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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 18, 2019

Semiparametric Inference for Proportional Mean Past Life Model

  • Z. Mansourvar EMAIL logo and M. Asadi


The mean past lifetime provides the expected time elapsed since the failure of a subject given that he/she has failed before the time of observation. In this paper, we propose the proportional mean past lifetime model to study the association between the mean past lifetime function and potential regression covariates. In the presence of left censoring, martingale estimating equations are developed to estimate the model parameters, and the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators are studied. To assess the adequacy of the model, a goodness of fit test is also investigated. The proposed method is evaluated via simulation studies and further applied to a data set.

MSC 2010: 62N01; 62N02; 62N03


The authors would like to thank the Editor and two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments that greatly improved the paper. Asadi’s research work was carried out in IPM Isfahan branch and was in part supported by a grant from IPM (No. 98620215).


A Proofs of asymptotic results

To establish the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators, we need the following regularity conditions: (C1)P(Cτ)>0, and N(τ) is bounded almost surely; (C2) the covariate Z is bounded; (C3) k(t) is right continuous with left-hand limits, and has bounded total variation on [0, τ]; (C4) the limit of matrix Dˆ(τ,β), D(τ, β), is non-singular.

Proof of Theorem 1. Using expression (5) and the Volterra equation [16], it can be written that


Then, by the standard counting process martingale theory, (11) implies that kˆ0(t;β) converges almost surely to k(t) in t ∈ [0, τ]. Denote minus the first derivative of U(τ, β) with respect to β by I(τ, β), where it can be obtained that


By the uniform strong law of large numbers [22], it follows that n1I(τ,β) converges almost surely to a non random function D(τ, β) uniformly in β, where


with µ(t) and μ˜(t) are the limit in probability of Zˉ(t) and Z˜(t), respectively. Because n1U(τ,β) converges to 0 almost surely, and D(τ, β) is non-singular by condition (C4), there must exist a small neighborhood of β in which n1I(τ,β) is non-singular. Hence it follows from the inverse function theorem [23] that within a small neighborhood of β, there exists a unique solution βˆ to U(τ, β) = 0 for all large n. Since this neighborhood of β can be arbitrarily small, the preceding proof also implies that βˆ is strongly consistent. It then follows from the uniform convergence of kˆ0(t;β) to k0(t;β) that kˆ0(t) kˆ0(t;βˆ)k0(t;β) k(t) almost surely uniformly in t ∈ [0, τ].

Proof of Theorem 2(i). Consider a decomposition of n1/2U(τ,β;kˆ0(t;β)) as


By the representation of kˆ0(t;β)k(t) in (11) and interchanging the order of integration, the first term in this decomposition is n1/2i=1n0τZ˜(t)k(t)dMi(t). Then it can be obtained that


Therefore, by the uniform strong law of large numbers and using the Lemma of [24], n1/2U(τ,β;kˆ0(t;β)) can be decomposed as a sum of independent and identically distributed terms


where ξi=0τ{Ziμ(t)μ˜(t)}k(t)dMi(t), and the op(1) is uniform in t. Utilizing the multivariate central limit theorem, n1/2U(τ,β;kˆ0(t;β)) converges in distribution to zero-mean normal distribution whose variance-covariance matrix Σ=E{ξi2} can be consistently estimated by Σˆ=n1i=1nξˆi2 as defined in Theorem 2(i).

Proof of Theorem 2(ii). A Taylor series expansion of the score function (8) around βˆ gives


where β is on the line segment between β and βˆ. From the uniform convergence of n1I(τ,β) to a non-singular matrix D(τ, β) (refer to condition (C4)) along with the consistency of βˆ and representation (12), asymptotic approximation for n1/2(βˆβ) can be displayed by


Thus, it follows that n1/2(βˆβ) is asymptotically normal with mean zero and covariance matrix D(τ,β)1ΣD(τ,β)1, which can be consistently estimated by Dˆ(τ,βˆ)1ΣˆDˆ(τ,βˆ)1 as defined in Theorem 2(ii).

Proof of Theorem 3. To show the weak convergence of n1/2{kˆ0(t)k(t)}, we first note that


It follows from (11) that n1/2kˆ0(t;β)k(t)=n1/2i=1nζi(t)+op(1), where ζi(t)=q(t;β)10tq(s;β){k(s)/y(s)}dMi(s), with q(t; β) and y(t) are the limit in probability of Q(t; β) and n1Y(t), respectively. Taking the Taylor expansion of kˆ0(t,βˆ), together with the consistency of βˆ and the uniform strong law of large numbers, we have n1/2{kˆ0(t,βˆ)kˆ0(t,β)}=B(t;β)n1/2(βˆβ)+op(1), where B(t;β)=q(t;β)10tq(s;β)E{Yi(s)ZiTexp(ZiTβ)}/y(s)ds, denotes the limit in probability of kˆ0(t;β)/β. Therefore, it follows from (13) that uniformly in t ∈ [0, τ],


where ϕi(t)=ζi(t)B(t;β)D(τ,β)1ξi are independent and identically distributed zero-mean random variables for each t. By the multivariate central limit theorem, n1/2{kˆ0(t)k(t)} converges in finite-dimensional distribution to a zero-mean Gaussian process for 0tτ. The processes {ζi(t);i=1,,n} can be written as sums or products of monotone functions of t because any function of bounded variation can be expressed as the difference of two increasing functions. Therefore, they are manageable and using the functional central limit theorem [22], the first term on the right-hand side of (14) is tight. The second term is also tight because n1/2i=1nξi converges in distribution and B(t,β) is a deterministic function. Thus n1/2kˆ0(t)k(t) is tight and converges weakly to a zero-mean Gaussian process whose covariance function Γ(s,t)=E{ϕi(s)ϕi(t)} can be consistently estimated by Γˆ(s,t) defined in Theorem 3.

Proof of (9) in Section (3). Taking the Taylor series expansion of U(t,βˆ) at β yields that


where I(t, β) is minus the first derivative of U(t, β) with respect to β. Then it can be written that n1/2(βˆβ)=[n1I(τ,βˆ)]1n1/2U(τ,β)+op(1). Therefore, we have


It follows from eq. (12) that n1/2U(τ,β) can be written in terms of a sum of independent and identically distributed zero-mean decompositions. Hence using the resampling approach as in [18], distribution of n1/2U(τ,β) is asymptotically equivalent to the process n1/2i=1nξiˆΩi, where Ω1,,Ωn are independent standard normally distributed random variables. Therefore, from the uniform convergence of n1I(τ,β) to D(τ, β) and resampling approach as in [18], the distribution of U(t,βˆ) can be approximated by Uˆ(t,βˆ)=i=1nξˆi(t)Dˆ(t,βˆ)Dˆ(τ,βˆ)1ξˆiΩi, where Dˆ(t,βˆ)=n1i=1n0t{ZiZˉ(s)Z˜(s)}Yi(s)ZTiexp(ZTiβˆ)ds, and ξˆi(t)=0t{ZiZˉ(s)Z˜(s)}kˆ0(s)dMˆi(s).


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Received: 2018-02-14
Revised: 2019-05-04
Accepted: 2019-05-05
Published Online: 2019-05-18

© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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