Ranking tournaments with no errors II: Minimax relation

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jctb.2019.10.004Get rights and content


A tournament T=(V,A) is called cycle Mengerian (CM) if it satisfies the minimax relation on packing and covering cycles, for every nonnegative integral weight function defined on A. The purpose of this series of two papers is to show that a tournament is CM iff it contains none of four Möbius ladders as a subgraph; such a tournament is referred to as Möbius-free. In the first paper we have given a structural description of all Möbius-free tournaments, and have proved that every CM tournament is Möbius-free. In this second paper we establish the converse by using our structural theorems and linear programming approach.


This is a follow-up of the paper by the same authors [5]. Let us first present the main results of our previous work.

Let G=(V,A) be a digraph with a nonnegative integral weight w(e) on each arc e. A subset F of arcs is called a feedback arc set (FAS) of G if G\F contains no cycles (directed). The FAS problem is to find an FAS in G with minimum total weight. A collection C of cycles (with repetition allowed) in G is called a cycle packing of G if each arc e is used at most w(e) times by members of C. The cycle packing problem consists in finding a cycle packing with maximum size. These two problems form a primal-dual pair. Let τw(G) be the minimum total weight of an FAS, and let νw(G) be the maximum size of a cycle packing. Clearly, νw(G)τw(G). We call G cycle Mengerian (CM) if νw(G)=τw(G) for every nonnegative integral function w defined on A. As stated in [5], the study of CM digraphs has both great theoretical interest and practical value. Despite tremendous research efforts, only some special classes of CM digraphs [1], [2], [12], [14], [15] have been identified to date, and a complete characterization seems extremely hard to obtain. The interested reader is referred to [3], [4], [7], [8], [10], [12], [13], [14], [18], [19] for some related minimax theorems.

The purpose of this series of two papers is to give a complete characterization of all CM tournaments. We call a tournament Möbius-free if it contains none of K3,3, K3,3, M5, and M5 depicted in Fig. 1 as a subgraph. (Note that M5 arises from M5 by reversing the direction of each arc.) This class of tournaments is so named because the forbidden structures are all Möbius ladders.

Theorem 1.1

A tournament is CM iff it is Möbius-free.

In [5], we have given a structural description of all Möbius-free tournaments, and have proved that every CM tournament is Möbius-free. In this paper we establish the converse by using our structural theorems and linear programming approach.

Let us recall some terminology and notations introduced in [5]. Let G=(V,A) be a digraph with a nonnegative integral weight w(e) on each arc e. For each vV, we use dG+(v) and dG(v) to denote the out-degree and in-degree of v, respectively. We call v a near-sink of G if its out-degree is one, and call v a near-source if its in-degree is one. For simplicity, an arc e=(u,v) of G is also denoted by uv. Arc e is called special if u is a near-sink or v is a near-source of G. For each UV, we use G[U] denote the subgraph of G induced by U, and use G/U to denote the digraph obtained from G by first deleting arcs between any two vertices in U, then identifying all vertices in U, and finally deleting the parallel arcs except one from each vertex to each other vertex; we say that G/U is obtained from G by contracting U. Note that G/U may contain pairs of opposite arcs but contains no parallel arcs. Let u be the vertex in G/U arising from contracting U and let A be the arc set of G/U. The resulting weight function w on A is given by: w(uv)=w(uv) if u{u,v}, w(uv)=uvA,uUw(uv), and w(vu)=vuA,uUw(vu). Moreover, U is called a homogeneous set of G if |U|2 and the arcs between U and any vertex v outside U are either all directed to U or all directed to v.

A dicut of G is a partition (X,Y) of V such that all arcs between X and Y are directed to Y. A dicut (X,Y) is trivial if |X|=1 or |Y|=1. Recall that G is called weakly connected if its underlying undirected graph is connected, and is called strongly connected or strong if each vertex is reachable from every other vertex. Clearly, a weakly connected digraph G is strong iff G has no dicut. Furthermore, a weakly connected digraph G is called internally strong if every dicut of G is trivial, and is called internally 2-strong (i2s) if G is strong and G\v is internally strong for every vertex v.

