Geometrical logarithmic capacitance rights and content


This paper is devoted to a novel and nontrivial exploration of eight aspects of the geometrical logarithmic capacitance (a very key notion in mathematical physics, quasiconformal geometry and variational calculus) through: (1) identifying with the reduced conformal module; (2) evaluating the minimal log-potential energy; (3) relating to both the volume-radius and the surface-radius; (4) linking with the n-harmonic radius and the log-capacity of the Kevin image of a compact surface; (5) finding the Minkowski inequality and the general variational formula for the log-capacity; (6) pinching the log-isocapacitary inequality from left and solving the left-prescribed problem for the normalized log-capacitary curvature measure; (7) pinching the log-isocapacitary inequality from right and handling the right-prescribed problem for the normalized log-capacitary curvature measure; (8) handling an overdetermination of the n-equilibrium potential of a given convex body via the log-capacitary concavity.


We accelerate our exploitation of the 2n-dimensional log-capacity made in [77], [75]. Specifically, we are interested in a more systematic study of the logarithm-involved set function performing on an arbitrarily compact set KRn – i.e. – the log-capacity of K:Clog(K)=exp(lim|x|(log|x|uK(x))) whose existence is guaranteed by [36, Theorem 1.1 & Remarks 1.4-1.5] & [14, Remark 2.4] and where uK is the unique weak solution – i.e. – the n-equilibrium potential of K (based on the natural logarithm log which naturally appears in not only computing the voltage/capacitance difference between the coaxial cylindrical diodes/capacitors but also conducting a renormalization group investigation within the condensed-matter & high-energy physics [27], [60]) of the exterior boundary value problem:{div(|u|n2u)=0inRnK;u=0onK;0<lim inf|x|u(x)log|x|lim sup|x|u(x)log|x|<. Evidently, (1.1) is nonlinear unless n=2. Though it is really difficult to find Clog(K), we always have{Clog(Bn)=Clog(Sn1)=1;Clog(x0+rK)=rClog(K), provided{Bn={xRn:|x|1}&ωn=V(Bn)=volume ofBn;Sn1={xRn:|x|=1}&σn1=S(Sn1)=surface-area ofSn1;x0+rK={x0+rx:xK}(x0,r)Rn×(0,). As usual, the first equation in (1.1) says that u is n-harmonic in RnK. Meanwhile, K is said to be the polar whenever Clog(K)=0. However, it is perhaps appropriate to emphasize that the capacitary identificationClog(K)=Clog(K) reveals physically that the net electric charge of a conductor K resides entirely on its boundary ∂K (existing as the surface of K).

Of basic importance in geometric function theory and mathematical physics is that if K is a compact subset of R2C (the finite complex plane) then Clog(K) not only enjoys the strong log-subadditivity for any compact sets K1,K2R2 (cf. [61]):logClog(K1K2)+logClog(K1K2)logClog(K1)+logClog(K2), but also equals the transfinite diameter d(K) or the Chebyshev constant t(K) or the Robin capacity exp(r(K)) (cf. e.g. [2], [55], [69], [57], [62], [63], [43], [21], [23], [24], [18], [19], [72]):

  • Geometrically speaking, the transfinite diameter of K is (cf. [21])d(K)=limk(maxz1,,zkK1i<jk|zizj|)2(k1)k.

  • Functionally speaking, the Chebyshev constant of K is (cf. [21])t(K)=limk(mindeg(p)k1maxzK|zkp(z)|), where Czp(z) is a polynomial with degree deg(p).

  • Physically speaking, the Robin capacity of K is (cf. [19])exp(r(K))=exp(infνKK(log|zw|1)dν(z)dν(w)), where r(K) is the Robin's minimum potential energy and ν runs over each unit charge distribution on K – actually – there exists a unique minimizing measure ν0 (called the 2-equilibrium distribution over K) such that its 2-conductor potential isU0(z)=Klog|zw|1dν0(w)=log|z|1+O(|z|1) which equals r(K) quasi-everywhere on K (i.e., except for a polar set) and the Green function of CK with singularity at infinity (i.e., the solution to (1.1) under n=2) isG(z,)=r(K)U0(z).

