Correction to: Nature Chemistry, published online 24 July 2019.

In the version of this Article originally published, the last sentence of the first paragraph incorrectly read: ‘However, to the best of our knowledge, catalytic conversion of ammonia into dinitrogen with transition metal complexes has not yet been achieved7, although several groups have reported stoichiometric reactivities of transition metal–ammonia complexes with oxidative electron transfer8–10 and hydrogen atom abstraction conditions11–13.’

This sentence has been corrected to read as follows: ‘During the review process for this manuscript, Hamann, Smith and co-workers reported the ability of ruthenium polypyridyl complexes to catalyse ammonia oxidation to dinitrogen7. Aside from this work, to the best of our knowledge, there are no other reports on the catalytic conversion of ammonia into dinitrogen with transition metal complexes, although several groups have reported stoichiometric reactivities of transition metal–ammonia complexes with oxidative electron transfer8–10 and hydrogen atom abstraction conditions11–13.’