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Active metal brazing of graphite foam-to-titanium joints made with SiC-Coated foam
Journal of the European Ceramic Society ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2019.12.048
M. Singh , C.E. Smith , R. Asthana , A.L. Gyekenyesi

Medium-density, high-conductivity carbon foams were joined to titanium using a two-step process that first exposed foam to SiO vapor at 1450 °C for 30 min. under vacuum followed by vacuum brazing Ti using Cusil-ABA to the sides of prismatic foam pieces along the ‘with-rise’ (WR) or foaming direction and the ‘against rise’ (AR) or transvers direction. Well-bonded joints with braze-infiltrated foam and Ti-rich interfaces formed along WR and AR. The un-bonded foam was stronger along WR (785 kPa) than along AR (277 kPa) as were the joints made using coated and uncoated foams. Foam thickness minimally affected joint strength along WR but along AR, joints with thick foam were 58 % stronger. The coating marginally (9 %) lowered joint strength along WR but led to a nearly 50 % strength drop along AR. The experimental foam is more robust and amenable to coating and joining along foaming direction than transverse to it.



使用两步工艺将中密度,高电导率的碳泡沫材料连接到钛上,该过程首先将泡沫材料在1450°C下暴露于SiO蒸气中30分钟。在真空下,然后使用Cusil-ABA将Ti沿“上升”(WR)或发泡方向和“逆向上升”(AR)或横向方向真空焊接到棱柱状泡沫块的侧面。沿WR和AR形成的结合良好的接头具有钎焊浸入的泡沫和富钛界面。沿WR(785 kPa)的未粘结泡沫比沿AR(277 kPa)的增强,如同使用涂层和未涂层​​的泡沫制成的接缝一样。泡沫厚度对沿WR的接缝强度影响最小,但在AR处,泡沫较厚的接缝强度高58%。涂层略微降低(9%)沿WR的结合强度,但导致AR强度降低近50%。
