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Involving multiple actors in ecosystem service governance: Exploring the role of stated preference valuation
Ecosystem Services ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2018.08.009
Nele Lienhoop , Christoph Schröter-Schlaack

A main challenge of ecosystem service (ES) governance is engagement with the multiple actors involved in the management of ecosystem services. This task is demanding because (1) Actor interests differ depending on whether they demand or supply ecosystem services, and (2) there are multiple and often contrary perceptions of ecosystem services. High hopes are placed on economic valuation to facilitate a mutual understanding on trade-offs in ecosystem service provision and to identify management solutions. However, critics point at the shortcomings of valuation methods, e.g. the neglect of future, social and incommensurable values. We evaluate the potential of stated preference methods (SP) methods for ecosystem service governance, particularly in addressing heterogeneous actors. Three purposes of SP valuation are illustrated: Project and policy appraisal, design of policy instruments, and awareness raising. Four theses on the contributions of SP analysis to ecosystem service governance are formulated: They (a) help igniting a societal debate on the importance of ecosystem services, (b) include non-market ecosystem services in decisions, (c) consider distributive effects of ES management, and (d) gain behavioural insights for policy design. Deliberative approaches circumvent some limitations of SP analysis and account for the heterogeneity of the multiple actors involved in ecosystem service governance.



生态系统服务(ES)治理的主要挑战是与参与生态系统服务管理的多个参与者互动。这项任务之所以艰巨,是因为(1)行动者的利益取决于他们是否需要或提供生态系统服务而有所不同,并且(2)人们对生态系统服务的认识多种多样,而且往往是相反的。人们对经济估值寄予厚望,以促进相互了解生态系统服务提供中的权衡并确定管理解决方案。但是,批评者指出了估值方法的缺陷,例如忽视了未来,社会和不可估量的价值。我们评估陈述的偏好方法(SP)方法在生态系统服务治理中的潜力,特别是在解决异构参与者方面。说明了SP估值的三个目的:项目和政策评估,政策工具设计以及提高意识。拟定了关于SP分析对生态系统服务治理的贡献的四篇论文:(a)帮助引发关于生态系统服务重要性的社会辩论;(b)将非市场生态系统服务纳入决策;(c)考虑以下因素的分配效应: ES管理,以及(d)获得有关政策设计的行为见解。协商方法规避了SP分析的某些局限性,并解释了参与生态系统服务治理的多个参与者的异质性。(b)在决策中包括非市场生态系统服务;(c)考虑ES服务管理的分配效应;(d)收集政策设计的行为洞察力。协商方法规避了SP分析的某些局限性,并解释了参与生态系统服务治理的多个参与者的异质性。(b)在决策中包括非市场生态系统服务;(c)考虑ES服务管理的分配效应;(d)收集政策设计的行为洞察力。协商方法规避了SP分析的某些局限性,并解释了参与生态系统服务治理的多个参与者的异质性。
