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Worries about Ebola outbreak grow, despite use of vaccine
Science ( IF 56.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-13 , DOI: 10.1126/science.362.6420.1225
Jon Cohen

There9s growing concern about an Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that surfaced in August and, despite a coordinated response that has included vaccinating more than 40,000 people, persists. Although it9s not being formally evaluated, the vaccine appears to be having an impact, says Peter Salama, who coordinates the response for the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. But the outbreak in the northeastern region of the country is taking place in an area that has long suffered from armed conflict, which repeatedly has brought Ebola response teams to a halt. The outbreak has had some 500 cases, about half of which have resulted in death, making it the second largest Ebola outbreak on record. The largest, which took place in West Africa from 2014 to 2016, was considerably larger—28,000 cases, 11,000 deaths—but there is fear that if the international community does not do more to help the DRC by sending experienced personnel and more money, the outbreak could continue its spread—and could easily breach borders to neighboring countries. Editorials in two leading medical journals urge the United States government in particular to change a policy that, for safety reasons, bars staff from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from traveling to the DRC and helping in the affected region.



尽管采取了包括为 40,000 多人接种疫苗在内的协调应对措施,但人们对 8 月在刚果民主共和国 (DRC) 爆发的埃博拉疫情日益担忧。负责协调位于瑞士日内瓦的世界卫生组织的应对措施的彼得萨拉马说,尽管尚未对疫苗进行正式评估,但该疫苗似乎正在产生影响。但该国东北地区的疫情发生在长期遭受武装冲突之苦的地区,多次导致埃博拉应对小组陷入停顿。此次疫情已发生约 500 起病例,其中约一半已导致死亡,使其成为有记录以来第二大埃博拉疫情。最大的一次发生在 2014 年至 2016 年在西非,规模要大得多——28,000 例、11、000 人死亡——但有人担心,如果国际社会不通过派遣经验丰富的人员和更多资金来帮助刚果民主共和国,疫情可能会继续蔓延——并且很容易突破边界到达邻国。两家领先医学期刊的社论特别敦促美国政府改变一项政策,该政策出于安全原因禁止美国疾病控制与预防中心的工作人员前往刚果民主共和国并在受影响地区提供帮助。