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Sociosexuality, Testosterone, and Life history Status: prospective Associations and Longitudinal changes among men in Cebu, Philippines
Evolution and Human Behavior ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2018.11.001
Lee T. Gettler , Patty X. Kuo , Stacy Rosenbaum , Josephine L. Avila , Thomas W. McDade , Christopher W. Kuzawa

Abstract Sociosexuality is defined as an individual's interest in uncommitted sexual activity and can be measured in terms of both psychological orientations and behavioral expression. In socio-ecological contexts in which adults monogamously partner and cooperate to raise children, individuals with unrestricted sociosexuality are likely to prioritize mating/competition over committed partnering and parenting. Given the importance of mother-father cooperation in the evolutionary past, humans may have the capacity to facultatively and opportunistically downregulate sociosexuality to focus on priorities related to invested partnering and parenting. To date, no prior studies have used longitudinal data to track within-individuals changes in sociosexuality as it relates to such life history transitions. Given the lack of prior longitudinal research in this area, it is likewise unknown what physiological mechanisms might mediate within-individual changes in sociosexuality through time but testosterone is a plausible candidate. To explore these questions, we drew on a large, long-running study of Filipino men (n = 288), who were single non-fathers at 25.9 years of age and were followed up 4–5 years later. We found that men with more unrestricted sociosexuality at baseline were more likely to experience relationship dissolution by follow-up, consistent with past work. Compared to men who remained single non-fathers at follow-up, men who became married residential fathers showed shifts towards more restricted global sociosexuality as well as sociosexual behavior. Relative to their own baseline values, married residential fathers also had more restricted sociosexuality in all domains at follow-up. They were the only group for whom this was found. We found theoretically-consistent but modest support for positive correlations between men's testosterone and their sociosexuality, but no evidence that the two change in tandem together through time. Our results suggest that some amount of between-individual differences in sociosexuality are not stable and can facultatively shift alongside other aspects of male reproductive effort.



摘要 社会性恋被定义为个人对未承诺的性活动的兴趣,可以通过心理取向和行为表达来衡量。在成年人以一夫一妻制的方式合作抚养孩子的社会生态环境中,具有不受限制的社会性取向的个人可能会优先考虑交配/竞争,而不是承诺的合作和养育子女。鉴于过去进化过程中父子合作的重要性,人类可能有能力兼具和机会性地下调社会性取向,以专注于与投资合作和养育相关的优先事项。迄今为止,之前的研究还没有使用纵向数据来跟踪与此类生活史转变相关的社会性取向的个体内部变化。鉴于在该领域缺乏先前的纵向研究,同样不知道什么生理机制可能会随着时间的推移介导社会性行为的个体内部变化,但睾酮是一个合理的候选者。为了探讨这些问题,我们借鉴了一项针对菲律宾男性(n = 288)的大型长期研究,这些男性在 25.9 岁时是单身非父亲,并在 4-5 年后进行了随访。我们发现,基线时社会性取向更不受限制的男性更有可能在后续工作中经历关系破裂,这与过去的工作一致。与在后续行动中保持单身非父亲的男性相比,已婚父亲的男性表现出更受限制的全球性社会性行为以及社会性行为的转变。相对于自己的基线值,在后续行动中,已婚父亲在所有领域的社会性取向也受到更多限制。他们是唯一被发现的群体。我们发现理论上一致但适度支持男性睾丸激素与其社会性取向之间的正相关性,但没有证据表明两者随时间一起发生变化。我们的研究结果表明,社会性取向的一些个体间差异并不稳定,并且可以与男性生殖努力的其他方面同时发生变化。