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Power by Proxy: Participation as a Resource in Global Governance Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Sabrina B. Arias, Richard Clark, Ayse Kaya
Member state participation is essential in global governance, affording international organizations (IOs) legitimacy and translating member state preferences into institutional attention. We contend that institutional leadership positions bolster states’ authority via “proxy representation,” in which states are grouped together and indirectly represented by one leader. We argue that by serving as proxy
Locking in democracy? Transitions, returning autocratic elites, and human rights treaty commitment Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2025-02-04 Roman-Gabriel Olar
Under what conditions are new democracies more committed to human rights? Existing explanations focus on the logic of the democratic lock-in as elites in new democracies commit their countries to international human rights treaties and organizations to safeguard against future nondemocratic threats. However, this proposition receives mixed empirical support within the literature, and suffers of endogeneity
Less is more: Property rights and dictators’ demand for foreign direct investment Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-20 Jacque Gao, Frederick R. Chen
Past studies in political economy have established a link between domestic property rights protection and foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows. However, the underlying mechanism remains unclear, given that foreign investors often enjoy more robust property rights protection through international arbitration under investment treaties or potential intervention by their home governments. In this article
International organizations in national parliamentary debates Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-06 Tom Hunter, Stefanie Walter
This data article introduces IOParlspeech, an original dataset of over 600,000 statements on international organizations (IOs) in parliamentary debates in six countries between 1990 and 2018. We explain the creation of the dataset and demonstrate the value of IOParlspeech through two exploratory studies. First, we examine which actors convey more positive and more negative sentiment regarding IOs in
Decision-making in the United Nations General Assembly: A comprehensive database of resolution-related decisions Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2025-01-06 Joshua Fjelstul, Simon Hug, Christopher Kilby
Existing United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voting databases provide excellent coverage of UNGA voting on resolutions adopted by roll-call vote. These databases, however, have known limitations: The United Nations Digital Library only covers final decisions on adopted resolutions, not prior resolution-related decisions nor decisions on failed resolutions. Coverage of roll-call votes in the widely-used
Institutional innovation in response to backlash: How members are circumventing the WTO impasse Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-12-20 Krzysztof Pelc
In response to the impasse caused by the US blockade of the World Trade Organization’s dispute settlement body, 52 Member-states have converged on a innovative workaround: the Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration Arrangement (MPIA). This article asks two questions related to this singular, yet overlooked initiative in global governance: first, what determines who joins a novel enforcement mechanism
Why settle?: Partisan-based explanation of investor-state dispute outcomes Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-12-09 Haillie Na-Kyung Lee, Jong Hyun Lee
This paper seeks to explain why some investor-state dispute cases are settled before reaching the ruling stage in democracies, focusing on disputes triggered by regulatory changes made by host government. Our argument is grounded in the domestic politics of the respondent country, specifically the partisan orientation of the incumbent government. When faced with regulatory investor claims, respondent
Commitment ambiguity and ambition in climate pledges Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-12-03 Vegard Tørstad, Vegard Wiborg
The Paris Agreement on climate change is built around a pledge-and-review system, wherein countries submit nationally determined pledges of mitigation commitments. While the agreement’s flexible design has attracted broad participation, its lenient informational requirements for pledges have also engendered considerable ambiguity in countries’ commitments. What are the implications of commitment ambiguity
Cosmopolitan identity, authority, and domestic support of international organizations Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-11-15 Bernd Schlipphak, Constantin Schäfer, Oliver Treib
What effect does the institutional design of international organizations (IOs) have on their domestic support? In this article, we focus on interactions between citizens’ social identity and institutional characteristics that may have the potential to polarize citizens’ IO attitudes. We argue that citizens’ cosmopolitan identity makes them react in diametrically opposed ways to IO settings on the authority
How effective is trade conditionality? Economic coercion in the Generalized System of Preferences Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-11-05 Michael-David Mangini
Negotiating with your mouth full: Intergovernmental negotiations between transparency and confidentiality Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-11-04 Mareike Kleine, Samuel Huntington
