Erratum to: J Biol Phys

                 DOI 10.1007/s10867-009-9155-y

The original paper was inadvertently published with an incorrect version of Fig. 9. The correct image with caption is shown here.

Fig. 9
figure 1

a, b Numerical investigation shows that the term related to the GTPase-dependent PLCbeta termination pathway in the expression of the agonist-dependent IP3 production (15 and 17) can be neglected so that \(K_\gamma \left( {\gamma ,C}\, \right)\approx K_\gamma \left( C\, \right)\). c, d Bifurcation behaviors of vglu(γ,C ) (19), obtained by substituting γ and C with their values derived from bifurcation diagrams of the agonist-dependent model (see also Figs. 10a and 11a)