Let Ti=(Vi,Ai) be a strong tournament, with |Vi|3 for i=1,2. Suppose that (a1,b1) is a special arc of T1 with dT1+(a1)=1 and (b2,a2) is a special arc of T2 with dT2(a2)=1. The 1-sum of T1 and T2 over (a1,b1) and (b2,a2) is the tournament arising from the disjoint union of T1\a1 and T2\a2 by identifying b1 with b2 (the resulting vertex is denoted by b) and adding all arcs from T1\{a1,b1} to T2\{a2,b2}. We call b the hub of the 1-sum. See Fig. 2 for an illustration. Note that if |Vi|=3 for i=1 or 2, then Ti is a triangle (a directed cycle of length three), and thus T=T3i.

Let C3 (resp. F0) denote the strong tournament with three (resp. four) vertices (see Fig. 3), let F1,F2,F3,F4,F5 be the five tournaments depicted in Fig. 4, and let G1,G2,G3 be the three tournaments shown in Fig. 5. In these two papers, we reserve the symbolsT0={C3,F0,F1,F2,F3,F4,G1,G2,G3} andT1={C3,F0,F2,F3,F4,G2,G3}=T0\{F1,G1}.

The following are the structural theorems proved in [5].

Theorem 1.2

Let T=(V,A) be an i2s tournament with |V|3. Then T is Möbius-free iff TT0.

Theorem 1.3

Let T=(V,A) be a strong Möbius-free tournament with |V|3. Then either T{F1,G1} or T can be obtained by repeatedly taking 1-sums starting from the tournaments in T1.

While the proof methods of these two theorems are purely combinatorial, to show that every Möbius-free tournament is CM, we shall appeal to various optimization techniques.

Let Cxd, x0 be a rational linear system and let P denote the polyhedron {x:Cxd,x0}. We call P integral if it is the convex hull of all integral vectors contained in P. As shown by Edmonds and Giles [9], P is integral iff the minimum in the LP-duality equationmin{wTx:Cxd,x0}=max{yTd:yTCwT,y0} has an integral optimal solution, for every integral vector w for which the optimum is finite. If, instead, the maximum in the equation has this property, then the system Cxd, x0 is called totally dual integral (TDI). It is well known that many combinatorial optimization problems can be naturally formulated as integer programs of the form min{wTx:xP,integral}; if P is integral, then such a problem reduces to its LP-relaxation. Edmonds and Giles [9] proved that total dual integrality implies primal integrality: if Cxd,x0 is TDI and d is integer-valued, then P is integral. Thus the model of TDI systems serves as a general framework for establishing many combinatorial min-max theorems. Over the past six decades, these two integrality properties have been the subjects of extensive research and the major concern of polyhedral combinatorics (see Schrijver [16], [17] for comprehensive accounts).

Let us return to the FAS problem. Let M be the cycle-arc incidence matrix of the input digraph G, and let π(G) denote the linear system Mx1,x0. We call G cycle ideal (CI) if π(G) defines an integral polyhedron. From the above Edmonds-Giles theorem, we see that every CM digraph is CI. Furthermore, G is cycle Mengerian (CM) iff π(G) is a TDI system, which gives an equivalent definition of CM digraphs. To facilitate better understanding, we give an intuitive interpretation of these concepts. Let P(G,w) stand for the linear programMinimizewTxSubject toMx1x0, and let D(G,w) denote its dualMaximizeyT1Subject toyTMwTy0, where w=(w(e):eA). Then P(G,w) (resp. D(G,w)) is exactly the LP-relaxation of the FAS problem (resp. cycle packing problem), and thus is called the fractional FAS problem (resp. fractional cycle packing problem). Let τw(G) be the optimal value of P(G,w), and let νw(G) be the optimal value of D(G,w). Clearly,νw(G)νw(G)=τw(G)τw(G); these two inequalities, however, need not hold with equalities in general (as we shall see in Section 2). As is well known, G is CI iff P(G,w) has an integral optimal solution for any nonnegative integral w iff τw(G)=τw(G) for any nonnegative integral w. Since the separation problem of P(G,w) is the minimum-weight cycle problem, which admits a polynomial-time algorithm, it follows from a theorem of Grötschel, Lovász, and Schrijver [11] that P(G,w) is always solvable in polynomial time. Therefore, the FAS problem can be solved in polynomial time for any nonnegative integral w, provided its input digraph G is CI.

