Each year, we traditionally report on the latest Impact Factor in the third issue of Clinical Neuroradiology. The new 2018 Impact Factors were announced in June and Clinical Neuroradiology shows a stable development: Clinical Neuroradiology’s current Impact Factor is 2.800, a value fairly similar to the last 4 years. Since 2015, our journal has ranked second among all neuroradiology journals (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Development of the Impact Factor for neuroradiology journals 2010–2018

The success of Clinical Neuroradiology is also apparent when looking at other figures. Submissions are on the rise, having increased 23.4% in 2018 compared to 2017. Projections for this year estimate yet another increase in submissions of approximately 20%. Many renowned research groups have discovered our journal and regularly publish their findings in Clinical Neuroradiology. We have increased our quality standards such that even though most submissions are of high quality, only one quarter of them are currently accepted. The average turnaround time is 40 days, a time span which certainly leaves some room for improvement. In order to achieve this, we rely on your excellent work as reviewers. Please support us with quick and constructive reviews and most of all with short reaction times in order to further reduce the current turnaround time. By achieving this, we can offer even better services to our authors. Of course, we hope that you yourselves will continue submitting high-quality papers to our journal. We promise to maintain our rigorous and fair peer review process and quick turnaround times.