Issue 37, 2020

Self-assembly of an organometallic Fe9O6 cluster from aerobic oxidation of (tmeda)Fe(CH2tBu)2


Aerobic oxidation of (tmeda)Fe(CH2tBu)2 in toluene or THF solution leads to the self-assembly of a magic-sized all-ferrous oxide cluster containing the Fe9O6 subunit and bearing organometallic and diamine ligands. Mössbauer studies of the cluster are consistent with an all-ferrous assignment and magnetometry reveals complex intracluster and intercluster magnetic interactions.

Graphical abstract: Self-assembly of an organometallic Fe9O6 cluster from aerobic oxidation of (tmeda)Fe(CH2tBu)2

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
01 Jan 2020
10 Mar 2020
First published
13 Mar 2020

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 4994-4997

Author version available

Self-assembly of an organometallic Fe9O6 cluster from aerobic oxidation of (tmeda)Fe(CH2tBu)2

J. A. Kephart, Z. Hecht, B. N. Livesay, I. Bhowmick, M. P. Shores, V. C. Popescu, N. Arulsamy and E. B. Hulley, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 4994 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC00011F

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