Correction to: Development Genes and Evolution (2019) 229:83–87

The authors of the article Ajduk, A. & Duncan, E.J. Dev Genes Evol (2019) “From genes to environment in shaping of an embryo: understanding embryonic-extraembryonic interactions at the BSDB autumn meeting in Oxford” sincerely apologize for specifying the incorrect institutional affiliation for Professor Ali Brivanlou and also the incorrect spelling of Professor Brivanlou’s surname in the text of the article. Professor Brivanlou is affiliated with The Rockefeller University (USA).

The corrected sentence reads as follows:

Indeed, Ali Brivanlou’s (The Rockefeller University, USA) closing keynote lecture was not only a great summary of cell fate specification mechanisms, but also a very interesting introduction to in vitro models of gastrulation and neurulation.