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ORP2 interacts with phosphoinositides and controls the subcellular distribution of cholesterol
Biochimie ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biochi.2018.12.013
Annika Koponen , Amita Arora , Kohta Takahashi , Henriikka Kentala , Annukka M. Kivelä , Eeva Jääskeläinen , Johan Peränen , Pentti Somerharju , Elina Ikonen , Tapani Viitala , Vesa M. Olkkonen

ORP2 is a sterol-binding protein with documented functions in lipid and glucose metabolism, Akt signaling, steroidogenesis, cell adhesion, migration and proliferation.

Here we investigate the interactions of ORP2 with phosphoinositides (PIPs) by surface plasmon resonance (SPR), its affinity for cholesterol with a pull-down assay, and its capacity to transfer sterol in vitro. Moreover, we determine the effects of wild-type (wt) ORP2 and a mutant with attenuated PIP binding, ORP2(mHHK), on the subcellular distribution of cholesterol, and analyze the interaction of ORP2 with the related cholesterol transporter ORP1L.

ORP2 showed specific affinity for PI(4,5)P2, PI(3,4,5)P3 and PI(4)P, with suggestive Kd values in the μM range. Also binding of cholesterol by ORP2 was detectable, but a Kd could not be determined. Wt ORP2 was in HeLa cells mainly detected in the cytosol, ER, late endosomes, and occasionally on lipid droplets (LDs), while ORP2(mHHK) displayed an enhanced LD localization. Overexpression of wt ORP2 shifted the D4H cholesterol probe away from endosomes, while ORP2(mHHK) caused endosomal accumulation of the probe. Although ORP2 failed to transfer dehydroergosterol in an in vitro assay where OSBP is active, its knock-down resulted in the accumulation of cholesterol in late endocytic compartments, as detected by both D4H and filipin probes. Interestingly, ORP2 was shown to interact and partially co-localize on late endosomes with ORP1L, a cholesterol transporter/sensor at ER-late endosome junctions.

Our data demonstrates that ORP2 binds several phosphoinositides, both PI(4)P and multiply phosphorylated species. ORP2 regulates the subcellular distribution of cholesterol dependent on its PIP-binding capacity. The interaction of ORP2 with ORP1L suggests a concerted action of the two ORPs.





ORP2对PI(4,5)P 2,PI(3,4,5)P 3和PI(4)P表现出特异性亲和力,暗示的K d值在μM范围内。还可以检测到ORP2与胆固醇的结合,但无法确定K d。Wt ORP2在HeLa细胞中主要在胞浆,内质网,晚期内体中检测到,偶尔在脂滴(LDs)中检测到,而ORP2(mHHK)显示出增强的LD定位。wt ORP2的过表达使D4H胆固醇探针从内体移开,而ORP2(mHHK)引起探针的内体积聚。尽管ORP2未能在体外转移脱氢麦角固醇在OSBP处于活跃状态的检测中,如D4H和菲律宾探针所检测到的,其敲除导致胆固醇在晚期内吞区室中积聚。有趣的是,显示ORP2与O​​RP1L(ER-内体内体交界处的胆固醇转运蛋白/传感器)相互作用并部分共定位于晚期内体。

