tool for the blow-up analysis at the nodal points X0Γ(u) where N(X0,u,0+)=k. Starting from this, we will improve our knowledge of the blow-up convergence by proving the existence of a unique non trivial blow-up limit at every point of the nodal set Γ(u), which will be called the tangent map φX0 of u at X0. In particular, driven by the decomposition in (1), we introduce the notion of tangent field at

Hausdorff dimension estimates for the nodal set

In this Section we prove different estimates on the Hausdorff dimension of the sets Γ(u) and Γ(u)Σ. In the latter, we improve our analysis taking care of the regular and singular part of the restricted nodal set Γ(u)Σ. To start with, given a(1,1) and u be an La-harmonic function in B1, let us split the nodal set Γ(u) in its regular partR(u)={X0Γ(u)|N(X0,u,0+)=1 if X0ΣN(X0,ue,0+)=1 or N(X0,uo,0+)=1a if X0Σ}, and its singular partS(u)={X0Γ(u)|N(X0,u,0+)2 if X0ΣN(X0,ue,0+)2 and N(X0,uo,

Regularity of the regular and singular strata

In this Section we show some results about the regularity of the regular and singular strata of the nodal set Γ(u). As in Section 6, we will consider first the stratification in Rn+1 of the whole nodal set Γ(u), while in the second case we will focus the attention on the restriction Γ(u)Σ of the nodal set on the characteristic manifold.

The main idea of this stratification is to classify the nodal points and then to stratify the nodal set by the spines of the normalized tangent maps, i.e. the

Fractional power of elliptic operator in divergence form

In this Section, we apply the previous analysis relating, via the extension technique, the study of the restriction of the nodal set on the characteristic manifold Σ to the local properties of solutions of fractional power of elliptic differential equations in divergence form. We start by focusing on the case of the fractional Laplacians (Δ)s and then we discuss the monotonicity formula and its consequences for solutions of general fractional elliptic differential equations of the second order

Some more general nonlocal equations

In this part we will generalize the previous result to a more general class of fractional power of divergence form operator following the change of variables first introduced in [23] and deeply popularized in the works [10], [11]. Inspired by works, we consider solutions of homogeneous linear elliptic differential equations of the second order with Lipschitz leading coefficients and no lower order terms. We remark that in general the regularity assumption on the coefficient is optimal thanks to

Measure estimates of nodal sets of s-harmonic functions

In this last Section, we estimate the measure of the nodal set Γ(u) of s-harmonic functions. Our result can be seen as the nonlocal counterpart of the conjecture that Lin proposed in [7]. Indeed, following his strategy, we will give an explicit estimate on the (n1)-Hausdorff measure of the nodal set in terms of the Almgren frequency of its La-extension.

We will keep the notations previously introduced: more precisely, through this Section we will denote with vH1,a(B1+) the restriction on the


Work partially supported by the ERC Advanced Grant Project 2013339958 Complex Patterns for Strongly Interacting Dynamical Systems - COMPAT. Y.S. would like to acknowledge support of the Simons foundation.

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  • Cited by (26)

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      □ We refer to [25, Corollary 5.14] for the details of the inductive argument. □

    • Regularity results for segregated configurations involving fractional Laplacian

      2020, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications
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      For instance, we can easily show the following. To conclude this presentation, we mention that recently in [15, Section 9] the authors considered some degenerate operator related to the local realization of fractional power of divergence form operator with Lipschitz leading coefficient. The techniques that they have introduced are quite robust, as they are based on subtle variants of the Almgren monotonicity formula that are close to ours.

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