Decay of periodic entropy solutions to degenerate nonlinear parabolic equations rights and content


Under a precise nonlinearity-diffusivity condition we establish the decay of space-periodic entropy solutions of a multidimensional degenerate nonlinear parabolic equation.


In the half-space Π=R+×Rn, R+=(0,+), we consider the nonlinear parabolic equationut+divx(φ(u)a(u)xu)=0, where the flux vector φ(u)=(φ1(u),,φn(u)) is merely continuous: φi(u)C(R), i=1,,n, and the diffusion matrix a(u)=(aij(u))i,j=1n is Lebesgue measurable and bounded: aij(u)L(R), i,j=1,,n. We also assume that the matrix a(u)0 (nonnegative definite). This matrix may have nontrivial kernel. Hence (1.1) is a degenerate (hyperbolic-parabolic) equation. In particular case a0 it reduces to a first order conservation lawut+divxφ(u)=0. Equation (1.1) is endowed with the initial conditionu(0,x)=u0(x).

Let g(u)BVloc(R) be a function of bounded variation on any segment in R. We will need the bounded linear operator Tg:C(R)/CC(R)/C, where C is the space of constants. This operator is defined up to an additive constant by the relationTg(f)(u)=g(u)f(u)0uf(s)dg(s), where g(u)=limvug(v) is the left limit of g at the point u, and the integral in (1.4) is understood in accordance with the formula0uf(s)dg(s)=signuJ(u)f(s)dg(s), where signu=1, J(u) is the interval [0,u) if u>0, and signu=1, J(u)=[u,0) if u0. Observe that Tg(f)(u) is continuous even in the case of discontinuous g(u). For instance, if g(u)=sign(uk) then Tg(f)(u)=sign(uk)(f(u)f(k)). Notice also that for fC1(R) the operator Tg is uniquely determined by the identity Tg(f)(u)=g(u)f(u) (in D(R)). In the case f(u),g(u)Lloc2(R) the function Tg(f)C(R)/C can be defined by the identity Tg(f)(u)=g(u)f(u)Lloc1(R). As is easy to see, in this case the correspondence gTg(f) is a linear continuous map from Lloc2(R) into C(R)/C.

We fix some representation of the diffusion matrix a(u) in the form a(u)=b(u)b(u), where b(u)=(bij(u))i,j=1n is a matrix-valued function with measurable and bounded entries, bij(u)L(R). We recall the notion of entropy solution of the Cauchy problem (1.1), (1.3) introduced in [7].

Definition 1

A function u=u(t,x)L(Π) is called an entropy solution (e.s. for short) of (1.1), (1.3) if the following conditions hold:

(i) for each r=1,,n the distributionsdivxBr(u(t,x))Lloc2(Π), where vectors Br(u)=(Br1(u),,Brn(u))C(R,Rn), and Bri(u)=bri(u), r,i=1,,n;

(ii) for every g(u)C1(R), r=1,,ndivxTg(Br)(u(t,x))=g(u(t,x))divxBr(u(t,x)) in D(Π);

(iii) for any convex function η(u)C2(R)η(u)t+divx(Tη(φ)(u))D2Tη(A(u))+η(u)r=1n(divxBr(u))20 in D(Π);

(iv) esslimt0u(t,)=u0 in Lloc1(Rn).

In (1.7) the matrix A(u) is a primitive of the matrix a(u), A(u)=a(u), the operatorD2Tη(A(u))i,j=1n2xixjTη(Aij(u)). Relation (1.7) means that for any non-negative test function f=f(t,x)C0(Π)Π[η(u)ft+Tη(φ)(u)xf+Tη(A(u))Dx2ffη(u)r=1n(divxBr(u))2]dtdx0, where Dx2f is the symmetric matrix of second order derivatives of f, and “⋅” denotes the standard scalar multiplications of vectors or matrices.

In the case of conservation laws (1.2) Definition 1 reduces to the known definition of entropy solutions in the sense of S.N. Kruzhkov [12].

