A comprehensive review on freshness of fish and assessment: Analytical methods and recent innovations rights and content


  • Review article appraises the biochemical and microbiological changes and major volatiles formation in stored fish.

  • It explores specifically about the protein and lipid breakdown in the muscle.

  • Included chemical, microbiological and physical indicators of fish freshness.

  • Enriched with recent innovations and developments on freshness indicators and assessment.

  • It has also made systematic and in-depth information of fish freshness in tabular form.


Fish, a highly nutritious, containing a good amount of protein and fatty acids, has TMA and TVB-N present as major factors responsible for quality deterioration during storage and maintaining of fish freshness. Freshness is one of the most important parameters in the fish market. There are many methods of estimating fish freshness, out of which some are very costly while others are not user-friendly. However, with more technological innovations, there have been efforts to make a more reliable method of calculating and analyzing freshness. Parameters chosen for assessing the freshness are sensory, physical, chemical and microbiological including the recent trends such as SDS-PAGE, fast protein liquid chromatography, hyper Spectral Imaging Technique, etc. focused on reducing time, destruction and labor. Traditional and recent methods of evaluation of freshness along with their comparison based on several parameters are needed to link them and making it convenient for upcoming researchers to have a detailed study for having a universal indicator for assessing the freshness of fish. Information in the present article has all the methods of assessing the fish freshness been discussed in detail. There has also been focus on bringing the readers knowledge about the comprehensive information related to recent developments. The recommended limit for different indicators signifies the time period for which the particular fish can be stored and it depends upon several factors like species, surrounding environment and enzymatic and non-enzymatic actions. Based on these demands, this paper is uniquely worked upon to review the different literature which brought all the discussions from the past including the recent innovations in assessing the freshness of different fishes with the help of various indicators as well as a complete study of spoilage and toxicity mechanism leading to deterioration in quality, making it easy for the reader and researchers to have quick glance over the trends and innovations.


The demand for fish has been ever-growing due to the increasing human population and more research in fisheries which has increased the demand over the last few decades across the world. The recent preservation techniques have made it possible to make the same quality of processed fishes reach across different parts of the world. In 2016, global fish production was 171 million tonnes, in which 47% of total inclusion is of aquaculture and the other 53 percent comes under non-food uses (and includes fishmeal and fish oil) (FAO, 2018). Since the 1980 s, the production of captured fish has remained constant; the continued accelerated growth in the supply of fish for human consumption has only been possible due to aquaculture. The human consumption increased from 130 to 151 million tonnes from 2011 to 2016 while non-food uses reduced from 24 to 19.7 million tonnes. While the total capture leads to 92.7 million tonnes including both 11.4 MT from inland and 81.2 MT from marine water, at the same time the aquaculture production leads to 80 MT of fish with 52 MT from inland and 28 MT from the marine population (FAO, 2018). A total of 59.6 million fish farmers exist in the globe out of which 85 percent are supported over capturing and aquaculture belong to Asia. The direct consumption of fish leads to 88% that is 151 million tonnes while only 12% was processed for non-food and aquaculture related requirements (FAO, 2018).

Fish is highly nutritive, being full of protein, vitamins, and minerals which are required by our body for good health and well being. Fish has been mainly classified into mainly 3 categories: (1) oily fish, (2) white fish and (3) shellfish (Naylor et al., 2000). Oily fish contains a good amount of vitamins A, D and E. Being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, it keeps the brain healthy, is beneficial for the eye and important for the nerve development in babies. Their consumption also keeps the heart healthy and there are enough proofs to assure that its consumption reduces the risk of cancer and arthritis (Lees, 1990). Therefore, such a large population today directly or indirectly depends on fish either as a nutritious diet or as a source of income. But the biggest challenge in fulfilling the needs of all the population is the perishability of fish. Fish is highly perishable and the production of various metabolites responsible for its spoilage starts right after it is harvested. Hence, there has been so much focus on estimating the freshness and behavior of fishes in different conditions which are due to the increasing demand and awareness of fish products both from the nutritional and informational factors. Apart from this, the fish industry is a prime economic source for trade (international and domestic) in the coastal states and districts. Human consumption of fish and fish related products around the world is about 128 million tonnes, and this consumption for a single person is 18.4 kg of fish products per year (Durand & Seminario, 2009). All the fish products make a proportion of 15% of the animal protein intake for 4.3 billion people as per the report of the 30th conference of Fisheries Commission of Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO, 2012). The methods of evaluating fish freshness have been dated back since the mid-20th century and the advances in the last 3 decades have been the most rapid and innovative ones. But some of these techniques are easy and simple to use but at the same time, time-consuming while on the other hand, many techniques take less time to show the results but are expensive and complex methods (Prabhakar, Srivastav, & Pathak, 2019).