Moreover, it is perhaps appropriate to recall that if KC is simply connected then Clog(K) coincides with the conformal radius c(K) of K since there is a unique holomorphic functionf(z)=c(K)z+j=0cjzj mapping CB2 onto CK and sending ∞ to ∞, and so Clog() naturally appears in the calculus of variations for planar convex bodies (cf. [35], [9], [14]) and its extension to the setting for plurisubharmonic functions on the complex n-space Cn occurs in [37], [7].

As explicitly demonstrated in [77], [75], the discovered properties of Clog() shed light on a deep and wide connection between applied and pure mathematics which plays an increasing role in variational calculus, quasiconformal geometry and mathematical physics. Nevertheless, we feel that there is a highly strong need to explore more about the geometrical properties of the nonlinear set function Clog(). In this paper we shall present eight novel issues involving such a geometric-nonlinear log-capacitary analysis in any dimension greater than one.

  • In Section 2 we provide an equivalent definition of Clog() using the reduced conformal modulus (cf. Theorem 2.1), thereby showing that Clog() is not only a Choquet capacity but also satisfies an asymptotically strong log-subadditivity (cf. Theorem 2.2).

  • In Section 3 as an n-dimensional analogue of the Robin capacity we give a physical interpretation of Clog(K) of a compact KRn per minimizing the energy integralK×Klog|xy|1dν(x)dν(y) which characterizes the potential energy of the charge distribution dν(x)dν(y) in the presence of log|xy|1 (cf. Theorem 3.2).

  • In Section 4 we discuss the relationship of Clog() to the volume-radius and the surface-radius (cf. Theorems 4.1 & 4.3).

  • In Section 5 we discover that not just the n-harmonic radius ρD of a bounded regular domain D exists as a sharp lower bound of Clog(D) and it is concave provided that D is convex (cf. Theorem 5.1), but also that if the compact KRn has a regular interior Ko and K is its Kelvin image K under inversionKxx=|x|2xK thenClog(K)Clog(K)1 with the equality for K being a ball (cf. Theorem 5.3).

  • In Section 6 we establish not only the optimal Minkowski inequality for Clog() for a convex body (cf. Theorem 6.1) but also the general variational formula for Clog() for an Alexandrov's region (cf. Theorem 6.3).

  • In Section 7 we squeeze the log-isocapacitary inequality (a comparison for the volume-radius and the log-capacity; cf. (4.2))(V(K)ωn)1nClog(K) from the left side of (1.3) through a Gauss-like probability integral over Rn, thereby solving the left-prescribed problem for the normalized log-capacitary curvature measure (cf. (6.1)-(6.2))σn11g(|uK|ndS)onSn1, the push-forward measure on Sn1 of the potential-weighted (n1)-dimensional Hausdorff measureσn11|uK|ndSonK, under the Gauss map g:KSn1 (cf. Theorem 7.2 which is also viewed as resolving a log-capacitary variant of the Yau's Problem 59 on [79, p. 683]).

  • In Section 8 we squeeze (1.3) from the right side of (1.3) through the mean-width-like integral on Sn1 (as a very nice description of Rn through the stereographic projection [42, p. 112]), thereby handling the right-prescribed problem forσn11g(|uK|ndS)onSn1 (cf. Theorem 8.2 which is also regarded as the appropriate resolution of a log-capacitary analogue of the classical Minkowski-type problem solved in [51], [54], [11], [34], [35], [15]).

  • In Section 9 we are motivated by the last three sections and [64] to consider an overdetermined problem for (1.1), thereby utilizing the log-capacitary concavity to show in Theorem 9.2 that a given convex body K is homothetic to a sublevel set of the n-equilibrium potential uK if and only if expuK is convex – equivalently – K is a closed ball.

Section snippets

Conformal modulus & relative log-capacity

A pair (O,K) of sets in Rn is said to be a condenser provided that O is open and K is a non-empty compact subset of O. The family of all locally rectifiable curves in (O,K) connecting K and ∂O (the boundary of O) is written as C(O,K). If ds and dV are the 1-dimensional and the n-dimensional Hausdorff measure elements dH1 and dHn respectively, and if A(O,K) stands for the class of all nonnegative Borel measurable functions ρ:RnR withγρds1γC(O,K), thennmod(C(O,K))=infρA(O,K)RnρndV

Transfinite n-modulus

For a condenser (O,K) in Rn let F(O,K) be the family of all signed Borel measures ν=νKνO with νO and νK being unit nonnegative Borel measures on Rn. The so-called transfinite n-modulus of this condenser is defined by (cf. [6], [3])nmd(O,K)=infνF(O,K)Rn×Rn(log1|xy|)dν(x)dν(y) whose infimum is attainable provided that it is finite; see also [3, Lemma 2]. Meanwhile, for any compact set KRn we use F(K) to represent the class of all unit Borel measures μ on Rn with its support supp(μ) being