Remark 1.1

The chain rule postulated in (ii) actually holds for arbitrary locally bounded Borel function g(u)Lloc(R). First of all, observe that since Br(u)L(R,Rn) then, up to an additive constant,Tg(Br)(u)=0ug(v)Br(v)dv. For R>0 we consider the set FR consisting of bounded Borel functions g(u) such that sup|g(u)|R and the chain rule (1.6) holds. By (ii) FR contains all bounded functions g(u)C1(R) such that sup|g(u)|R. Let gl(u)FR, lN, be a sequence which converges pointwise to a function g(u) as l. It is clear that g(u) is a Borel function and sup|g(u)|R. Observe that the functions gl(u(t,x)) are bounded and measurable (because gl are Borel functions), the sequence gl(u(t,x))g(u(t,x)) pointwise as l, and gl(u(t,x))R. This implies thatgl(u(t,x))divxBr(u(t,x))lg(u(t,x))divxBr(u(t,x)) in Lloc2(Π). From the other hand, it follows from (1.8) that Tgl(Br)(u(t,x)) converges to Tg(Br)(u(t,x)) as l uniformly on Π. Therefore, we can pass to the limit as l in relation (1.6) with g=gl and derive that (1.6) holds for our limit function g(u). Thus, g(u)FR. We see that FR is closed under pointwise convergence and by Lebesgue theorem FR contains all Borel functions g such that sup|g|R. Since R>0 is arbitrary, we find that (1.6) holds for all bounded Borel functions. It only remains to notice that the behavior of g(u) out of the segment [M,M], where M=u, does not matter. Therefore, (1.6) holds for any Borel function bounded on [M,M], in particular, for each locally bounded Borel function.

Remark also that for correctness of (1.6) we have to choose the Borel representative for g(u) (recall that g(u) is defined up to equality on a set of full measure and such the representative exists). Notice that Tg(Br)(u) does not depend on the choice of a Borel representative of g. Hence, the right-hand side of (1.6) does not depend on this choice either.

To be precise, in [7] the representation a=bb was used with b=a(u)1/2. In order to make the definition invariant under linear changes of the independent variables, we have to extend the class of admissible representations. For instance, let us introduce the change y=y(t,x)=qxtc, where q:RnRn is a nondegenerate linear map and c=(c1,,cn)Rn. This can be written in the coordinate form asyi=j=1nqijxjcit,i=1,,n. As is easy to verify, the function u=v(t,y(t,x)) is an e.s. of (1.1), (1.3) with initial data u0=v0(y(0,x)) if and only if v(t,y) is an e.s. of the problemvt+divy(φ˜(v)a˜(v)yv)=0,v(0,y)=v0(y), whereφ˜(v)=qφ(v)vc,a˜(v)=qa(v)q, corresponding to the representation a˜(v)=(b(v)q)(b(v)q), b(v)qL(R,Rn×n), of the diffusion matrix a˜(v). We remark thatdivy(B(v)q)r|y=y(t,x)=l,j=1nylBrj(v)qlj=j=1nxjBrj(u)=divxBr(u). Recall that Br(u)=br(u)=(br1(u),,brn(u)), r=1,,n.

We underline that the matrix bq is not necessarily symmetric and therefore differs from a˜(v)1/2.

Now, we suppose that the initial function u0 is periodic with a lattice of periods L: u0(x+e)=u0(x) a.e. in Rn for all eL. Denote Tn=Rn/L the corresponding torus (which can be identified with a fundamental parallelepiped), dx is the Lebesgue measure on Tn, normalized by the condition dx(Tn)=V, V being volume of a fundamental parallelepiped (observe that V does not depend on its choice). Then there exists a space-periodic e.s. u=u(t,x) of the problem (1.1), (1.3), u(t,x+e)=u(t,x) a.e. in Π for all eL. This can be written as uL((0,+)×Tn). This solution can be constructed as a limit of the sequence uk of solutions to the regularized problemut+divx(φk(u)ak(u)xu)=0, with smooth flux vectors φk(u), and smooth and strictly positive definite diffusion matrices ak(u), which approximate φ(u) and a(u), respectively. The corresponding initial functions uk(0,x) are supposed to be smooth approximations of u0(x). To justify the convergence of approximations uk, we can utilize known a priory estimates [13], [24], like in papers [7], [8].

It is known [7, Theorem 1.2] that e.s. u(t,x) satisfies the maximum principle: |u(t,x)|u0 for a.e. (t,x)Π.