New and innovative technologies have enhanced both the product qualities and maintain the same characteristics throughout the period from when it was harvested to the point the consumer will intake it as a meal. There have been regulations according to many countries to establish the principles which can control and certify the quality warranty relating to fish products as a whole. Codex is the international body which makes standards for fish commodities and has constituted various committees to look after these standards. For example, under commodity committees, comes fish and fish products (Norway), fats and oils (United Kingdom), meat and meat products (West Germany). Similarly, in India, the Food Safety Authority of India (FSSAI) looks after the laws and regulations regarding the production and sale of different fish and related products. Physical, chemical, microbiological and biochemical changes occurring post-mortem in fishes, resulting in a progressive loss of food characteristics in terms of taste and quality. Storage time and temperature are key factors for the final quality of the product. The rate of spoilage however also depends on many other factors such as kind of fish species, the sanitary conditions on board, and the amount of food in the guts (Ghaly, Dave, Budge, & Brooks, 2010). When it comes to consumers’ point of view, the taste is, of course, the most important aspect which is directly proportional to the fish freshness and hence the most required property. How taste is related to the freshness of fish needs to be understood by the fact that with days passing after the freshly harvested fish, the volatile products responding to the smell and the change in texture while chewing leads to less preference by most of the people.

All the methods use a common strategy, the base being the calculation of total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) and trimethylamine (TMA) over different periods of storage directly or indirectly to assess the freshness of fish (Table 1). Several methods have been thus developed in the recent past to determine the fish freshness. The sensory evaluation uses sight, smell, odor, tactile, etc. to measure the freshness of fishes. A trained panel can evaluate all these sensory attributes quite well and each qualitative description is converted in a numeric score which helps to differentiate the samples as well as information about the sample. However, the trained panels are generally expensive and not always available at different steps of the fishery chain. Hence to satisfy the high-quality based inspection and determination of fish freshness, the food industry the initial phase of development of instruments was made in vision to replace it exactly with human senses to detect the freshness. Some of the examples are texture analyzer for firmness, electronic nose (EN) for odor, and colorimeter and skin image coherence for skin appearance (Table 3). Dalgaard (2000) developed a microbial inspection to know the remaining shelf life by calculating the amount of TMAO consumed by different species of bacteria. The total viable count (TVC) is calculated in the fishery products and thus the freshness is determined (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3). During fish storage, the increase in TMA-N has been widely correlated with a decrease in TMAO concentration. Recent developments after 2009 have included EN technique, hyperspectral imaging technique, and fast protein liquid chromatography to assess autolytic and microbiological changes in the fish samples which proved to be non-destructive, less time consuming, but need highly expert and trained people for performing the experiments successfully (Table 2) (Cheng et al., 2013, Cheng et al., 2015).

The chemical inspection has involved a wide area of research in which different scientists have studied the chemical changes on different fish species and using a range of instrumental methods. Hassoun and Karoui (2017) held that the basis for chemical inspection has been the determination of K value, Peroxide value, TVB value, Oxidation Reduction Potential, P ratio, K value, etc. Spectral imaging and NMR spectroscopy have been recent advances being the non-destructive, less time-consuming, non-contact and reliable technique. But the major problem related to this is that these techniques do not apply to all varieties of fish and there needs more research after which the same parameter can be applied to all kinds of fish related products. Moisture measurement, volatile compounds measurement, protein changes in post-mortem storage, lipid oxidation monitoring, ATP decomposition, K value indicator are important parameters of measuring chemical inspection for fish freshness.

Physical properties measurements include color measurement and texture measurement specifically while the shape, size, volume and weight also play a major role in determining the freshness (Olafsdottir et al., 2004). Color and textural changes have a direct impact on the freshness of fish. Initially, the only colorimeter was used to detect the color in fish, but now we have many novel methods for investigating the same (Table 3). But these novel methods require in-depth research for more samples and varieties of fishes as compared to other methods of inspection. The connection of the research with mathematical modeling has made it possible to have a valid and authentic proof for every experiment the scientists have conducted. In one or more ways finally, all the models are interconnected being able to finally detect fish freshness and at the same time, the approaches of each technique are quite unique and different from each other. Hence, there has been much research and development regarding the determination of freshness of fish but the world today still needs a much faster and simple to use universal indicator which would be applicable to all the fishes and the research regarding this is already going and it is assumed that researchers will be successful to achieve this target till next decade.