How negative institutional power moderates contestation: Explaining dissatisfied powers’ strategies towards international institutions Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-29 Benjamin Daßler, Tim Heinkelmann-Wild, Andreas Kruck
Populism and the liberal international order: An analysis of UN voting patterns Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-10-15 Sandra Destradi, Johannes Vüllers
Naming and shaming in UN treaty bodies: Individual petitions’ effect on human rights Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-09-26 Rachel J. Schoner
Leader ideology and state commitment to multilateral treaties Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-09-23 Valerio Vignoli, Michal Onderco
International negotiations over the global commons Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-09-18 Stephanie J. Rickard
Reconsidering the costs of commitment: Learning and state acceptance of the UN human rights treaties’ individual complaint procedures Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-09-02 Andreas Johannes Ullmann
Undermining liberal international organizations from within: Evidence from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-07 Jana Lipps, Marc S. Jacob
Illiberal regimes and international organizations Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-08-02 Christina Cottiero, Emilie M. Hafner-Burton, Stephan Haggard, Lauren Prather, Christina J. Schneider
Illiberal regimes have become central players in international organizations. In this introduction to the special issue, we provide a unified framework for understanding their effects. We start by outlining the theoretical foundations of this work, focusing first on why regime type matters for international cooperation. We then show how differing memberships and decision-making processes within international
Is context pretext? Institutionalized commitments and the situational politics of foreign economic policy Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-30 Ryan Powers
Zombies ahead: Explaining the rise of low-quality election monitoring Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-26 Sarah Sunn Bush, Christina Cottiero, Lauren Prather
Are authoritative international organizations challenged more? A recurrent event analysis of member state criticisms and withdrawals Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-19 Hylke Dijkstra, Farsan Ghassim
The life cycle of international cooperation: Introduction to the special issue Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-07-11 Julia Gray
International organizations’ lives often extend far beyond the moment of their initial contracting. How IOs do adapt to shifting circumstances in their member states global geopolitical changes, and even internal dynamics within the IO itself? This special issue on the life cycle of international cooperation explores the ebbs and flows of the IOs that underpin the international system. Firm theory
Good governance in autocratic international organizations Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-29 Emilie Hafner-Burton, Jon C. W. Pevehouse, Christina J. Schneider
The defocalizing effect of international courts: Evidence from maritime delimitation practices Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-29 Ezgi Yildiz, Umut Yüksel
Economic crises and the survival of international organizations Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-14 Yoram Z. Haftel, Bar Nadel
Weapons of the weak state: How post-conflict states shape international statebuilding Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-11 Susanna P. Campbell, Aila M. Matanock
International Organizations (IOs), such as the United Nations (U.N.), engage in statebuilding in a range of post-conflict states. Statebuilding scholarship largely assumes that IOs, backed by their powerful member states, have at least temporary authority over the seemingly “weak” states in which they intervene. We argue, in contrast, that many post-conflict states shape IO statebuilding efforts through
Treaty withdrawal and the development of international law Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-06-06 Averell Schmidt
Less in the West: The tangibility of international organizations and their media visibility around the world Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-05-30 Michal Parizek
How foreign multinationals benefit from acquiring domestic firms with political experience Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-05-21 Jieun Lee
Tracking earmarked funding to international organizations: Introducing the earmarked funding dataset Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-05-10 Bernhard Reinsberg, Mirko Heinzel, Christian Siauwijaya
Your silence speaks volumes: Weak states and strategic absence in the UN General Assembly Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 Julia C. Morse, Bridget Coggins
The possibilities and limits of international status: Evidence from foreign aid and public opinion Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-04-24 Lauren Ferry, Cleo O’Brien-Udry
Empowering to constrain: Procedural checks in international organizations Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-04-20 Katherine M. Beall
Why would weak states accept rules which authorize strong states to take coercive action against them? I argue that, in some cases, this is a way of creating constraints over the exercise power in the form of procedural checks, or rules delineating the process through which power can legitimately be exercised. If stronger states become willing to exercise power against weak states in the absence of
