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Removal of large middle molecules via haemodialysis with medium cut-off membranes at lower blood flow rates: an observational prospective study.
BMC Nephrology ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-31 , DOI: 10.1186/s12882-019-1669-3
Tae Hoon Kim 1 , Seok-Hyung Kim 2 , Tae Yeon Kim 3 , Hae Yeul Park 3 , Kwon Soo Jung 3 , Moon Hyoung Lee 3 , Jong Hyun Jhee 3 , Jung Eun Lee 1 , Hoon Young Choi 3, 4 , Hyeong Cheon Park 3, 4

BACKGROUND Online haemodiafiltration (OL-HDF) may improve middle molecular clearance in contrast to conventional haemodialysis (HD). However, OL-HDF requires higher convective flows and cannot sufficiently remove large middle molecules. This study evaluated the efficacy of a medium cut-off (MCO) dialyser in removing large middle molecular uraemic toxins and compared it with that of conventional high-flux (HF) dialysers in HD and predilution OL-HDF. METHODS Six clinically stable HD patients without residual renal function were investigated. Dialyser and treatment efficacies were examined during a single midweek treatment in three consecutive periods: 1) conventional HD using an HF dialyser, 2) OL-HDF using the same HF dialyser, and 3) conventional HD using an MCO dialyser. Treatment efficacy was assessed by calculating the reduction ratio (RR) for β2-microglobulin (β2M), myoglobin, κ and λ free light chains (FLCs), and fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-23 and measuring clearance for FLCs. RESULTS All three treatments showed comparable RRs for urea, phosphate, creatinine, and uric acid. MCO HD showed greater RRs for myoglobin and λFLC than did HF HD and predilution OL-HDF (myoglobin: 63.1 ± 5.3% vs. 43.5 ± 8.9% and 49.8 ± 7.3%; λFLC: 43.2 ± 5.6% vs. 26.8 ± 4.4% and 33.0 ± 9.2%, respectively; P <  0.001). Conversely, predilution OL-HDF showed the greatest RR for β2M, whereas MCO HD and HF HD showed comparable RRs for β2M (predilution OL-HDF vs. MCO HD: 80.1 ± 4.9% vs. 72.6 ± 3.8%, P = 0.01). There was no significant difference among MCO HD, HF HD, and predilution OL-HDF in the RRs for κFLC (63.2 ± 6.0%, 53.6 ± 15.5%, and 61.5 ± 7.0%, respectively; P = 0.37), and FGF-23 (55.5 ± 20.3%, 34.6 ± 13.1%, and 35.8 ± 23.2%, respectively; P = 0.13). Notably, MCO HD showed improved clearances for FLCs when compared to HF HD or OL-HDF. CONCLUSIONS MCO HD showed significantly greater RR of large middle molecules and achieved improved clearance for FLCs than conventional HD and OL-HDF, without the need for large convection volumes or high blood flow rates. This would pose as an advantage for elderly HD patients with poor vascular access and HD patients without access to OL-HDF. TRIAL REGISTRATION Clinical Research Information Service (CRIS): KCT 0003009. The trial was prospectively registered on the 21 Jul 2018.



背景技术与常规血液透析(HD)相比,在线血液透析滤过(OL-HDF)可以改善中间分子清除率。但是,OL-HDF需要较高的对流流动,并且不能充分去除大的中间分子。这项研究评估了中等截留值(MCO)透析器去除大分子中尿毒症毒素的功效,并将其与HD和预稀释OL-HDF中的常规高通量(HF)透析器进行了比较。方法对6例无肾功能残留的临床稳定的HD患者进行了调查。在一周中的单个连续三周治疗期间,在三个连续的周期中检查了透析器和治疗效果:1)使用HF透析器的常规HD,2)使用相同的HF透析器的OL-HDF,以及3)使用MCO透析器的常规HD。通过计算β2-微球蛋白(β2M),肌红蛋白,κ和λ自由轻链(FLC)和成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF)-23的还原率(RR)并测量FLC清除率来评估治疗效果。结果所有三种治疗均显示尿素,磷酸盐,肌酐和尿酸的可比RR。MCO HD显示的肌红蛋白和λFLC的RR高于HF HD和预稀释OL-HDF(肌红蛋白:63.1±5.3%vs. 43.5±8.9%和49.8±7.3%;λFLC:43.2±5.6%vs. 26.8±4.4%和分别为33.0±9.2%; P <0.001)。相反,预稀释OL-HDF对β2M的RR最大,而MCO HD和HF HD对β2M则具有可比的RR(预稀释OL-HDF与MCO HD:80.1±4.9%与72.6±3.8%,P = 0.01)。MCO HD,HF HD和预稀释OL-HDF在κFLC的RR中无显着差异(63.2±6.0%,53.6±15.5%,和61.5±7.0%;P = 0.37)和FGF-23(分别为55.5±20.3%,34.6±13.1%和35.8±23.2%; P = 0.13)。值得注意的是,与HF HD或OL-HDF相比,MCO HD对FLC的清除率更高。结论MCO HD与常规HD和OL-HDF相比,大中分子的RR明显更高,并且对于FLC的清除率更高,而无需大对流量或高血流速率。这将对血管通路较差的老年HD患者和无法获得OL-HDF的HD患者构成优势。试验注册临床研究信息服务(CRIS):KCT0003009。该试验预期于2018年7月21日注册。与HF HD或OL-HDF相比,MCO HD显示出改善的FLC间隙。结论MCO HD与常规HD和OL-HDF相比,大中分子的RR明显更高,并且对于FLC的清除率更高,而无需大对流量或高血流速率。这将对血管通路较差的老年HD患者和无法获得OL-HDF的HD患者构成优势。试验注册临床研究信息服务(CRIS):KCT0003009。该试验预期于2018年7月21日注册。与HF HD或OL-HDF相比,MCO HD显示出改善的FLC间隙。结论MCO HD与常规HD和OL-HDF相比,大中分子的RR明显更高,并且对于FLC的清除率更高,而无需大对流量或高血流速率。这将对血管通路较差的老年HD患者和无法获得OL-HDF的HD患者构成优势。试验注册临床研究信息服务(CRIS):KCT0003009。该试验预期于2018年7月21日注册。这将对血管通路较差的老年HD患者和无法获得OL-HDF的HD患者构成优势。试验注册临床研究信息服务(CRIS):KCT0003009。该试验预期于2018年7月21日注册。这将对血管通路较差的老年HD患者和无法获得OL-HDF的HD患者构成优势。试验注册临床研究信息服务(CRIS):KCT0003009。该试验预期于2018年7月21日注册。