Section snippets

Trimethylamine (TMA) and total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N)

TMA, a biogenic amine, is considered as a biochemical index for the quality and shelf life assessment of fish and sea fish. Prabhakar et al., 2019, Peleg, 2016 explored that this deterioration process is characterized by the synthesis of TMA. Trimethylamine is mainly responsible for the fishy odor which is highly associated with foul fish, bacterial infections, and bad breath. Bevilacqua et al., 2016, Méndez and Abuín, 2012 explained that it is also associated with taking large doses of choline 

Usefulness as a chemical indicator of fish freshness

Sea fish contains TMAO (Trimethylamine-oxide) which is broken down by bacteria to form TMA. Although some individual species of bacteria do not reduce TMAO to TMA, sufficient TMAO-reducers are always present in the normally mixed microflora on fish so that TMA will always be formed as per Dheeragool (1989). Nazir and Magar (1963) found that very little or no TMA is present in the muscle immediately after the fish has been caught and killed. By measuring the amount of TMA that accumulates in

Fish spoilage, freshness and its mechanisms

After the fresh fish is caught, the spoilage process is too fast. In the tropics with ambient climatic conditions, the spoilage starts within 12 h after their catchment. Rigor mortis is responsible for all the changes in the fish after its death. In this process, fish lose their flexibility because the muscles become stiff after a few hours the fish dies. All the digestive enzymes, surface bacteria causing spoilage along with partial and complete oxidation is responsible for the degradation

Metabolism of TMA and TVB-N

Spoilage is the result of enzymatic, bacterial and chemical action which causes deteriorative changes in quality in dead tissue of fish. Initially, the mode of spoilage is autolytic but as we progress in later stages, the bacterial action is prominent. After the fish dies, the circulatory system gets damaged due to which the supply of oxygen ceases. The mitochondrial system stops functioning in a very short time of post-mortem. Ali, Sharif, Adhikari, and Faruque (2009) unfolded that that

Mechanism of toxicity

Randall and Tsui (2002) explained that Ammonia is present in the aquatic environment due to agricultural run-off and decomposition of biological waste. Ammonia is toxic to all vertebrates because the elevated NH4+ displaces K+ and depolarizes neurons, causing activation of NMDA type glutamate receptor, which results in the influx of excessive Ca2+ and subsequent cell death in the central nervous system (Fig. 3). The possible toxicity starts after the initial phase of storage in which proteolysis

Biogenic amines as safety regulators in high-risk fish

TMA is the result of bacterial reduction of TMAO. It is responsible for the “fishy” odour in fishes that get spoiled. TMA-N being stable initially slowly increases to a higher rate depending on the factors which have caused the spoilage. There is a small group of spoilage bacteria which have always been responsible for the spoilage in fish and they are out of the large proportion of fishes. It is a good index of quality applicable to a wide variety of fish species. Oehlenschläger (2014)

Biogenic amines and total volatile bases as shelf life indicators

Like other food products, in fish too, bacterial growth acts as the main agent in limiting the shelf life of fish species. A Mesophilic bacterium acts as the most powerful degrading agent which has a close relation with histamine formation. Morganella morganii and Proteus mirabilis are responsible for histamine formation in fish and the production is rapid at ambient temperatures that are between 29 and 31 °C (Ababouch et al., 1996, Guizani et al., 2005). Thus the biogenic amines are a direct

Biosensor techniques

It is fast, responsive and cost friendly method of evaluating fish freshness which is based on biological building reaction. The biological recognizer detects the presence of biological element and the transducer converts the information stored biochemically into three signals (electrical, thermal and optical) (Thakur & Ragavan, 2013). The main types are electro-chemical and enzyme biosensor. Electrochemical biosensor, there are electrodes whose characteristics are affected because of excellent

Recommended limit

Fish right from the source of harvesting suffers a loss in the value as it reaches to market and finally to the end consumer. Hence, it is very important the manner in which it has been preserved before being consumed. Apart from this, the fishes which are directly consumed are quickly consumed thus not pertaining to the extension of shelf life. But, the fish and fish related products which are processed and further stored have limited shelf life due to the changing concentrations of the


The present article has its main focus on different methods of estimation of fish freshness, and also discussed about the different freshness indicators along with the spoilage, toxicity mechanism and recommended limits of the available indicators to assess the fish freshness. Thus we can conclude that there has been a lot of work on calculating the fish freshness based on four parameters namely sensory, physical, chemical and microbiological. Fish freshness mainly depends on TMA and TVB-N

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


The technical support received from NIFTEM, Kundli and IIT Kharagpur, India is greatly acknowledged. Authors would also like to thank University Grants Commission and Ministry of Social Justice and Women Empowerment (Government of India) for providing fellowships.

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