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Neural Mechanisms of Inflammation-Induced Fever
The Neuroscientist ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-20 , DOI: 10.1177/1073858418760481
Anders Blomqvist 1 , David Engblom 1

A little more than 20 years ago, Clifford Saper and Christopher Breder summarized in an authoritative review in The New England Journal of Medicine what was known at that time about “The Neurological Basis of Fever” (Saper and Breder 1994). While the critical role of peripherally released cytokines for the febrile response was recognized, it was not clear how these substances could signal to the brain since they could not pass the blood-brain barrier. And although it also was known that prostaglandins were involved in the elaboration of fever, it was not clear where and by which cells the fever-inducing prostaglandins were produced. Furthermore, although it was known that the elevated body temperature was generated by increased energy production and diminished energy loss (by peripheral vasoconstriction), little was known about central neural circuits involved. In this review, we will address our current knowledge of these issues and also point out outstanding questions that deserve further investigation.



大约20年前,克利福德·萨珀(Clifford Saper)和克里斯托弗·布雷德(Christopher Breder)在《新英格兰医学杂志》上的权威评论中进行了总结当时所知的“发烧的神经学基础”(Saper和Breder,1994年)。尽管人们认识到外围释放的细胞因子对于高热反应的关键作用,但由于这些物质无法通过血脑屏障,因此尚不清楚这些物质如何向大脑发出信号。而且,尽管众所周知前列腺素参与了发烧的产生,但尚不清楚诱导发热的前列腺素在何处以及由哪些细胞产生。此外,尽管已知升高的体温是由于增加的能量产生和减少的能量损失(通过外周血管收缩)而产生的,但对所涉及的中枢神经回路知之甚少。在这篇评论中,