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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 19, 2018

Nonparametric Interval Estimators for the Coefficient of Variation

  • Dongliang Wang EMAIL logo , Margaret K. Formica and Song Liu


The coefficient of variation (CV) is a widely used scaleless measure of variability in many disciplines. However the inference for the CV is limited to parametric methods or standard bootstrap. In this paper we propose two nonparametric methods aiming to construct confidence intervals for the coefficient of variation. The first one is to apply the empirical likelihood after transforming the original data. The second one is a modified jackknife empirical likelihood method. We also propose bootstrap procedures for calibrating the test statistics. Results from our simulation studies suggest that the proposed methods, particularly the empirical likelihood method with bootstrap calibration, are comparable to existing methods for normal data and yield better coverage probabilities for nonnormal data. We illustrate our methods by applying them to two real-life datasets.


We are grateful to the constructive comments from the Associated Editor and the three anonymous Referees, which notably improved the quality of our manuscript.


5.1 Proof of Theorem 2.2


Firstly we show that at τ=τ0, Un(τ) can be written as a U-statistic


where h(X1,X2;τ)=12τ2(X12+X22)12(τ2+1)(X1X2)2, since


We then show that Eh(X1,X2;τ)=0, which can be easily derived by noting the facts that


Thus Theorem 2.2 follows directly from Theorem 2.1 in Jing et al. (2009).

5.2 R script for the proposed methods

[baselinestretch=0.75]if (F){ install.packages(“emplik”)}library(emplik)######################## EL functions######################cvhat4el.f = function(x){## CV estimate for EL n = length(x) m = floor(n/2) y = z = rep(NA,m) for (i in 1:m){ y[i] = (x[i]-x[m+i])^2/2 z[i] = (x[i]^2+x[m+i]^2)/2 } cvhat = sqrt(mean(y)/mean(z-y)) out = list(cvhat=cvhat,x=x, y=y, z=z) return(out)}el.f = function(y,z,tau){ zvals = y-tau^2*(z-y) tt = el.test(x=zvals,mu=0) ll = tt$“-2LLR” if(abs(sum(tt$wts)-length(y))>1) ll = 300 out = list(“-2LLR” = ll,zvals = zvals,tau = tau,n = n) return(out)}ci.el.f = function(x,avals = c(0.10,0.05),B = 1000,step = 0.01){ nalpha = length(avals) ci.alpha = array(NA,dim = c(nalpha,3,2)) cx.alpha = round(qchisq(1-avals,1),2) ## cut-off for chi-square n = length(x) m = floor(n/2) ttt = cvhat$el.f(x) cvhat = ttt$cvhat y = ttt$y z = ttt$z llboot = rep(NA,B) for (i in 1:B){ idx = sample(1:m,replace=T) ystar = y[idx] zstar = z[idx] llboot[i] = el.f(tau=cvhat, y=ystar, z=zstar)$“-2LLR” } cboot.alpha = round(quantile(llboot,prob=1-avals,na.rm=T),2) for (i in 1:nalpha){ if (el.f(tau = 1000,y = y, z = z)$“-2LLR” >= cx.alpha[i]){ ci = findUL(step = step, fun = el.f, MLE = cvhat, y = y, z = z, level = cx.alpha[i]) ci.alpha[i,1,] = c(ci$Low,ci$Up) } ci.alpha[i,3,] = ci.alpha[i,1,] if (el.f(tau = 1000,y = y, z = z)$“-2LLR” >=cboot.alpha[i]){ ci = findUL(step = step, fun = el.f, MLE = cvhat, y = y, z = z,level = cboot.alpha[i]) ci.alpha[i,3,] = c(ci$Low,ci$Up) } } out = list(ci.alpha = ci.alpha,x = x,avals = avals, B = B,cx.alpha = cx.alpha, cboot.alpha = cboot.alpha) return(out)}######################## JEL######################cvhat4jel.f=function(x){## CV estimate for JEL n=length(x) y=x^2 tt1 = mean(y) tt2 = sd(x)^2 cvhat = sqrt(tt2/(tt1-tt2)) out=list(cvhat=cvhat,x=x) return(out)}U_n.f=function(x,tau){ n=length(x) y=x^2 tt1 = mean(y) tt2 = sd(x)^2 tt=tt1*tau^2-(tau^2+1)*tt2 out=list(U=tt, tt1=tt1, tt2=tt2,x=x) return(out)}jkkf.f=function(x,tau){ n=length(x) Un=U_n.f(x,tau)$U Un1=vv=rep(NA,n) for (i in 1:n){ Un1[i]=U_n.f(x[-i],tau)$U } vjack=n*Un-(n-1)*Un1 out=list(vjack=vjack,n=n,tau=tau,x=x,Un=Un) return(out)}jel.f=function(tau,x){ n=length(x) vjack=jkkf.f(x=x,tau=tau)$vjack tt = el.test(x=vjack,mu=0) ll=tt$“-2LLR” if(abs(sum(tt$wts)-length(x))>1) ll=300 out=list(“-2LLR”=ll,vjack=vjack,tau=tau,n=n) return(out)}ci.jel.f=function(x,avals=c(0.10,0.05),B=1000,step=0.01){ n=length(x) cvhat=cvhat4jel.f(x)$cvhat nalpha=length(avals) ci.alpha=array(NA,dim=c(nalpha,3,2)) llboot=rep(NA,B) for (i in 1:B){ xstar=sample(x,n,replace=T) llboot[i]=jel.f(tau=cvhat,x=xstar)$“-2LLR” } cx.alpha=qchisq(1-avals,1) ## cut-off for chi-square cboot.alpha=round(quantile(llboot,prob=1-avals,na.rm=T),2) ## bootstrap cutoff for (i in 1:nalpha){ ci.alpha[i,1,]=rep(NA,2) if (jel.f(tau=1000,x=x)$“-2LLR”>=cx.alpha[i]){ ci=findUL(step=step, fun=jel.f, MLE=cvhat, x=x,level=cx.alpha[i]) ci.alpha[i,1,]=c(ci$Low,ci$Up) } ci.alpha[i,3,] = ci.alpha[i,1,] if (jel.f(tau=1000,x=x)$“-2LLR”>=cboot.alpha[i]){ ci=findUL(step=step, fun=jel.f, MLE=cvhat, x=x,level=cboot.alpha[i]) ci.alpha[i,3,]=c(ci$Low,ci$Up) } } out=list(ci.alpha=ci.alpha,x=x,avals=avals,B=B,cx.alpha=cx.alpha, cboot.alpha=cboot.alpha) return(out)}


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Received: 2017-06-05
Revised: 2018-02-15
Accepted: 2018-03-16
Published Online: 2018-04-19

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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