Our main result is the long time decay property of entropy solutions. LetL={ξRn|ξeZeL} be the dual lattice to the lattice of periods L,I=1VTnu0(x)dx be the mean value of initial data.

Theorem 1.1

Assume that the following nonlinearity-diffusivity condition holds: for all ξL, ξ0 there is no vicinity of I, where simultaneously the function ξφ(u) is affine and the function a(u)ξξ=0 almost everywhere. Thenesslimt+u(t,x)=IinL1(Tn).

The decay property was established in [9] under the more restrictive version of the nonlinearity-diffusivity condition, in the case of locally Lipschitz flux vector when φ(u)Lloc(R,Rn). This condition reads: for all τR, ξL, ξ0meas{uR,|u|u0|τu+ξφ(u)=a(u)ξξ=0}=0. In the hyperbolic case a0 decay property (1.11) was proved in [20], see also the previous papers [6], [10], [19].

Let us show that our nonlinearity-diffusivity condition is exact. In fact, if it fails, we can find an interval (Iδ,I+δ), a nonzero vector ξL, and a constant cR such that ξφ(u)cuconst, a(u)ξξ0 on this interval. Then, as is easily verified, the function u(t,x)=I+δsin(2π(ξxct)) is an x-periodic (with the lattice of periods L) e.s. of (1.1), (1.3) with the periodic initial data u0(x)=I+δsin(2π(ξx)), which has the mean value I. It is clear that u(t,x) does not converge as t+ in L1(Tn), and the decay property fails.

Section snippets

Some properties of periodic entropy solutions

Lemma 2.1

For each convex η(u) there exists a locally finite nonnegative x-periodic Borel measure μη on Π such thatη(u)t+divx(Tη(φ)(u))D2Tη(A(u))=μηinD(Π). This measure can be identified with a finite measure on R+×Tn. Moreover, for almost each (a.e.) t1,t2, 0<t1<t2,μη((t1,t2)×Tn)=Tnη(u(t1,x))dxTnη(u(t2,x))dx.


It follows from (1.7) that for every convex η(u) the distributionη(u)t+divx(Tη(φ)(u))D2Tη(A(u))0 in D(Π). By the Schwartz theorem on the representation of nonnegative distributions we

Reduction of the problem

We will need the following algebraic statement.

Lemma 3.1

Let A be a lattice in X=Rn, A0 be a subgroup of A, X0 be a linear span of A0. Assume that A0=AX0. Then any basis of A0 can be completed to a basis of A.


Let ξ1,,ξk be a basis of A0, that is, any element ξA0 is uniquely represented as ξ=i=1kniξi with integer coefficients ni. It is clear that A0 is a lattice and therefore ξ1,,ξk is a basis of the vector space X0. We consider the natural projection pr:XX/X0. Then B=pr(A) is an additive subgroup

Measure valued functions and H-measures

Recall (see [4], [22]) that a measure-valued function on a domain ΩRN is a weakly measurable map xνx of Ω into the space Prob0(R) of probability Borel measures with compact support in R.

The weak measurability of νx means that for each continuous function g(λ) the function xνx,g(λ)g(λ)dνx(λ) is measurable on Ω.

A measure-valued function νx is said to be bounded if there exists M>0 such that suppνx[M,M] for almost all xΩ.

Measure-valued functions of the kind νx(λ)=δ(λu(x)), where u(x)L(

The proof of the decay property

We assume that u(t,x) is an x-periodic e.s. of (1.1), (1.3). As was demonstrated in section 3, we may suppose that conditions (R1)–(R4) hold. In view of (1.10) for every kN the function uk=u(k2t,k2x˜+kx¯) is an e.s. of the equationut+divx(φk(u)ak(u)xu)=0, where φk(u) is the vector with components φik(u)=φi(u), i=1,,d, φik(u)=kφi(u), i=d+1,,n, while the symmetric matrix ak(u) has the entries (ak(u))ij=ϵkiϵkjaij(u), 1i,jn, where ϵki=k1 for 1id, ϵki=1 for d<in.

If a(u)=b(u)b(u) is an

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    This work was supported by the “RUDN University Program 5-100”, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (project no. 1.445.2016/1.4) and by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant 18-01-00258-a).

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