We shall actually establish the following strengthening of Theorem 1.1 in this paper.

Theorem 1.4

For a tournament T=(V,A), the following statements are equivalent:

  • (i)

    T is Möbius-free;

  • (ii)

    T is cycle ideal; and

  • (iii)

    T is cycle Mengerian.

Throughout we shall repeatedly use the following notations and terminology. As usual, R+ and Z+ stand for the sets of nonnegative real numbers and nonnegative integers, respectively. For any two sets Ω and K, where Ω is always a set of numbers and K is always finite, we use ΩK to denote the set of vectors x=(x(k):kK) whose coordinates are members of Ω. If f is a function defined on a finite set S and RS, then f(R) denotes sRf(s). An instance (T,w) consists of a Möbius-free tournament T=(V,A) together with a weight function wZ+A. We say that another instance (T,w) is smaller than (T,w) if |V|<|V| or if |V|=|V| but w(A)<w(A), where T=(V,A). As introduced in our first paper, we also say that a tournament T1=(V1,A1) is smaller than another tournament T2=(V2,A2) if |V1|<|V2|.

Recall the fractional problems introduced above. In view of the equivalent definition, to show that every Möbius-free tournament is CM, we shall turn to proving that D(T,w) has an integral optimal solution for every instance (T,w). To this end, we apply the double induction on V and w(A), where T=(V,A). Since the desired statement holds trivially when |V|=1, we proceed to the induction step, and propose to establish the following statement.

Theorem 1.5

Let (T,w) be an instance, such that D(T,w) has an integral optimal solution for any smaller instance (T,w) than (T,w). Then D(T,w) also has an integral optimal solution.

Note that C3 is CM, because both νw(C3) and τw(C3) are equal to the minimum weight of an arc. We shall present a computer-assisted proof that G1 is CM, which consists of analyses of a finite number of cases (see Lemma 6.2 for a characterization of TDI systems). Since F1 is isomorphic to G1\v6, it is also CM.

For T{C3,F1,G1}, the proof strategy of Theorem 1.5 is described below.

Obviously, we may assume that T is strong and τw(T)>0. We shall prove that T can be expressed as the 1-sum of two strong Möbius-free tournaments T1 and T2 over two special arcs (a1,b1) and (b2,a2), such that one of the following three cases occurs (see Lemma 2.5):

τw(T2\a2)>0 and T2T2, where T2=(T1\{C3}){F6} for some tournament F6 to be introduced in Section 2;

τw(T2\a2)>0 and there exists a vertex subset S of T2\{a2,b2} with |S|2, such that T[S] is acyclic, T2/ST3, and the vertex s arising from contracting S is a near-sink in T/S, where T3=(T2\F2){G4,G5,G6} for some tournaments G4,G5,G6 to be introduced in Section 2; and

• every positive cycle in T crosses the hub b, where a cycle C in T is called positive if w(e)>0 for each arc e on C.

In the first two cases, we shall prove that D(T,w) has an optimal solution y such that y(C) is a positive integer for some cycle C contained in T2\a2. Define w(e)=w(e) if eC and w(e)=w(e)y(C) for each eC. By the induction hypothesis, D(T,w) has an integral optimal solution y. We can thus obtain an integral optimal solution to D(T,w) by combining y with y(C) (the details can be found in Lemma 3.2(iii)). As we shall see, this strategy is carried out by performing various reductions. The detailed analyses of these two cases are given in Section 4 and Section 5, respectively.