As a consequence of Theorem 2.1 and [75, Theorem 3.1], we can extend the inequality for both volume-radius and log-capacity in [77, Theorem 2.1] for Cn (comprising all compact and convex subsets of Rn) to (4.2), and [74, Theorem 3.2] from n=2 to all n2 (cf. [8, Lemma 1]), thereby presenting a log-capacitary analogue (4.3) of the next isoperimetric inequality for Clog(,) (cf. [22, (2.10)] or [73, Theorem 3.6]):exp(σn11Clog(O,K))11n(V(O)V(K))1n.

Theorem 4.1

Letη(x)={1asxBn;e1|x|asxRnBn, and D(K)

n-harmonic radius

Given a bounded domain DRn with boundary ∂D, the n-Green's function GD,x0() on D with pole at x0D is the weak solution of the singular Dirichlet problem:{div(|GD,x0(x)|n2GD,x0(x))=δx0(x)xD;GD,x0(x)=0xD, namely,D|GD,x0(x)|n2GD,x0(x)Φ(x)dV(x)=Φ(x0) for any compactly supported smooth function Φ on D. According to [36], if D is regular in the sense of [30, p. 122, Definition] (with respect to the n-harmonic functions),1

log-Minkowski's inequality for convex body

For the sake of convenience, the following conventions will be in force for the remainder of the paper:

  • Kn stands for all KCn with K.

  • hK(x)=supyKxyxRn is the support function of KCn.

  • g:KSn1 expresses the Gauss map from ∂K of a given KKn to Sn1.

  • g(|uK|ndS) is the log-capacitary curvature measure on Sn1 – i.e. – the push-forward measure on Sn1 of |uK|ndS (naturally induced by the n-equilibrium potential uK of KKn; cf. (1.1)) on ∂K:Eg(|uK|ndS)=g1(E)|uK|ndSBorelESn1.

Gaussian probability density & inradius

The next lemma may be regarded as heuristic; its part (i) says that the log-isocapacitary inequality in (1.3) (cf. (4.2)) can be pinched from left.

Lemma 7.1

For γ(0,2] and oKCn let 1K and ρ(K) be the indicator and inradius of K respectively. Then

  • (i)


  • (ii)



(i) The right inequality is just the log-isocapacitary inequality (1.3) and the left inequality follows from a straightforward

Mean-width & n-equilibrium potential gradient

The coming-up-next lemma should be thought of as motivational; its part (i) indicates that the log-isocapacitary inequality in (4.2) can be pinched from right.

Lemma 8.1

For KKn letb(K)=2σn11Sn1hKdσ be the mean-width of K and dσ be the uniform surface measure on Sn1. Then

  • (i)


  • (ii)

    For a suitably large ball rBnKo there are positive constants c1,c2 depending only on r and n such that not only |uK|c1 almost everywhere onK with respect to dS but also(K|uK|n1dS(logr)Clog(rBn,K))1

Concavity of log-capacity

Note that the definition of Clog() given at the beginning of §1 relays essentially on the existence of an n-equilibrium potential – i.e. – a unique weak solution to (1.1). So, a consideration of KKn in (1.1) is of fundamental importance and interest as shown in the following result.

Lemma 9.1

Let K,K1,K2Kn. Then

  • (i)

    (1.1) has a unique weak solution u=uK with the following four properties:

    • uK is continuous in RnK.

    • uK is analytic and |uK| is positive in Kc=RnK.

    • Kt={xRn:uK(x)t} belongs to Kn and Kt is of

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  • Cited by (10)

    • Logarithmic capacity under holomorphic motions in higher dimensions

      2023, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
    • On the polar Orlicz Minkowski type problem for the general mixed p-capacity

      2023, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
    • Energy formulae for fractional Schrödinger-Poisson system

      2022, Journal of Differential Equations
    • On the Orlicz Minkowski problem for logarithmic capacity

      2022, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
    • Condenser capacity and hyperbolic perimeter[Formula presented]

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    • An exterior overdetermined problem for Finsler N-Laplacian in convex cones

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    This project was supported by NSERC of Canada: #202979463102000.

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