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A review and reinterpretation of the architecture of the South and South-Central Scandinavian Caledonides—A magma-poor to magma-rich transition and the significance of the reactivation of rift inherited structures
Earth-Science Reviews ( IF 12.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.01.004
Johannes Jakob , Torgeir B. Andersen , Hans Jørgen Kjøll

Abstract Interpretations of the pre-Caledonian rifted margin of Baltica commonly reconstruct it as a simple, tapering, wedge-shaped continental margin dissected by half graben, with progressively more rift-related magmas towards the ocean-continent transition zone. It is also interpreted to have had that simple architecture along-strike the whole length of the margin. However, present-day rifted margins show a more complex architecture, dominated by different and partly diachronous segments both along and across strike. Here, we show that the composition and the architecture of the Baltican-derived nappes of the South and South Central Scandinavian Caledonides are to a large extend rift-inherited. Compositional variations of nappes in similar tectonostratigraphic positions can be ascribed to variations along-strike the rifted margin, including a magma-rich, a magma-rich to magma-poor transition zone, and a magma-poor segment of the margin. The architecture of the nappe stack that includes the Baltican-derived nappes was formed as a result of the reactivation of rift-inherited structures and the stacking of rift domains during the Caledonian Orogeny.


斯堪的纳维亚南部和中南部 Caledonides 建筑的回顾和重新解释——贫岩浆到富岩浆的转变以及裂谷继承结构重新激活的意义

摘要 对波罗的海前加里东期裂谷边缘的解释通常将其重建为一个简单的、逐渐变细的楔形大陆边缘,被半地堑切割,随着越来越多的裂谷相关岩浆朝向洋陆过渡带。它也被解释为具有沿着边缘的整个长度的简单架构。然而,当今的裂谷边缘显示出更复杂的结构,由沿走向和跨走向的不同和部分历时段主导。在这里,我们表明南和中南部斯堪的纳维亚 Caledonides 的波罗的海衍生的绒毛的组成和结构在很大程度上是继承裂谷的。构造地层位置相似的推覆岩的成分变化可归因于沿裂谷边缘的变化,包括富岩浆带、富岩浆带向贫岩浆过渡带和贫岩浆段。由于裂谷继承结构的重新激活和喀里多尼亚造山运动期间裂谷域的堆叠,形成了包括波罗的海衍生推覆体在内的推覆叠层结构。