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Difference Matters: Teaching Students a Contextual Theory of Difference Can Help Them Succeed
Perspectives on Psychological Science ( IF 12.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-19 , DOI: 10.1177/1745691618797957
Nicole M. Stephens 1 , MarYam G. Hamedani 2 , Sarah S. M. Townsend 3

The culture of American higher education, especially at elite colleges and universities, reflects and promotes assumptions about what it means to be “smart,” “educated,” and “successful.” These assumptions are not neutral but are instead powerfully shaped by White, middle- to upper-class beliefs, norms, and values (e.g., Fryberg, Covarrubias, & Burack, 2013; Quaye & Harper, 2014). As a result, students of color and those from low-income or working-class backgrounds often feel excluded in these educational settings, which can lead them to question whether they fit or belong in college (e.g., Covarrubias & Fryberg, 2015; Ostrove & Long, 2007; Walton & Cohen, 2007). Students from low-income or working-class backgrounds can also be unfamiliar with the “rules of the game” needed to succeed in higher education, which can undermine their sense of empowerment and efficacy (e.g., Housel & Harvey, 2010; Reay, Crozier, & Clayton, 2009). These psychological challenges work alongside disparities in resources and precollege preparation to fuel a persistent achievement gap between these students and their advantaged peers (Astin & Oseguera, 2004; Bowen, Kurzweil, & Tobin, 2005; Goudeau & Croizet, 2017; Sirin, 2005). As such, participating in mainstream college environments can systematically disadvantage underrepresented students.



美国高等教育的文化,尤其是在精英学院和大学中,反映并促进了关于“聪明”,“受过教育”和“成功”的含义的假设。这些假设不是中立的,而是由白人,中上层阶级的信念,规范和价值观强有力地塑造的(例如Fryberg,Covarrubias和Burack,2013; Quaye和Harper,2014)。结果,有色人种和低收入或工人阶级背景的学生经常会被这些教育环境所排斥,这可能使他们质疑自己是否适合或属于大学(例如,Covarrubias和Fryberg,2015; Ostrove和Long,2007; Walton&Cohen,2007)。来自低收入或工人阶级背景的学生也可能不熟悉高等教育成功所需的“游戏规则”,可能会破坏他们的权能和效能感(例如,Housel&Harvey,2010; Reay,Crozier和Clayton,2009)。这些心理挑战与资源和大学预备课程的差距共同作用,加剧了这些学生与优势同伴之间持续存在的成就差距(Astin&Oseguera,2004; Bowen,Kurzweil,&Tobin,2005; Goudeau&Croizet,2017; Sirin,2005) 。因此,参加主流大学环境可能会系统性地限制代表性不足的学生。2004; Bowen,Kurzweil和Tobin,2005年;古多(Goudeau&Croizet),2017年; Sirin,2005年)。因此,参加主流大学环境可能会系统性地限制代表性不足的学生。2004; Bowen,Kurzweil和Tobin,2005年;古多(Goudeau&Croizet),2017年; Sirin,2005年)。因此,参加主流大学环境可能会系统性地限制代表性不足的学生。