In the third case, by splitting the hub b into two vertices s and t, we can apply the max-flow min-cut theorem to show that T is CM. This step is established in Lemma 6.1.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we show that every cycle ideal tournament is Möbius-free. We also prove that one of the three cases described in the above proof strategy of Theorem 1.5 occurs (see Lemma 2.5). In Section 3, we make technical preparations for the proof of Theorem 1.5, and derive properties enjoyed by optimal solutions to P(T,w) and D(T,w). In Section 4, we prove Theorem 1.5, in the case of (i) exhibited in Lemma 2.5, by performing a series of basic reduction operations. In Section 5, we prove Theorem 1.5, in the case of (ii) exhibited in Lemma 2.5, by performing a series of composite reduction operations. In Section 6, we accomplish the last step of our proof of Theorem 1.5 and hence the proof of Theorem 1.4. In Section 7, we conclude this paper with some remarks.

Section snippets


In this section, we first verify that each Möbius ladder displayed in Fig. 1 is a forbidden structure of cycle ideal (CI) tournaments. We then show that one of the three cases described in the proof strategy of Theorem 1.5 occurs. Finally, we see that being Möbius-free is preserved under the 1-sum operation and under contracting two vertices in some circumstances.

Lemma 2.1

Every cycle ideal tournament is Möbius-free.


Assume the contrary: Some CI tournament T=(V,A) contains a member D of {K3,3,K3,3,M5,M5}

Reductions: getting started

Throughout this section, we assume that (T,w) is an instance as described in Theorem 1.5, and that T=(V,A) is the 1-sum of two strong Möbius-free tournaments T1 and T2 over two special arcs (a1,b1) and (b2,a2) (see Fig. 2).

Let C be the set of all cycles in T, let Ci be the set of all cycles in Ti\ai for i=1,2, and let C0=C\(C1C2). Note that each cycle in C0 crosses b, the hub of the 1-sum. For each arc e of T, let C(e)={CC:eC} and Ci(e)={CCi:eC} for i=0,1,2.

Let y be an optimal solution to D

Basic reductions

This section is devoted to the analysis of case (i) exhibited in Lemma 2.5. Throughout this section, we assume that (T,w) is an instance as described in Theorem 1.5, and that T=(V,A) is the 1-sum of two strong Möbius-free tournaments T1 and T2 over the two special arcs (a1,b1) and (b2,a2), with τw(T2\a2)>0 and T2T2. (Possibly T1 is a triangle and thus T=T2.) Let us label T2 as in Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5, Fig. 6. Since (b2,a2) is a special arc and a2 is a near-source of T2,

(b2,a2)=(v1,v2) or (v

Composite reductions

This section is devoted to the analysis of case (ii) exhibited in Lemma 2.5. Throughout this section, we assume that (T,w) is an instance as described in Theorem 1.5, and that T=(V,A) is the 1-sum of two smaller strong Möbius-free tournaments T1 and T2 over two special arcs (a1,b1) and (b2,a2), such that

  • (α)


  • (β)

    there exists a vertex subset S of T2\{a2,b2} with |S|2 and with the following properties:

    T[S] is acyclic and T2/ST3; and

    • the vertex s arising from contracting S is a near-sink

Proof: last step

In the preceding two sections we have carried out a series of reduction operations, and finished the main body of the proof of Theorem 1.5. To complete the proof, we still need to consider two more cases. The following lemma is intended for case (iii) exhibited in Lemma 2.5.

Lemma 6.1

Let G=(V,A) be a digraph with a nonnegative integral weight c(e) on each arc e, and let v be a vertex of G. If each positive cycle in G contains v, then D(G,c) has an integral optimal solution.


Construct a flow network N=(V,A

Concluding remarks

In this paper we have characterized all tournaments with the min-max relation on packing and covering cycles. Our characterization yields a polynomial-time algorithm for the minimum-weight feedback arc set problem on cycle Mengerian tournaments. But this algorithm is based on the ellipsoid method for linear programming, and therefore very much unlike the typical combinatorial optimization procedures. It would be interesting to know whether it can be replaced by a strongly polynomial-time

References (20)

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Cited by (1)


Supported in part by NSF of China under Grant 11531014 and Basic Frontier Scientific Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences under Grant ZDBS-LY-7008.


Supported in part by NSF grant DMS-1500699.


Supported in part by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong.


Supported in part by NSF of China under Grant 11801266.

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