Who adjusts? Exchange rate regimes and finance versus labor under IMF programs Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-04-13 Saliha Metinsoy
Public support for withdrawal from international organizations: Experimental evidence from the US Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-04-08 Inken von Borzyskowski, Felicity Vabulas
The power of having powerful friends: Evidence from a new dataset of IMF negotiating missions, 1985-2020 Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-03-21 Lauren L. Ferry, Alexandra O. Zeitz
Effective climate clubs require ambition, leverage and insulation: Theorizing issue linkage in climate change and trade Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 Sam S. Rowan
The sources of influence in multilateral diplomacy: Replaceability and intergovernmental networks in international organizations Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-03-18 Michael W. Manulak
International constitutional advising: Introducing a new dataset Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 Hanna Lerner, David Futscher Pereira, Nina Schlager
The power of the “weak” and international organizations Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 Duncan Snidal, Thomas Hale, Emily Jones, Claas Mertens, Karolina Milewicz
Re-contracting intergovernmental organizations: Membership change and the creation of linked intergovernmental organizations Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-02-23 Andrew Lugg
How do intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) evolve? Cooperation through IGOs is difficult to maintain, as membership dynamics change dramatically over time, leading to dissatisfaction with the status quo. This paper argues that IGO members states create new affiliated bodies, which I call linked intergovernmental organizations (LIGOs), to “re-contract” their cooperation. This helps IGOs adapt to
The only living guerrillero in New York: Cuba and the brokerage power of a resilient revisionist state Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-02-22 Rafael Mesquita
To reform or to replace? Succession as a mechanism of institutional change in intergovernmental organisations Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-02-01 Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, Daniel Verdier
Given high costs of negotiating formal international institutions, states are widely expected to adapt, reform, and repurpose existing institutions rather than create new ones. Nevertheless, during the past century some 60 intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) have been directly replaced by a legal successor. Why do states sometimes dissolve an existing IGO only to replace it with a new one that takes
Leaders in the United Nations General Assembly: Revitalization or politicization? Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-01-27 Alexander Baturo, Julia Gray
Competing judgments: Multiple election observers and post-election contention Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-01-19 Kelly Morrison, Daniela Donno, Burcu Savun, Perisa Davutoglu
Catching flies with vinegar or honey? Shaming, praising, and public support for international agreements Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-01-15 Naomi Egel
Populism and public attitudes toward international organizations: Voting, communication, and education Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-01-13 Osman Sabri Kiratli, Bernd Schlipphak
Ideological cleavages beyond the nation-state: The emergence of transnational political groups in international parliaments Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2024-01-09 Siyana Gurova
Do corporate regulations deter or stimulate investment? The effect of the OECD anti-bribery convention on FDI Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2023-12-20 Lorenzo Crippa
Governments as borrowers and regulators Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2023-11-28 Timm Betz, Amy Pond
Building bridges or digging the trench? International organizations, social media, and polarized fragmentation Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2023-11-27 Matthias Ecker-Ehrhardt
How backsliding governments keep the European Union hospitable for autocracy: Evidence from intergovernmental negotiations Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2023-11-13 Thomas Winzen
Trojan horses in liberal international organizations? How democratic backsliders undermine the UNHRC Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2023-11-07 Anna M. Meyerrose, Irfan Nooruddin
Empowering your victims: Why repressive regimes allow individual petitions in international organizations Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2023-11-06 Rachel J. Schoner
Sharing rivals, sending weapons: Rivalry and cooperation in the international arms trade, 1920–1939 Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2023-10-17 Marius Mehrl, Daniel Seussler, Paul W. Thurner
A paradox of openness: Democracies, financial integration & crisis Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2023-10-17 Devin Case-Ruchala
Soft governance against superbugs: How effective is the international regime on antimicrobial resistance? Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2023-09-30 Mirko Heinzel, Mathias Koenig-Archibugi
Building strong executives and weak institutions: How European integration contributes to democratic backsliding Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2023-09-27 Anna M. Meyerrose
Cooperation between international organizations: Demand, supply, and restraint Rev. Int. Organ. (IF 4.5) Pub Date : 2023-09-22 Diana Panke, Sören Stapel